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Q. Fill out an application form for yourself.

Surname ; Al Iraqi
Forename ; Ali
DOB ; 1 - 10 - 2006
Address ; Salah Al deen - Al Shirqat .
Phone number ; 0770 9999555
Email address :
I would like to go on a summer programme to improve my English. I am interested
in your school because you offer English classes at many levels. I also think I
would like to be in the country, and to have an opportunity to do sport.


Q. Write about something happened to you at school .

One day, I noticed a student in my class who didn't have many school supplies. I
felt sad for him, so I decided to share some of my extra pencils and notebooks. The
student smiled and thanked me. We became friends, and I realized that small acts
of kindness can make a big difference. I also realized that small things you offer
can create big happiness in someone's life .
Q. Imagine you are on a holiday . Write an email a friend .

Dear Ali,
I have been having a holiday in Egypt. It's a nice country. It's not so expensive to
stay in excellent hotels and have delicious food. I went to Sharm El Sheikh. It was
a wonderful place, but it was a hot weather too. One morning I visited Pyramids.
They were huge and greater than in the pictures . I have been thinking of staying
here for some other days and make some visits to other places .

I hope you are doing well, You need to go on a holiday to this beautiful country,
you will be very happy.
Don't forget to write me, see you soon,
Ahmed .
Q. Write 100 to 120 words about " Wedding customs in Iraq "
In Iraq, weddings are big celebrations filled with traditions and customs. Before
the wedding, families often meet to discuss the marriage and set a date. On the
wedding day, the groom's family brings gifts to the bride's house, and there's a
special ceremony called the "Katb al-Kitab," where the marriage contract is signed.
During the wedding, there's usually a lot of music, dancing, and delicious food like
rice, meet and sweets. The bride wears white dress which symbolizes purity and
the groom wears formal suit or dishdashah .
It's a joyful time for families to come together and celebrate the union of the

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