Manual 201507271302

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fs | II x1 Ww WORTHINGTON P 7 FILE o, TWEX COpPy rime Title Page Index List of Equipment, List of Drawings and Tools Supplied Conditions of Service General Description of Pumps....+ Operating Instructions: (a) General Care of Equipment. (>) Boiler Feed Pump By Pass...++ (c) Starting and Stopping Procedures. Dismantling Procedure Aesembly Procedure..ssssseeeeeeeeees BASE WORTHINGTON PART I - List oF 2qup) m, arc Customer's Order Worssseceeeeeeeees 56789 Worthington District Office Order Nowsseseoes D-59645 Worthington Harrison Works Order Wo.sseeeeeeeeeeee P-379259-60 Size and Type of Pumps... see UK (ay 2 = 8379259 Total Number of Pumps...eeeseeeee 2 > 52878288 Drivers (CUSTOM iwi sa 1 = 400 HP., 3600 RPM Bnglish Electric Motor P-379260) 1 = Terry Steam Turbine 1434563 - P-379259 Serial tambers of Pumps...eoe+.-+++0s et fbusbie =F 379260 MULTIPLE PRESSURE REDUCING ORIFICES Worthington Harrison Works Order Moseeseeeeeesee P-379260-4 Total Number of Multiple Pressure Reducing Oriflcessecsrssecccceeeeersees 2 Serial Numbers of Multiple Pressure Reducing Orifices. Lah8234 - 1448235 “LIST OF RAWENGS PX-105746 (P-379259) Blevation Drawings... sess RICLO5764, (P-379260) WORTHINGTON LIST OF DRAWINGS _(con'D: Sectionel Drawing. sesssacawavessevesnn RY-LOLESS Instructions for Cutting and Installing of Blastic Seal Rings.....c+ssseeeee . 5.95963, Arrangenent of Stuffing Box Packing... see SK-118994, ‘Tightening Procedure of Casing Halves.sesesss+ 8-73567 Arvangenent Alignment. 1 of Guide Pieces for Axial 3.76285 TOOLS SUPPLIED Wi0Llams Face Spanner Wrench #426 Williams Pin Spanner Wrench #458 WsLldans Fin Spanner Wrench #460 Witlians Pin Spanner Wrench #461 Willians Pin Spanner Wrench #462 3/8 SAB Offset Socket: Wrench 3/8" Saoty Sot Screw Wrench 1/4" Safety Sot Screw Wrench WORTHINGTON PART II = CONDITIONS oF S=RVICE Capacity in GeP.Meccosoeee oooee 458 Total Lynanie Head in Foot..ccssssereseneees 2525.3 Spood in R.PiM.s e+. : 3550 Punp Effieieney im Per Cents. o Specific Gravity. ceveeeee . 2938 Brake HaPoecssecessneeneet cere mo UPSHe. vee aut WORTHINGTON PART ITT - GENSRAL DESORTPTION. For sectional drawing, see appendix to the instruction book. gastua ‘tho casing is of the volute design, It is made in two balves which are tolted together with @ gasket in place at the horizontal punp contorlino. Suction and discharge nozales are cast integrally with the lower casing half, thus permtting easy accoss for inspection and repair without disconnecting the mein piping. IMPELLERS ‘The impellers are of the single suction enclosed type. The impellers of successive stages are arranged back to back, resulting in hydraulic balance at all capacities. They are keyed to the shaft and prevented from axial movenent by the Ampeller mits. WEARING aINOS Renewable casing rings encircle the inlet of each impeller, and are secured in the casing by tongue and groove construction, In some cases impeller wearing rings are spot welded on the impeller hubs. Normally, however, no impeller rings are provided; and in an installation where NPSH 4s Low, the firet stage impeller must necessarily be furnished without sie! WORTHINGTON. a wearing ring. This permits a larger first stage impeller eye opening. All stationary casing rings and stage pieces are seated in the casing with Worthington Blastic Seal Rings. sTON_OF IN’ NAL LBAKAGE ‘he elastic seal provides a resilient seating surface on the siationary casing rings and stage pieces. The seal is of @ flexible material sintlar to Neoprene. The seals allow a few thousandths play in the setting of the parts in the casing without destroying the seating of the joint. She casing rings and stage pisces are so equipped with these seals that in every case the pressure developed by the pump will tend to seat these parts tight against the casing. Hlastic seal rings can be replaced without dismanting ‘the roter as outlined on £-95963. (See Appendix to the Instruction Book). SHAPT_AND SHAFT sLazves 1 shaft is proportioned to allow minimum deflection and freedom fron vibration, thus i nouring long life for the packing and all running joints within the pusp. The shaft is protected againet packing wear by shaft sleeves which are secured against rotating relative to the shaft by keys, and held from axial movenient by external shaft nute. WORTHINGTON STUFFING BOXES Bach stuffing box is packed with 8 rings of 1/2" square Crane #101 and Grane Superseal 1 packing or equal. The packing should be inserted as illustrated in sketeh. Split Glands are used to facilitate inspection, adjustment and repacking of the boxes. (For sketch see Appondix te the Instruction Book) « In some cases the second stage stuffing box is provided with a pressure breakdown bleeding back to the suction which permits both stuffing boxes to operate at first stage suction pressure. The stuffing boxes are water jacketed for the purpose of cooling and protecting the stuffing box packing. BEARINGS ‘The shaft is supported by two double row ball bearings. The Line bearing 4s of the self-aligning type and the thrust dearing consists of two single row, duplex mounted, angular type bearings. The latter are installed with the wide faces of their outer races back to back as shown on sectional drawings Both bearings are of] lubricated. Maintain of levels for bearings as indicated on elevation drawings. Pipe connections for cooling water are provided in the bearing housings. ‘Taree adjusting screws with lock muts are provided in each bearing support flange for precision line-up in case @ = WORTHINGTON new rotor is installed at a later date. Redoweling of the bearing housing will also be required at that time, RADE OF OIL, Use ofl with viscosity of 250 Saybolt seconds at 100°F+, (SAB-20). Correct viscosity 1s important. If the ell 1s too Light, the lubricating ¢11ms may be dangerously thin. If is is too heavy, the friction is needlessly highs ‘The of1 should be of good quality, clean, and free from grit. Use of inferior quality ofl may result in bearing corrosion and/or the formation of sludge. COUPLING &ND ALLCNMENT For coupling and alignuent instructions refer to the Appendix. BASBPLATE ‘he baseplate for mounting the pump and driver is made of welded structural steel. WORTHINGTON PART IV = OPSRATING INSTRUCTIONS SECTION (A) GENERAL CARS OP BQUIPMENT ALLOWANOE FOR TEMPERATURE Allowance must be made to compensate for change in elevation of the shafts due to thermal expansion after pump and driver are at operating temperature. ‘The pump feet at the coupling end of the pump must be doweled and the holding-down bolts securely tightened after grouting and alignment has been completed. It is important not to dowel the outboard pump feet. The holding-down bolts at the outboard end should be provided with lockwashers and not be tightened too hard, The drivers should not be doweled until the pump has been in operation for some months and the alignment carefully rechecked with pump and driver at operating temperature. In order to control accurately the axial alignment of ‘the punp, two guide pieces are furnished with each pump as shown on -76285, The guide pieces are secured to the base- plate by 5/8" tap bolts, The drilled holes in the guide pieces have clearance for adjustment. The purpose of the gulde pieces is to guide the pump casing exactly along its axie as it expands or contracts with variation in temperatures After the pump has been lined up the guide pieces should be brought up to contact the feet snugly and the guide piece WORTHINGTON bolts securely tightoned. After the pump has been in satisfactory operation for ‘two or three weeks the guide places should be checked and re-set for close contact and carefully doweled* to the base- plate, The holes in guide pieces should be used for spotting ‘the taper pin drill. The pump should be at operating ‘temperatura when this is done. WBOESSARY ROUTINE CHECKING OF ALIGNMENT (1) After grouting when alignment has been previously completed. (2) After securing suction and discharge piping. Important: Alignment must be rechecked after the pump has been completely piped up for the reason that pumps are easily sprung and pulled out of position by drawing up the bolts in the piping flanges where these flanges are not brought squarely together before the bolts are tightened. Particular care must be taken to support the suction and Gisctiarge piping properly so that they can not exert a strain or pull on the pump. Pipe strains are a coution cause of misalignment, hot bearings, worn couplings and vibration. (3) While units are at operating temperature, % FOUR #8 SCREW TAPER PINS ARE SHIPPED WITH EACH PUMP yoR THIS PURPOSE. WORTHINGTON (4) “Since these units handle hot water there is a) { likelihood of growth or change in shape of the < \ piping, Disconnect the flanges after a period of (_ cperation to check which way the change in the ¢ alignment of the piping is indicated and make \ a {adjustment to compensate for this. PRECAUTIONS TO BS OBSERVED 1) Ina new plant, £¢ is advisable to flush out the suction piping before «ansoting it to the pump. Customer shold instal, a vomporary strainer in the suction piping near the pump. This strainer is for temporary service only and is to be cleaned every eight.hours until the systen 1s clear of all scale and foreign matter. The punp is to be operated at reduced capacity during this clean-out period. After the system is cleaned out, the strainer must be renaved from the suction piping. 2) Cleanliness is essential. Before putting pumps in service, bearing covers should be renoved, the bearings flushed with Kerosene, end thoroughly cleaned. Do not use waste to clean bearings. Rags are better as they do not leave lint. Keep ofl free from water, grit or other contamination. 3) Woen a how punp is put into service make sure that it de running without undue vibration, and =e a) 5) 6) WORTHINGTON that the besrings are not overheating. The bearings should operate at @ constant tenperature which is governed somewhat by the location of the unit. This temperature may be as low as 100*?., but temperatures of 150%F., or over, are not abnormal. Aways oaintain sufficient flow through the pump to prevent overheating and flashing. If possible, avoid severe thermal shocks to the pamp by sudden water temperature changes. See Appendix for operating instructions for accessories, WORTHINGTON PART IV ~ OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS SECTION (B) BOILER FEED PUMP BY-PASS PURPOSE OP BY-PASS In the operation of a centrifugal boiler feed pump, the difference between the brake-horsepower consumed and the water-horsepower developed represents the power losses within the punp itself. All of this power loss is converted into heat and transferred to the feedwater passing through the Pump, ‘The actual amount of temperature rise at any given operating condition can be determined from the following formula: BEP — WHP) x 2 Capacity in lbs/hr oP, rise = In order to pravent an excessive tenperature rise which would lead to possible flashing or binding of the running joints, it 1s necescary to avoid operation of the boiler feed pump at extrenely low rates of flow. To maintain 4 minimus flow a by-pass mst be used in the discharge of the boiler feed pump. For the purpose of approximating the minimum permissible flow of fecduater, it can be stated that 15¢F. rise is a reconmended maximun value and that to limit the tenperature rise to 156F., @ botler feed punp should never be operated at a capacity of less than 30 GPM per 100 BEP at shut-off. WORTHINGTON ARRANORUENT OF THE By-Pass ‘The flow through the by-pass should be returned to the soures fron which tho boiler feed punp takes its auction and the retum Line Located ahead of the discharge gate and check valve. hon this return is to @ direct contact heater, st ahould be Antroduced into the heater storage space at a point 6 to 12 inches below the minimum water level. ‘This 48 done in crder to reduce the note attondant to the flashing of the retume into steam, Tt 15 necossary to locate a throttling orifice in the rectroulstion Line because thé feedwater admitted to this Line 1s under pressure corresponding to the boiler feed punp discharge pressure. The physical dimensions of this orifice wil determine the anount of recirculation through the by-pass. The orisice, therefore, mst ve designed on the basis of the predeterained ninimm flow through the botler feed punp. With nanos control of the by-pass two valves are used, one on etch side of the orifice. One of these valves renains aiwiys open and is closed only te isolate the orifice during Inspection or reneval while the pump 1s in operation, The — a® second valve is the control valve and should remain in either a wide open or closed position to avoid undue wear. : The operation of the control valve can be nade autonatte Af desired. The Ampulse used for this purpose ie nade dependent upon the capacity flowing through the boller feed pump. -10- WORTHINGTON MULTIPLE PRESSURE REDUCING ORIFICES hen the discharge pressure of the boiler feed pump exceeds approximately 300 PSI, it becones advisable to design 4 throttling device comprised of a series of orifices to reduce the wear on the individual orifices, and to eliminate the excessive noise incidental to the dissipation of a high pressure ‘through @ single orifies, sue WORTHINGTON PART IV ~ OPHRATING INSTRUCTIONS SHOTION (C) STARTING AND STOPPING PROCEDURES The starting and stopping procedures outlined are merely typical and are presented mainly with the intention of out~ Lining certain of the most important steps involved. The actual order of the operations can be modified, and is left to ‘the discretion and judgment of the station Operating Personnel. REFERER Refer to Blevation Drawing. STANDBY pUNES When a pump is on standby duty, it is held ready for starting with suction and discharge valves open, the discharge check valve preventing revettse flow through the pump. In order to maintain the idle pump at approximately operating temperature 4 constant flow of heated feedwater is drained back from the syaten through the wara up valve on discharge side of pump. While a cold pump may be placed in operation without warming up in the event of an emergency, it is reconmended that it be hoated in the manner described for approximately 30 minutes before starting. STARTING PROCEDURE NSVER START A PEED PUMP TILL CERTAIN THE ROTOR CAN BE REVOLVSD FRESLY BY HAND. YAKS SURB THAT SUCTION AND DISCHARGE VALVES ARE OPEN. CHECK VALVE PRBVENTS REVERSE FLOW. = 2a— 3) 6) ” 8) 9% WORTHINGTON Fi11 bearing housings with of1 to the proper Level as indicated on the elevation drawing. Admit: cooling water to the bearing housings. Admit cooling water to the stuffing boxes. Open the valve in the recirculating line to insure 4 minimum water flow through the punp when the pump 4s put on the Line. IN AUTOMATICALLY OPERATED INSTALLATIONS THIS VALVS WILL BE KEPT OPEN AUTO~ MATICALLY AT ALL PUMP FLOWS BELOW MINIMUM, Close the warmup valve. For initial starting, open vents. Close vents after pump is free of air. Start the driver. REFER 70 DRIVER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. Observe leakage from stuffing boxes. Sone leakage is necessary in order to insure packing lubrication. Close valve in recireulating Line when proper flow conditions have been established. STOPPING PROCEDURE » 2) 3) ay Open valve 4x recirculating line. Stop the driver. RSFER TO DRIVER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. Close valve ia recirculating line when pump cones to a standstill. ‘Turn off cooling water to the bearing housings. -- 5) 6) n WORTHINGTON Turn off cooling water to the stuffing boxes. Open warn-up valve for standby duty. Do not close discharge and suction valves unless punp is to be taken out of service for inspection or maintenance, =fihe WORTHINGTON PARTY = DISMANTLING PROCEDURE The dismantling procedure is outlined below, Refer to sectional drawing. IMPORTANT wen dismantling for convenience at assembly, stack 11 parts in the order in which they are removed, and observe Af they ave type-marked. Make certain the distance sleeves are inmediately tagged for their respective positions on the shaft to insure proper assembly. Protect all machined faces Which are subject to corrosion with an acid-free grease or other protection while pump is dismantled. 1. Disconnect all piping which interferes with the isasseably of upper casing half and bearing housings. 2. Drain of] from bearing housings and coupling. 3. Remove glands. 44. Disconnect stuffing boxes from casing halves. ¥ 5. Remove upper casing half in the following manner? After the dowel pins and the nuts of the casing studs have been removed, raise the upper casing half evenly by means of the jacking bolts. Then fasten hoisting rope or chain through external loops between stages and 1ift casing with chain hoist or crane. Care mst be exercised to keep upver casing half perfectly horizontal to, prevent danage to the elastic seal rings mags WORTHINGTON and internal parts. After the upper casing half has been renoved, it is recommended that certain checks on the rotor and other parts be made as these records will be very helpful when reas senbling. Note if dapeller nute and shaft sleeve mute aro in contact with their adjacent parts. Make a record (or check the exists \g record) of the center spacing of the impellers, using the inside surface of the thrust bearing as a starting point. Observe that the impellers are centralized in their volutes. 6, Separate coupling halves. 7. Disconnect bearing housings from lower easing half. Renove rotor, examine the condition and check wear of parts. ‘he following dismantling instructions are for a counter- clockwise rotating pump. For a clockwise rotating pump refer to sectiouel drawing and reverse the dismantling procedure, starting with the 2nd stage impeller. DISWANTLING ROTOR (FROM INBOARD SND) Renove coupling mut using wrench, then coupling and coupling key. Renove outer line bearing cover. - 16 - Remove Renove Resove Renove Renove Remove Renove Renove Remove Ratiove Remove Renove Renove Renove Remove Renove Renove Renove Renove Renove Remove Remove Remove Remove Renove WORTHINGTON ofl thrower using a wrench. Line bearing housing. Lime bearing sleave, line bearing and shaft collar. inner Line bearing cover and water flinger. stuffing box with packing. shaft sleeve nut using wrench. sleeve packing gland and packing. shaft sleeve and Woodruff key. impeller nut using wrench. casing ring Ist stage with elastic seal. Let stage impeller and impeller key. stage piece with elastic seal and distance sleeve. casing ring 3rd stage with elastic seal. 3rd stage impeller and impeller key. stage piece with elastic seal and distance sleeve. casing ring 5th stage with elastic seal. impeller 5th stage and diaphragm with elastic seal. iG_ ROTOR, OUTBOARD shaft end cover. ofl thrower using wrench. thrust bearing housing. bearing nut using wrench. ‘thrust bearing and shaft collar. thrust bearing cover and water flinger. stuffing box with packing and stuffing box bushing. shaft sleeve nut using wrench. -W- WORTHINGTON Remove sleeve packing gland and packing. Remove shaft sleeve and Woodruff key. Remove impeller mut using wrench. Remove casing ring 2nd stage with elastic seal. Remove and stage impeller and impeller key. Remove stage pleco with elastic seal and distance sleeve. Romove casing ring 4th stage with elastic seal. Remove th stage impeller and impeller key. Remove stage piece with elastic seal and distance sleeve. Romove casing ring 6th stage with elastic seal. Remove 6th stage impeller and impeller key. 2 sd WORTHINGTON PART VI_- ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE For assenbly of rotor, reverse the procedure outlined in PART V, under "DISMANTLING PROCEDURE. FRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED WHEN REASSEMBLING ROTOR AND PUMP When reassembling impellers on the shaft, it is im portant to mount them in such a manner that they will be rotating in the proper direction. For, direction of rotation refer to elevation drawing. The 1st, 3r4, and Sth stage impellers are always right- hand (clockwise) rotation, observed fron their suction (inlet) sides. The 2nd, 4th, and 6th stage impellers are alwaye left- “hand (counterclockwise) rotation, observed fron their suction (inlet) sides. ‘LBET_HAND ROTATT RIGHT HAND ROTATTON WORTHINGTON Be sure that when mounted on the shaft all impeller vanes slope in the same direction when viewed from the out- board PRECAUTIONS WHEN MOUNTING ROTATING FARTS ON SHAFT In order to avoid distortion it is important to check that all parts mounted on the shaft are ancothly machined and square with their bores to avoid kinking when the nute are tightened. Proper fit on all of the internal parts mounted on the shaft prevents leakage and subsequent erosion. Do not use unnecessary fores to tighten impeller and shaft sleeve nuts. Straining results in bonding the shart and destroying the coneentricity of rotor parte cperating with close clearances causing rubbing and vibration. LOCKING SOREWS When the shaft sleeve mut contains locking serevs, it is very important that the two screws, which are 180° apart, be tightened evenly to prevent bending of the shaft. A careful check using a dial test indicator should be made for this purpose, Indent the thread behind each screw to prevent same from backing out. IMPSLLER RINGS 7 When replacing spot welded impeller wearing rings, remove the old ring by first machining out the weld material. ~20- ‘WORTHINGTON The new ring must be spot welded in place before its outside diameter is machined to finished size, The weld areas should be finished flush with face of impeller. IMPELLER KEYS When installing impeller keys the sides should fit tightly both in the shaft and impeller. In order that the key Will not affect the accurate mounting of the impeller, allow 010" clearance between key and root of impeller keyway. In order to maintain the center to center spacing of the volutes and impellers, the keys may require some adjustment at their extreme ends to permit lateral movement of the Ampoller and distance sleeve asseubly along the shaft when adjusting the impeller nuts. BEARINGS Whon Anstalling ball bearings, heat them in clean turbine of] at 225¢F, Bearings will easily slip on shaft without hammering. If a now bearing is required, we reconmond imstallation of the sane type and make of bearing as originally furnished. Do not use substitutes. CASING GASKET (Horizontal Split) When @ new gasket is required, use the thickness and material originally installed. Do not mark the outline of the gasket with a hanmer or other metal object as this will damage -a- WORTHINGTON the edges and corners of the machined surfaces. In installing 4 new gasket, the inner edges must be accurately trimmed along the edge of the stuffing box bore. At all points where the gasket abuts the outer dianeter and sides of the stationary parts between stages, the edges must be trimned squarely and neatly. there must be sufficient gasket overlap at these points so that the upper half of the casing will effectively press the edges of the gasket againet the stationary parts, ‘thus insuring proper sealing. ‘This trimming operation is satisfactorily accomplished by first cementing the gasket to the lower half of the casing with shellac, thereafter cutting all interstage gasket edges square, using a razor blade, All foreign matter must be removed from the casing flanges before applying the gasket to the lover casing. cuzck RotoR FOR CoNcgWTRICTTY Support the outer races of the ball bearings on "Vv" blocks. Gheck with dial indicator the accessible portions of the rotor for concentricity. If there is any eccentricity, loosen impeller and shaft sleeve nuts and repeat the test, Loosening and re- tightening the nuts may realign the rotor assembly within sufficient concentricity. If this is not accbmplished, it will be necessary to dismantle the rotor and carefully check aa WORTHINGTON all rotating parte to find the error in machining of the impeller hub faces, the shaft sleeve faces, ete. INSTALLING RovoR CHBCK ‘sur MOVEMENT Place complete rotor asseubly in lower casing half, Secure bearing housings to lover casing half. Loosen inner thrust and line bearing covers by renoving bolts. Determine the total end movement of the rotor by pushing it as far as 4 will go in each direction. The mlnimum total end movement should be: W UL & 2eeeereeserre 6 U1 & 20. UL 32 9/32 1/32 & Xf the rotor cannot be moved the minimum required Gistance, determine the cause and correct it before proceeding. 3ND_chgatunos sen the rotor is hard over toward the Line bearing end of the punp, mossure the lateral distance between the impeller or impeller wearing ring and the casing ring nearest .. the Ling bearing end of the pump (coupling end). Wote chat this distance may be sero, Record this dinensidh for later use. Secure bearing covers. - 23 * a ‘lis WORTHINGTON PLAGING ROTOR IN 178 PROPER LATERAL POSITION Loosen outer shaft mute and manipulate impeller mute so that the lateral distance between the impeller or impeller wearing ring and the casing ring nearest to the coupling is 2/3 of total end movenent plus the end clearance previously recorded. When proper distance has been obtained, tighten outer shaft nuts. CASING ‘Ha! INSTALLING UPPER As the upper casing half is lowered into position note that, when almost down, the corners of the bores do not mar the elastic soal rings. After the upper casing half has been jowered insert dowel pins. Great care should be taken to insure that the dowel pins and the holes in the casing are not damaged by hammering or by the use of drifts, since proper alignnent of casing halves will thereby be prevented. Next tighten moderately all holding-down nuts on discharge side of pump in the numerical order indicated on the sketch in the Appendix of the Instruction Book. Then tighten moderately a11 holding-down nuts on the suction side of pump in the numerical order dndiecated on sketch. Repeat the tightening Procedure in the same sequence until the casing™gasket is highly conpressed. During the first week of operation the nuts should be tighten two or three times. = 2 - WORTHINGTON When tightening casing stud nuts use the following hex- box wrenches with striking facea, or their equivalents: UX-1_& 2 PUMPS nur_srze WILLIAMS WRENCH NO. aye" SPH-81y 1s/a" SFH-815 13/4" SFH-816 4 Ui=1 PUMPS — WOMPCO CASING ONLY NUT SIZE WILLIAMS WRENCH NO. 13/4" SFH-816 a1/4n sPH-a18 4 VK-] PUMPS — STEEL o8 CHROME STZZL cASTNG wor size WILLIAMS WRENCH WO. 2 SPH-817 zayue SFH-a18 6 UK-1 & 2 PuMps wor _srzs WILLIAMS WRENCH Wi 13/6" SFH-813 asyen SFH-815 13/4 SFH-816 “2 SFH-87 2ayan srH-B18 * 2 - inch nuts are found only on the 6 UX-2 steel and chrome steel casing. They are-not used on the 6 U-2 Wompeo ~ 25 - WORTHINGTON casing or the 6 U-1 casing (al1 materials). PAGKING, ‘The following procedure should be followed in repacking a stuffing boxt 1. Remove all old packing and clean the stuffing box and sleeve. The use of a packing puller is convenient. 2. Make sure the packing to be used is of suitable type and size for prevailing temperature and pressure conditions. 3+ It is good practice to soak metal foil packing rings in castor ofl for a few hours prior to installation, This furnishes additional lubrication for the run in period. 4» Insert each ring separately, pushing it as far into the stuffing box as possible and seating it firmly. Stagger successive rings so that the joints are 90° or 180° apart. Botler feed punps are practically never fitted with & water seal cage, If, however, one 4s used, make sure that 4t is located directly under the sealing Liquid connection and thet the insertion of successive rings will not displace it. 6. After the required nunbor of packing rings have been inserted, install gland and tighten gland nuts =~ WORTHINGTON firmly but not excessively} then back off the nuts until gland is loose. In tightening the gland the mts should be brought up uniformly So that the gland will not be cocked and so that the packing is subjected to a uniform, pressure. 7. Generally, new packing has to be run in, Tt is customary to start the pump with the stuffing box Blands quite loose and water from the pump flowing freely along the shaft sleeve. After pump has been running for approximately 10 to 15 minutes, gradually tighten stuffing box gland until the leakage is reduced to @ minimum, but not to @ point where there is no leakage. (High pressure stuffing boxes should have more leakage than low pressure boxes), If the scuffing box ds tightened too much and teakage is stopped conplotely, the packing will expand from ‘the heat and burn, scoring the shaft sleeves. The question frequently comes up of adding one or ‘wo rings of new packing to the old packing. Such procedure 48 dependent upon the type of packing involved and should Rot be attempted by personnel not sufficiently skilled in Packing maintenance It is generally recommended that the old packing be replaced completely. RBPATR PARTS When ordering pusp repair parts or spare’ parts, the = 27 = WORTHINGTON Anformation listed below should be givens 1. Type of unit 2, Serial number of punp 3. Name of part 4. Teem number 5. Drawing nunber 6. Quantity required ~ 28+ 2 DISCHARGE. SIDE Eo Mieee § 0 wi = ei 4 Keo OS = il iW 2 P99 ol? Hele? 2825 23 17 2 | SUCTION SIDE 72.6 | | I] Hiceauuue ue THonTewne ProceDuRE ux SING BOLTS 6-STAGE VOLUTE PUMP CASING E- 73567 In onDeR 10 REPLACE ELASTIC SEAL RINGS FOR STAGE PIECES, DIAPHRAGINS AND, ‘CASING RINGS OF ASSEMBLED ROTORS, PROCEED AS FOLLOWS : (1) Cur Soup eLasTic staL RINGS ify MITRE BOX AS ILLUSTRATED. (2) PLACE SPLIT SEAL RINGS OVER SHAFT AT DESIRED LOCATION - (3) ApeLy Two (2] MEDIUM HEAVY COATS OF “FAIRPRENE CEMENT #5128 TOEACH CUT SURFACE ALLOWING FROM 5 TO 16 MINUTES (OR MORE) DAVING TIME BETWEEN COATS, THE TIME INTERVAL MAY VARY ACCORDING TO THE EXISTING ATHOSPHERIC CONDITIONS. CemenTine Ih THE OPEN OM WET DAYS AND IN SUNLIGHT SHOULD BE AVOIDED. AFTER THE LAST COAT KAS BEEN APPLIED AND THE PROPER DEGREE OF TACKINESS REACHED, THE RING SHOULD BE JOINED TOGETHER. (4) WHEN PUMP ROTOR 19 PLACED INTO LOWER CASING HALE, LOCATE SECTION OF SPLIT SEAL RING AT LOWEST POINT OF LOWER CASING HALF. “Faunprene Cement 5126 (wiTH sepaRATE AcTI~ \VATOR TO BE ADDED BEFORE USE) CAN BE OBTAINED FROM E.1, DuPont De Nemours AND Co. Ine., (FaaRIKor Division) FAIRFIELD, Conn. GUT TO GUIDE KNIFE. ELASTIC SEAL « |i (Il make sug err | FORECSEAE RIT p yAtigRR woop sraies | TAILED OR GLUED TOGETHER, | —~ miTRE-Boy. ENG! oe NSTRUCTIONS FOR CUTTING AND INSTALLING oF ELASTIC. SEAL RINGS. E-95963. 46GEB8II-NS rane no.|*°;S67ECE*| ame OF rant oe CRANE #101 PACKING. SUPER SEAL “I PACKING 4&6 UX-l & UX-2 VOLUTE PUMPS STUFFING BOX DIMENSIONS GUIDE PIECE 2-*8 SCREW \ TAPER PINS gk OUTBOARD END OF PUMP / SHOWING GUIDE PIECES FOR AXIAL ALIGNMENT E-76285 bea WORTHINGTON UX HIGH PRESSURE BOTLER FEED PUMPS BALL BEARING TYPE ‘These instructions and the confidential information contained therein are for the guidance and use of the CUSTOMBR'S OPERATING BNOINBERS and must not be published or disclosed to others without the permission of the Worthington Corporation. WORTHINGTON CORPORATION

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