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Meeting with Victoria Bryan-20240215_100929-Meeting

February 15, 2024, 3:09PM
6m 35s

Victoria Bryan started transcription

Victoria Bryan 0:10

I'm here with Veronica Folsom.
She's the media specialist at school and elementary school.
Hello everybody I am glad to be answering you because you're the person that
actually told me I should be come with media specialist, but yeah.
So I'm clueless.
I have a couple of questions for you.
So priors will be coming to school library.
Media specialist?
What did you do?
I was a media clerk, so I was able to experience hands on what the media specialist
does in the library.
I had to deal with technology putting up bugs could demand technology.
So that's what I did.
OK, So what inspired you to pursue a degree in school library media?
Ohh so I was a paraprofessional at Idaho Elementary School and I was like man, I
didn't want to work in a classroom, so I spoke with a lady named Miss Austin who
was actually the media specialist.
Allah hold and she was just telling me like, yeah, you should do media specialist cuz
that's what she does.
And so I would often go and go to the library at a all of hope, and I would look and I
would like just kind of shadow.
And then I started thinking, wow, I kind of like what she does.
I love children.
I love books.
Put two and two together, and so that's what inspired me to become a media
specialist. Carol.
So where did you receive your training?
What degree?
IR first received my training at Georgia Southern and then I went back to get my Edu
S at University of West Georgia and Instructional Technology.
Is there anything that you did not receive either in your educational program or field
experience that you wish you wish had been included?
Yes, I wish I would have known more about the hardware computer hardware when
it's a media specialist.
I had to figure out what's the what was the HDMI cord?
What was the splitter like?
I was so lost with that information.
What was the view Sonic boy like?
I didn't know what that was.
Ohh so I wish that they would have basically educated us on more of the hardware.
The computers, that is true.
That is true.
OK, So what professional organizations are your member of?
I am a member of the Georgia Library Association.
Talk to me about your background technology prior to becoming a media specialist.
So I was saying this.
My technology was very slim prior to becoming a media specialist, even as a media
clerk on I did hands on, but it wasn't in depth.
But I became a media specialist.
Like I said, it was just.
I was a little bit lost with technology even knowing how to reenroll iPads.
I was like, what in the world?
And even Chromebooks, like I was like, what in the world am I doing?
But eventually I kinda got used to it.
So, umm, gotcha.
OK, what role do you play within the school as far as a technology specialist?
Ohh I have a lot of hacks.
I organized the Media Tag Committee and with that I we talk about different things
as far as what books to put in the Media Center.
If a parent wants to challenge your book, what do we need to do?
We also discuss the budget for books and also technology.
What are the technology needs and what software apps that we feel will be suitable
for our students as Shuman Elementary?
Not only that, but I also assist teachers with laptops.
I assist students with Chromebooks.
I put in tickets.
I reset passwords so I do a little bit of everything.
Yeah, sure.
Do you normally leave professional development in your school?
Do you find that professional development that you lead is more on the technology
side, library, resources, materials, else and equipment?
Or is it a combination of all?
Ohh it's a combination of all combination of all umm I feel like you know, saying
knology and the books they're both go hand in hand.
And so I have to look at both aspects of everything.
OK, so how was COVID impacted?
How has kovid impacted the day to day operation of your Media Center?
Has it altered your circulation statistics at all?
Yes, I feel like before I call it, it was more students coming into the Media Center.
Now after COVID, it's like maybe a few come into the Media Center.
They're not really interested in the books anymore.
They're mostly just interested in getting on to YouTube.
Ohh and doing different games and I'm interested in reading books right?
Do you have an aide or paraprofessional and an and if so, what are your expectations
of that person?
Yes, I do have an aid.
His name is Mr.
Jones and my expectations for him really is just to assist me on with technology
needs that I may have help me with making posters.
Help me with lamination and also help with resetting passwords as well.
And if students are coming in to circulate or to basically check out books to help, like
move the line and make sure that process is smooth and easy selling.
First, ohh what advice would you give to someone?
Just entering the field of school library media ohm, I would say take your time.
It's gonna be OK.
I definitely would tell them to basically research and technology needs and also
understand the hardware as well.
That's the main thing because you will get a lot of teachers who will come to you if
their computer is down.
If they don't know their password, uh, that's the most important thing and also
resource manager in destiny is your best friend.
Make sure that you have no how to go in and put in the serial numbers on.
That would be my advice and just have fun because I love being the media specialist.
Well, thank you so much for allowing me to interview.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
All right. Hey.

Victoria Bryan stopped transcription

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