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Name: Auharnish Chowdhury

Student ID: 156365215

HTM 220 Assignment #4
Marks: 20
Answer the following questions and submit your assignment through Learn @
Seneca no later than 11:59pm ET on March 26th , 2024. Your submission must be
in WORD (.doc,.docx) or RTF (.rtf) format. Please note that Safe Assign will be
used to detect cheating and plagiarism. Any submissions that contain parts of
this assignment will be subject to a 20% penalty and all dollar amounts should
be presented with a dollar sign and rounded to 2 decimal places.

1. a) You expect next quarter’s sales revenue to be $365215. If your target

labour cost percentage is 19.75% of sales, how much money can you spend
on labour next quarter and meet your quarterly budget? Please show all
calculations. (5 Marks)

Target Labor Cost = Sales Revenue x Target Labor Cost Percentage

Target Labor Cost = $365,215 x 19.75% = $72,122.86

Actual Labor Cost = Target Labor Cost

Actual Labor Cost = $72,122.86

b) Of your budgeted labour costs of 19.75% of sales, 43% is to be spent on kitchen

staff and 57% on service staff. Your kitchen staff work 8-hour shifts on Saturdays
and earn $23.00/hour. Your service staff work 6-hour shifts and earn $17.25/hour.
You anticipate next Saturday’s sales to be $15636. What is the maximum number
of kitchen staff, and the maximum number of service staff that should be working
on Saturday? Please show all calculations. (5 Marks)
Kitchen Labor Budget = Total Labor Budget x Percentage allocated to kitchen staff

Kitchen Labor Budget = $72,122.86 x 43% = $31,024.964

Service Labor Budget = Total Labor Budget x Percentage allocated to service staff

Service Labor Budget = $72,122.86 x 57% = $41,097.896

Maximum number of kitchen staff = Kitchen Labor Budget / (Hourly wage x Hours worked)

Maximum number of kitchen staff = $31,024.964 / ($23.00/hour x 8 hours)

Maximum number of kitchen staff ≈ $31,024.964 / $184

Maximum number of kitchen staff ≈ 168

Maximum number of service staff = Service Labor Budget / (Hourly wage x Hours worked)

Maximum number of service staff = $41,097.896 / ($17.25/hour x 6 hours)

Maximum number of service staff ≈ $41,097.896 / $103.5

Maximum number of service staff ≈ 397

So, the maximum number of kitchen staff that should be working on Saturday is 168, and the
maximum number of service staff is 397.

2. Using the knowledge of layout from your PROSIM module and the lesson,
comment on the pros and cons of the kitchen layout presented below. Please
comment on at least 5 pros or cons. Be sure to explain why an item is a pro and
make suggestions for any cons/mistakes. Only items in the picture should be
taken into account (do not speak about windows, HVAC, garbage disposal,
ventilation).(10 Marks)

1. Dishwasher is too far from the dish storage.
2. Not Sufficient space for the staff to move.
3. Grill, fryer and stove is far away from the stairwell so food might spill from
the trip.
4. Not enough space between stove and grill because they are right across
each other.
5. Dirty Dish Area is too far from the dishwasher.
1. Facilitates efficient movement between different kitchen tasks, such as
cooking, preparation, and cleaning.
2. Provides opportunities for enhancing both functionality and socialization.
3. Maximizes storage capacity
4. Pickup area is close to the doorway
5. Milk dispensers are close to coffee and espresso machines

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