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Dirección de Educación Media y Superior



__________________________ SECOND TRIMESTER
__________________________ DR CARLOS MARIO MEDRANO MONTOYA Group _____

Students´ names Peer Evaluation Team_____

_________________________________________________ _____
_________________________________________________ _____
_________________________________________________ _____ Score _____
_________________________________________________ _____ Grade _____
_________________________________________________ _____
_________________________________________________ _____ 20 points

Nota: Cada integrante deberá imprimir el archivo PDF para contestarlo todo
individualmente y comprobar que sí trabajó mostrando todas las actividades contestadas
para que se pueda coevaluar. Todos los integrantes del equipo son responsables de cuidar
la hoja original. No juntarse en las casas, a menos que sus papás lo permitan. Mantener
comunicación por WhatsApp con el fin de llegar a la respuesta correcta en equipo. Antes
del día de la entrega, verifiquen que las repuestas estén correctas porque cada reactivo se
revisará como si fuera examen. No olviden coevaluar a sus compañeros poniendo una
calificación en el nombre de cada uno, escribir los nombres completos y correctos por orden
de lista, poner el grupo y anotar la fecha. Si responden este trabajo “al ahí se va” El director
de cine del lado derecho les pondrá un 5.
I. Read the movie genres and answer the questions. (5 points)
An action story is similar An adventure story is about A horror story is told to
to adventure, and the protagonist a protagonist who journeys to epic deliberately scare or frighten
usually takes a risky turn, which or distant places to accomplish the audience, through
leads to desperate situations something. The protagonist has a suspense, violence or shock.
(including explosions, fight mission and faces obstacles to get
scenes, daring escapes, etc.). to his destination. Mystery: it is associated
with the crime
A fantasy story is about magic or Science fiction is genre, mystery fiction is
supernatural forces, rather than similar to fantasy, considered a completely
technology, though it often is made to except stories in this different genre in certain
include elements of other genres, such genre use scientific circumstances where the
as science fiction elements, for instance understanding to focus is on supernatural
computers or DNA, if it happens to take explain the universe. mystery.
place in a modern or future era.
Historical: a
A thriller is a mix of fear and excitement. It has some traits from suspense, story about a real
adventure and mystery. It has a serious theme that is similar to drama. person or event.

A romance story involves chivalry, adventure and love. In modern writing, a story about character's
relationships, or engagements and mutual attraction.

Comedy is a story that tells about a series of funny or comical events, intended to make the audience

1. How many genres are mentioned in the text? ______________________________________________

2. Is action similar to adventure? __________________________________________________________

3. What is a romance story? _____________________________________________________________


4. What is a horror story? ______________________________________________________________


5. Is thriller similar to comedy? __________________________________________________________


II. Look at these scenes and write the genre on the blank. Investigate the movie´s title on internet.
(5 points)
6. ________________ 7. ________________
The Rite
8. ________________

The Help The Fault in
10. ________________ Our Stars

The Lord of 9. ________________

the Rings

III. Look again in your handout the present progressive structure from unit 6. Complete the sentences
below with words from the box. (10 points)
scene am I are They fixing kids is We It

11. I _________________ lifting weights now.

12. You _________________ reading a love story.
13. My Uncle Tom is _________________ his car.
14. Qkis _________________ cooking lasagna for her husband.
15. _________________ is raining in Chicago right now.
16. _________________ are doing this interesting collaborative team handout for our English class.
17. Are the _________________ watering the plants?
18. _________________ are watching a western film.

19. _________________ am riding on my motorcycle with my History teacher Lorena.

20. Kate, Leopold and Marc are writing dialogues for a movie _________________ description.

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