Class 2 Maths Chapter 9 My Funday Solution

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NCERT Solutions for Class 2

Chapter 9 – My Funday

1. Is Sunday a Funday for you?

Ans: Yes, I have fun on Sunday because I don't have school on this day. I
sometimes go out with my parents or call friends at home to play with my toys.

2. Monday is happy to be the first day of the week. Now you tell
a. The third day of the week is_________.
Ans: The third day of the week is Wednesday.

b. The fifth day of the week is ______________.

Ans: The fifth day of the week is Friday.

c. The second day of the week is__________.

Ans: The second day of the week is Tuesday.

d. The last day of the week is____________.

Ans: The last day of the week is Sunday.

3. Which day will come?

a. After Sunday? ______________
Ans: After Sunday, it will be Monday.

b. Before Sunday? _____________

Ans: Before Sunday, it will be Saturday.

c. After Wednesday? ____________

Ans: After Wednesday, it will be Thursday.

d. Before Wednesday? ____________

Ans: Before Wednesday, it will be Tuesday.

e. 2 days after Sunday? ____________

Ans: 2 days after Sunday, it will be Tuesday.

f. 4 days after Wednesday? ___________

Class II Mathematics 1

Ans: 4 days after Wednesday, it will be Sunday.

g. 7 days after Monday? _____________

Ans: 7 days after Monday, it will be Saturday.

4. Which day do you like most? Why?

a. What is the day today? ___________
Ans: Monday
b. Which day was it yesterday? ____________
Ans: Sunday
c. Which day will it be tomorrow? __________
Ans: Tuesday
d. Which day will it be the day after tomorrow? ___________
Ans: Wednesday
e. Which day was it the day before yesterday? ____________
Ans: Saturday

5. Some children of Class II-A love to play “Teacher-Teacher”. They have

decided to take turns in playing the teacher’s role.

Day Who will play teacher’s role

Monday Vaibhav
Tuesday Alpana
Wednesday Gaurav
Thursday Gurpreet
Friday Deepak
Saturday Rehnuma
Now fill in the blanks.
a. ________ will be the teacher the day after Friday.

Class II Mathematics 2

Ans: According to the table above, Rehnuma will be the teacher the day
after Friday.
b. ___________ will play the teacher’s role on the day before Tuesday.
Ans: Vaibhav will play the teacher’s role on the day before Tuesday
which is Monday.
c. Gaurav will play the teacher’s role on the day after ___________
Ans: Gaurav will play the teacher’s role on the day after Tuesday i.e.

d. Deepak will play the teacher’s role on the day before________

Ans: Deepak will play the teacher’s role on the day before Saturday
which means he will play the teacher's role on Friday.


Time Table of || - A

Period / Day 1 2 3 4 5 6
Monday Hindi Maths Games English E.V.S Music
Tuesday Hindi Maths Drawing English E.V.S Library
Wednesday Hindi Maths Games English E.V.S Library
Thursday Hindi Maths Drawing English E.V.S Music
Friday Hindi Maths Games English E.V.S Music
Saturday Hindi Maths Drawing English E.V.S Library

Look at the time table of class ||- A and fill in the blanks:

Period On which days?


Class II Mathematics 3


Period On which days?

Drawing Tuesday, Thursday and saturday
Music Monday, Thursday and Friday
Games Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Library Tuesday, Wednesday and saturday

a. On which days do you have games period? ____________
Ans: Tuesday and Thursday

b. How many children would like to have games period everyday?

Ans: All Children would like to have games period every day.

c. what games do you play in your games period? _______

Ans: Kho-Kho, dog and the wool, Running

d. On which days do you have a drawing period? ______________

Ans: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

e. Do you have a music period? _______ If yes, on which days?

Ans: Yes, Thursday

f. Which day of the week do you like best at school? ___________

Ans: Thursday because we have Games as well as Music class.

8. Which month do you like best? _____________ Why? _____________

Ans: December is my favourite month because I love winter. Moreover,
celebrating Christmas and New Year in cold is Fun.

9. Draw what you like to do in your favourite month.


Class II Mathematics 4

10. Fill in the table.

These are the following things that i like best in the following months.
a. Lichies – December
b. Potato - all 12 months
c. Rose – January

11. Write the names of five festivals that you or your friends celebrate. Also
write the months in which these festivals come.

Class II Mathematics 5

Name of the festival Month in which it comes


Name of the festival Month in which it comes

Holi March
Onam September
Diwali October
Gurupurab November
Christmas December

12. Name of some of the months that are missing in the list given below.
Fill in names of those months.
January, February, _________, April, ___________, June, ___________,
August, September, October, _____________, December.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October,
November and December.

13. Look at the calendar to find out:

a. Which is the first month of the year?
Ans: January

b. Which month comes after March? ___________

Ans: April

c. Which month comes before August? _________

Ans: July

d. Which is the last month of the year? ____________

Ans: December

Class II Mathematics 6

14. Look at a calendar to find out:
a. Which months have 30 days? _______________
Ans: April, June, September and November

b. How many months have 31 days? _______________

Ans: 7

c. How many days are there in February? _____________

Ans: 28 or 29

d. How many days together are there in May and June? _____________
Ans: 61

e. How many Sundays are there in July? ______________

Ans: 4

f. What is the day on your birthday? _______________

Ans: 1

15. Find Out:

a. How many days do you get for your summer holidays? __________
Ans: 20 days
b. How many winter holidays do you have? ____________
Ans: 15 days.

16. Have you ever felt:

a. Your teeth chattering with cold? Yes/No
Ans: Yes
b. Your feet burning on walking barefoot? Yes/No
Ans: Yes
c. Name one month when you can easily walk barefoot. ___________

Class II Mathematics 7

Ans: February

a. Have you seen it raining for many days? Yes/No
Ans: Yes
b. In which month does it rain the mat in your area? ____________
Ans: July and August.

a. Which are the hottest months in your area? ____________________
Ans: May
b. Which is the coldest month in your area? ______________-
Ans: December

Class II Mathematics 8

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