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Saudi Arabia's foreign policy is shaped by a combination of regional and global

factors, including its geopolitical position, its role as a major oil exporter, its Islamic
identity, and its desire for regional stability and security. Here are some key aspects
of Saudi Arabia's foreign policy:

1. Oil Diplomacy and Economic Interests:

Saudi Arabia is a leading global oil producer and exporter, possessing one of the
world's largest proven oil reserves. Its foreign policy is intrinsically tied to oil
diplomacy due to the pivotal role oil plays in the global economy. The Kingdom
utilizes its influence within OPEC, a consortium of oil-producing nations, to manage
oil production levels and stabilize prices. This influence enables Saudi Arabia to
protect its economic interests and maintain its status as a major oil player.

2. Regional Hegemony and Security:

Saudi Arabia aims to assert itself as a dominant force in the Middle East and the
wider Arab world. Its foreign policy is geared towards securing its borders, ensuring
regional stability, and countering perceived threats, especially from Iran. The Saudi
government actively participates in regional organizations and alliances, such as the
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), to bolster its regional influence and enhance
collective security efforts.

3. Counterterrorism and Ideological Diplomacy:

Saudi Arabia has been a target of terrorism due to its status as the birthplace of
Islam and the presence of two holy cities, Mecca and Medina. The country has taken
significant steps to counter terrorism by promoting a moderate interpretation of Islam
and countering extremist ideologies. Through various initiatives, it seeks to combat
terrorism both domestically and internationally, aiming to portray Islam as a religion
of peace and tolerance.

4. Strategic Alliance with Western Powers:

Saudi Arabia maintains a close and long-standing relationship with Western powers,
particularly the United States. This relationship is rooted in shared strategic interests,
including security, counterterrorism, and economic ties. The United States provides
military support and security guarantees to Saudi Arabia, while Saudi Arabia often

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purchases advanced weaponry and technologies from the U.S. Additionally, the
Kingdom is an important partner in the fight against terrorism and regional stability

5. Islamic Diplomacy and Custodianship of Holy Sites:

As the custodian of Islam's two holiest cities, Saudi Arabia sees itself as a religious
leader within the Islamic world. It uses its position to promote a moderate
interpretation of Islam and advocate for Islamic unity. Saudi Arabia engages in
Islamic diplomacy by supporting various religious and educational initiatives globally,
contributing to religious dialogue and interfaith understanding.

6. Conflict Mediation and Regional Stability:

Saudi Arabia has played a mediating role in several regional conflicts. Notably, in the
Yemeni conflict, Saudi Arabia leads a coalition aimed at supporting the internationally
recognized Yemeni government against Houthi rebels. The country advocates for
political solutions and strives to bring stability to the region through diplomacy and

7. Shift Towards Normalization with Israel:

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has shown signs of warming relations with Israel. This
shift is driven by common concerns regarding Iran's regional influence. While formal
diplomatic relations have not been established, there have been reported
backchannel communications and some public acknowledgements of Israeli
existence and rights, indicating a gradual change in the regional geopolitical

8. Vision 2030 and Economic Diversification:

Vision 2030 is a cornerstone of Saudi Arabia's foreign policy, focusing on diversifying
its economy away from oil dependency. The Kingdom seeks foreign investments and
partnerships to develop non-oil sectors like technology, tourism, entertainment, and
renewable energy. This initiative aims to enhance economic sustainability, create
jobs, and elevate Saudi Arabia's position as a global investment hub.
Saudi Arabia's foreign policy is multi-faceted, influenced by its economic interests,
regional dynamics, Islamic identity, and evolving geopolitical landscape. The
Kingdom continually adapts its strategies to safeguard its national interests while
actively engaging with the international community to pursue its vision for a
diversified and prosperous future.

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Saudi Arabia's foreign policy is driven by economic interests as a major oil exporter
and a desire for regional dominance, focusing on stability and security in the Middle
East. The nation emphasizes Islamic diplomacy, combating extremism, and
maintains strategic alliances with the West, especially the United States. Recent
shifts hint at potential normalization of relations with Israel. Vision 2030 reflects a
pivot towards economic diversification and attracting foreign investments, aligning
with Saudi Arabia's foreign policy objectives.

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