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The install configuration process is similar to the installing source process.

After both install processes have completed, VIMSpc automatically disconnects and
reconnects, to acquire information about the new configuration. If successful, an operation
complete message is displayed.

Step 7 Click the OK push-button. The message closes and you are returned to the application

Install Configuration File Only

In some cases, it may not be necessary to change both the source and the machine configuration
software. Such occasions may include, but are not limited to:

• Adding a new sensor to a machine.

• Modifying configuration information for the Loader Payload System.

• Updating a machine to obtain new features or enhancements.

• Initial upload to a machine that does not have a configuration.

Note: The Install Configuration on Machine operation is not available for VIMS systems with
version 4.0 or greater hardware. Please use Caterpillar Electronic Technician to perform this
operation. If you attempt this operation, the following message is displayed.

To install configuration software on the machine:

Step 1 Select Install Configuration on Machine from the Configure menu. The Open dialog box is
displayed. Only configuration files (.cnf) are displayed. The default path is the path that you
have specified in the System Preferences.

Step 2 Click on a configuration file name. The file name is highlighted.

Step 3 Click the Open push-button. The Open dialog box closes and a confirmation message is
displayed. Click Cancel to NOT install software and return to the application window.

Step 4 To proceed, click the Yes push-button. The Installing Configuration dialog box opens.

While the Onboard is erasing its configuration flash memory, VIMSpc waits before sending
additional bytes.

As the bytes are sent, a progress bar is displayed in the VIMSpc status bar.

When the bar reaches 100%, VIMSpc automatically disconnects and reconnects, to acquire
information about the new configuration. If successful, an operation complete message is

Step 5 Click the OK push-button. The message closes and you are returned to the application

Install Loader configuration on ABL machine
To upload a loader configuration file onto an ABL on-board system, select Install Loader Configuration Data on
Machine under the Configure\Install Configuration\ menu.

A file Open dialog pops up when this menu item is selected...

Select the configuration file name to be uploaded and then click Open. Another dialog box with bytes send will be
displayed. When the configuration file is completely upload, a message of "Operation completed successfully" should
get displayed. Click Ok to continue.

Get Configuration Data from Machine
Select the following menu item to download partial configuration files from the ABL on-board system.

Clicking on the above menu item results in another dialog box as follows...

This dialog allows choosing the desired data from the entire configuration file. Key Pad, Data Events, Parameters and
Loader Config can be selected. Click against each name to select or de-select the item. The items with a check beside
them will get downloaded.

OK (button)

Click this button to start the download process. A file Save As dialog pops up, key in the name of the file and click
save. The Ok button changes to Cancel. Progress bar against the checked items will start to move from 0% to 100% and
message "Operation completed successfully" gets displayed when all of checked boxes are done.

Close (button)

Closes the dialog box and the control get transferred to main screen.

Cancel (button)
This button allows aborting the download process.

If the OK button is chosen, the following dialog box is seen..

After a file name is present in the dialog box and then the Save button is chosen; the download process is performed.

A dialog similar to the following is seen during the download process...

Copy the Configuration File

It can be helpful to make a backup copy of a machines configuration under any of the following

• Prior to a source or machine configuration software install, which erases the current configuration.

• To obtain a copy of the configuration for use with the View/Change Configuration feature.

To copy the machine configuration file:

Step 1 Select "Copy Configuration from Machine" from the Configure menu. The Save As dialog
box is displayed.

Step 2 Click in the File name box and type a name. The display box shows configuration files already
in this directory.

Step 3 Click the Save push-button. The Save As dialog box closes and a confirmation message is
displayed. Click Cancel to NOT copy the configuration file and return to the application

Step 4 To proceed, click the Yes push-button. The Copying Configuration dialog box opens and
displays a count of bytes received from the VIMS system.

If you do not want to copy now, click the No push-button.

A operation complete message is displayed when the file has been copied.

Step 5 Click the OK push-button. The message closes and you are returned to the application

View and Change the Configuration File

View/Change Configuration allows you to view and print reports of the configuration file, as
well as make changes to the Loader Payload portion of the configuration file.

To view details of, or make changes to, the Configuration:

Step 1 Select View/Change Configuration from the Configure menu.

By default, the program attempts to open the configuration file that was last downloaded with
this computer.

Note: The View/Change Configuration detailed documentation is provided in a separate

section of this document.

Set the Serial Number and Equipment Number

The serial number and equipment number of the machine must be assigned when doing initial
machine setup, or when the VIMS onboard system has lost battery power or been replaced.

To assign either the Serial Number or Equipment Number of the machine:

Step 1 Select Assign Serial/Equipment Number from the Configure menu. The Assign
Serial/Equipment Number dialog box is displayed. The cursor is positioned at the start of the
New Serial Number field.

Note: Older VIMS machines may have non-printable characters at the end of their Serial and
Equipment numbers. This may cause the values entered to appear acceptable when in fact they
can cause later problems. Generally, when prompted to re-enter the serial and equipment
numbers, simply delete the previous text and re/uh/enter the appropriate values.

Step 2 If changing the Serial Number, using the mouse, click at the beginning of the New Settings
Serial Number, select the entire text by dragging the mouse, then press the Delete key. The
entire field is cleared.

If not changing the Serial Number, press the Tab key to position the cursor at the New
Equipment Number field.

Step 3 Type in the correct Serial Number, including any leading zeroes (0).

Step 4 If changing the Equipment Number, using the mouse, click at the beginning of the New
Settings Equipment Number, select the entire text by dragging the mouse, then press the
Delete key. The entire field is cleared.

If not changing the Equipment Number, proceed to Step 6.

Step 5 Type in the correct Equipment Number.

Step 6 Click the OK push-button. The new values are set in the VIMS onboard system. You return to
the application window.

Click the Cancel push-button to discard the changes and return to the application window.

Set Date/Time/SMH

At various occasions during the life of the machine, the real time clock and service meter hour
must be set. Examples include:

• Set clock to correct time zone on initial machine setup.

• Set clock for daylight savings time changes.

• VIMS onboard system loses battery power.

• VIMS onboard system is replaced.

To reset either the Date and Time or the Service Meter Hours (SMH) of the machine:

Step 1 Select Reset Date/Time/SMH from the Configure menu. The Reset Date/Time/SMH dialog
box is displayed. The New Settings fields are disabled, and the clock is being updated every

Step 2 If changing the Date or Time, click on the Reset Date/Time box. The Date and Time New
Settings fields are enabled.

If not changing the Date or Time, leave the box unchecked and skip to Step 6.

Step 3 Enter the correct date by typing, or using the spinners, or click the down arrow icon to use the
calendar date selector. Enter the correct time by typing or using the spinners. For help with
date and time selection, see Time Range.

Step 4 If changing the SMH, click on the Reset SMH box. The SMH New Settings field is enabled.

If not changing the SMH, leave the box unchecked and skip to Step 6.

Step 5 Type in the correct SMH value.

Step 6 Click the Reset push-button to make the changes. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

To discard your changes, uncheck the Reset checkbox. The New Settings fields are disabled
and the values return to the Current Settings values. Skip to Step 8.

Step 7 To proceed, click the Yes push-button. The changes are made.

If you do not want make the changes, click the No push-button.

Step 8 Click the Close button to close the dialog box and return to the application window.

Calibrate Truck Payload

The truck payload system must be calibrated occasionally after other VIMS service work, such
as replacing the VIMS main module, replacing suspension cylinders or suspension cylinder
pressure sensors, etc. This function may be used instead of typing PAYCAL on the VIMS
onboard keypad.

To calibrate the truck payload system:

Step 1 Select Calibrate Truck Payload from the Configure menu. The Calibrate Truck Payload dialog
box is displayed.

Step 2 Carefully follow the exact instructions for truck payload calibration listed in SENR6059 which
is the VIMS Service Manual.

Step 3 When ready to calibrate, click the OK push-button.

If successful, an operation complete message is displayed.

If not successful, an error message will inform you that the conditions listed in SENR6059
may not have been met.

Follow the calibration instructions, and try Step 3 again.

Step 4 Click the OK push-button. You return to the application window.

Appendix A: Notes For VIMS-pc 2.x Users

Appendix A: Notes for VIMS-PC 2.X Users
If you are a user of VIMS-PC 2.X, you may import VIMS-PC 2.X data files into the VIMSpc database.

Before importing data, the machine must be defined in the VIMSpc database. The following sections step you
through the process of moving your VIMS-PC 2.X data files into the VIMSpc database.

Note: The process of downloading and merging data into the database automatically adds the machine definition in
the database.

Setup Machines

The Setup Machine/Shift function allows you to define your machines in the database.

To add a new machine to the database:

Step 1 Select Machine/Shift from the Setup menu. The Setup Machine/Shift dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the right mouse button with the pointer on Database. A pop-up menu is displayed. Click Machine from the Add
sub-menu. The Machine Information area is displayed in the Setup Machine/Shift dialog box.

Note: To add a machine to a particular site, click the right mouse button with the pointer on the

Step 3 Enter the machine Serial Number in the text box.

Note: When entering the Serial Number, be careful to enter the exact Serial Number as
programmed in the VIMS system, including leading zeros (e.g. 9YF00101). This serial
number is compared against the machine serial number stored in the VIMS system, and is
recorded in downloaded data files. Mismatched serial numbers may cause failures when data
is merged into the database.

Step 4 Enter the machine Equipment Number in the text box.

Step 5 Select the Model Code from the drop-down list. The family name is displayed.

Step 6 Click the "Save" push-button. The machine definition is saved in the database.

To edit a machine in the database:

Step 1 Select Machine/ Shift from the Setup menu. The Setup Machine/ Shift dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click on a machine. In the Machine Information area, make the changes.

Note: The Serial Number cannot be changed once it is saved. If you saved the wrong serial
number, delete the machine and add a new one.

Step 3 Click the "Save" push-button. The changes are saved in the database.

To delete a Machine from the Database:

Step 1 Select Machine/ Shift from the Setup menu. The Setup Machine/ Shift dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the right mouse button with the pointer on the machine you want to delete. Click delete from the pop-up menu.
A "Do you want to Delete?" message box is displayed.

Step 3 Click "Yes" to delete the machine. Click "No" to not delete the machine.

Step 4 If there is data in the database for this machine, a "This machine has the following data: x, x, x, x. Do you want to
proceed?" message box is displayed.

Step 5 Click "Yes" to delete the machine. Click "No" to not delete the machine.

Import VIMS-PC 2.X Files

After machines are defined in the VIMSpc database, VIMS-PC 2.X files may be imported into the database. Both
individual downloaded files and merged historical files may be imported.

Note: Only converted files (changed from a binary format to BTrieve format) can be imported. The file must be
converted using the version of VIMS-PC 2.X that created the file.

To import VIMS-PC 2.X files:

Step 1 Select Import from the File menu, then select VIMS-PC 2.X from the submenu. The Import VIMS-PC dialog box is

Step 2 Click the "Select Machines..." push-button. The Select Machine dialog box is displayed. Select the machine to which
the VIMS-PC 2.X data will be assigned.

Note: Data must be imported one machine at a time. You may select one or all of the data files from the selected
machine at one time, but only files from that machine.

Step 3 Click the "Advanced..." push-button to list only certain file types. The Import VIMS-PC Advanced dialog box is

In the Select File Type area, check the file types you wish to list. Click "OK" to accept the
selections. Click "Cancel" to not change the selections.

Step 4 Click the "Browse" icon. The Select File Path dialog box is displayed. Highlight the drive for your path. In the Select
Path box, double clicking on a folder set the path. Click "OK" to accept the new path.

Step 5 Click the "Find Now" push-button to start the search. As a file is found, it is listed in the Files text box.

Note: The "Import" push-button will change to the "Cancel" while the files are being searched. This allows you to
cancel the search at any time.

Step 6 Highlight a file/s in the Files text box. Click the "Import" push-button to begin the import process.

Note: To highlight multiple files, you can use the Microsoft Keyboard Shortcuts.

No Reset Information in Cumulative or Histogram Files
VIMS-PC 2.X cumulative (.cum, .hcm) and histogram (.hst, .hhs) files do not contain reset information. Therefore,
Import VIMS-PC 2.X cannot account for resets done with VIMS-PC 2.X.

Import the last download of cumulative and histogram data for each machine, as all prior data without resets is
ignored in the total accumulation.

The only value in importing earlier VIMS-PC 2.X downloads is to see the value of those individual downloads.

Time Range Selection vs. Files Selection
In VIMS-PC 2.X, downloads create discrete files. For some file types, (Events and Truck Payload), files are merged
to produce a historical file that integrates discrete downloads. However, for many file types, data cannot be truly

VIMSpc integrates all downloads and imports into the database during the process called Merging. When data is
merged into the database, there are no file "edges". Data is one continuous flow of records, regardless of the
download or import from which it came.

This is a new concept to VIMS-PC 2.X users. To overcome this obstacle, each download date/time and SMH range
are recorded in the VIMSpc database. This list of downloads can be seen by clicking the Select by Downloads push-
button on any report dialog box.

Appendix B: Error Messages

Appendix B: Error Messages

The following table lists error messages generated by VIMSpc. Also listed is additional
information to explain the reason for the message, and the recommended action to take.

Note that this list cannot contain all the error messages you may encounter while using
VIMSpc. Some error messages are invoked by the operating system. Other messages are
generated by software libraries that VIMSpc uses. Examples of these errors are:

System Error: "Invalid or missing object." or "Microsoft ODBC …"

The exact text of a system error will vary. Before clicking the OK push-button, carefully
record the error number and text displayed in the error message. Then contact product support.
Sometimes the program will allow you to continue. If so, please do so.

Run-Time Error: "Invalid procedure call or argument".

The exact text of a run-time error will vary. Before clicking the OK push-button, carefully
record the error number and text displayed in the error message. Then contact product support.
This type of error will always exit you from the program.

If you encounter an error message that is not listed here, please contact your local Caterpillar
support personnel for assistance. Refer to the Getting Help section in this document.

About Caterpillar Vital Information Management
System PC (VIMSpc)
The Vital Information Management System PC (VIMSpc) application is designed to communicate with machines to
get data recorded by the on-board computers. This data is then used to analyze current problems, track machine and
fleet history, and pinpoint potential machine problems. Payload data is used to track the machine's productivity over
the coarse of time.

About Caterpillar Vital Information Manage System..............................................................................195
About VIMSpc Documentation .................................................................................................................4
Access and Use Histogram Standard Report ..........................................................................................113
Appendix A Notes for VIMS-PC 2.X Users.........................................................................................178
Appendix B Error Messages ................................................................................................................185
Archive Recommendations....................................................................................................................152
Audit Trail Reports ...............................................................................................................................107
Backup Recommendations ....................................................................................................................148
Before Taking VIMSpc To The Machine.................................................................................................26
But I Merged the Data Accidentally.......................................................................................................136
Change the Loader Payload Configuration.............................................................................................176
Collect Data From Machines ...................................................................................................................82
Compacting your Database....................................................................................................................155
Configure the Onboard VIMS System ...................................................................................................162
Connect/Disconnect a Machine ...............................................................................................................83
Copy the Configuration Files.................................................................................................................170
Creating VIMSpc Installation Diskettes.....................................................................................................9
Cumulative Reports.................................................................................................................................91
Customizing the Graphs ..........................................................................................................................74
Data Reset Recommendations .................................................................................................................34
Data Utilities.........................................................................................................................................133
Delete Segments of the Database............................................................................................143, 144, 152
Dialog Boxes .................................................................................................................................... 19, 20
Download Data .......................................................................................................................................45
Download Many Machines......................................................................................................................82
Drop-Down Menus .................................................................................................................................13

Event Standard Report....................................................................................................................... 55, 56
Export Report Data ...............................................................................................................................110
Generate & Use Reports..........................................................................................................................86
Get Configuration Data From Machine..................................................................................................168
Getting Help .............................................................................................................................................6
GPS ................................................................................................................................................ 58, 128
Histogram Exception Criteria ........................................................................................................ 118, 121
How To ..................................................................................................................................................81
How To Setup Machines In The VIMSpc Database .................................................................................47
Import VIMS-PC 2.X Files....................................................................................................................182
Install Configuration File Only..............................................................................................................165
Install Loader Configuration On ABL Machine .....................................................................................167
Installing VIMSpc From Diskettes...........................................................................................................11
Installing VIMSpc from the Compact Disk ................................................................................................7
Loader Payload Reports ..........................................................................................................................95
Machine Definition on Data Merge..........................................................................................................80
Manage the Database ............................................................................................................................143
Merging Download Data .........................................................................................................................46
No Reset Information in Cumulative or Histogram Files ........................................................................184
Open and Close an Archive Database ....................................................................................................157
Recorded Data Preview Tools .................................................................................................................65
Report Page Layout.................................................................................................................................63
Report Preview Tool ...............................................................................................................................59
Report Printing........................................................................................................................................62
Restore a Backup Database ...................................................................................................................159
Select A Default Database.....................................................................................................................145
Selecting a Machine ................................................................................................................................53
Send Source and Configuration Files .....................................................................................................162
Setting Date/Time/SMH........................................................................................................................174
Setting the Serial Number and Equipment Number ................................................................................172
Setting up Parameter Groups ...................................................................................................................72
Setup Communication Port......................................................................................................................26
Setup Data Download..............................................................................................................................32
Setup Machine ......................................................................................................................................178

Setup Report Preferences.........................................................................................................................51
Setup Shift Definitions ............................................................................................................................48
Setup Sites ..............................................................................................................................................78
Setup System Preferences........................................................................................................................27
Shift Based Reports...............................................................................................................................109
Snapshot Graphical Report ......................................................................................................................65
Standard Report Controls ........................................................................................................................20
System Requirements................................................................................................................................6
The Program .............................................................................................................................................4
The VIMSpc Workplace..........................................................................................................................12
Time Range ...........................................................................................................................21, 22, 24, 25
Time Range Selection vs. Files Selection...............................................................................................184
To Activate Data Logger .........................................................................................................................85
Toolbar ...................................................................................................................................................17
Transfer Data to a Different Computer...................................................................................................133
Transfer Downloaded Files without Merging .........................................................................................133
Transfer In Segments of another Database .............................................................................................140
Transfer Segments of your Database......................................................................................................137
Trend Reports .........................................................................................................................................87
Truck Payload Analysis Criteria .................................................................................................... 131, 132
Truck Payload Reports .................................................................................................................. 122, 124
Using VIMSpc In The Office ..................................................................................................................45
View and Change the Configuration File ...............................................................................................172
View Data Logger....................................................................................................................... 70, 71, 72
View Machine Status ..............................................................................................................................35
View Real-Time Parameters....................................................................................................................36
View Truck Payload Detail ............................................................................................................... 40, 41
While Connected To The Machine ..........................................................................................................34


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