Cleaning Potion

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Cleaning Potion

You want to make sure the your water is getting filtered.

That it doesnt have heavy metals in it like lead, like
we saw in Flint, Michigan, but also another thing that
people don’t think about is the cookware that they cook

Whatever you cook on becomes part of you. If you’re

using those anti-stick pots, the Teflon, the fire
retardants, that gets into your body and these are
persistent organic pollutants. They’re very difficult
to get rid of and they short circuit your metabolism,
make it hard to lose weight. I talk
about cleaning out the diet. Getting rid of the most
inflammatory foods like dairy, wheat, soy, corn, sugar,
but also greening your kitchen.

Getting rid of all of your cooking utensils, pots and

pans that are toxic to you and also your water supply.
Even thinking about your air. Then, finally, cleanse
is like, to me, is the biggest step because it has so
many key elements of what needs to be done to improve
good health. The last thing is cleansing the mind of
negative thoughts.

It’s so important when you’re creating any life

changing behaviors or health transformation, to not
forget that you have to deal with the self defeating
thoughts that happen and I think all of us, including
myself, are guilty of having negative or self defeating
thoughts. I talk about gratitude as a way to … It’s
kind of like the … Gratitude is like the potion that
remedies negative thoughts because in that moment when
you’re being grateful for something in your life and
no matter how tough your life is, you can always find
something to be grateful for.

In that moment, there is no room for negativity. It

cannot exist in the brain at the same time that
gratitude exists. I think it’s like my antidote to
negativity is to live in gratitude. Then activate is
about reactivating the proper enzyme processes in the
gut, so if there is not enough stomach acid to replenish
the stomach acid or maybe pancreatic enzymes or other
enzymes. Just to give the gut a rest, so that it doesn’t
have to work as hard. It’s part of the repair process
of repairing a leaky gut.

It’s kind of like if you hurt your knee and you had
to walk with a cane, the enzymes are helping your body
break down the food, so you can extract the nutrients
more easily. Then the “R” is restore, which means
restoring the gut flora and that can be through
probiotics, but also through prebiotic foods and we all
know and eat them. Like asparagus, like onions, garlic,
leeks, Jerusalem artichoke, dandelion greens, even
just thinking … I have people ask me, “How do you
create a diverse microbiome?” Well, you eat the
rainbow. You make sure that from the beginning of the
week to the end of the week that you’ve covered a
rainbow of colors in the types of foods that you eat,
so that your body’s getting the diverse array of
nutrients that are necessary to then have a diverse gut
flora because diversity is what creates good health.

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