Gym MS

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# Gym Management System Specification Document

## 1. Introduction

### 1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to outline the specifications for the development
of a Gym Management System. This system is designed to streamline and automate
various aspects of gym management, including member registration, attendance
tracking, billing, and facility management.

### 1.2 Scope

The Gym Management System will cover the following functionalities:
- Member Management
- Attendance Tracking
- Billing and Payments
- Class Scheduling
- Facility Management
- Reporting

## 2. System Overview

### 2.1 System Architecture

The system will be developed as a web-based application with a responsive and user-
friendly interface. It will have a client-server architecture, allowing both
administrators and members to access the system.

### 2.2 Technology Stack

- Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Other dependencies: npm, Git

## 3. Functional Requirements

### 3.1 Member Management

- Registration of new members with personal details, contact information, and
membership type.
- Member profile management, including the ability to update personal information.
- Membership status tracking (active, inactive, expired).

### 3.2 Attendance Tracking

- Recording and tracking member attendance for each session or class.
- Integration with biometric or RFID systems for automated check-ins.

### 3.3 Billing and Payments

- Automated billing for membership fees based on predefined billing cycles.
- Support for multiple payment methods (credit card, cash, etc.).
- Generation of invoices and receipts.

### 3.4 Class Scheduling

- Class schedule management for various sessions, including group classes and
personal training.
- Member registration for classes with capacity management.

### 3.5 Facility Management

- Inventory management for gym equipment.
- Maintenance tracking for equipment and facilities.
- Booking and reservation system for facilities (e.g., courts, studios).
### 3.6 Reporting
- Generation of reports for attendance, billing, and member statistics.
- Exporting reports in common formats (PDF, Excel).

## 4. Non-Functional Requirements

### 4.1 Performance

The system should support a minimum of 500 concurrent users with responsive

### 4.2 Security

- Data encryption for sensitive information.
- Role-based access control to restrict access based on user roles (administrator,
staff, member).

### 4.3 Scalability

The system should be designed to handle future growth and easily scalable to
accommodate additional features.

### 4.4 Usability

The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly, providing a positive
experience for both administrators and members.

## 5. Constraints

- The system should comply with relevant data protection and privacy regulations.
- Compatibility with modern web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).

## 6. Assumptions and Dependencies

- The availability of an internet connection for both administrators and members.

- Access to biometric or RFID systems for attendance tracking.

## 7. Conclusion

This Gym Management System aims to provide an efficient and comprehensive solution
for managing gym operations. The specifications outlined in this document serve as
a guide for the development team in creating a system that meets the requirements
of gym administrators and members.

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