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Internacionalização da Educação

Superior e Políticas Linguísticas

Esteve e Estruch (2015, p. 123), pensando sobre o
futuro da Educação, argumentam que “na escola do
século XXII, as relações humanas deverão ter uma
importância determinante, devem constituir um
espaço de integração social plurilíngue e pluricultural,
onde os alunos aprendem a aprender diferentes
línguas, ao mesmo tempo em que aprendem os
conteúdos mais diversos e atuais, empregando os
meios de comunicação e informação que a sociedade
da época utiliza em outros âmbitos de relação. É isso,
nem mais nem menos.”
The President’s Commission believes that our lack of foreign
language competence diminishes our capabilities in diplomacy,
in foreign trade, and in citizen comprehension of the world in
which we live and compete. ”And again, "The Commission
'recommendations are intended to initiate the actions required
to reverse dangerous downward drifting American foreign
language and international studies competence."

The President's Commission on Foreign Language and

International Studies. Washington D.C., 1979, p. 6)
Linguistic diversity in Education
is a common Systemsand the knowledge of
good of humankind
several languages 2014)
is a source of enrichment for individuals societies.

Multilingualism promotes dialogue and mutual

Language in Education Systems (UNESCO, 2014)
understanding, the spirit of tolerance and respect for identities.

It enables international exchanges and opens access to other cultural, eco

nomic, scientific and academic systems.

Language in Education Systems (UNESCO, 2014)

• the ability to bring the culture of origin and
the foreign culture into relation with each other

• cultural sensitivity and the ability to identify and

use a variety of strategies for contact with those
from other cultures

• the capacity to fulfil the role of

cultural intermediary between one’s own culture
and the foreign culture and to deal effectively with
intercultural misunderstanding and conflict

• the ability to overcome stereotyped relationships

Intercultural skills and know-how. Common European Framework of References for Languages,
COUNCIL OF EUROPE, 2001p. 104-15
Cartas de Florianópolis e Pelotas (ENPLE, 1996; 2000)

• todo cidadão brasileiro tem direito de ser preparado para o mundo

multicultural e plurilíngue por meio da aprendizagem de línguas
• há um anseio da sociedade contemporânea em adquirir o
conhecimento linguístico necessário para interagir com o mundo intra e
além fronteiras;
• a sociedade brasileira não deseja o monopólio de um idioma
• a aprendizagem de línguas não visa apenas a objetivos instrumentais,
mas faz parte da formação integral do aluno;
• o aluno tem direito a um ensino de línguas de qualidade ...
•construção, implementação e consolidação de planos estratégicos de


•transformação das instituições participantes em um ambiente


t 47
•Projeto deve incluir políticas de: ... “e) Proficiência em línguas

0 17
estrangeiras dos discentes, docentes de pós-graduação e corpo técnico da

Demonstrar, por meio de documentos oficiais, a existência de política

linguística no âmbito da universidade

O texto sobre a política linguística da universidade poderá incluir “Valorização

da diversidade linguística e cultural por meio da oferta de cursos, oficinas,

formação e atendimento em diferentes idiomas”

Almeida Filho (2015, p. 130), sugere que uma política de
“ensino de idiomas” deveria contemplar, dentre outras:

Referencial de níveis de desenvolvimento

Formação inicial e continuada dos agentes
Grandes exames e certificação
Diretrizes para a oferta de línguas
Materiais de ensino
Planejamento e gestão de políticas

Possíveis dimensões de uma PL (FAUBAI, 2018)

línguas de admissão?
línguas ensinadas?
línguas usadas como meio de instrução?
línguas usadas na administração? Línguas de comunicação?
línguas de produção e disseminação do conhecimento?

 Infraestrutura de governança
 Indicadores de avaliação
 Sustentabilidade
 Condições de funcionamento
De Wit (2016) sobre a relevância de línguas para a internacionalização,
aponta necessidades

a) to improve the proficiency in foreign languages of teachers and students;

b) to improve the quality of basic education in the teaching of foreign
c) to improve the ability to offer subjects in other languages;
d) to include the possibility of studying other languages;
e) to understand that a language policy is also part of internationalization “at
home” and is fundamental for the internationalization process as a whole;
f) to understand that a policy to promote multilingualism is also part of
internationalization actions;
g) to understand that English is important, but other languages should also be
offered, and this offer should occur in basic education.
Alguns componentes das PL submetidas ao IsF (2018)
Estímulo a PLE Tradução e Expedição de documentos
LE em eventos institucionais oficiais em LE
Certificação de proficiência Sinalização do campus em LE
Capacitação de servidores em LE
Diversidade linguística
Sites em LE
Oferta de cursos on-line Manuais institucionais em LE
Investimento na formação linguística Oferta de disciplinas em LE
Estímulo à produção científica e Libras, mas não outras línguas de
publicações em LE sinais

Não identificamos exigência de proficiência para seleção de bolsistas ou

contratação de professores e servidores (cf. BOHN, 2000, p. 121)
Fonte: NG IsF, 2019
Fonte: NG IsF, 2019
Does the LP recognize foreign language

As extra-curricular 7

3 As course waivers
4 11
As credits for career

1 Not specified

Yes No
Fonte: NG IsF, 2019
Does the LP validate the use of other
languages in academic work? 3


Yes No

Fonte: NG IsF, 2019

[…] the term educational language policy to describe the official and unofficial
policies that are created across multiple layers and institutional contexts (from
national organizations to classrooms) that impact language use in classrooms and

… a language policy is a policy mechanism that impacts the structure, function, use,
or acquisition of language and includes:

•Official regulations
•Unofficial, covert, de facto, and implicit mechanisms, connected to language
beliefs and practices
•Not just products but processes – driven by a diversity of language
policy agents across multiple layers of policy creation, interpretation,
appropriation, and instantiation;
•Policy texts and discourses across multiple contexts and layers of policy activity,
which are influenced by the ideologies and discourses unique to that context.

(JOHNSON, 2013)
Algumas conquistas do PLE com o IsF

Maior visibilidade institucional

Inserção de disciplinas na graduação e/ou pós-graduação
 Fomento à formação de professores
Impacto nas discussões sobre a reformulação curricular dos cursos de
Criação de espaços de integração dos estrangeiros nas IES brasileiras
Aumento de procura pelas IES brasileiras que ofertam cursos de PLE
Maior visibilidade da área de Português nos cursos de Letras Ing./Fr.
Material disponível para customização e flexibilização pelas IES (CEPI-IsF)
Language policies can create a social gap since
To propose the appropriation of English as an
Finardi (2014) only those who can afford to learn English in
international language in Brazil
private courses will do so in Brazil.

Study case to analyze the role of language The curriculum of teaching degree course
Finardi & Prebianca (2014) policies, internationalization and technologies in analyzed does not guarantee the teaching of
an English teachers’ education course important aspects related to those three topics

To reflect on the interface among technology,

These four topics are very associated in English
Finardi & Porcino (2014) methodology, internationalization and
language teaching

To analyze the interface between

Porcino & Finardi (2014) internationalization and English language ELT is very associated with internationalization
teaching in Brazil

To reflect on the interface among technology, The MEO course is not enough to guarantee
Finardi; Prebianca; Schmitt & Andrade (2014) methodology and internationalization through English proficiency and learning and
the analysis of the MyEnglishOnline (MEO) course internationalization improvements

English has a functional role in the

To analyze the use of English in the Brazilian
Finardi & Porcino (2015) internationalization and a formative role in the
internationalization and education

Finardi et al. (2020, p. 29-

31) 35
To propose a matrix for the adaptation of Massive
English is very important in the access to online
Finardi & Tyler (2015) Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for non-English
To describe a project using Content and
The teaching of contents and language together
Ortiz & Finardi (2015) Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) to socially
can foster the development of social inclusion
include immigrants and refugees

Language policies are not consistent and

Finardi & Archanjo (2015) To analyze language policies in Brazil
convergent with internationalization goals

English has the role of a foreign language in

Finardi (2016a) To review language policies in Brazil Elementary Education and of an international
language in HE

To analyze the interface between globalization Globalization has impacted the use of English in
Finardi (2016b)
and English in Brazil Brazil

The circulation and impact of the Brazilian

To analyze the role of English in the Brazilian aca-
Finardi & França (2016) academic production is negatively impacted by
demic production of the Linguistics area
the lack of publications in English

The CLIL approach is not very used in Brazil

To review language policies and the use of the
Finardi; Leão & Pinheiro (2016) mainly because of lack of language policies and
CLIL approach for internationalization in Brazil
teacher education

To describe the creation of a language division in There is a strong interface between language
Finardi; Santos & Guimarães (2016)
the international office of a Brazilian university and internationalization actions and policies

To compare language policies in Brazil and in

Switzerland to propose the use of the Brazil is a “de facto” multilingual country where
Finardi (2017a)
intercomprehension approach for the teaching of English is a majority foreign language
foreign languages in Brazil

Finardi et al. (2020, p. 29-

31) 36
To describe the use of English as a global English threatens other additional languages in
Finardi (2017b)
language in Brazil from a local perspective Brazil (foreign, heritage and indigenous)

Study case to analyze the interface between

TOEFL scores correlate with internationalization
Kawachi; Amorim & Finardi (2017) TOEFL ITP, internationalization and language
actions and programs

To analyze the Brazilian situation in terms of Language policies are associated with
Finardi & Guimarães (2017) rankings and language policies for internationalization but rankings do not capture
internationalization the reality in Brazil

Similarity between Turkey and Brazil: both want

to offer EMI courses to internationalize.
To Analyze the offer of English Medium
Taquini; Finardi & Amorim (2017) Difference: in Turkey EMI is offered mostly in
Instruction (EMI) courses in Turkey and in Brazil
private institutions whereas in Brazil it is in
public institutions.

Finardi et al. (2020, p. 29-

31) 37
The AAC Assembly urges that higher education work
toward realization:

othat all college graduates achieve functional competency in speaking, listening to, reading, writing,
and understanding a second language

othat colleges and universities encourage foreign language study throughout the disciplines

othat national standard measures be developed by the relevant professions as a first step to gauging
proficiency levels

othat higher education recognize its responsibility to encourage and assist the improvement of
language teaching in elementary and secondary schools

othat language study be developed in combination with related fields, using, among other
things, double majors, language concentrations with other majors, or language minors.

AAC, Racine, Wisconsin, 1980

Marco de política lingüística para la internacionalización del sistema universitario
español (CRUE, 2017)

 Recomendar que el nivel mínimo de lengua extranjera para

la obtención del título de grado sea B1; Facilitar el ALUNO
reconocimiento entre universidades de los mecanismos de
acreditación para el acceso a estudios, programas de movilidad y
obtención de títulos; Preparar al estudiantado para afrontar
situaciones profesionales en contextos multiculturales y
 Recomendar el nivel C1 del MCERL como mínimo
aconsejable para el profesorado implicado en titulaciones
bilingües/plurilíngues; Ofrecer apoyo lingüístico al
profesorado durante el periodo de docencia.
 Identificar los puestos administrativos donde es necesario el uso TÉCNICO
del inglés y/o otras lenguas extranjeras; Contemplar la
inclusión de un requisito lingüístico (entre B1 y C1 según el
servicio) en la promoción de determinados puestos de la
How UFSA promotes multilingualism

The university was developing Sesotho and isiZulu as academic languages, and implementing multilingualism into their
teaching and learning agendas, as well as advancing English as the language of instruction by:
•developing academic glossaries;
•partnering with the University of KwaZulu-Natal on developing a multilingual academic publishing project;
•translating PhDs abstracts into African languages in their graduation booklets,
•launching more books written in African languages;
•continually engaging with its Department of African languages;
•developing voiceovers for digital lessons — in Afrikaans, isiZulu, Sesotho and sign language and converting them to
English later – so students would have the opportunity to engage with one another in groups in their own mother
•testing a translanguaging pilot tutor project of multilingual speakers using their languages as an integrated
communication system;
•implementing conversational modules in professional programmes such as accounting and in the Faculty of Health
•initiating the annual Kovsies Multilingual Mokete (festival) in 2019 which celebrates cultural expressions – in visual art,
poetry, storytelling, drama, music, and song – in the dominant languages at UFS, that is, English, Afrikaans, Sesotho,
isiZulu, and sign language;
•Developing the Centre for Teaching and Learning’s Initiative for Creative African Narratives (iCAN) project, where short
stories written by UFS students are integrated back into the curriculum; and
•Designing English academic literacy courses at the UFS Postgraduate School Write Space.
O desafio continua ….

políticas nacionais para a internacionalização da

Educação Superior e para ações de Educação
Linguística. Articuladas. Com foco, metas e
estratégias. Com orçamento e perspectivas de
futuro. Que seja uma ação de ESTADO e não de

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