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Atlanta, GA
Jul 2023 – Present
Sr. Android Developer / Kotlin
Employer: Aptivist

Leasepert is a mobile solution designed for property management companies and renters to have
everything in one single place, with Leasepert you can pay and manage your rent,
correspondence, maintenance request and amenities access such as gym, laundry, parking, pool,

● Migrated to Compose to create more optimized user interface.

● Replaced many multithreading operations with coroutines.
● Implemented an MVVM architecture using the Android data binding library.
● Tested accordingly using Espresso and Mockito accordingly.
● Implemented some of the Jetpack Libraries for Navigation and Database.
● Reviewed pull-Requests to ensure code quality and consistency.
● Researched about what technologies implement based on requirements.
● Collaborated in pair programming sessions to walkthrough different solutions.
● Provided technical advice and guidance to other development teams at the company.
● Programmed easily maintainable and reusable user interface components.
● Presented advances on technical meetings to tech directors.

Tools: Kotlin, Java, MVVM, MVI, Clean Architecture, Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Dagger2, Retrofit, GSON,
Coroutines, Rx Java, Flow, LiveData, Room, JUnit, Mockito, Espresso, Adobe analytics, Azure DevOps, Git.
My Vault
Xalapa, MX
Aug 2022 – July 2023
Sr. Android Tech Lead / Kotlin
Employer: Kuantik


My Vault is an innovative application designed to cater to the needs of legal entities. This tool
centralizes and presents fiscal information from the government authority SAT in a clear and
accessible manner. This App offers multiple functionalities such as: Work History, Digital Wallet and
much more.

● Adopted AWS services to create more optimized app response.

● Reviewed and approved Pull-Requests to ensure code quality and consistency.
● Participated in Android courses during Innovation and Planning Sprint.
● Worked closely with the design team to improve multiple screens.
● Provided onboarding to new Android developers joining the team.
● Offered technical advice and guidance to other department teams at the company
● Crafted easily maintainable and reusable user interface components.
● Created web services for application functionalities.
● Established communication between Firebase, AWS services, and Mongo DB.
● Implemented Deep links in Android.
● Established an animated Splash Screen with Lottie Dependency and Lottie files
● Customized project build with bash script
Tools: Kotlin, MVVM, Clean Architecture, Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Dagger2, Retrofit, GSON, Coroutines,
Flow, LiveData, Room, JUnit, Mockito, Espresso, Git, GitFlow Android Studio, AWS services, AWS CLI,
Google Platform, Google Cloud Functions, Firebase Console, Firebase Firestore, Firebase Storage,
Firebase Extensions, Xcode, Firebase cloud messaging, Postman, Insomnia, Mongo DB, App connect, Play
console, Lottie Library, Lottie Files, Scripts.

Xalapa, MX
Feb 2021 - Jul 2022
Sr. Android Developer / Kotlin
Employer: We AI


We AI is an Android application that would be responsible for displaying payroll receipts to COOR
company employees, as well as maintaining control over them. Additionally, there would be the
possibility to generate a worker profile, which would serve as support for loan applications both within
and outside the company.

● Organized sessions for Requirement Gathering.

● Created prototype in Adobe XD.
● Defined the initial information architecture.
● Prepared meetings with the team and product owner.
● Tailored custom and compound views to maximize UI elements reusability
● Teamed up with the UI/UX unit to design a realistic and intuitive user experience.
● Added out-of-the-box and custom animations to enhance the UX
● Created unit testing with JUnit for Download CFDI, Send CFDI, Report CFDI, XML, and PDF
Tools: Android Studio, Kotlin, Dagger, View Model, Android Architecture Components, MVVM, Google
Smart Lock, Deep links, Jetpack, JUnit, Adobe XD, Google Platform, Google Cloud Functions, Firebase
Console, Firebase Firestore, Firebase Realtime Database, Firebase Storage, Firebase Realtime Database
Triggers, Firebase Extensions, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Hosting, Facebook Developers,
OneSignal, Git, Github, App Gallery.

Universidad Veracruzana
Xalapa, MX
Jul 2020 - Jan 2021
Sr. Android Tech Lead / Kotlin
Employer: Universidad Veracruzana


It is a web information system and android application that supports the management of
administrative requests to the office of the Faculty of Accounting and Management at the
University Veracruzana. In this system, students submit various administrative requests, monitor
the status of their requests, engage in "chat" communication with the secretary responsible for
their requests, and access information and documentation related to their requests.

• Organized sessions for Requirement Gathering.

• Created prototype in Adobe XD.
• Defined the initial information architecture.
• Prepared meetings with the team and product owner.
• Integrated chat in real time between users.
• Suggested sending feedback to the user through email and push notifications.
• Teamed up with the UI/UX unit to design a realistic and intuitive user experience.
• Worked with Android Studio, Kotlin, and Null Safety, Data Classes in Kotlin.
• Customized project settings in the Firebase console.
Tools: Adobe XD, Android Studio, Google Platform, Google Cloud Functions, Firebase Console, Firebase
Firestore, Firebase Realtime Database, Firebase Storage, Firebase Realtime Database Triggers, Firebase
Extensions, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Hosting, Git, Github.

Xalapa, MX
Aug 2018 - May 2021
Sr. Android Tech Lead / Java, Kotlin
Employer: Uko

Ukoo is a marketing and software company that provides various services to local businesses in the city
of Xalapa. Among its technological solutions is a customized marketplace tailored to the client's needs.
This solution has different Apps: Seller, Delivery, Branch and Admin.

• Added Cloud functions on Firebase for payments such as Openpay, Stripe, and Paypal.
• Managed data on Digital markets (Google Play, App Store, App Gallery)
• Used external libraries for native components (Camera, Geolocation).
• Handled large volumes of structured data with Firebase Firestore.
• Complemented admin and client dashboards online to upload products.
• Validated and created product sides feature.
• Used external libraries for push notifications on web and phone apps.
• Worked with Firebase hosting to deploy web app.
• Prepared the application to handle flavors to match the client’s branding.
• Handled Credentials on Google Cloud platform.

Tools: Kotlin, GSON, JSON, Retrofit, XML, Atlassian tools, GPay, PayPal, Git, Firebase, Trello, XML, Jira
Software, Google Maps SDK, Picasso, Android Studio, Openpay, Stripe, Paypal, Google Platform, Google
Cloud Functions, Firebase Console, Firebase Firestore, Firebase Realtime Database, Firebase Storage,
Firebase Realtime Database Triggers, Firebase Extensions, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Hosting,
Facebook Developers, OneSignal, Git, Github, App Gallery.

Gugu Tata
Xalapa, MX
Aug 2018 - May 2021
Android Developer / Java, Kotlin
Employer: Gugu Tata


Gugu Tata is a prominent Android application that has earned recognition as the premier platform in the
world of motherhood and parenting. With a comprehensive marketplace and a wide range of products
and services designed exclusively for babies, moms, and pregnant women.

• Added Cloud functions on Firebase for payments such as Openpay, Stripe, and Paypal.
• Managed data on Digital markets (Google Play, App Store, App Gallery)
• Used external libraries for native components (Camera, Geolocation).
• Handled large volumes of structured data with Firebase Firestore.
• Complemented admin dashboard online to upload products.
• Managed Facebook Login/Sign up.
• Created Feature tips for pregnancy and baby.
• Validated and created product sides feature.
• Used external libraries for push notifications on web and phone apps.
• Worked with Firebase hosting to deploy the web app.

Tools: JavaScript, Android Studio, Google Maps SDK, Openpay, Stripe, Paypal, Google Platform, Google
Cloud Functions, Firebase Console, Firebase Firestore, Firebase Realtime Database, Firebase Storage,
Firebase Realtime Database Triggers, Firebase Extensions, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Hosting,
npm, npm packages, Facebook Developers, Xcode, Cordova Plugins, OneSignal, Git, Github, App Gallery,
Visual Studio Code.

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