Eerikki Heiskanen

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Eerikki Heiskanen

Male 22 5'7 137 lbs Many N/A
24 72 6 12 36 150

0 0 0 4
0 1 7 0
+7 8

* Absence Of Friction [Speed 8, 4 PP] - Kinetic, Magical, Speed: 500 mph, 1 mile / round; Distracting (Free - Personal- Sustained)
* Additional Arms [Extra Limbs 4, 5 PP] - Biological, Cosmic, Mutant, 4 extra limbs, Advantages: Improved Grab; Innate
* Grand Comprehension [Comprehend 3, 7 PP] - Biological, Cosmic, Mutant, Mystic, Languages- Read All, Languages - Understand All,
Spirits - Communicate; Innate
* Manifold Eyes [Senses 6, 7 PP] - Biological, Cosmic, Mutant, Awareness: Magic Vision, Counters Concealment: Darkness, Radius:
Vision, Radius: Awareness, Ultravision; Innate
* Removal of Biological Needs [Immunity 2, 3 PP] - Biological, Cosmic, Mutant, Aging, Starvation & Thirst; Innate
* Resisting Inertia [Protection 10, 10 PP] - Kinetic, Magical, Space, +10 Toughness

* Numerological Research Notes Volume 1 - On Matter And Energy Generation [Easily Removable, 17 PP]
1) Test Case V1001 - Cube of Hyper-Gravitic Forces [Damage 10, 1 PP] - Force, Gravity, Magical, Space, Range: 250 / 500 / 1,000 ft., DC
25 Toughness; Homing: 1 extra attempt, Increased Range: ranged, Multiattack, Penetrating 9; Check Required 4: DC 13 - Expertise
Mathematics, Distracting
2) Test Case V1002 - Geometric Creations Of Quantum Matter [Create 10, 26 PP] - Cosmic, Magical, Quantum Forces, Range: 250 / 500 /
1,000 ft., DC 20; Impervious, Movable; Check Required 4: DC 13 - Expertise Mathematics, Proportional
3) Test Case V1003 - Localised Wormhole Generation [Teleport 10, 1 PP] - Cosmic, Magical, Quantum Forces, Space, 4 Miles in a move
action, carrying 50 lbs; Change Velocity, Portal; Check Required 6: DC 15 - Expertise Mathematics, Distracting
4) Test Case V1004 - Alternate Timeline's Vision [Remote Sensing 13, 1 PP] - Magical, Space, Thought, Affects: Visual Senses, Range:
30 Miles; Dimensional 3: any dimension, Simultaneous; Check Required 3: DC 12 - Expertise Mathematics, Concentration

* Numerological Research Notes Volume 2 - On Altering Existing Matter, Kinetics, And Factors [Easily Removable, 19 PP]
1) Test Case V2001 - Hastened Entropy Equation [Multi-Effect, 28 PP]
- Fading of Energy [Affliction 10, 4 PP] - Cosmic, Entropy, Magical, 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Disabled, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC
20; Increased Range 2: perception; Check Required 6: DC 15 - Expertise Mathematics, Distracting, Limited Degree
- Fading of Talent [Weaken 10, 24 PP] - Cosmic, Entropy, Magical, Affects: Abilities, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Broad: Any One
Ability, Increased Range 2: perception; Check Required 6L DC 15 - Expertise Mathematics, Side Effect: on failure - If Fading of Talent fails,
then take a -1 penalty to all checks per degree of failure for 3 turns.
Eidetic Memory - Total Recall, +5 circumstance to memory checks

Equipment 1 - 5 points of equipment

Improved Grab - Make grab attacks with one arm, not vulnerable
while grabbing.

Languages 1 - More Languages

Speed of Thought - Use Int for Init instead of Agi Mathematics +12 7 5
Uncanny Dodge - Not vulnerable when surprised or caught Magic +8 7 1

Motivation: Responsibility -
Well Informed - Immediate Investigation or Persuasion check to
To Eerikki, it's simply illogical to assail and torment others who
know something.
have done nothing, and to not act when you are fully capable of
doing something is to actively assist. It's his responsibility, therefore,
to do righteous things in this world and others beyond it, whenever
he can.
+8 7 1
Obsession -
Hidden Knowledge. If it is occult, and not easily accessible, that
+12 4 8
triggers a primal urge to seek out what it could be; whether it's
entities meant best to be unknown, or it's deep personal secrets, he
must know it.
Magical Attacks
+10 1 9
Prejudice -
His alienRecorder,
brought forth by mutations is a cause for
alarm in many,
Multi-Tool, leaving him to live in prejudice due to his frankly
bizarre mutations.

English, Finnish

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