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Be due to /be about to 0708468191

1. Choose the correct variant. B) I was about to leave home in 5 minutes, my dog felt
1. “be about to” is used to talk about things which are ill.
going to happen soon. C) I didn’t want to go to school, because my dog was
2. “be about to” is used with time expressions. ill.
3. “be about to” in the past can refer to things that D) My dog didn’t let me go to school, so I decided not
were going to happen but didn’t to leave home.
4. “be about to” in the past can refer to things that E) I was about to leave home for school when my dog
happened in the past. felt bad.
5. We use “be about to” to talk about things that are
planned to happen at a certain time. 6. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1,2,3 B) 1,4,5 C) 1,3 D) 1,2,5 E) 4,5 1.The US delegation is due to arrive on Friday.
2. The Turkish president is about to visit Russia on
2. Choose the incorrect variant. September the 7th.
1. The train's about to leave. Hurry up! 3. The Korean Marines were about to open fire when
2. I was about to leave in two minutes when Mark American officers stopped them.
arrived. 4. The tennis player is due to carry his country's flag at
3. I was about to phone Joe at work when he walked Friday's opening ceremony in Rio.
into the house A) only 1 B) all except 2 C) 1,3 D) none E) 2,3
4. Are you about to hand in homework today?
5. She looked as if she was about to cry. 7. Choose the correct variant.
A) 2,4,5 B) 2,4 C) 2,3 D) 1,3,5 E) 1,5 1. Fasten your seatbelts! The plane is due to land.
2. They are due to arrive in a couple of hours.
3. Choose the correct variant. 3. The aircraft is about to take off. Hurry or you’ll
A) Half of our employees are due to retire in five miss it.
years. 4. She is about to retire in the summer when she
B) Negotiations were about to take place later that reaches the age.
week. A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,4
C) I was about to learn all traffic signs soon.
D) I am due to see my children off. Can you phone 8. Choose the incorrect variant.
later? 1. He looks angry. I think he is due to lose his temper
E) I am about to see my children off in two minutes. completely.
Can I phone later? 2. With such poor sales figure, they are due to go
bankrupt in 2 years time.
4. Choose the incorrect variant. 3. I had my coat on and was about to leave when the
A) We use “be about to” to talk about things which are phone rang.
going to happen soon. 4. I checked with the station -the train is about to
B) “can” is used after another modal verbs “will”. arrive at 7:30.
C) we use “be able to” to talk about abilities. A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 2,4 D) 3,4 E) 1,2
D) “be due to” can be used with time expressions but
“be about to” can’t. 9. Choose correct variant.
E) “be due to” is used to talk about things that are 1. I’m about to eat. Can I phone you back?
expected at a certain time. 2. We’re just about to set off for a walk. Do you want
to come?
5. Which of the following sentences best expresses the 3. I was about to complain but he came over and
essential meaning in the given sentence? apologised.
I couldn’t go to school yesterday. At the last moment 4. I am very sorry but I am not able to give you that
when I left home, my dog felt bad. information
A) I was due to go to school but my dog felt bad. A) 1,2 B) all C) none D) 3,4 E) 1,4
Be due to /be about to 0708468191
10. Choose the correct variant.
1. Only one person was able to beat the record.
2. He should can work in a team.
3. We weren’t able to finish the marathon in under
four hours.
4. I’m due to eat. Can I phone you back?
A) 2,4 B) 1,3 C) 2,3 D) 1,4 E) 3,4

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