11CIt1 - Lesson Plan - 12nov09 - DHA

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Subject ICT Date 19 November 2009 Period 5

Teacher BJD Class 11C

Lesson Context

Learning Objectives
Know their target grade
Know their current grade
Have a clear understanding of what they need to do next

Learning Outcomes

All students will:

Have target and current grade written down
Have a plan of action for the following lessons
Complete or improve their work from Unit 20
Most students will:
Complete any unfinished work from Unit 1
Some students will:
Begin work on Unit 2 /21

Activities including information on differentiation and assessment (with approximate timings):

Introduction/Starter: (10 – 15 mins)

Students will...

1. Open the document page of pride.xls from... Subject resources/ICT/BJD/year 11

2. Enter their target grade onto the slip stapled to their folders
3. Enter a current grade for each AO of both Units
4. Establish their overall current grade
5. In their planner, enter 2 tasks which should be completed during this and each of the lessons next week

Teacher takes register

Main body

• ALL - Complete or improve work in Unit 20 as necessary

• MOST – Complete any outstanding tasks from Unit 1

• SOME – Begin work on Unit 2/21

Plenary (5 min)

Pupils will review their progress and make changes to their plan of action if necessary
None set but some may need to make a note of work which may need completing at home

Students featured in the Alert Book/G&T Register

Marwan Hassan – Second language, Olivia McKenzie, Matthew Hau – Autism, Fiona Browne – Dyslexia, Charley
Miller – Behaviour, Olivia Salour - Hearing

Other Notes (including any specific reference to the use of ICT and / or literacy / numeracy across the curriculum)

Resources: Student folders, Mark sheet

Documents attached: Seating Plan, Page of pride


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