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Imię i nazwisko: ________________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 26

1 Complete the gaps with the words from the box. 3 Read the definitions and write the words. The
There are three extra words. first letter of each word has been given. There is
one space for each missing letter.
cheeks cheerful curly disappointed
floral fond freckles heels interested 1 hair that some men grow above their upper lip
Look at this photo, this is my friend Mia. Can you
2 telling other people what to do – b _ _ _ _
see the 1 ______________ on her pale
complexion? They really make her face so unique! 3 (of clothes) not tight, too big, not fitting
close to
the body – l _ _ _ _
The woman with 2 ______________ red hair
standing next to her is her mother. They look so 4 the lower part of a tracksuit – b _ _ _ _ _ _
much alike! They are both wearing similar 5 a young person, a teenager, becoming an
______________ dresses, I think these are roses, adult – a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
and high 4 ______________. 6 a personal value: when you are brave,
Mia is such a positive and ______________ especially in a difficult or dangerous situation
person, she always looks on the bright side of life. –c______
You can’t see that in the photo, but she is 7 unhappy because something did not happen
______________ of fashion – she would like to as you planned – d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
become a fashion designer one day. ____ / 7
____ / 6
4 POZIOM ROZSZERZONY Complete the sentences
2 Complete the sentences with words formed with the correct prepositions.
from the words in brackets. 1 Her parents took pride ______ her
1 Mike behaves like an adult and has become achievements in the field of cancer research.
a(n) ______________ (DEPEND) man – at the 2 Whenever my uncle goes abroad, he
age of nineteen he can take care of himself immediately buys clothes in local shops to
and his own affairs. blend ______ and avoid being recognised as
2 When she saw the photo she had taken in a foreign visitor.
a fashion magazine, she was very
3 Let’s get down to work! Roll _____ your
______________ (PLEASE).
sleeves so that they don’t get dirty when
3 Marcy is very talented, but she never wants to you’re digging the flower bed.
talk about her successes and abilities. She is
a very ______________ (MODESTY) person. 4 It was quite easy to convince the
photographer ______ the need to edit the
4 What ______________ (NATIONAL) is your photos.
teacher? Is he Brazilian or Portuguese?
5 You’d better wrap ______ warm tonight – the
5 Just look at that ______________ (DESIGN)
weather forecast is for sub-zero temperatures
bag – it probably costs a fortune.
and icy-cold wind.
6 My neighbour has such a(n) ______________
(LOVE) smile – she could star in toothpaste 6 I was only thirteen when my grandpa passed
commercials! ______ but I still vividly remember him telling
us the stories from his childhood.
7 My aunt is 45 and my uncle is 48, so I guess
you can say they are ______________ (AGE). ____ / 6
____ / 7

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników, Poziom podstawowy z materiałem rozszerzonym 1
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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