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Honourable Chairs, distinguished delegates,

Saudi Arabia commends the international community for addressing the pressing
issue of peace in the Middle East, with a particular focus on the Syrian civil war and
the Israel-Palestine crisis. We recognize the urgency of finding a sustainable solution
to end the suffering and promote stability in these regions.
Regarding the Syrian civil war, Saudi Arabia emphasizes the importance of a
comprehensive and inclusive political dialogue to achieve a lasting solution. We call
for increased humanitarian aid and assistance to alleviate the suffering of innocent
civilians affected by the conflict. Furthermore, we encourage nations to work
collaboratively in support of the Syrian people, facilitating the safe return of refugees
and internally displaced persons.
On the Israel-Palestine crisis, Saudi Arabia reaffirms its commitment to a two-state
solution based on relevant UN resolutions, the Arab Peace Initiative, and the
principle of land for peace. We call upon all parties to engage in meaningful
negotiations, respecting the legitimate aspirations and security concerns of both
Israel and Palestine. A negotiated settlement is essential to achieving lasting peace,
security, and stability in the region.

Saudi Arabia also emphasizes the need for international support in addressing the
root causes of conflict and instability in the Middle East. Economic and social
development, education, and job opportunities are vital elements in building
sustainable peace. Regional cooperation and collaboration are essential for fostering
a climate of trust and understanding among nations in the Middle East.
In conclusion, Saudi Arabia urges all nations to work together in a spirit of
cooperation and diplomacy to address the complex challenges of the Syrian civil war
and the Israel-Palestine crisis. Let us strive for a peaceful, just, and lasting resolution
that brings prosperity and stability to the region.
Thank you.

Honorable Chairs, esteemed delegates,

Saudi Arabia acknowledges the critical need to address the dire situation in the
Middle East, focusing on the Syrian civil war and the Israel-Palestine crisis. Our

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region yearns for stability, prosperity, and above all, peace.
On the Syrian civil war, Saudi Arabia strongly urges for an immediate cessation of
hostilities and violence. We call upon the international community to support a
political solution that is Syrian-led and Syrian-owned, emphasizing unity and
inclusivity among all parties involved. Humanitarian assistance should be escalated,
ensuring access to those in need, particularly in besieged and hard-to-reach areas.
Turning to the Israel-Palestine crisis, Saudi Arabia firmly stands by the principle of a
two-state solution, where an independent Palestinian state can exist peacefully
alongside Israel. We emphasize the importance of direct negotiations, with a view to
addressing the core issues such as borders, security, settlements, and the status of
Jerusalem. Both parties must demonstrate the necessary political will and
compromise for a just and lasting resolution.
Additionally, Saudi Arabia encourages dialogue and cooperation among Middle
Eastern nations, recognizing the potential for collective action in fostering peace.
Joint efforts to combat terrorism, enhance economic development, and promote
education and cultural understanding are fundamental steps towards regional
In conclusion, Saudi Arabia reaffirms its commitment to pursuing a peaceful and
comprehensive resolution to the Syrian civil war and the Israel-Palestine crisis. Let
us unite in our efforts, bridge our differences, and work tirelessly to bring about a
brighter and more harmonious future for the Middle East.

Thank you.

Honorable Chairs, esteemed delegates,

Saudi Arabia expresses deep concern for the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East,
particularly the Syrian civil war and the Israel-Palestine crisis. Our region deserves
peace, security, and prosperity, and we look to this committee to foster dialogue and
cooperation to achieve that goal.
Regarding the Syrian civil war, Saudi Arabia advocates for a political solution, guided
by the Geneva Communique and UN Security Council Resolution 2254. We
emphasize the importance of engaging all stakeholders, including regional powers,
to encourage a political transition that reflects the will and aspirations of the Syrian
people. It is crucial to focus on immediate humanitarian relief and facilitate unfettered
access to affected populations, including the internally displaced and refugees.
On the Israel-Palestine crisis, Saudi Arabia reiterates its unwavering support for a
two-state solution. We urge all parties to refrain from actions that hinder progress

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towards this goal and call for the resumption of negotiations based on established
international parameters. A fair and just resolution must encompass a sovereign and
viable Palestinian state living side by side with Israel, in peace and security.

Moreover, Saudi Arabia emphasizes the importance of regional cooperation and

confidence-building measures. Through collaboration on counterterrorism efforts,
economic development, and cultural exchanges, we can pave the way for a stable
and prosperous Middle East.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia remains committed to fostering peace and stability in the
Middle East. We encourage all nations to act collectively in the pursuit of peace,
adhering to international law and the principles of justice and equality.

Thank you.

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