Asm 12909

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DATE: 15/12/23



Instruc on:
1. Kindly take a printout of this worksheet and write the answers.
2. Do the work neatly and in proper handwri ng.
3. Keep the worksheet with you in your folder.


Literature: 1. Ammu’s ki en
2. Poem- with a friend
Language: Verbs, adjec ves, sentences, preposi ons, punctua ons, opposite

Crea ve Wri ng: All paragraphs done from April to January.

Q1 Look at the picture carefully. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposi ons.

1. The dog is ……………….. the table.

2. The lamp is ……………… the table.

3. The cat is ……………. the chair.

4. The umbrella is kept ……………………….. the cushions.

5. The apple is ………………….. the table.

6. The flowers are …………… the vase.

Q2 Make sentence using the following preposi ons:

1. In -
2. On -

3. Between -

Q4 Read the lesson Kite, Kites Everywhere and answer the following ques ons:

a. Why do people in China fly kites?



b. In Japan, which bird is believed to bring good luck?

Q5 Draw a beau ful kite and write any four new words in it, which you have learned
from the lesson.

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