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Muscle Origin Insertion Action Innervation Artery Notes

the erector spinae m.

isseparated into 3
columns ofmuscle:
crest,sacrum,transver angles of theribs, suppliedsegmentally
segmentallyinnervate iliocostalis
se andspinous transverseand extends andlaterally by:deep cervical
d bydorsal laterally,longissimus
erector spinae processesof spinousprocesses bendsthe trunk,neck a.,posteriorintercosta
primaryrami of in anintermediate
vertebrae ofvertebrae,posterior and head l aa.,subcostal
spinalnerves C1-S5 position andspinalis
andsupraspinalligam aspectof the skull aa.,lumbar aa.
medially; each
ofthese columns has
multiplenamed parts

the most lateral part

of theerector spinae;
extends andlaterally by:deep cervical
dorsal primaryrami of it may besubdivided
iliocostalis iliac crest andsacrum angles of the ribs bendsthe trunk a.,posteriorintercosta
spinalnerves C4-S5 into
andneck l aa.,subcostal
aa.,lumbar aa.
and cervicis portions

lower border by:deep cervical these are small and
upper border dorsal primaryrami of
interspinales ofspinous extend trunkand neck a.,posteriorintercosta fairlyinsignificant
ofspinous process spinalnerves C1-L5
processabove l aa.,subcostal muscles
aa.,lumbar aa.

suppliedsegmentally semispinalis,
spinousprocesses 2-
extend andlaterally by:deep cervical multifidus
sacrum,transversepro 4vertebral dorsal primaryrami of
multifidus bendtrunk andneck, a.,posteriorintercosta androtatores make up
cesses of C3-L5 levelssuperior to spinalnerves C1-L5
rotate toopposite side l aa.,subcostal thetransversospinal
aa.,lumbar aa. musclegroup

greater occipital nerve

(DPRof C2) passes
obliquus capitis spinous processof the transverseprocess of rotates thehead to suboccipitalnerve
occipital a. superiorlyaround the
inferior axis atlas thesame side (DPR ofC1)
inferior margin
ofinferior oblique

the suboccipital
triangle isformed by
extends thehead,
obliquus capitis transverse process of occipital boneabove suboccipital nerve obliquus capitis
rotatesthe head to the occipital a.
superior atlas inferior nuchal line (DPR ofC1) superior and inferior
same side
and rectus capitis
posterior major

rectus capitis spinous processof extends thehead, suboccipitalnerve

inferior nuchalline occipital a. none
posterior major axis rotate to (DPR of

rectus capitis
posterior minoris
rectus capitis posterior tubercleof inferior nuchalline suboccipitalnerve deeper and inserts
extends thehead occipital a.
posterior minor atlas medially (DPR ofC1) moremedial than
capitisposterior major

long rotatores:spines suppliedsegmentally semispinalis,

2 vertebrae above rotates by:deep cervical multifidus
transverse processes dorsal primaryrami of
rotatores origin; shortrotatores: thevertebralcolumn to a.,posteriorintercosta androtatores make up
of vertebrae spinalnerves C1-L5
spines 1 vertebrae theopposite side l aa.,subcostal the transversospinal
above origin aa.,lumbar aa. muscle group
three parts are named
basedon their
capitis: back ofskull suppliedsegmentally insertions:
extends thetrunk
betweennuchal by:deep cervical capitis,cervicis and
transverse processes andlaterally bendsthe dorsal primaryrami of
semispinalis lines;cervicis a.,posteriorintercosta thoracis;semispinalis,
of C7-T12 trunk,rotates thetrunk spinalnerves C1-T12
&thoracis: spines4-6 l aa.,subcostal multifidus
to theopposite side
vertebraeabove origin aa.,lumbar aa. androtatores make up

mastoidprocess extends andlaterally suppliedsegmentally splenius means
ligamentumnuchae &superior nuchalline bendsneck andhead; dorsal primaryrami of by:deep cervical bandage; itgets its
and spinesC7-T6 laterally;cervicis:post rotateshead to spinalnerves C2-C6 a.,posteriorintercosta name from its
eriortubercles of C1- sameside l aa. broad,flat shape
C3 vertebrae

named for its shape:

extends andlaterally suppliedsegmentally
ligamentumnuchae mastoid processand bandage and
bendsthe neck dorsal primaryrami of by:deep cervical
splenius capitis and spinesof C7- lateral end ofthe capitisrefers to the
andhead, rotateshead spinalnerves C2-C6 a.,posteriorintercosta
T6vertebrae superiornuchal line insertion of
to thesame side l aa.
thisportion of the

named for its shape:

extends andlaterally suppliedsegmentally
ligamentumnuchae posteriortubercles of bandage and
bendsneck andhead, dorsal primaryrami of by:deep cervical
splenius cervicis and spinesof C7- thetransverseprocess cervicisrefers to the
rotateshead to spinalnerves C2-C6 a.,posteriorintercosta
T6vertebrae es of C1-C3 vertebrae insertion of
thesame side l aa.
thisportion of the

short head: tip ofthe

coracoidprocess of
flexes the a powerful
thescapula; tuberosity of musculocutaneousne
biceps brachii forearm,flexes arm brachial a. supinatoronly if the
longhead:supraglenoi theradius rve (C5,6)
(long head),supinates elbow isflexed
dtubercle of

anterior surfaceof the

lower one-half of
coronoid processof musculocutaneousne brachial a.,radial
brachialis thehumerus and flexes the forearm a powerful flexor
the ulna rve (C5,6) recurrenta.
is isinnervated by
thenerve for
extensors(radial), its
primaryaction is
upper two-thirdsof the lateral side ofthe base flexes the elbow, elbowflexion; the
brachioradialis lateralsupracondylarri of thestyloid assistsin pronation radial nerve radial recurrenta. neutralposition of
dge of thehumerus processof the radius &supination thismuscle is half
(elbowflexed, thumb
the deltoid muscle
abducts arm;
lateral one-thirdof the principleabductor of
anteriorfibers flex & axillary nerve(C5,6)
clavicle,acromion, the armbut due to
deltoidtuberosity of mediallyrotate the from theposterior posteriorcircumflexhu
deltoid thelower lip of poormechanicaladva
thehumerus arm; posteriorfibers cord ofthe brachial meral a.
thecrest of the ntage it cannotinitiate
extend & plexus
spineof the scapula this action; itis
laterallyrotate the arm
assisted by
thesupraspinatus m.

works with
commonextensor dorsum of thethird extends the carpiradialis longus
extensor carpiradialis
tendon(lateralepicon metacarpalbone wrist;abducts the deep radial nerve radial a. andflexor carpi
dyle ofhumerus) (base) hand radialisin abduction of
thehand (Greek,
carpi=the wrist)

works with
lower one-thirdof the dorsum of extends the carpiradialis brevis
extensor carpiradialis
lateralsupracondylarri thesecondmetacarpal wrist;abducts the radial nerve radial a. andflexor carpi
dge of thehumerus bone(base) hand radialisin abduction of
thehand (Greek,
carpi=the wrist)

commonextensor works with the

tendon& the medial side ofthe extends the flexorcarpi ulnaris
extensor carpiulnaris middleone-half of base of the5th wrist;adducts the deep radial nerve ulnar a. inadduction of the
theposterior borderof metacarpal hand hand (Greek, carpi=
the ulna thewrist)

works with
common flexortendon theextensor
from base of thesecond flexes the wrist, carpiradialis longus
flexor carpiradialis median nerve ulnar a.
themedialepicondyle and thirdmetacarpals abductsthe hand andbrevis mm. to
of thehumerus abducthand (Greek,
carpi =the wrist)

common flexortendon the ulnar nervepasses

& (ulnarhead) between thetwo
pisiform, hookof
frommedial border flexes wrist, heads of originof the
flexor carpiulnaris hamate, andbase of ulnar nerve ulnar a.
ofolecranon &upper adductshand flexor carpiulnaris m.
2/3 of theposterior (Greek,carpi = the
borderof the ulna wrist)

greater tubercleof the inatus, teresminor
laterally rotates the
infraspinatus infraspinatous fossa humerus(middle suprascapularnerve suprascapular a. andsubscapularis are
facet) therotator cuff

dorsal scapularnerve
medial border ofthe
(C5); theupper part of levator scapulae is
transverseprocesses scapula fromthe
levator scapulae elevates the scapula themuscle dorsal scapulara. named for its action
of C1-C4 vertebrae superiorangle to
receivesbranches of (Latin, levator = to lift)
C3 &C4
palmaris longus is
absent in about 13%
flexortendon, from
palmaris longus palmaraponeurosis flexes the wrist median nerve ulnar a. of forearms; it maybe
present on one side
of thehumerus

the deep fascia on

medial 1/2 of
surfaceshould not be
m &body of
crest of thegreater flexes and adducts medial and pectoral branchof fusedto the fascia of
pectoralis major tubercleof the thearm, medially lateralpectoral thethoracoacromialtr themammary gland -
cartilagesof ribs 2-
humerus rotates thearm nerves(C5-T1) unk ifit is, this is
6,sometimes fromthe
rectus sheathof the
clinicalsign indicating
upperabdominal wall

branches of
draws the
pectoral branchof nerveusually
coracoid processof scapulaforward, medial pectoralnerve
pectoralis minor ribs 3-5 thethoracoacromialtr piercepectoralis
the scapula medialward,and (C8, T1)
unk minor toreach the

pronator quadratus
medial side ofthe isthe deepest muscle
anterior surfaceof the median nerve viathe
anteriorsurface of anteriorinterosseous inthe distal forearm;
pronatorquadratus distal one-fourth of pronates the forearm anteriorinterosseous
thedistal one-fourthof a. itworks with
theradius nerve
the ulna pronatorteres and has
thesame nerve supply

common flexortendon
and (deepor ulnar median nerve
midpoint of thelateral
head)from medial ulnar a., anteriorulnar passesbetween the
pronator teres side ofthe shaft of pronates the forearm median nerve
sideof recurrenta. twoheads of origin
coronoidprocess of ofpronator teres

medial border ofthe

retracts, elevates
spines of vertebrae T2- scapulainferior to dorsal scapularnerve
rhomboideus major androtates the dorsal scapular a. named for its shape
T5 thespine of (C5)

inferior end ofthe medial border ofthe

retracts, elevates
ligamentumnuchae, scapula atthe root of dorsal scapular nerve
rhomboideus minor androtates the dorsal scapular a named for its shape
spines ofvertebrae C7 thespine of (C5)
andT1 thescapula

a lesion of
longthoracic nerve
willcause winging of
thescapula (i.e.,
it draws the
medial border ofthe long thoracic themedial border of
scapulaforward; the
serratus anterior ribs 1-8 or 9 scapula onits costal nerve(from ventral lateral thoracica. thescapula falls
inferiorfibers rotate
(deep)surface ramiC5-C7) awayfrom the
the scapulasuperiorly
posteriorchest wall
and lookslike an
angel's wing) (Latin,
serratus = to saw)
medial two-thirds of
medially rotates the upper and lower pinatus,
the costal surface of lesser tubercleof the
subscapularis arm; assists extention subscapular nerves subscapular a. infraspinatus, and
the scapula humerus
of the arm (C5,6) teres minor are the
(subscapular fossa)
rotator cuff muscles

lateral epicondyle of
deep radial nerve
the humerus,
passes through the
supinator crest & lateral side of
recurrent supinator to reach the
supinator fossa of the ulna, proximal one-third of supinates the forearm deep radial nerve
interosseous a. posterior
radial collateral the radius
compartment of the
ligament, annular

initiates abduction of
greater tubercleof the abducts the the arm, then the
(C5,6) fromthe
supraspinatus supraspinatous fossa humerus(highest arm(initiates suprascapular a. deltoid muscle
superior trunkof the
facet) abduction) completes the action;
a member of the
rotator cuff group

teres major
adducts the insertsbeside the
dorsal surface ofthe crest of thelesser subscapularnerve
arm,medially rotates tendon oflatissimus
teres major inferior angleof the tubercleof the (C5,6) fromthe circumflexscapular a.
the arm,assists in arm dorsi, andassists
scapula humerus posterior cordof the
extension latissimus inits

fixes the head of

thehumerus in
axillary nerve(C5,6)
greater tubercleof the theglenoid fossa
upper 2/3 of thelateral laterally rotates the from theposterior
teres minor humerus(lowest circumflexscapular a. duringabduction &
border ofthe scapula arm cord ofthe brachial
facet) flexionof the arm; a
memberof the rotator

named for its

shape;trapezius is
medial third ofthe lateral third ofthe elevates and
anexample of a
superiornuchal clavicle,medial side depressesthe scapula
motor: musclethat migrates
line,external ofthe acromionand (dependingon which
spinalaccessory duringdevelopment
trapezius occipitalprotuberance the uppercrest of part of themuscle transversecervical a.
(XI),proprioception:C from itslevel of
,ligamentumnuchae, thescapular contracts);rotates the
3-C4 origin(cervical) to its
spinousprocesses spine,tubercle of scapulasuperiorly;
finalposition, pulling
ofvertebrae C7-T12 thescapular spine retractsscapula
itsnerve and
arteryalong behind

long head: long head of the

infraglenoid tubercle triceps separates the
of the scapula; lateral triangular and
head: posterolateral quadrangular spaces
extends the forearm;
humerus & lateral olecranon process of deep brachial (teres major,
triceps brachii thelong head extends radial nerve
intermuscular the ulna (profunda brachii) a. teresminor and the
and adducts arm
septum; medial head: humerus are the other
posteromedial boundaries); all three
surface of the inferior heads of origin insert
1/2 of the humerus by a common tendon
inmastication, it
pulls the corner
pterygomandibular angle of mouth isinnervated by
raphe, mandible, and andthe lateral buccal branchesof thebuccal branch
buccinator laterally;presses the facial a.
the maxillalateral to portionof the upper the facialnerve (VII) ofthe facial nerve
cheekagainst the
the molar teeth andlower lips andNOT by the
buccalnerve from V3
(asensory nerve)
(Latin, buccinator

marginalmandibular inferior labialbranch

oblique line of pulls the corner ofthe
depressor angulioris angle of the mouth &buccal branchesof of the faciala., mental a "frown" muscle
themandible mouthdownward
the facialnerve (VII) a.

marginalmandibularb inferior labialbranch this muscle is usedto

depressor labii anterior surface ofthe depresses the
skin of the lowerlip ranch of thefacial of the faciala., mental bare the lowerincisor
inferioris mandible lowerlip
nerve (VII) a. teeth

the digastric m.forms

two sides ofthe
anterior belly:mylohyoidnerve,
belly:digastric fossa body of the hyoidvia a from anterior
elevates the e; it isformed
ofthe fibrous loopover themandibulardivisio belly:submental
digastric hyoidbone; depresses frommesenchymederi
mandible;posterior anintermediatetendo n of thetrigeminal a.;posterior
themandible ved from thefirst
belly:mastoid notch n nerve(V); belly:occipital a.
ofthe temporal bone posteriorbelly:
arches,hence its
facialnerve (VII)

elevates theeyebrows frontalis is theanterior

temporalbranches of supraorbital
frontalis galea aponeurotica skin of theeyebrow andwrinkles belly of theepicranius
thefacial nerve (VII) andsupratrochlear aa.
theforehead muscle

thyrohyoid and
geniohyoid receive
ventral primary ramus ansa cervicalisfibers
elevates the
mental spines ofthe of spinal nerve C1 via lingual a., submental that travelwith
geniohyoid body of the hyoidbone hyoidbone; depresses
mandible fibers carried by the a. thehypoglossal
hypoglossal nerve nervedistal to
thesuperior limb of
theansa cervicalis

canine fossa of angle (corner) ofthe elevates the angleof buccal branch ofthe a.,superior
levator anguli oris a "smile" muscle
themaxilla mouth the mouth facial nerve(VII) labialbranch of the

levator labii superioris

is used to bare the
infraorbital a.,
inferior margin ofthe buccal branch ofthe upper incisor teeth, as
levator labii superioris skin of the upperlip elevates the upperlip superior labial branch
orbit facial nerve(VII) in a sneer
of the faciala.
(Latin,levator = to lift
+ labial = lips)

dorsal scapularnerve
medial border ofthe
(C5); theupper part of
transverseprocesses scapula fromthe named for its action
levator scapulae elevates scapula themuscle dorsal scapular a.
of C1-4vertebrae superior angleto the (Latin, levator = to lift)
receivesbranches of
C3& C4 spinalnerves
nerve to themasseter,
lateral surface ofthe
zygomatic arch and fromthe masseteric branchof (Greek, masseter =
masseter ramus and angle of elevates the mandible
zygomatic bone mandibulardivision of the maxillary a. the chewer)
the mandible
thetrigeminal nerve(V)

anterior surface ofthe

marginalmandibularb mental a.,
mandible nearthe elevates the lowerlip
mentalis skin of the chin ranch of thefacial inferiorlabial branch none
mentalsymphysis(mid and skin of chin
nerve (VII) of thefacial a.

the nerve tomylohyoid

mylohyoid nervefrom alsoinnervates
elevates the
the inferioralveolar theanterior belly
midline raphe hyoidbone and
mylohyoid line nerve, abranch of mylohyoid branchof ofdigastric m.;
mylohyoid andbody of the thetongue;
ofmandible themandibulardivisio the inferioralveolar a. bothmuscles
hyoidbone depressesthe
n of thetrigeminal arederivatives of
nerve(V) thesecond

nasalis has
maxilla above ala of the nose twosubsidiary
flattens the nose,flare buccal branch ofthe superior labialbranch
nasalis theincisor teeth andmidlineaponeuros parts:nasalis pars
the nostrils facial nerve(VII) of the faciala.
andthe canine teeth is alarisand pars
occipitalis is
pulls the posteriorauricular
theposterior belly
occipitalis superior nuchalline galea aponeurotica scalpposteriorly;eleva branchof the occipital a.
tes theeyebrows facialnerve (VII)

inferior belly:upper the
border ofthe scapula intermediatetendon
don; superiorbelly:
medialto the depresses/stabilizest ofomohyoid
omohyoid lower borderof the ansa cervicalis transverse cervicala.
scapularnotch; he hyoid bone istethered to
hyoid bonelateral to
superiorbelly: theclavicle by a
intermediatetendon fascialsling

orbital part:medial in theblink reflex;
orbital part: skin ofthe supraorbital
orbitalmargin and thepalpebral part
lateral temporal a.,supratrochlear
themedial isactive in
orbicularis oculi cheek;palpebral closes the eyelids &zygomaticbranches a.,infraorbital
palpebralligament;pal normalblinking and
part:lateral of thefacial nerve (VII) a.,angular branch
pebral part:medial theorbital part is
palpebralraphe ofthe facial a.
palpebralligament usedto forcefully
closethe eye

skin and fascia oflips superior andinferior

and the skin and fascia ofthe buccal branch ofthe labialbranches of
orbicularis oris purses the lips the "kissing"muscle
areasurrounding lips facial nerve(VII) thefacial a., mental
thelips a.,infraorbital a.

platysma is derived
draws the cornersof from the
fascia overlyingthe inferior border ofthe
the mouthdown; it cervical branchof the mesenchyme of the
platysma pectoralismajor and mandible andskin of facial a.
aids indepression of facialnerve (VII) second pharyngeal
deltoidmuscles lower face
themandible arch (Greek, platysma
= a flat plate)

depresses themedial
skin between temporal branchof the (Latin, procerus = long
procerus nasal bone corners ofthe supratrochlear a.
theeyebrows facialnerve (VII) and streched out)
the only one of
themuscles of
mastication that
superior opens the mouth; the
superior head:greater
head:capsule and protracts lateral superior head of
wing of thesphenoid
&articular disk of themandible; pterygoidbranch of lateral pterygoid is
bone;inferior pterygoid branch
pterygoid, lateral thetemporomandibul opensthe mouth; themandibulardivisio sometimes called
head:lateral surface ofthe maxillary a.
arjoint; inferior activein grinding n of thetrigeminal sphenomeniscus due
ofthe lateralpterygoid
head:neck of actionsof chewing nerve(V) to its insertion into the
themandible disc of the
joint (Greek, pterygoid
= wing-shaped)

this muscle mirrors

medial surface ofthe
the masseter m. in
lateralpterygoid medial
position and action
plate,pyramidal medial surface ofthe pterygoidbranch of
elevates andprotracts pterygoid branch with the ramus of the
pterygoid, medial processof the ramus andangle of themandibulardivisio
themandible ofthe maxillary a. mandible between the
palatinebone, themandible n of thetrigeminal
two mm. (Greek,
tuberosity ofthe nerve(V)
pterygoid = wing-

risorius is active in
skin of the
fascia of thelateral draws the corner buccal branchesof transverse facial expressions of mirth
risorius angle(corner) of
cheek ofthe mouth laterally the facialnerve (VII) a.,facial a. (Latin, risorius = to

draws the
sternal head:anterior downtoward the spinal accessory
surface ofthe mastoid processand sameside which nerve (XI), sternocleidomastoidb carotid sheath
sternocleidomastoid manubrium;clavicular lateral 1/2 ofthe causesthe chin to turn withsensory supply ranch of the occipital structures lie deep to
head:medial 1/3rd superior nuchalline uptoward theopposite from C2 & C3 (for a. it
ofthe clavicle side;acting together, proprioception)
themuscles of the
twosides flex the neck

posterior surfacesof lower border of

both themanubrium thehyoid bone, depresses/stabilizest
sternohyoid ansa cervicalis superior thyroid a. thesternothyroid
andsternal end of medialto the he hyoid bone
andthyrohyoid mm.
theclavicle omohyoid m.insertion

posterior surfaceof
the manubriumbelow oblique line of depresses/stabilizest
sternothyroid ansa cervicalis superior thyroid a. liesdeep to
the originof the thethyroid cartilage he hyoid bone
thesternohyoid m.

facial nerveinnervates
both thestylohyoid m.
splits around
andthe posterior
posterior side ofthe elevates andretracts ascendingpharyngeal bellyof the digastric
stylohyoid n of thedigastric m. facial nerve (VII)
styloid process the hyoidbone a. m.shortly after
toinsert on the bodyof
the hyoid bone
anterior andposterior
coronoid process
elevates themandible; deeptemporal a powerful
temporal fossa ofthe mandible
retractsthe nervesfrom anterior andposterior chewingmuscle;
temporalis andthe temporal andthe anterior
mandible(posterior themandibulardivisio deeptemporal aa. aderivative of thefirst
fascia surfaceof the ramus
fibers) n of thetrigeminal pharyngealarch
of themandible

ansa cervicalis(via
fibersrunning with
elevates the
oblique line of lower border of thehypoglossalnerve thyrohyoid liesdeep to
thyrohyoid larynx;depresses/stab superior thyroid a.
thethyroid cartilage thehyoid bone that leaveXII distal to thesternohyoid
ilizesthe hyoid bone
thesuperior limb

elevates and zygomatic andbuccal

upper lateralsurface skin of the angle ofthe transverse facial
zygomaticus major drawsthe corner of branchesof the a "smile" muscle
of thezygomatic bone mouth a.,facial a.
themouth laterally facialnerve (VII)

lower surface ofthe lateral part of buccal branch ofthe transverse facial
zygomaticus minor elevates the upperlip a "smile" muscle
zygomaticbone theupper lip facial nerve(VII) a.,facial a.

xiphoid process,
costalmargin, fascia
pushes theabdominal left crus attaches to
over thequadratus
viscerainferiorly,incre musculophrenic the L1-L2 vertebral
lumborumand psoas central tendonof
diaphragm asing thevolume of phrenic nerve(C3-C5) a.,superior phrenic bodies, theright crus
major mm.(lateral & thediaphragm
thethoracic a.,inferior phrenic a. attaches to theL1-L3
cavity(inspiration) vertebral bodies
bodies L1-L3

11 in number; they
extendfrom the
tubercle of the ribto
keeps theintercostal
lower border of a upper border ofthe rib the
spacefrom blowing intercostalnerves (T1-
external intercostals ribwithin an below,coursing,down intercostal a. costochondraljunctio
outor sucking induring T11)
intercostalspace ward andmedially n; continuous withthe

11 in number; they
extend from the
keeps theintercostal margin of the sternum
lower border ofrib
spacefrom blowing intercostalnerves (T1- to the angle of the rib;
internal intercostals upper border of a rib above,coursing up intercostal a.
outor sucking induring T11) continuous
respiration posteriorly with the
internal intercostal
musculophrenic the inguinal ligament
a.,superior epigastric is aspecialization of
a.,intercostal aa. 7- theexternal
11,subcostal a., abdominaloblique
linea alba, pubiccrest intercostal nerves7-
lumbar aa.,superficial aponeurosis;
& tubercle,anterior flexes 11,
oblique,externalabdo circumflexiliac a., theexternal spermatic
lower 8 ribs superioriliac spine andlaterallybends subcostal,iliohypogas
minal deep circumflexiliac fasciais the external
&anterior half ofiliac thetrunk tricand
a., abdominaloblique
crest ilioinguinalnerves
superficialepigastric muscle'scontribution
a., inferiorepigastric to thecoverings of the
a., superficialexternal testisand spermatic
pudendal a. cord

anterior fibers of
a.,superior epigastric
obliquecourse up and
a.,intercostal aa. 7-
11,subcostal a.,
thoracolumbarfascia, intercostal nerves7- ar to thefibers of
lumbar aa.,superficial
anterior2/3 of the flexes 11, externalabdominal
oblique,internalabdo lower 3 or 4 ribs,linea circumflexiliac a.,
iliaccrest, lateral andlaterallybends subcostal,iliohypogas oblique; thecremaster
minal alba, pubiccrest deep circumflexiliac
2/3of the thetrunk tricand muscle andfascia is
inguinalligament ilioinguinalnerves the internalabdominal
a., inferiorepigastric
contribution tothe
a., superficialexternal
coverings of thetestis
pudendal a.
and spermatic cord

rectus sheath
abdominis and
superior epigastric
xiphoid processof the intercostal nerves7- isformed by
pubis and thepubic a.intercostal
rectusabdominis sternumand flexes thetrunk 11 and theaponeuroses of
symphysis aa.,subcostal a.,
costalcartilages 5-7 subcostalnerve externaland internal
inferiorepigastric a.

musculophrenic abdominismuscle
a.,superior epigastric does notcontribute to
a.,intercostal aa. 7- thecoverings of
lower 6 11,subcostal a., thespermatic cord
intercostal nerves7-
ribs,thoracolumbarfa lumbar aa.,superficial andtestis;
linea alba, pubiccrest flexes 11,
transversus scia, anterior3/4 of circumflexiliac a., transversalisfascia,
and pectenof the andlaterallybends subcostal,iliohypogas
abdominis the iliaccrest, lateral deep circumflexiliac the deep fasciathat
pubis trunk tricand
1/3of a., covers the
inguinalligament superficialepigastric innersurface of
a., inferiorepigastric thetransversus
a., superficialexternal abdominis,forms the
pudendal a. internalspermatic
long long head: tibialnerve;
head of fibula
head:ischialtuberosit extends the thigh, shorthead: perforatingbranches one of the
biceps femoris andlateral condyle
y; shorthead: lateral flexesthe leg commonfibular(peron ofthe deepfemoral a. "hamstring"muscles
ofthe tibia
lipof the lineaaspera eal) nerve

the part of the

extensor superolateralsurface extensor expansionof brevis thatgoes to the
extends toes 1-4 fibular(peroneal) dorsalispedis a.
digitorumbrevis of thecalcaneus toes 1-4 great toe iscalled the
brevis m.

dorsum of thelateral 4
lateral condyleof the
toes extends
viaextensorexpansion themetatarsophalang one of the
surfaceof the deep
extensor s(central slip eal,proximalinterphal musclesinvolved in
fibula,lateral portion fibular(peroneal) anteriortibial a.
digitorumlongus insertson base of angeal anddistal anteriorcompartment
ofthe nerve
middlephalanx, interphalangealjoints syndrome
lateralslips on base of the lateral 4toes
ofdistal phalanx)

base of the
middlephalanx of flexes flexor digitorum
tuberosity of
digits2-5 after themetatarsophalang brevisin the foot is
thecalcaneus,plantar medial
flexor digitorumbrevis splittingto allow eal medial plantarnerve equivalentto the flexor
aponeurosis,intermus andlateralplantar aa.
passage ofthe &proximalinterphalan digitorumsuperficialis
flexordigitorum geal joints ofdigits 2-5 m. of thearm

themetatarsophalang flexor digitorum
middle half ofthe bases of the eal,proximalinterphal longusin the leg is
posteriorsurface of distalphalanges of angeal anddistal tibial nerve tibial a. equivalentto the flexor
thetibia digits2-5 interphalangealjoints digitorumprofundus
of digits 2-5;plantar m. of the arm
flexes the foot

femur; medialhead:
the calcaneal tendon
above themedial dorsum of
sural aa.(from ofthe gastrocnemius
femoralcondyle; thecalcaneus via flexes leg; plantar
gastrocnemius tibial nerve thepopliteala.),poster andsoleus is the
lateralhead: above thecalcaneal(Achilles flexesfoot
iortibial a. thickestand strongest
thelateral ') tendon
tendon inthe body

posterior glutealline,
upper fibers:iliotibial gluteus maximus is
posteriorsurface extends the
tract;lowermost superior asite of
gluteus maximus ofsacrum thigh;laterally rotates inferior glutealnerve
fibers:gluteal andinferiorgluteal aa. intramuscularinjectio
andcoccyx,sacrotuber thefemur
tuberosityof the femur n

the angle at which

thegluteus medius
external surfaceof the
iliumbetween abducts the
greater trochanterof the greatertrochanter
gluteus medius theposterior femur;medially superior glutealnerve superiorgluteal a.
the femur of the femuris anterior
andanterior rotates thethigh
to the axis ofrotation
of the thigh,resulting
in medialrotation
the angle at which
thegluteus minimus
external surfaceof the
iliumbetween abducts the
greater trochanterof the greatertrochanter
gluteus minimus theanterior femur;medially superior glutealnerve superiorgluteal a.
the femur of the femuris anterior
andinferior rotates thethigh
to the axis ofrotation
of the thigh,resulting
in medialrotation

flexes the thigh; if inserts in company

iliac fossa andiliac lesser trochanter thethigh is fixed it withthe psoas major
iliacus femoral nerve iliolumbara.
crest; ala ofsacrum ofthe femur flexesthe pelvis on the m. viathe iliopsoas
thigh tendon

femoral nerveand
adducts, flexes,
pectineal line ofthe possibly theanterior medialfemoralcircum pectineus often has
pectineus pecten of thepubis andmedially rotates
femur divisionof the flexa. adual innervation

the genitofemoral
bodies flexes the thigh; branches of nervepierces the
lesser trochanter
andtransverseproces flexes& laterally theventral subcostal a.,lumbar anteriorsurface of the
psoas major offemur (withiliacus)
ses oflumbar bends thelumbar primaryrami of aa. psoasmajor m. (Latin,
viailiopsoas tendon
vertebrae vertebral column spinalnerves L2-L4 psoas = the muscles
of the loins)

composed of 4
anterior surfaceof the
femur andthe anterior extends the knee;
tibial tuberosityvia the lateralcircumflexfemo femoris,
quadricepsfemoris sideof the medialand rectusfemoris flexes femoral nerve
patellarligament ral a.,deepfemoral a. vastuslateralis,
lateralintermusculars the thigh
and vastusmedialis

its actions put the

lowerlimb in the
flexes, abducts
anterior superioriliac medial surface ofthe lateralfemoralcircumf traditionalcross-
sartorius andlaterally rotates femoral nerve
spine tibia (pesanserinus) lexa.,saphenousa. legged seatedposition
thethigh; flexes leg
of a tailor (Latin,
sartorius = tailor)

upper, outersurface of medial condyle ofthe extends the thigh, perforatingbranches one of the
semimembranosus tibial nerve
theischialtuberosity tibia flexesthe leg ofthe deepfemoral a. "hamstring"muscles

lower, medialsurface pes anserinus is

of thecommon insertion
medial surface oftibia extends the thigh, perforatingbranches
semitendinosus ischialtuberosity(com tibial nerve forthe gracilis,
(via pesanserinus) flexesthe leg ofthe deepfemoral a.
mon tendonwith sartorius,and
bicepsfemoris m.) semitendinosusmm.

soleus and the 2

posterior surfaceof dorsum of headsof
head andupper shaft thecalcaneus via gastrocnemius
soleus plantar flexes the foot tibial nerve posteriortibial a.
ofthe fibula, solealline thecalcaneal(Achilles aresometimes called
of the tibia ') tendon thetriceps surae

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