Ficha de Ingles1ro

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Unit 1 Grammar Worksheet

1 Use the prompts to write sentences with the verb to be.
0. Katie / my cousin 3. John and Susan / my grandparents
Katie is my cousin.
1. Stan / my brother 4. Peter / my uncle

2. Sam and Sabrina / my cousins 5. Mary / my mom

2 Look at the pictures and circle the correct options.

0. These / This are my friends. 1. These / This are my cats. 2. That / This is my house.

3. That / This is my apple. 4. These / Those are my sisters. 5. These / This is my phone.

3 Match the subject pronouns to the possessive adjectives.

0. I 3. it c. our
1. we a. my
2. they b. your d. its

5. you f. his
g. their
4. he 6. she e. her

4 Complete the sentences to possessive adjectives.

0. My brother’s name is Omar. His name is Omar.
1. My mother’s name is Maria. name is Maria.
2. My cousins’ names are Mark and Alex. names are Mark and Alex.
3. My uncle’s name is Kevin. name is Kevin.
4. The dog’s name is Fido. name is Fido.
5. My family’s last name is Smith. last name is Smith.
6. My grandfather’s name is William. name is William.
D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2022 Downloadable 1.1.G

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