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for reporting environmental &
social information
Advancing and aligning disclosure of
environmental and social information
in mainstream reports

January 2022
2 CDSB Framework

About CDSB
The Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) is an international consortium of business and
environmental NGOs, hosted by CDP. We are committed to advancing and aligning the global
mainstream corporate reporting model to equate natural and social capital with financial capital.
We do this by offering companies a framework for reporting environment- and social-related
information with the same rigour as financial information. In turn this helps them to provide
investors with decision-useful environmental information via the mainstream corporate report,
enhancing the efficient allocation of capital. Regulators have also benefited from CDSB’s
compliance-ready materials.
About CDSB 02

Chapter 1
Introduction to the CDSB Framework
1. Purpose  06
2. Objectives 06
3. Development  06
4. Intended users of the CDSB Framework 07
5. Intended audience for information reported
according to the CDSB Framework 07
6. Framework contents 07
7. Placement of information reported in
accordance with the CDSB Framework 08
8. Terminology 08
9. Guidance and resources 10
10. Framework influences 10

Chapter 2
Guiding principles
1. Introduction  13
2. Principles 13
Environmental information shall be prepared
applying the principles of relevance and materiality 13
Disclosures shall be faithfully represented 17
P3 Connections shall be made between environmental, social and other
information in the mainstream report 17
Disclosures shall be consistent and comparable 18
Disclosures shall be clear and understandable 19
Disclosures shall be verifiable 19
Disclosures shall be forward looking 19
Chapter 3
Reporting requirements
1. Introduction 21
2. Reporting requirements 22
REQ-01 Governance  22
REQ-02 Management’s environmental policies, strategy and targets 22
REQ-03 Business risks and opportunities 25
REQ-04 Sources of environmental and social impacts 27
REQ-05 Performance and comparative analysis 30
REQ-06 Outlook 30
REQ-07 Organisational boundary 31
REQ-08 Reporting policies  32
REQ-09 Reporting period 32
REQ-10 Restatements 32
REQ-11 Conformance 33
REQ-12 Assurance 33
Abbreviations and Acronyms 35
References 36
Chapter 1

Introduction to the
CDSB Framework
6 CDSB Framework

1. Purpose 2. Objectives
The CDSB Framework sets out an approach to The objectives of the CDSB Framework are to:
reporting environmental and social information
• Align with and complement the objective of
in mainstream reports.
financial reporting, i.e., to provide
Environmental and social information includes environmental and social information about
information about the reporting organisation’s: the reporting organisation that is connected
with financial and other information and is
• Natural, human and social capital
useful to existing and potential investors
(primary users) in making decisions in their
• Environmental and social results; capacity as capital providers;1
• Environmental and social risks and • Encourage standardisation of environmental
opportunities; and social information reporting in
mainstream reports by reflecting and
• Environmental and social policies, strategies,
coalescing around the most widely shared
and targets; and
and tested reporting approaches that are
• Performance against environmental and emerging around the world;
social targets.
• Help organisations prepare and present
Mainstream reports are the annual reporting environmental and social information in
packages in which organisations are required to mainstream reports that is clear, concise, and
deliver their audited financial results under the comparable, and that connects
corporate, compliance or securities laws of the the organisation’s environmental and social
country in which they operate, sometimes performance with its overall strategy,
referred to as a general-purpose financial performance and prospects;
report or a mainstream financial report.
• Add value to the organisation’s existing
Mainstream reports are normally publicly
mainstream report in a way that minimises the
available. They provide information to existing
reporting burden and simplifies the
and prospective investors about the financial
reporting process;2
position and financial performance of the
organisation and are distinct from material • Enable and encourage investor decision
published separately. The exact provisions making on the allocation of financial capital to
under which companies are required to deliver activities that supports environmental and
mainstream financial reports differ social protection;3
internationally, but will generally contain
• Support compliance with regulatory and
financial statements, other financial reporting
other reporting requirements on the provision
including governance statements and
of environmental and social information; and
management commentary.
• Support assurance activities by providing
The CDSB Framework assumes that the
reporting requirements and guiding principles
following matters are routinely disclosed in a
that represent suitable criteria for conducting
mainstream report and therefore provide
assurance activities.
context for environmental and social
information reported according to the CDSB 3. Development
The CDSB Framework was developed by the
• The organisation’s principal activities and CDSB Secretariat and overseen by the CDSB
business model; Technical Working Group.
• The main markets and jurisdictions in which The first CDSB Framework, the Climate Change
the organisation operates; Reporting Framework, released in 2010,
• A description of the organisation’s supply focused on the risks and opportunities that
chain; and climate change presents to an organisation’s
strategy, financial performance and condition.
• Other key legal, staffing and performance
7 CDSB Framework

In 2015, following two public consultations, the 5. Intended audience for

CDSB Framework for reporting environmental
and climate change information was released.
information reported according
In 2018 and 2019, amendments were made to to the CDSB Framework
further meet user needs and ensure universal The CDSB Framework is designed to
applicability. help organisations report environmental and
In light of changing market and user demands, social information in mainstream reports and
the scope of the CDSB Framework was therefore the intended audience is investors as
expanded to include social as well they are the primary users of mainstream
environmental, including climate change, reports. While the CDSB Framework
information. Following public consultation, the concentrates on investors as the primary users
CDSB Framework for reporting environmental of the environmental and social information
and social information was released in 2022. presented in the mainstream report,
it recognises that the information may satisfy
4. Intended users of the CDSB the needs of other stakeholders too.
Framework 6. Framework contents
The CDSB Framework is for use
6.1 Guiding principles
by organisations including single companies or
entities and corporate groups. It is particularly The guiding principles in Chapter 2 are
for use by those officers within designed to ensure that environmental and
the organisation who are responsible for social information in mainstream reports is
financial, governance and sustainability decision-useful to investors, is correct and
reporting and who are embarking on or complete and supports assurance activities.
developing practices to report environmental The guiding principles are to be applied in
and social information through mainstream determining, preparing and presenting all
channels because: environmental and social information reported
in accordance with the reporting requirements.
a. There are legal requirements to report on
environmental and social information or 6.2 Reporting requirements
subsets thereof in one or more jurisdictions The reporting requirements in Chapter 3 set
in which the organisation operates, but out the type of environmental and social
guidance on how to comply with those information that should be reported in
requirements is limited or unavailable; mainstream reports for investors. The
requirements are based on existing reporting
b. The organisation has already determined provisions and on CDSB’s input where there are
that natural, human, and social capital gaps in those provisions. The requirements
dependencies and/or environmental and appear in emphasised text and are summarised
social impacts present material risks and in Chapter 3, Section 1; all other text represents
opportunities for the business and its ability guidance and explanatory material.
to carry out its objectives and that
environmental and social information The CDSB Framework acknowledges that there
should therefore be reported; or will be degrees to which organisations will
conform with the requirements, depending on
c. The organisation wishes to adopt or various factors including how much they can or
conform with good reporting practice and need to report following application of the
to show leadership and accountability. relevance and materiality guiding principle
The CDSB Framework also offers input to (Principle 1), the thresholds prescribed by
regulators, policy makers and international regulators and the availability and/or reliability
standard setters on the options available for of information. When providing their statement
introducing, developing, or setting compliance of conformance (REQ-11), organisations should
requirements for reporting environmental and identify those requirements with which it has
social information. not been possible to conform.
8 CDSB Framework

The requirements are organised as follows: to avoid duplication and to keep the length of
disclosures manageable while enabling the
• Requirements about the organisation’s
reader to find contextual information.
environmental and social policies and
strategies, risks and opportunities, and 8. Terminology
governance thereof;
Environmental and social information is
• Requirements about the organisation’s defined in Chapter 1, Section 1.
environmental and social results and
performance; Environmental impacts are changes in the
condition of the environment. Impacts may
• A requirement about management’s future include (but are not limited to) climate change,
outlook regarding environmental and social deforestation and ecosystem conversion,
results, performance and impacts; pollution, loss of biodiversity and ecosystem
• Requirements about the way in which services, changes to water availability and land
environmental and social information is use.
prepared and reported; and Social impacts are limits on or changes to the
• Requirements about conformance with the ability of people to realise their human rights, as
CDSB Framework. defined by international standards, where these
limits or changes are connected to an
7. Placement of information organisation’s operations, products, and/or
reported in accordance with services. Social impacts can be relevant for the
following four key groups of people:
the CDSB Framework
• The organisation’s workforce;
The principles and requirements in the CDSB
Framework are designed to help • The workforce of entities in the organisation’s
organisations identify, prepare and report upstream and downstream value chain who
environmental and social information in have a role in the development or distribution
mainstream reports. The purpose is therefore of the organisation’s products or services;
for the organisation’s mainstream report to be
• Community members that can be affected by
adapted rather than expanded, and for
the organisation’s own operational sites or
environmental and social information be
infrastructure or that of entities in the
interspersed and positioned in the relevant
organisation’s value chain; and
sections of the mainstream report in such a way
as to explain the links between the • Consumers, end users or others impacted by
organisation’s business strategy and use of the organisation’s products or services.
environmental and social performance. In
Environmental and social impacts can be
some cases, the Framework provides that
positive or negative, direct (through the entity’s
certain information should be provided in
own activities) or indirect (including through
response to particular reporting requirements.
the entity’s business relationships) and may
For example, REQ-03, states that plans for
manifest as short, medium, and long-term
governing and managing environmental and
changes to the balance, stock, flow, availability,
social risks and opportunities should be
and quality of natural, social and human
discussed in response to REQ-01 and REQ-02.
capital.4 5
However, this is not intended to imply that
information should be reported in any specific Environmental and social policies, strategies,
order – it simply directs users to targets, and performance are terms used to
complementary requirements. describe policies, strategies and targets used to
monitor and manage an organisation’s
Except where regulatory requirements
dependence on natural capital or human and
prescribe otherwise, information should be
social capital, respectively, its environmental
reported in the mainstream report, or cross-
and social results, and environmental and social
referenced to information in other documents,
risks and opportunities and impacts.
9 CDSB Framework

Environmental and social results are the Assurance usually describes the methods and
measures, indicators and other information that processes employed by an independent third
express the degree to which the organisation party to evaluate an organisation’s public
has caused or contributed to environmental disclosures about its performance as well as
and social impacts in the reporting period underlying systems, data and processes against
through activities and outputs that represent suitable criteria and standards in order to
sources of environmental and social impact. increase the credibility of public disclosure.
Assurance includes the communication of the
Sources of environmental and social impact
results of the assurance process in an assurance
are the activities of and outputs from the
organisation that actually or potentially cause
or contribute to environmental and social Disclosure refers to notes and narrative that
impacts. explain, amplify and provide additional context
to the reported information and that enable the
Human rights are the basic rights and
user to interpret it. Disclosures therefore explain
freedoms that belong to every person by virtue
and complement information reported in
of being a human being, as defined by
response to specific requirements.
international standards established by bodies
such as the UN and ILO.6 7 They cover the full Forest risk commodities are commodities that
array of ways in which people can be impacted, are sourced, directly or indirectly, from forests
including, for example, in relation to access to or recently deforested land or that drive
clean water and adequate housing, health and deforestation or ecosystem conversion. Global
security of the person, non-discrimination, demand for agricultural commodities is the
freedom of expression, privacy, freedom from primary driver of deforestation and biodiversity
child labour and forced labour and the array of loss, as timber is extracted and land is cleared
labour rights from health and safety to fair pay to produce beef (and other cattle products),
and freedom of association, among others. soy and palm oil, among other products. These
forest risk commodities are the building blocks
Natural capital – The CDSB Framework adopts
of millions of products traded globally and
the IIRC’s definition that is: “all renewable and
feature (whether directly or indirectly) in the
non-renewable environmental resources and
supply chains of countless organisations as well
processes that provide goods or services that
as within their products or services.
support the past, current or future prosperity of
an organisation. It includes air, water, land, Investors – The CDSB Framework adopts the
minerals and forests, biodiversity and International Accounting Standards Board’s
ecosystem health”.8 (IASB) definition of investors that is: “existing
and potential investors, lenders and other
Natural capital dependencies refer to the
creditors in making decisions about providing
environmental resources and processes on
resources to the entity”9 and considers this
which an organisation depends for the
definition to be equivalent to the definition of
provision of goods or services that support its
“providers of financial capital” in the
past, current, or future prosperity, including air,
International Integrated Reporting <IR>
water, land, minerals, forests, biodiversity, and
Framework produced by the International
ecosystem health.
Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).10 This
Human capital – The knowledge, skills, definition is also considered to align with the
competencies and attributes embodied in TCFD’s definition of investors, lenders and
individuals that contribute to their performance insurance underwriters as the primary users of
and wellbeing. the mainstream report.
Social capital – The networks together with Mainstream report is defined in Chapter 1,
shared norms, values and understanding that Section 1.
facilitate cooperation within and among groups.
Organisation means the group, company,
Human and social capital dependencies are companies, or entities for which the mainstream
the human and social resources and relations report is prepared, including where appropriate,
that organisations need in order to create and subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities and
sustain value. operations.
10 CDSB Framework

Reporting means the provision of specific Hub platforms provide additional resources that
information in response to a specific will be of assistance to report preparers.
requirement and all of the activity that enables
the information to be supplied. 10. Framework influences
Reporting provisions are the laws, standards, The CDSB Framework draws on other
codes, frameworks, methodologies, guidance, reporting provisions that also specify the
policies, disclosure requests and other principles and characteristics on which
approaches that may be used for preparing reporting outcomes should be based. CDSB
and presenting environmental information. aims to align its principles, requirements, and
implementation guidance as far as possible
Workforce – An individual may be part of the with existing and developing standards, models
workforce via direct or indirect employment and practices including:
including permanent, temporary, fixed-term,
full-time, part-time employment, or as a • Financial reporting standards, principles,
contractor, agency worker, on-site franchisee proposals, and discussion papers issued or
worker and other subcontracted workers. commissioned by the IASB and its
predecessor bodies and national
For the purposes of the CDSB Framework, the counterparts, e.g., International Financial
organisation is not expected to assess the Reporting Standards Foundation’s practice
overall impact of its activities on the biosphere statement on management commentary.14
and global commons, e.g., the Earth’s shared Based on the experience of its Board
natural resources or social stability and human members, the CDSB Framework has
development. However, they should consider adapted IASB’s qualitative characteristics of
the connection between their environmental useful financial information for application to
impacts and natural capital dependencies and disclosure of environmental and social
overall trends in natural resource depletion or information;15
degradation, as well as between their social
impacts, human and social capital • Legislation/mandatory reporting
dependencies, and overall trends in social and requirements, including the European Union
economic inequalities. Organisations should (EU) Directive 2014/95/EU on non-financial
focus on reporting those activities and outputs information,16 the German Supply Chain Due
that are likely to cause changes to the balance, Diligence Act,17 the Indian Annual Business
stock, flow, availability and quality of natural, Responsibility Report,18 the UK Companies
human and social capital for the organisation Act (2006) as amended,19 and the US
itself and for others and/or where the impacts Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
from those activities and outputs (in so far as disclosure requirements on human capital and
the organisation can reasonably be expected to guidance on disclosures related to climate
observe or anticipate them) are likely to affect change;20 21
the organisation’s ability to operate its business • Guidance issued by regulators and other
model and execute its strategy. authoritative sources on aspects of corporate
information and mainstream reporting, such
9. Guidance and resources as the Australian Water Accounting
CDSB develops guidance, thought leadership Standards22 and AASB-AUASB’s climate-risk
and other resources that will be helpful guidance,23 the Canadian Securities
to organisations applying the principles and Administrators Staff Notices 51-333 and
requirements of the CDSB Framework for the 51-358 on environmental and climate-risk
purposes of reporting environmental and social reporting,24 25 the Financial Reporting
information in their mainstream report. These Council’s guidance on the strategic report,26
resources are available on the CDSB website.11 and the UK Government’s Environmental
12 13 Reporting Guidelines;27
The Reporting Exchange and TCFD Knowledge
11 CDSB Framework

• Developing and mature voluntary • International standards of business conduct

frameworks, standards and guides on with relevance for reporting such as the UN
corporate reporting such as Center for ESG Guiding Principles on Business and Human
Research,28 CEO Water Mandate,29 European Rights,43 and the OECD Guidelines for
Federation of Financial Analysts Societies Multinational Enterprises;44 and
(EFFAS),30 the Fair Wage Network,31 German
• The work of CDSB Board members
Sustainability Code,32 Global Living Wage
including CDP,45 Ceres,46 WBCSD,47 48 WRI49
Coalition,33 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),34
50 and WEF.51 52
IIRC,35 International Organisation for
Standardisation (ISO),36 37 Principles for Separate guidance is available that identifies
Responsible Investment (PRI),38 Sustainability cross-references between voluntary and
Accounting Standards Board (SASB),39 Task mandatory reporting approaches and how the
Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures CDSB Framework enables organisations to
(TCFD),40 the United Nations (UN) Global report their environmental and social
Compact,41 and WageIndicator;42 information gathered from these approaches in
their existing mainstream report.53
Chapter 2

Guiding principles
13 CDSB Framework

1. Introduction consideration when identifying relevant and

material environmental and social information.
The guiding principles are designed to ensure
that environmental and social information in Relevant environmental and social information
mainstream reports is useful to investors, is is a subset of environmental and social
correct and complete and is based on criteria information identified by management as being
that are suitable for conducting assurance relevant, and therefore potentially necessary for
activities. The guiding principles shall be inclusion in the mainstream report, for the
applied in determining, preparing, and purposes of communicating the extent to
presenting environmental and social which the organisation is connected to and is
information in accordance with the reporting affected (now or in the future) by
requirements in the CDSB Framework. environmental and social impacts.54 The
paragraphs on relevance below describe the
tests that should be applied for identifying
2. Principles when environmental and social information
becomes relevant.
P1 Environmental and social
Material information generally represents a
information shall be prepared subset of relevant environmental and social
applying the principles of information. Section P1.2 below describes the
relevance and materiality tests that should be applied for identifying
material information. For the purposes of the
Purpose: CDSB Framework, GHG emissions from
To encourage organisations, taking into operations, entities, and activities within the
account all of the requirements of the CDSB mainstream reporting boundary of the
Framework and the needs of investors, organisation shall be treated as material in all
management and regulators, to: cases as a contributor to climate change and
shall be reported in REQ-04. In addition, the
• Identify relevant environmental and social
organisation shall report in REQ-04
information; and
appropriate quantitative and qualitative
• Report material information that is based on information that reflects its contribution to
relevant environmental and social information social inequalities, such as relating to workforce
and that reflects: composition, the provision of living wages, and
pay ratios and gaps.
– Factors specific to the reporting
organisation; P1.1a Environmental and social information is
relevant where it:
– Climate change risks to which all businesses
are potentially exposed and are therefore • Is capable of making a difference to the
considered material for the purposes of the decisions made by users of information in
CDSB Framework; and mainstream reports,55 including where it has:
– Risks relating to social inequalities to which – Value as an input to predictive processes
all businesses are potentially exposed and used by investors to inform their own
are therefore considered material for the expectations about the future performance
purposes of the CDSB Framework. of the business. This includes information
that, while not currently affecting the
Relevance and materiality are distinct but
organisation or its strategy, is expected to
related concepts that both need to be taken
have an impact over the period
into consideration for the purposes of
management considers for the purposes of
determining the nature and extent of
assessing the prospects of the business;
information to include in a mainstream report.
Environmental and social information as
– Confirmatory value, i.e., where it confirms
defined in the CDSB Framework describes the
or changes past or present expectations,
scope of information to be taken into
based on previous evaluations;
14 CDSB Framework

Figure 1. Material, relevant

and environmental information

Environmenta & social


Relevant environmental
& social information

Material environmental
& social information

• Reflects the information that is important to company’s operations, products or service

management in managing the business and that are significant enough to affect people’s
assessing how environmental and social human rights. In this context, social
impacts and results actually or potentially information relevant to a company may cover
affect the organisation’s strategy; four key groups of people (an organisation’s
workforce, workforce within the value chain,
• Complies with mainstream corporate
community members and consumers), further
requirements or with compliance
elaborated within the definition of ‘social
requirements on the conduct of human rights
impacts’; or
and environmental due diligence and/or on
the disclosure of environmental and social • Reflects significant positive impacts on
information; people associated with the company’s
development of beneficial products or
• Reflects the reality of the organisation’s
services. In this context, impacted people
tend to be consumers or end-users.
• Promotes an understanding of how:
P1.2 Environmental and social information is
– Dependence on natural capital, actual and material if:
potential environmental impacts and the
• The environmental and social impacts or
organisation’s environmental results and
results it describes are, due to their nature and
policies contribute to its financial condition;
magnitude, expected to have a significant
positive or negative impact on the
– Dependence on human and social capital, organisation’s financial condition and
actual and potential social impacts and the operational results and its ability to execute its
organisation’s social results and policies strategy over the short, medium, and long
contribute to its financial condition; term;
• Takes account of stakeholder views, including • Omitting, misstating, or obscuring it could
the views of stakeholders who are, or may be, reasonably be expected to influence the
negatively impacted by the company’s decisions that users of mainstream reports
operations or value chain; and make on the basis of that mainstream report,
which provides information about a specific
• Takes account of the specific requirements of
reporting organisation.
the CDSB Framework.
Indicators, measures, quantitative and
P1.1b Further, social information is relevant
qualitative information should therefore be
where it:
treated as material and reported to reflect the
• Reflects those actual or potential negative extent to which the organisation has:
impacts on people connected with the
15 CDSB Framework

• Undertaken activities that actually or • Continuity or quality of supply and/or

potentially give rise to environmental or social production (for example, due to
outcomes and/or impacts; and workplace safety conditions; worker
action including strikes; allegations of
• Those outcomes and/or impacts have an
human rights impacts leading to export/
actual or potential effect on the organisation’s
import delays, or delays in licensing or
ability to operate its business model and
impacts on output due to conflict with
execute its strategy over the short, medium,
affected communities);
and long term.
• Limits or prohibitions on marketing and
– With regards to environmental outcomes
sales of certain products or services to
and/or impacts, this may happen through
certain groups (for example, high sugar
changes in:
or salt content food and drink to children;
• Resource availability, supply, pricing, or surveillance technologies to law
degradation, policy/regulatory enforcement);
constraints – particularly resources on
• The organisation’s capacity to innovate
which the organisation is dependent;
beneficial products or services that meet
• Relationships on which the organisation is critical social needs; and
dependent (for example, the extent and
• Brand and reputational standing.
probability that an organisation’s business
activities may cause stakeholder actions For the purposes of conformance with REQ-
to protect environmental resources, 04, GHG emissions from operations, entities,
benefits, and ecosystem services); and activities within the mainstream reporting
boundary of the organisation as a contributor
• The organisation’s capacity to innovate
to climate change shall be treated as material
(for example, whether a renewable
and reported in all cases.
alternative offers opportunities to the
organisation in maximising its ability to P1.3 The attributes of material environmental
create value); and social information are that it:
• The organisation’s ability to influence • Is complete, but free from immaterial clutter
natural capital, for example through its and unnecessary or duplicative detail that
supply chain, procurement of resources obscures major trends and events that are
from sustainable sources and impacts specifically relevant to the organisation;
associated with the use of the
• Cross-refers to sources of information outside
organisation’s goods and services; and
the mainstream report where greater
• Brand and reputational standing. amounts of detail may be found should
readers require it;
– With regards to social outcomes and/or
impacts, this may happen through changes • Is specific to the reporting organisation.56 As
in: such, materiality will be different for each
organisation and the following types of
• The organisation’s access to a skilled and
disclosure are discouraged:
productive workforce (for example,
reduced access caused by high employee – Standard formulations that reiterate
turnover caused by dissatisfaction with financial information without analysis;
wages and benefits, or illness caused by
– Generic disclosures that do not relate to the
excessive overtime; or improved access
specific practices and circumstances of the
resulting from workplace safety practices
disclosing organisation; and
or skills development);
– Disclosures that duplicate those made in
• The organisation’s social license to
the financial statements without providing
operate (for example, due to protest by
additional insight, or understanding of,
affected communities, consumer
strategies regarding items accounted for, or
boycotts, civil society or trade union
disclosed in, financial statements; and
campaigns or media critique);
16 CDSB Framework

• Provides information necessary for an (see definition of ‘material information’ above).

assessment of how the organisation
In determining the materiality of environmental
contributes to and is affected by relevant
and social information, organisations should be
aware of the particularly dynamic nature of
P1.4a Determining material environmental and materiality for certain environmental and social
social information issues.58 For example, information relating to an
organisation’s impacts and results for a certain
Identifying material information for disclosure
waste product may be determined material in
depends on management’s judgement about
the current reporting period where in the
the implications of its omission, misstatement,
previous period it was not on account of a
or obscurement and on the conditions at the
significant and sudden shift in customer
time of reporting. This can particularly be the
case for identifying certain types of
environmental information given that there is A number of resources are available to assist
limited international consensus about the with the evaluation of relevance and materiality,
timing or extent of certain environmental which should include prioritisation of natural
impacts. However, the findings of recognised capital, human rights, human and social capital
international bodies such as the IPCC and as they relate to the organisation’s ability to
IPBES provide organisations with information operate its business model and execute its
and trends that can assist them in identifying strategy. Resources available for materiality
material information. assessment include guidance produced by
AASB and AUASB,60 ACCA,61 CSA,62 IASB,63
When it comes to social impacts, there is an
IIRC,64 US SEC,65 SASB,66 WBCSD,67 WEF68 and
international consensus regarding corporate
that found within academic literature.69 70 In
responsibilities for adverse human rights
their statement of conformance, organisations
impacts, as set out the UN Guiding Principles
should explain the outcome of the process
on Business and Human Rights.57 This
used for identifying material environmental and
international standard sets out the due
social information, including the results of
diligence steps that organisations should follow
applying the following guidance.
to identify and assess adverse human rights
impacts with which they may be involved, of Where management is unable to assess the
which the most severe impacts tend to effect of the scale and timing of uncertain
converge with risks to business, and provides a events or provide an indication of the time
foundation for identifying material social periods over which resolution of the
information. uncertainties is expected, management should
disclose the difficulties involved in assessing the
Organisations shall evaluate their own
situation. When in doubt, management should
circumstances to identify material environmental
err on the side of caution and provide a suitable
and social information for inclusion in
disclosure about any uncertainty.
mainstream reports. The prevailing conditions
might relate to developments in the reporting The application of this principle is satisfied
organisation’s business model, sector, the when:
country or countries in which it operates, the
• The tests at P1.1 are applied to identify
country or countries from which it sources,
relevant information and the tests at P1.2 are
regulation, consumer behaviour, etc. As a result,
applied to identify material information; and
it is not possible to specify a uniform quantitative
threshold at which information becomes • The outcome of applying the principle on
material.59 The CDSB Framework does not relevance and materiality is reflected in the
prescribe a quantitative test or standard to statement of conformance (REQ-11).
identify what environmental and social
In cases where a national or supranational
information is relevant or material information,
government or regulator has issued guidance
but it does determine that GHG emissions from
on the determination of non-financial reporting
operations, entities, and activities within the
(NFR) or management commentary, such
mainstream reporting boundary of the
guidance takes precedence over the CDSB
organisation are treated as material in all cases
17 CDSB Framework

P2 Disclosures shall be faithfully in the reported quantitative and qualitative

Where management is unable to assess the
Purpose: effect of the scale and timing of uncertain
To ensure that information is complete, neutral events and provide an indication of the time
and free from error in order to be useful.71 periods in which resolution of the uncertainties
Disclosure is complete if it includes all is expected, management should disclose the
information that is necessary for an difficulties involved in assessing the situation.73
understanding of the matter that it purports to When in doubt, management should err on the
represent and does not leave out details that side of caution and provide a suitable disclosure
could cause information to be false or about any uncertainty.
misleading to users. For the purposes of management commentary,
Neutral information is free from bias so that it information is regarded as free from error and
faithfully represents the matter that it purports as a faithful representation if it is ‘supportable’.
to represent. Neutral information does not Information is supportable if it faithfully
colour the image it communicates to influence represents factually based strategies, plans and
behaviour in a particular direction. Disclosure of risk analysis, including where inputs come from
environmental and social information is not affected stakeholders, their legitimate
neutral if, by the selection or presentation of representatives, or subject-matter experts.
information, it influences decision-making or Details of measurement uncertainty (e.g.,
judgment in order to achieve a predetermined missing data, statistical ranges, assumptions
result or outcome. However, to say that and parameters used, and limits on stakeholder
disclosure should be neutral does not mean inputs) represent important information.
that it should be without purpose or that it The application of this principle is satisfied
should not influence behaviour. On the when disclosures are complete, neutral, and
contrary, relevant environmental and social free from error, and where any information that
information is, by definition, capable of is incomplete or has been prepared under
influencing users’ decisions. conditions of uncertainty is identified and the
For the purposes of management commentary, nature and degree of omissions/errors/
information is free from bias, or ‘balanced’, uncertainty is clearly explained in the statement
where it does not unnecessarily overemphasise of conformance in qualitative or quantitative
positive news but deals with both ‘positive’ and terms (see REQ-11).
‘negative’ aspects.72
Disclosure of environmental and social P3 Connections shall be made
information may be made under conditions of between environmental, social
more uncertainty than financial information and
may be based on estimates and management’s and other information in the
judgment. Therefore, in this context, faithful mainstream report
representation does not imply total freedom
from error. However, faithful representation of Purpose:
information may be achieved by ensuring that To explain the links between environmental and
sufficient evidence is available to support social information, as well as between this
disclosures and that information is provided information and the other information in the
about the nature and degree of omissions, mainstream report, including financial
assumptions, and uncertainty, and by basing information.
estimates on appropriate and neutral inputs
Environmental and social information are
that reflect the best available information,
connected with each other where the
including as relevant qualitative information
organisation’s environmental performance has
gathered through credible sampling and
an impact on the organisation’s social
processes. Therefore, in order to attain faithful
performance, or vice versa. This could include
representation, it may sometimes be necessary
situations where:
to disclose explicitly the degree of uncertainty
18 CDSB Framework

• Environmental impacts have, or are likely to, social license to operate, increase sales, boost
result in social impacts, or vice versa. For brand value, and strengthen risk
example: management.
– Deforestation or ecosystem conversion Information should be interspersed and
may lead to community displacement or positioned in the relevant sections of the
decreased access to local resources; mainstream report in such a way as to explain
the links between the organisation’s strategy
– Emissions from operations may affect the
and environmental and social performance.
health of workforce and local communities;
– Lowering fees for suppliers and contractors P4 Disclosures shall be
may lead to environmentally damaging or consistent and comparable
unsafe working practices; or
• Mitigation of environmental impacts have, or
are likely to, result in social impacts, or vice To elicit information of value to investors in a
versa. For example: way that is consistent so as to enable a level of
comparability between similar organisations,
– Transition to renewable sources of energy reporting periods and sectors.
and production may result in either growth
of high-skill and high-wage jobs or reliance Comparability is the qualitative characteristic of
on supply chains with human rights abuses; information that enables users to identify
similarities in and differences between two sets
– Use of resource for low-carbon products of information.74 Consistency refers to the use
may rely on water-intensive extraction of the same standards, policies, and
processes, resulting in water shortages for procedures, either from period to period within
local communities; and an entity or in a single period across entities.
– Focus on sustaining employment Comparability greatly enhances the value of
opportunities for the workforce may slow information to investors and is therefore the
transition to using cleaner, but less labour objective of this requirement; consistency is the
intensive, manufacturing processes. means to achieving that objective.

Environmental and social information is In the early years of adoption, it is recognised

connected with other information where: that comparability of environmental and social
information between organisations and sectors
• The information that the organisation uses may be limited, pending development of
internally for decision-making purposes about common disclosure approaches, policies, and
the organisation’s strategy, goals and practices. However, within an entity,
objectives is connected with information that comparability over time should be achievable
is provided externally to investors; and depends primarily on the consistency of
• It complements and supplements financial approach to reporting year-on-year. Consistent
statements, management commentary and reporting of performance measures and
governance disclosures in order to place indicators over time, according to consistently
related financial information in context; applied standards, policies, and procedures,
increases the comparability of disclosures over
• It is reported in a place and in such a way as time. At the same time, this consistency should
to explain the links between the organisation’s not prevent organisations from revising
strategy and environmental and social results; performance measures and indicators when
and necessary to enhance their accuracy and
• It tells investors the story of how managing usefulness. Further, performance measures and
environmental and social issues helps the indicators (such as KPIs) should continue to be
company to ensure its financial success over appropriate across reporting periods.
the short, medium, and long term, maintain its
19 CDSB Framework

P5 Disclosures shall be clear and information is characterised by supporting

evidence that provides a clear and sufficient
understandable trail from monitored data to the presentation of
environmental and social information. Verifiable
quantified information need not be a single
To aid understanding by ensuring that point estimate. A range of possible amounts
disclosures are easy to navigate, read and and related probabilities can also be verified.
search. For certain environmental and social
The application of this principle is satisfied information, supporting evidence may include
where disclosures are: qualitative information such as feedback from
affected stakeholders.
• Clear and straightforward, using plain
language and consistent terminology, Verification may be direct or indirect. Generally
avoiding jargon and boilerplate text and, direct verification applies to a directly
where necessary, providing definitions for measured amount. Indirect verification checks
technical terms; the inputs and the resulting outputs by
reference to the same methodology. Forward-
• Presented clearly and concisely;
looking information may not be verifiable until a
• Presented in an easy-to-follow structure using future period.
appropriate signposts and labelling; and
• Enhanced through the use of illustrations, P7 Disclosures shall be forward
graphs and charts.
Information that is relevant and material should
not be excluded from mainstream reports Purpose:
solely because it may be too complex or To ensure that historic information in the
difficult for some users to understand without mainstream report is complemented with
assistance. Plain language should be used narrative on the future environmental, social,
wherever possible although technical and related financial performance of the
terminology with appropriate explanation company.
should be used where relevant to an
Disclosures should look to the future as well as
understanding of the environmental and social
the past and present and should communicate
trends and factors relating to environmental
and social information that are likely to affect
P6 Disclosures shall be verifiable the organisation’s future performance, position,
and development. Adopting a strategic focus
Purpose: and future orientation includes clearly
To ensure information that forms the basis for articulating how the continued availability,
disclosures is verifiable. quality and affordability of natural, human, and
social capital contributes to the organisation’s
Verifiability means that different business model. If not already stated in the
knowledgeable and independent observers mainstream report, the periods over which
could reach general consensus although not management considers the future prospects of
necessarily complete agreement, that there is the organisation for the purposes of reporting
no material error or bias in the disclosures, or environmental and social information should be
that an appropriate approach has been taken disclosed in the statement of conformance
without material error or bias. Verifiable (REQ-11) or in response to REQ-06 Outlook.
Chapter 3

21 CDSB Framework

1. Introduction
This chapter contains requirements (REQs) and associated guidance for reporting environmental
and social information in mainstream reports. The requirements appear in bold text; all other text
represents guidance and explanatory material. The requirements are designed to encourage
standardised disclosure of environmental and social information that complements and
supplements other information in mainstream reports. The guiding principles shall be applied in
determining, preparing, and presenting environmental and social information in accordance with
the reporting requirements in the CDSB Framework.

REQ-01 Governance
Disclosures shall describe the governance of environmental and social policies, strategies and
REQ-02 Management’s environmental and social policies, strategies and targets
Disclosures shall report management’s environmental and social policies, strategies, and targets,
including the indicators, plans and timelines used to assess performance.
REQ-03 Business risks and opportunities
Disclosures shall explain the material current and anticipated environmental and social risks and
opportunities affecting the organisation and the processes used to identify, assess and prioritise
the risks and opportunities.
REQ-04 Sources of environmental and social impact
Quantitative and qualitative results, together with the methodologies used to prepare them, shall
be reported to reflect material sources of environmental and social impact.
REQ-05 Performance and comparative analysis
Disclosures shall include an analysis of the information disclosed in REQ-04 compared with any
performance targets set and with results reported in previous periods.
REQ-06 Outlook
Management shall summarise their conclusions about the effect of environmental and social
impacts, risks and opportunities on the organisation’s future performance and position.
REQ-07 Organisational boundary
Environmental and social information shall be prepared for the entities within the boundary of the
organisation, or group, for which the mainstream report is prepared. Where material,
environmental and social information beyond this boundary shall be reported and distinguished.
The basis on which the organisational reporting boundary has been determined shall be
REQ-08 Reporting policies
Disclosures shall cite the reporting provisions used for preparing environmental and social
information and shall confirm that they have been used consistently from one reporting period to
the next.
REQ-09 Reporting period
Disclosures shall be provided on an annual basis.
REQ-10 Restatements
Disclosures shall report and explain any prior year restatements.
REQ-11 Conformance
Disclosures shall include a statement of conformance with the CDSB Framework.
REQ-12 Assurance
If assurance has been provided over whether reported environmental and social information is in
conformance with the principles and requirements of the CDSB Framework, this shall be included
or cross-referenced in the statement of conformance (REQ-11).
22 CDSB Framework

2. Reporting Requirements directly or through its value chain, and/or

subject-matter experts;
REQ-01 – The nature and reliability of the underlying
Governance information and control systems used by
Disclosures shall describe the governance of the Board to prepare environmental and
environmental and social policies, strategies and social information and provide related
information. disclosures;
– Whether the organisation’s environmental
Purpose: and social policies and strategies are
This requirement is designed to demonstrate subject to the same governance processes
transparency about and accountability for the and disclosure controls and procedures that
organisation’s oversight of environmental and are used for financial management; and
social policies, strategies, and information.
Successful environmental and social policies – Who approves the release of environmental
require the support and leadership of an and social information.
organisation’s Board, or highest governing
Guidance Management’s environmental
This requirement will be satisfied when and social policies, strategies
and targets
• Identify the CEO/senior executives/Board
Disclosures shall report management’s
committees responsible for environmental
environmental and social policies, strategies,
and social policies, strategies and information;
and targets, including the indicators, plans and
timelines used to assess performance.
• Explain:
– The expertise they have, or have access to,
with regard to environmental and social To facilitate a complete assessment by readers
issues; of the rationale, quality and efficacy of the
organisation’s environmental and social policies,
– How responsibility for environmental and strategies and targets and an understanding of
social policies, strategies and information is the indicators and timelines used to manage
delegated and how management is held and assess performance.
accountable and/or incentivised for
implementation of the organisation’s Guidance
policies; This requirement will be satisfied when
disclosures describe the organisation’s:
– How the board is informed about current or
potentially material environmental and • Natural, social, and human capital
social issues, including progress and dependencies;
challenges in addressing them; • Environmental and social policies, strategies,
– Whether and how the board considers how and objectives, and how those relate to or
the organisation’s business model and support the organisation’s overall policies,
strategy may contribute to material strategies and operational performance;
environmental and social risks; • Resourcing of management’s environmental
– Whether and how those responsible for and social policies, strategies, and targets;
environmental and social policies, and
strategies, and information benefit from • Targets, timelines, and key performance
stakeholder views, including those of indicators against which delivery of
stakeholders affected by the company’s environmental and social strategies and
operations, products, or services, either policies is measured and resourced.
23 CDSB Framework

Natural, social, and human capital • An explanation of where specific

dependencies environmental and social policies and
By way of context for disclosures about strategies affect, positively or negatively,
environmental and social policies, strategies other social and environmental issues (e.g.,
and targets, information should be provided when minimising use of hazardous chemicals
about the renewable and non-renewable also mitigates health and safety risks to the
environmental resources and processes; and workforce, or when failing to protect forests
the individuals, relationships, and networks on and biodiversity also undermines the
which the organisation depends for the livelihood and culture of indigenous
provision of goods or services that support the communities);
organisation’s overall business strategy. Where • Confirmation of whether and to what extent
identified dependencies relate to material policies and strategies take account of the
sources of impact identified in REQ-04 (e.g., an organisation’s key stakeholder relationships
organisation reliant on high volumes of water and perspectives including details about
for operations in an area of water stress), the engagement with key stakeholder
relationship should be detailed and effects on relationships and perspectives along the value
the organisation’s policies, strategies and chain, such as those of suppliers, the
targets explained. workforce, communities and consumers;
Environmental and social policies and • Details about whether and to what extent
strategies policies and strategies are aligned with the
Information about environmental and social organisation’s lobbying, advocacy,
policies and strategies should include: memberships, and related policy engagement
• Details of the organisational or activity activities, including details about participation
boundary to which the policies and strategies in relevant multi-stakeholder initiatives;
apply if it is different from the boundary • Information about whether and how policies
identified in response to REQ-07; and strategies are informed by sustainability
• The rationale for and nature of those policies initiatives, regulatory schemes, voluntary
and strategies, for example, to respond to the reporting, or similar, for example, the
particular business risks and opportunities Accountability Framework Initiative,77 Caring
identified in REQ-03, or to contribute to for Climate,78 CDP,79 the Global Network
national or international environmental and Initiative,80 GRI,81 Natural Capital Protocol82
social ambitions (e.g., the Paris Agreement75 and Social and Human Capital Protocol,83
or UN Sustainable Development Goals SASB,84 Science Based Targets,85 TCFD,86 the
(SDGs)76); UN Global Compact,87 the Voluntary
Principles on Security and Human Rights,88
• Details of both: the Workforce Disclosure Initiative,89 or the
– The environmental policies and strategies, World Benchmarking Alliance;90
for example, whether they involve • Information about whether the organisation’s
reductions, efficiencies, investments, environmental and social policies and
diversification, managing reliance on natural strategies involve working with entities in the
capital, etc.; and value chain (upstream and downstream) and
– The social policies and strategies, for other third parties (e.g., joint venture partners,
example, whether they involve investing franchisees) to facilitate their management of
resources in the prevention, mitigation, and environmental and social impacts;
remediation of particular negative human • Information relating to actions to mitigate or
rights impacts, the advancement of human remediate environmental and social impacts.
capital, the development of beneficial For certain environmental impacts, such as
products and services, etc.; GHG emissions, this may include offsetting
residual impacts;
24 CDSB Framework

• Any actual or anticipated penalties relating to informed by external parameters, for example,
environmental and social performance; and UN SDGs,91 CBD biodiversity targets,92 the
New York Declaration on Forests,93 planetary
• Changes, if any, in policies and strategies
boundaries,94 Science Based Targets,95 IPCC
since the previous reporting period.
transition pathways,96 ILO labour rights
Resourcing of management’s environmental standards,97 UN human rights standards,98 or
and social policies, strategies, and targets similar;
• A description of the resources that are
• Whether and how targets are informed by
allocated to managing and delivering the
engagement with affected stakeholders, their
policies, strategies, and targets, including
legitimate representatives and/or subject-
investment and capital expenditure plans. This
matter experts; and
should include a description of the extent to
which these resources are separated or • Key performance indicators used to assess
integrated within the wider business. progress against targets.

• Information about the governance of Key performance indicators are most useful
environmental and social policies and when they are:
strategies should be provided in response to • Relevant to the circumstances of the
REQ-01. organisation;
Targets, timelines, and indicators • Focused on the matters identified by the
Information about the targets, timelines, and organisation as being relevant and material;
key performance indicators against which • Consistent with:
delivery of environmental and social strategies
and policies are assessed should include: – Indicators used internally by management;

• The type of target, namely: – Generally accepted sector/regional

benchmarks and international
– For environment, whether it is absolute or environmental, human rights and labour
intensity-based; standards to provide a basis for
– For social, whether: comparison; and

• It is a direct measure of outcomes for – Indicators used over successive periods,

people (for example: the number of the regardless of whether the resulting trends
workforce covered by collective and comparisons are favourable or
bargaining agreements, or the extent to unfavourable;
which indigenous communities can • Informed by engagement with affected
exercise their right to Free, Prior and stakeholders, their legitimate representatives
Informed Consent); or and/or subject-matter experts;
• It is a measure of systemic changes aimed • Connected with other information in the
at improving outcomes for people (for mainstream report; and
example, achieving industry-wide
commitment to collective bargaining, or • Accompanied by:
embedding land rights in local laws in – An explanation of measurement methods
high-risks contexts); and underlying assumptions, and why they
• The timescale over which the target applies, are meaningful indicators of progress;
including interim milestones; – Short/medium/long term forecasts;
• The base year from or against which progress – Comparable information for the short/
is tracked; medium/long term;
• Details of whether the target applies to the – Previously reported targets, forecasts, or
consolidated group, a single entity, its projections; and
upstream or downstream value chain, or
specific geographic regions; – Qualitative information to provide context,
including an explanation of measurement
• Whether and to what extent targets are methods and underlying assumptions.
25 CDSB Framework

REQ-03 • The products, services, markets, and

geographical areas that are likely to be
Business risks and affected; and
• Whether the implications will affect the
Disclosures shall explain the material current organisation directly and/or through its
and anticipated environmental and social risks business relationships for example, with
and opportunities affecting the organisation customers and suppliers; and
and the processes used to identify, assess and
prioritise the risks and opportunities. – Where they exist, connections between
material environmental and social risks and
Purpose: opportunities are identified and explained,
To inform readers of the organisation’s material and the implications of the connections for
environmental and social risks and the organisation are described;
opportunities. • Explains how the organisation identifies,
Guidance assesses, and prioritises risks and
Environmental and social risks and opportunities, including any methods or tools
opportunities are potentially wide-ranging, used, and whether and how the processes
direct or indirect (for example, affecting include:
markets or supply chain), and can include: – An assessment of whether business risks
• Regulatory risks and opportunities from may result, in the short, medium, and long
current and/or expected regulatory term, from actual or potential negative
requirements; environmental and social impacts that the
organisation itself may cause or contribute
• Physical, operational and/or business to or which may be linked to its operations,
continuity risks; products or services through its business
• Reputational and social license risks and relationships;
opportunities; and – An assessment of whether business
• Litigation risks. opportunities may result from the
introduction of new processes, practices or
See Table 1 for example sources of potential initiatives aimed at tackling systemic risks to
environmental and social risks and people or the environment, or from the
opportunities. development or adaptation of beneficial
Information provided in response to this products and services; and
requirement is useful where it: – Engagement with affected stakeholders,
• Explains the risks and opportunities assessed their legitimate representatives or subject-
as material for the organisation, including: matter experts, and the types of
stakeholders engaged and the engagement
– Whether they apply organisation-wide or methods used;
are specific to certain geographies or
business units; • Explains any additional causes and sources of
the material business risks and opportunities
– The timeframes over which risks and the organisation has identified, for example
opportunities are assessed and estimates whether they originate with:
when they are expected to materialise;
– External environmental and social issues
– The implications for the organisation’s (e.g., for some companies, risks associated
natural, human and social capital with climate change or inequality)
dependencies; regardless of the degree to which the
– The implications for the organisation, for company contributes to these;
example, in terms of operations, value – The effect of regulation designed to
chain, business model, financial results, support or limit activity affecting natural or
achievement of strategic objectives, etc., human capital;
26 CDSB Framework

– Risks to the availability of any of the organisation is able to mitigate risks and
organisation’s natural, social, or human maximise opportunities directly and/or
capital dependencies, for example, to indirectly through customers, supply chain,
natural resources recognised as a “critical markets etc.; and
raw material” by the EU,99 or to the
• Links to other parts of the mainstream report
organisation’s reputational standing as
that explain the organisation’s processes and
needed to secure permits, licenses, or an
systems for identifying risks and
adequately skilled workforce; and
opportunities, e.g., whether inventory,
– Limits on any of the organisation’s natural operations and supply chains have been
capital dependencies, e.g., planetary audited to identify licenses, rights, assets, and
boundaries,100 those identified by relationships (including mergers, acquisitions,
organisations such as the Carbon Tracker and disposals) that might strengthen or
Initiative,101 or similar; weaken the organisation’s access to natural,
social or human capital.
• Explains any changes to the material
environmental and social risks identified and Plans for governing and managing
processes by which they were identified with environmental and social business risks and
the previous reporting period; opportunities should be discussed in response
to REQ-01 and REQ-02.
• Explains how and the extent to which the

Regulatory risks The expansion of The expansion of Changes to forms of

and opportunities environmental and environmental and social acceptable labour
human rights due reporting regulations arrangements, wage
diligence legislation levels and labour

GHG and non-GHG Energy efficiency, water, Taxation of resources or

emissions limits biodiversity, and forest and sources of
other ecosystem standards environmental and social

Process, product, and Participation in GHG

consumer standards emissions trading schemes

Physical, Changes to resource quality Export/import requirements Shifts in species

operational and/or or availability, particularly in (for example, in relation to distribution,
business continuity the organisation’s natural, products alleged to contain abundance and
risks human, and social capital forced labour) richness

Changing weather patterns Sea level rise Changes in

ecosystem integrity

Changes in water availability Variation in agricultural yield Labour disputes,

and quality and growing seasons including strikes

Changes in temperature Company/community

27 CDSB Framework

Reputational and Changes in expectations regarding Changes in expectation regarding

social license risks business impacts on environment contribution to or detraction from local,
and opportunities and an organisation’s workforce national, or international environmental
and value chain workforce, conventions, policies, or ambitions (e.g., Paris
community members and Agreement and transition to a low-carbon
consumers economy)

Table 1: Example sources of potential environmental and social risks and opportunities

REQ-04 pollutants, etc.;

Sources of environmental and – Deforestation and ecosystem conversion;
social impact – Renewable and non-renewable material
Quantitative and qualitative results, together resource use for example, forest products,
with the methodologies used to prepare them, fish stocks, minerals, metals, etc.;
shall be reported to reflect material sources of – Water use, including consumption and
environmental and social impact. changes in quality; and

Purpose: – Waste and spillages (e.g., mining and

To report, using quantitative and qualitative hazardous waste, radiation, and industrial
results, the degree to which material sources of by-products).
environmental and social impact have arisen • For social, this can include activities and
over the reporting period and to cite outputs that undermine the human rights of:
methodologies used for the preparation of
results. – The organisation’s workforce, for example,
in relation to workplace conditions, wage
Guidance levels and the provision of living wages, or
Sources of environmental and social impact are the structuring of labour relationships;
the activities of and outputs from the
– The workforce of entities in the
organisation that actually or potentially cause
organisation’s upstream and downstream
or contribute to environmental and social
value chain who have a role in the
development or distribution of the
• For environment, this can include: company’s products or services. For
example, purchasing practices that
– GHG emissions, including from land (i.e.,
incentivise forced or excessive overtime or
inadequate wages, franchise arrangements
– Renewable/non-renewable energy that do not establish protections related to
generation, use and consumption; precarious work, or delivery demands that
– Non-GHG emissions to air, land and water, affect warehousing and delivery workers’
for example, noise, odour, particulates, physical and mental health;
28 CDSB Framework

– Community members that can be affected groups.

by the organisation’s own operational sites
Where quantitative information is unavailable
or infrastructure or that of entities in the
for sources of environmental or social impact
organisation’s value chain. For example,
from operations, entities and activities within
through land use practices in mining,
the organisation’s reporting boundary, results
construction or agriculture, or the pollution
should be expressed in qualitative terms.
of air, land and water affecting health and
livelihoods; and Sources of environmental and social impact
can also originate outside the organisation’s
– Consumers, end users or others impacted
reporting boundary through contractual or
by use of the organisation’s products or
other relationships between the reporting
services. For example, children targeted by
organisation and third parties (e.g.: indirect or
marketing of unhealthy foods, or product
Scope 3 GHG emissions, deforestation linked to
design that excludes people with disabilities
production of materials, or use of child labour
or that embeds algorithms that discriminate
or impacts on the health of local communities
based on race or gender.
in the supply chain). The organisation may not
High quality quantitative information should be have contributed to such impacts although
provided, wherever possible, for material they are connected to its own operations,
sources of environmental and social impact, products, or services.
and at a minimum, where these arise from the
In such situations, the provision of quantitative
operations, entities, and activities within the
information is encouraged where material to
organisation’s reporting boundary (see REQ-
the reporting organisation but is not required
07). For environmental results, the organisation
by the CDSB Framework. Qualitative
should use absolute, normalised and intensity
information about the material risks and
opportunities associated with sources of
Narrative should accompany quantitative environmental and social impact originating
results where it assists the reader in from third parties on whom the reporting
understanding them. For example, the organisation depends, should be provided in
organisation should, where relevant, explain response to REQ-03.
how the results contribute (positively or
As stated in Principle 1, GHG emissions from
negatively) to national or international
operations, entities, and activities within the
environmental and social ambitions. Where
mainstream reporting boundary of the
material sources of environmental and social
organisation shall be treated as material and
impact connect or interact positively or
reported in all cases. In particular, the reporting
negatively (e.g., when an organisation’s
organisation shall report in CO2 equivalent
wastewater output reduces local water quality,
metric tonnes, absolute and normalised Scope 1
resulting in health impacts for neighbouring
and 2 GHG emissions, calculated by reference
communities), then the nature of these
to a recognised (see definition below) GHG
connections and their implications should be
emissions measurement methodology. In
explained in accompanying narrative.
addition, the organisation shall report
Where an organisation is communicating appropriate quantitative and qualitative
qualitative information (for example, about the information that reflects its contribution to
perceptions and experiences of affected social inequalities, such as relating to workforce
stakeholders) that is converted into quantitative composition, the provision of living wages, and
terms, this should be done using recognised pay ratios and gaps, calculated by reference to
statistical sampling methods and without recognised measurement methodologies.
obscuring the experience of the most at-risk
29 CDSB Framework

Based on the outcome of the organisation’s reporting, such as for voluntary reporting
materiality assessment (see Principle 1), purposes or in accordance with regulatory
measures, indicators, and other information requirements. For example, for environmental
about those sources of environmental and impacts, this could include energy use and
social impact that are material should be energy mix, water withdrawal and discharge
calculated according to recognised quality, or amount of hazardous waste
methodologies and reported with explanatory produced. For social impacts, this could include
narrative text where necessary. the provision of living wages, gender and
ethnicity pay gaps and representation,
Given the lack of recognised methodologies for
workplace health and safety breaches and
calculating impacts in relation to some
injuries, or supply chain impacts such as forced
environmental and social issues, measures,
and child labour. The CDSB Framework aims to
indicators, and other information should be
ensure, as far as possible, that environmental
informed by engagement with, wherever
and social results measured or disclosed for
possible, affected stakeholders, their legitimate
purposes other than mainstream reporting may
representatives and/or subject-matter experts.
be used to satisfy REQ-04.
CDSB does not prescribe reporting provisions
Mitigating activities
to be used for the preparation of quantitative
environmental and social results. Instead, the When presenting environmental results,
CDSB Framework requires that, where they measures, indicators and other information, no
exist, globally recognised reporting provisions account shall be taken of actions that have or
for preparing measures, indicators and other are designed to mitigate environmental
information results should be used. Unless outcomes and/or reduce environmental
listed in conformance with REQ-08, the impacts. The effects of mitigating activities
methodologies used to prepare environmental should be disclosed in response to REQ-02.
and social results shall be reported in response When presenting social results, measures,
to REQ-04. indicators and other information, the effect of
Recognised reporting provisions for the actions that have or are designed to mitigate
purposes of the CDSB Framework include: social outcomes and/or reduce social impacts
should be accounted for. The effects of
• Global standards developed through public mitigating activities should be disclosed
consultation and due process and that are consistently with REQ-02
current practice. They include industry and
national standards that are derived from such Disaggregation and categorisation
global standards; Results shall be disaggregated, categorised, or
broken down as appropriate where it is likely to
• National and regional legislation requiring aid understanding. For example, results may be
reporting of environmental or social categorised by geography, business activity or
information or subsets thereof; division, source type, gender, ethnicity, position
• National government sponsored guidance on in organisational structure, etc.
reporting of environmental or social Uncertainty
information; and
Results shall be accompanied by a description
• The reporting provisions listed in Chapter 1, of the main effects of any uncertainty in the
Section 10. calculation of the data, e.g., data gaps,
assumptions, extrapolations, metering/
Many organisations already measure, report
measurement inaccuracies etc.
and/or disclose their environmental and social
results for purposes other than mainstream
30 CDSB Framework

REQ-05 processes for collecting data, practices in

satellite operations, missing data etc.;
Performance and comparative
analysis – Changes in operating contexts, business
relationships, or the organisation’s activities;
Disclosures shall include an analysis of the
information disclosed in REQ-04 compared – Changes in the degree of vulnerability of
with any performance targets set and with individuals the organisation could impact
results reported in previous periods. (e.g., due to legal or regulatory changes,
and wider political and socio-economic
Purpose: developments); and
To communicate to readers how the – Other reasons; and
organisation’s environmental and social results
compare with results for previous reporting • The extent to which forward-looking
periods and with performance targets set in disclosures made in previous reporting
previous periods. periods have been borne out, including how
and why the performance of the organisation
Guidance is short of, meets or exceeds previously made
In order to support the comparative analysis, forward-looking disclosures.102
environmental and social results shall be
presented in parallel with results for the
previous reporting period(s), except in the first REQ-06
year of reporting. Outlook
The comparative analysis is useful where it: Management shall summarise their conclusions
about the effect of environmental and social
• Analyses the main trends evident from a
impacts, risks and opportunities on the
comparison of the organisation’s
organisation’s future performance and position.
environmental and social results from the
previous to the current reporting period;
• Cross-refers to targets, baselines and other To provide readers with a summary from
criteria used for analysing environmental and management about how they see the
social performance; and organisation’s main environmental and social
impacts, risks and opportunities affecting its
• Explains significant changes in environmental
capacity to innovate, execute its strategy,
and social results from one period to another.
maintain its social license to operate and create
The type of comparative analysis that is value over time.
encouraged includes, where appropriate, a
description of and explanation for:
Management’s outlook is useful when it
• Any significant changes to performance, succinctly explains how the organisation’s
environmental or social impacts, or principal environmental and social impacts,
unexpected results against targets due to: risks and opportunities, and the context in
Changes in the organisation’s strategy, which the organisation operates, limit or
policies and governance; support the organisation’s capacity to innovate,
– Changes in the organisation’s strategy, execute its strategy, maintain its social license
policies and governance; to operate, and create value over time. The
summary should draw on the processes used
– Changes in the methodology or KPIs used to identify the information disclosed in
for calculating results; response to REQ-01-REQ-05 of the CDSB
– Changes due to acquisitions, divestments, Framework as well as the information itself, and
organic growth or decline, efficiency or on the company’s knowledge of any
process improvements, alterations to prospective environmental and social
31 CDSB Framework

regulation, market trends or practice that might reports, prescribe the entities and activities that
affect its future performance and position. should be included within the boundary of the
reporting organisation, the same organisational
The statement should identify and describe:
boundary should be used for reporting
• The time periods over which management environmental and social information according
considers the prospects of the organisation to the CDSB Framework. For example, many
for the purposes of conformance with the jurisdictions require IFRS to be used for the
CDSB Framework, including an explanation of purposes of identifying the entities for which
why the periods are considered appropriate, financial statements for corporate groups
such as their relation to an organisation’s should be prepared.103 Often, management
strategies, the useful life of its assets, or commentary/discussion and analysis and
national or international environmental and governance disclosures are required to be
social ambitions; made for the same entities and investees.
• The process(es) used to inform judgement In some cases, environmental and social
about the organisation’s future performance information outside the organisation’s
and position, including, where appropriate, mainstream reporting boundary will be viewed
with reference to methods, tools, or as material, and should be disclosed, including:
techniques (such as scenario analysis) used by
• Business risks arising from environmental or
the organisation, and whether external
social impacts outside the organisation’s
expertise was drawn on; and
mainstream reporting boundary that:
• Significant economic, environmental, political,
– Are, or could be viewed as, resulting from
or social assumptions, and data and
actions, or omissions, of the reporting
projections used by an organisation in its
organisation; or
– Are linked to the organisation’s operations,
products and services via its business
REQ-07 relationships; and
Organisational boundary • The nature of the contract for the operation
Environmental and social information shall be or use of services procured from the entity or
prepared for the entities within the boundary facility, the reporting organisation is exposed
of the organisation, or group, for which to material risk, opportunity or financial
the mainstream report is prepared. Where impact.
material, environmental and social information
beyond this boundary shall be reported In other cases, an organisation may choose to
and distinguished. The basis on which the disclose environmental and social information
organisational reporting boundary has been outside the organisation’s mainstream
determined shall be described. reporting boundary for a variety of reasons,
including where:
Purpose: • The reporting organisation is required or
To ensure that environmental and social chooses to report on:
information is prepared for the same entities
– Activities for which it is responsible
and activities as those for which other
(whether or not within the mainstream
information is reported in the mainstream
reporting boundary) for example,
report and, where material, complemented by
outsourced activities;
environmental and social information beyond
this boundary. – Impacts connected with its operations,
products or services through its value
chain, which may not be determined as a
Where requirements for the preparation of business risk and therefore not material
mainstream reports, or elements of mainstream information for investors; or
32 CDSB Framework

– The reporting organisation has the power qualitative source data for preparing
to influence its environmental or social environmental and social information, together
impacts, including through collective action with any controls and quality assurance
with other organisations. processes used to ensure the quality of
information. This can include a description of
In such cases, information attributable to
any processes followed to ensure the
entities, facilities or activities outside the
effectiveness of engagement with stakeholders
organisation’s mainstream reporting boundary
where relevant.
should be clearly distinguished from
information about entities and activities within
the boundary. REQ-09
In all cases, the basis on which the Reporting period
organisational reporting boundary has been Disclosures shall be provided on an annual
determined shall be described. In particular, the basis.
rationale for excluding any activities that fall
within the financial reporting boundary should Purpose:
be explained. For more information on
To ensure that information is made available to
organisational boundary setting, see CDSB’s
readers on a timely basis, at least annually.
position statement on organisational boundary
setting.104 Guidance
The reporting period for environmental and
social information and the mainstream report
REQ-08 should be the same, for example, 12 months.
Reporting policies However, where this not the case, the reporting
year for environmental and social information
Disclosures shall cite the reporting provisions
should end within the period covered by the
used for preparing environmental and social
mainstream report and its start and end date
information and shall confirm that they have
should be disclosed.
been used consistently from one reporting
period to the next. Where environmental and social information
prepared in compliance with regulatory
Purpose: requirements is used to make disclosures under
To inform readers about the reporting the CDSB Framework and the reporting period
provisions that have been used to prepare specified by the regulator is different from the
disclosures. period covered by the mainstream report, the
period specified by the regulator may be
treated as covering the same period covered
The regulatory, industry-specific, or financial
by the mainstream report within which it falls.
frameworks, standards, guidelines, etc. that
have been used for the preparation and
reporting of environmental and social REQ-10
information should be cited for the purposes of Restatements
satisfying this requirement, together with
confirmation that they have been used Disclosures shall report and explain any prior
consistently from one reporting period to the year restatements.
next. Where any changes have been made, the
reason for and effect of the changes should be Purpose:
explained. To report and explain amendments made to
previously reported information due to errors,
Organisations should also describe the changes to policies, methodologies, or
approach used for collecting quantitative and organisational structure.
33 CDSB Framework

Guidance Unless otherwise stated in the mainstream

The circumstances in which a restatement report, the statement of conformance shall also:
might be required include: • Identify information that is incomplete, or has
• Detection of errors in a previous reporting been prepared under conditions of
period; uncertainty together with an explanation
about the nature and degree of omissions/
• Changes in policies that affect an
understanding of performance over time;
• State whether and to what extent
• Change to methodologies, for example, to
environmental and social information has
enhance measurement of environmental and
been assured (see also REQ-12); and
social impacts, changes to the base year, etc.;
• State the outcome of applying the relevance
• Divestments and acquisitions by the
and materiality principle.
• Changes in outsourcing arrangements; and
• New information received from the
organisation’s due diligence processes, such
as stakeholder engagement, dialogue with If assurance has been provided over whether
business relationships, or operational-level reported environmental and social information
grievance mechanisms, which changes the is in conformance with the principles and
estimation of prior events. requirements of the CDSB Framework, this
shall be included or cross-referenced in the
Where the restatement is due to a change of statement of conformance (REQ-11).
policy, the impact of the policy change should
be explained. Purpose:
To inform the reader about whether, and to
REQ-11 what extent, environmental and social
information reported in conformance with the
Conformance CDSB Framework has been assured by a third
Disclosures shall include a statement of party.
conformance with the CDSB Framework.
Purpose: By providing environmental and social
information in mainstream reports,
To inform readers about whether, and to what
organisations are expected to apply the same
extent, the principles and requirements of the
rigour and management responsibility as is
CDSB Framework have been applied.
appropriate to all statements and disclosures
Guidance presented in the mainstream report, whether
In order to assert conformance with the CDSB audited or not. Generally, the financial
Framework, an organisation must apply the statements auditor is required to read the
guiding principles to the environmental and information presented in addition to the
social information reported and comply with audited financial statements and to identify any
the reporting requirements. In cases where full significant inconsistencies between it and the
conformance has not been achieved, audited financial statements and to consider
management shall identify in the statement any observed significant misstatements of fact
those principles and requirements with which it in those disclosures and that it conforms with
has not conformed, in whole or in part. This local regulations.105
shall be accompanied by an explanation of the
However, the purpose of the consistency check
relevant circumstances, the nature of the
is not to provide assurance on the information
omission and the organisation’s plans for full
published. Further, a financial statements audit
performed according to the ISA 100-700 series
34 CDSB Framework

is generally not suited to reach conclusions on standards such as ISAE 3000 or 3410, or
specific and discrete disclosures such as similar national standards are suited to provide
environmental or social information prepared assurance on environmental and social
according to the CDSB Framework. The information under the CDSB Framework.
consistency check does not therefore represent
Where an assurance opinion is provided for
assurance of environmental or social
environmental or social information,
information and is not comparable to assurance
organisations should specify the environmental
activities carried out under ISAE 3000106 and
or social information within scope of the
ISAE 3410.107
assurance activities and include or cross-refer
CDSB encourages organisations to engage to the assurance report in the statement of
with assurance providers to agree an conformance (REQ-11).
appropriate assurance approach. Assurance
engagements conducted according to existing
35 CDSB Framework

Abbreviations and Acronyms

AASB Australian Accounting Standards Board
ACCA Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
AUASB Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
CBD United Nationals Convention on Biological Diversity
CDSB Climate Disclosure Standards Board
Ceres Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CSA Canadian Securities Administrator
EFFAS European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies
European Union
GHG Greenhouse gas
Global Reporting Initiative
IASB International Accounting Standards Board
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IIRC International Integrated Reporting Council
International Labour Organization
IPBES Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ISAE International Standards on Assurance Engagements
International Organization for Standardization
LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry
NFR Non-financial reporting
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PRI Principles for Responsible Investment
SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
TCFD Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
UN United Nations
US SEC U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development
WEF World Economic Forum
WRI World Resources Institute
36 CDSB Framework

All websites accessed January 2022.
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39 CDSB Framework

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40 CDSB Framework

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41 CDSB Framework

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105. International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (2018) ISA 720 (Revised): The Auditor’s
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106. International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (2018) ISAE 3000 (Revised): Assurance
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107. International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (2018) ISAE 3410: Assurance Engagements on
Greenhouse Gas Statements. In: Handbook of International Quality Control, Auditing, Review, Other
Assurance, and Related Services Pronouncements (2018 Edition, Volume II). [PDF]. Available from:
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