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I am writing to express my keen interest in pursuing a graduate program in

Behavioural Neuroscience within the field of Psychology at University of

Missouri – St. Louis. I am passionate about exploring the intricate connection
between the human brain and behaviour, and I believe that this program will
provide me with the perfect platform to delve deeper into this fascinating area
of study.

Having completed my undergraduate degree in Psychology, I have developed a

solid foundation in understanding human behaviour and the various factors
that influence it. Throughout my coursework, I have been particularly
captivated by the neurobiological underpinnings of behaviour and the
mechanisms that drive our actions. This curiosity has inspired me to pursue an
advanced degree in Behavioural Neuroscience, as I am eager to acquire a
comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay between neural
processes and human behaviour.

The field of Behavioural Neuroscience offers a unique opportunity to unravel

the mysteries of the brain and its impact on behaviour. I aim to contribute to
the ever-growing body of knowledge in this field. I am particularly drawn to the
interdisciplinary nature of this program, as it allows me to integrate principles
from psychology, biology, and neuroscience to gain a holistic understanding of
human behaviour.

During my studies, , I did an internship at Smart and Active kids Pre-School

where I worked as a special educator for children with Learning Disability,
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism and Mental Retardation.
Through this internship, I got to know more about childhood disorders and the
obstacles they face in their everyday lives. It was extremely challenging.

Another interesting research internship I did was at Manah Wellness, where

we were asked to take the surveys of long haul truck drivers to assess their
mental health. During that period what I observed was that, Even though they
play an important part in the economy not much attention is given to their
mental health. I also notice many symptoms of depression, anxiety and other
stress related disorder in them. We tried to take their surveys and help them in
different ways.
I am particularly impressed by the exceptional research facilities and faculty
expertise at University of Missouri – St. Louis. The opportunity to work
alongside esteemed researchers who share my passion for behavioural
neuroscience is immensely appealing.. I believe that the supportive and
intellectually stimulating environment at University of Missouri – St. Louis. will
provide me with the resources and guidance necessary to pursue rigorous
research in the field.

Moreover, I am also excited about the diverse and inclusive community at

University of Missouri – St. Louis. I firmly believe that a collaborative and
inclusive research environment fosters creativity and innovation. Engaging in
discussions and collaborative projects with fellow students from different
backgrounds will not only broaden my perspectives but also enable me to
contribute to a rich and dynamic academic community.

In conclusion, I am eager to learn about different Cognitive processes

especially among children and young adults and come up with beneficial
treatments, insights, and preventive measures for harmful tendencies. In the
end, I aspire to use the knowledge attained from this program to serve the
society. I look forward to enriching student’s interest in psychology and serving
as mentor during my graduate and professional careers.

Thank you for considering my application.

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