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Table of Contents

1.0 Abstract.................................................................................................................................3

2.0 Objective...............................................................................................................................3

3.0 Theoretical Background........................................................................................................3

3.1 Zones of Boundary Layer.................................................................................................3

3.2 Different type of thickness in boundary layer...................................................................4

4.0 Apparatus..............................................................................................................................4

4.1 The AF106........................................................................................................................4

5.0 Procedure..............................................................................................................................6

5.1 Assembly Set-up...............................................................................................................6

5.2 Experiment Procedure.......................................................................................................6

6.0 Observations.........................................................................................................................8

7.0 Calculations..........................................................................................................................9

8.0 Data Analysis and Discussion............................................................................................12

9.0 Error Analysis:....................................................................................................................13

10.0 Applications:.......................................................................................................................13

11.0 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................13

12.0 References...........................................................................................................................14
List of Experiment
Figure 1 The main parts of the AF106 Flat Plate Boundary Layer Model apparatus.....................4
Figure 2 Distances from the leading edge of each aerofoil with the numbers of each pitot hole....5
Figure 3 Distance of pitot holes from base plate.............................................................................5
Figure 4 Adjust the Angles of the Leading and Trailing Edges......................................................6
Figure 5 Values from experiement 1-16..........................................................................................8
Figure 6 Values from experiement 17-32.......................................................................................8
Figure 7 Operating conditions of Experiment.................................................................................9
1.0 Abstract
This lab experiment is about to study the basic knowledge related to flat plate boundary
layer model. During the lab experiment velocity profile of the flat plate with boundary later was
measured and different parameters were calculated using experimental results. The experiment
was performed on the apparatus consisting flat plate boundary layer which is made up of five
different aero foil connected in different positioning. Using result from the experiment it can be
analyzed that velocity is directly proportional to the distance between pitot tubes.

2.0 Objective
To experimentally analyzing the boundary layer of flat plate using velocity profile within
the boundary layer region.

3.0 Theoretical Background

Friction is important when examining the movement of a fluid on a surface because the
fluid cling to the surface due to friction present between the plate's surface and the air. As there
is no slip at the surface, the velocity at that surface becomes zero, and the movement of fluid is
slowed at the surface. The part of the surface where the fluid movement is slow is known as
boundary layer.In a physical sense, a boundary layer is defined as the distance in the crossways
direction of a plate from no slip to the area where the stream velocity is about 95-99 percent of
free stream velocity, which is the velocity of fluid when it is not obstructed. Boundary layers
come in two varieties.

1- Laminar boundary layer

2- 2- Turbulent boundary layer

3.1 Zones of Boundary Layer

1. Laminar zone-A laminar boundary layer emerges at the plate's leading edge and extends
downstream for a small range. The flow is very smooth in this zone, but it is less stable, and
mass, momentum, and energy are exchanged in layers.
2. Transition zone-The turbulent layer replaces the laminar boundary layer in this zone. This
transition occurs as a result of wall roughness, pressure gradient, compressibility, and other

3. Turbulent zone-The many layers in the turbulent zone merge among each other. When
compared to a laminar boundary layer, there is a far larger interchange of mass, momentum, and

3.2 Different type of thickness in boundary layer

1. Boundary Layer thickness-The distance between the plate's surface and the point in the
velocity profile where it meets the free stream velocity, measured in the Y-direction, is
known as the boundary layer thickness.
2. Displacement thickness-The displacement thickness is the distance the plate would be
shifted so that the loss of mass flux (due to a smaller uniform flow area) is equal to the
loss caused by the boundary layer.
3. Momentum thickness- The momentum thickness is the distance that the plate must be
moved in order for the loss of momentum flux to be equal to the loss caused by the
boundary layer. Due to the boundary layer, momentum is lost.
4. Energy thickness-In an inviscid fluid stream, the energy thickness is the distance that a
surface must be moved parallel to itself towards the reference plane to produce kinetic
energy between the surface and the reference plane.

4.0 Apparatus
4.1 The AF106
Figure 1 The main parts of the AF106 Flat Plate Boundary Layer Model apparatus

The AF106 Flat Plate Boundary Layer Model works with the AF100 Subsonic Wind
Tunnel. It shows boundary layer development and separation. The Flat Plate Boundary Layer
model is made of two hinged stainless steel plates. When fitted inside the working section of a
wind tunnel, the angle of the plates can be adjusted to set the optimum conditions for the

Figure 2 Distances from the leading edge of each aerofoil with the numbers of each pitot hole
Figure 3 Distance of pitot holes from base plate

On the upper surface of the model are five small aerofoils set at right angles to the
surface (Figure 1). Each aerofoil is drilled with five tiny pitot holes on the leading edge (Figure
3). Each hole is connected to a separate tube (25 tubes in total). All the tubes are routed together
and emerge at the side of the model. The aerofoils are staggered so that their wakes do not
interfere with each other. When the model is fitted in the wind tunnel, the tubes may be
connected to the AFA1 Multi-tube manometer (or the AFA6 32-way Pressure System) for
pressure measurements.

5.0 Procedure
5.1 Assembly Set-up

 One of the side windows in the working section has a large model holder with three
locking screws. Leave this panel in place, but remove the other window.
 Make sure that the rear pitot tube of the working section is removed and fit the adjuster
mounting in its place.
 Locate the model shaft into the model holder in the other side panel. Make sure that the
small aerofoils are uppermost.
 On the trailing edge of the model is a threaded bar. Pass this bar up into the adjuster
mounting and level the model.
 Pass the 25 tubes through the hole in the loose side panel and refit it.
 Making sure that the bottom mounting is turned around, fit the model support arm to the
model shaft. Tighten in place.
 Use the three long mounting screws to fit the manifold plate to the bottom of the Working
Section and connect the 25 tubes to the front connections.
 Use the clear tubing (supplied) to connect the pressure connections at the back of the
manifold to a suitable manometer or multi-way pressure display.

5.2 Experiment Procedure

 Adjust plate on the mounting clamp and the trailing edge to make the entire plate
horizontal, at zero angle of attack.

Figure 4 Adjust the Angles of the Leading and Trailing Edges

 Start the Wind Tunnel at a velocity of 20 m/s.

 Record the two wall pressures upstream and downstream of the wind tunnel and average
the two figures to give Po (in Pascals), this gives an approximate figure for the working
section static pressure (Po).
P ,upstream+P , downstream
Po =
eq (1)
 The local velocity (V) is a function of the difference between the total pressure measured
at each tapping (PT) and the local static pressure (Po). To calculate the local velocities, use
the formula:
PT =P o + ρV 2
2 eq (2)
√ 2 ( PT −P o )
ρ eq (3)
where RT a eq (4)
 Record all pressure readings and calculate the local velocities in a table similar to Table
 For each airfoil, plot a graph with distance of pitot holes from the base plate(y-axis)
vs local velocity(x-axis) to give the velocity profile (Plot 5 individual curves on 1
 Plot a graph of local velocity (y-axis) against the tapping number (x-axis) to give the
curves for boundary layer growth around each aerofoil (Plot 5 individual curves on
1 Graph).

6.0 Observations

Figure 5 Values from experiement 1-16

Figure 6 Values from experiement 17-32

Figure 7 Operating conditions of Experiment

7.0 Calculations
Table 1: Results Table

Wall Pressure Upstream = -0.24 Wall Pressure Downstream =-0.25 kPa

Average Wall Pressure (Po) = -240 Wind Tunnel Velocity = 20.141 m/s
Tappin Distance from Pressure at Difference between Local velocity
g No. the Base Plate tapping avg. wall and tapping
y pressure V
(mm) PT PT - Po (m/s)
(Pa) (Pa)
1 0.5 -93 152 16.1
2 1.5 -56 189 17.9
3 3 -25 220 19.3
4 6 -2 243 20.3
5 10 -10 235 20
6 0.5 -181 64 10.4
7 1.5 -133 112 13.8
8 3 -110 135 15.1
9 6 -115 130 14.8
10 10 -77 168 16.9
11 0.5 -118 127 14.7
12 1.5 -111 134 15.1
13 3 -83 162 16.6
14 6 -47 198 18.3
15 10 -37 208 18.8
16 0.5 -108 137 15.2
17 1.5 -73 172 17.1
18 3 -50 195 18.2
19 6 -23.5 221.5 19.38
20 10 -10 235 20
21 0.5 -123 122 14.4
22 1.5 -95 150 15.9
23 3 -72 173 17.1
24 6 -47 198 18.3
25 10 -36 209 18.8

Sample calculation

Pupstream+ Pdownstream −−0.24+(−0.25)

P0 = = *1000= -245 Pa
2 2

Pt =∑ −¿ ¿ ¿¿ *1000= -77 Pa

Pt-P0 = -77-(-245) = 168

√ 2∗P t−P 0

= 16.9 m/s
Velocity vs Distance




Velocity m/s






0.5 1.5 3 6 10
distance (mm)

series 1-5 series 6-10 series 11-15 series 16-20 series 21-25
Velocity vs Tapping Number


Velocity m/s


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
taping number

series 1-5 series 6-10 series 11-15 series 16-20 series 21-25

8.0 Data Analysis and Discussion

 Obtaining the velocity profile in the boundary layer region, this experiment investigates
the boundary layer over a flat plate.
 To avoid wakes and obtain a more precise velocity profile, aerofoils were used in this
procedure. The aerofoils were placed in a disarrayed manner to evade their wakes
interpose with each other. The overall pressure is measured through five pitot holes on
each aerofoil.
 The local static pressure was calculated using upstream and downstream pressures. The
dynamic pressure was estimated by multiplying the overall pressure by the local static
pressure, and then using the dynamic pressure to get the local velocity.
 Because the pressure is lower than air, the total pressure is negative.
 Air velocity is zero at the surface. This is because the no slip boundary condition
presupposes that the fluid has zero velocity comparative to the solid barrier.
 The first graph depicts each aerofoil's velocity profile. The lowest velocity is found at the
first pitot hole nearest to the base, while the highest velocity is found at the highest pitot
hole at a distance of 10mm with a value of 16.9 m/s. When we climb up from the flat
plate, the velocity profile also increases.
 The boundary layer for the five aerofoils is illustrated in the second graph. The boundary
layer growth of the aerofoils (2 to 5) is fairly comparable, as illustrated in the graph. As
we proceed downstream along the boundary surface, the thickness of the boundary layer

9.0 Error Analysis:

One of the mistakes in this experiment is that the flat plate must be horizontal to make it certain
that no separation occurs and that the angle of attack remains zero; however, due to parallax, this
is not possible. Another source of mistake is inaccurate pressure readings caused by dust and dirt
collecting in the pitot tube opening. There's also a chance of receiving instrumental error.

10.0 Applications:
Many operations employ the ideas of boundary layer and flatter plates, one of which is the
construction of propellers on aircraft wing for takeoff and landing, as well as rendering the plane
more steady throughout travel. Another application is the preparation of vehicles with more
streamlined surfaces to ensure that the boundary layer does not include any separation, and thus
no air resistance is present.

11.0 Conclusion
In this experiment it was intended to practically study the boundary layer using flat plate.
Boundary layer of flat plate was observed using velocity profile in this experiment. It can be
concluded after performing the experiment that fluid particles velocity increases slowly when
moving away from solid surfaces, while it get near to the velocity of free stream. The distance
between the surface and the point is increase by increasing the position of x, while velocity of
free stream is equal to approximately 99% to the velocity.
12.0 References
 Lab manual

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