2003-Guo-Instability Boundary For rotor-HDB Sys - JVA - Part-II

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Instability Boundary for

Rotor-Hydrodynamic Bearing
Systems, Part 2: Rotor With
Zenglin Guo
External Flexible Damped Support
A rotor-hydrodynamic bearing system having external flexible damped bearing supports is
R. Gordon Kirk more complicated than that discussed in Part 1 but it can provide a means to improve the
stability of the rotor system. A model for both vertical and horizontal analysis is devel-
e-mail: gokirk@vt.edu
oped first. Then, the analytical study on the vertical rotor is conducted. The results show
Mechanical Engineering Department,
that there can be up to four threshold speeds in this configuration that form a consecutive
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
regional pattern, taking turns by stable or unstable regions. Furthermore, the numerical
and State University,
calculation by MATLAB is carried out to obtain the results for the horizontal system. The
Blacksburg, VA 24061
stability maps for various parametric configurations are presented. It has been shown that
the value of support damping has a strong effect on the first several lower threshold
speeds. But it has little effect on the last top threshold speed which is mainly determined
by the portion of journal mass. Within a certain range of external damping value, the first
several regions of instability can be reduced or eradicated. As far as the entire stability
map is concerned, there is an optimum range of support damping that can make the rotor
have only one top threshold speed over the entire running speed range. When the support
stiffness is increased, the system stability map becomes narrow which means a small
support stiffness is good for broadening the range of optimum external damping.
关DOI: 10.1115/1.1547467兴

1 Introduction 2 Vertical Rotor Analysis

In addition to the external rotor damping, the external flexible A symmetrical rotor supported by two hydrodynamic journal
damped support is another alternative method to supply the exter- bearings in external flexible damped supports is shown in Fig. 1.
nal damping for rotor-hydrodynamic bearing systems. Further- The dynamic characteristics of the bearing are expressed with four
more, this kind of configuration has more design options to select stiffness and four damping coefficients. The effect of the external
appropriate parameters. It has been recognized that the external flexible damped support can be designated in terms of its equiva-
flexible damped support could effectively improve the dynamic lent mass, stiffness and damping. For the sake of simplicity, the
characteristics of rotor such as unbalance response, transmitted discussion for both vertical and horizontal configurations will em-
forces and also the stability of system. ploy the same schematic diagram as shown in Fig. 1.
In this paper, the study will be focused on the effect of the
external flexible damped supports on all of the instability bound- 2.1 Governing Equations. The equations of motion for this
aries of the rotor-hydrodynamic bearing-support system. system can be expressed as follows:

mẍ d ⫹k 共 x d ⫺x j 兲 ⫽0

mÿ d ⫹k 共 y d ⫺y j 兲 ⫽0
m j ẍ j ⫹c xx 共 ẋ j ⫺ẋ s 兲 ⫹c xy 共 ẏ j ⫺ẏ s 兲 ⫹k xx 共 x j ⫺x s 兲 ⫹k xy 共 y j ⫺y s 兲 ⫺k 共 x d ⫺x j 兲 ⫽0
m j ÿ j ⫹c yx 共 ẋ j ⫺x s 兲 ⫹c y y 共 ẏ j ⫺ẏ s 兲 ⫹k yx 共 ẏ j ⫺ẏ s 兲 ⫹k y y 共 y j ⫺y s 兲 ⫺k 共 y d ⫺y j 兲 ⫽0
m s ẍ s ⫹c s ẋ s ⫹k s x s ⫺c xx 共 ẋ j ⫺ẋ s 兲 ⫺c xy 共 ẏ j ⫺ẏ s 兲 ⫺k xx 共 x j ⫺x s 兲 ⫺k xy 共 y j ⫺y s 兲 ⫽0
m s ÿ s ⫹c s ẏ s ⫹k s y s ⫺c yx 共 ẋ j ⫺ẋ s 兲 ⫺c y y 共 ẏ j ⫺ẏ s 兲 ⫺k yx 共 x j ⫺x s 兲 ⫺k y y 共 y j ⫺y s 兲 ⫽0

k xx ⫽k y y ⫽0

For a short oil film bearing in the vertically assembled rotor
system, if the concentric situation is considered 共eccentricity ratio ⫺k xy ⫽k yx ⫽k b ⬎0
of bearing is zero兲, the coefficients of stiffness and damping of oil (2)
c xx ⫽c y y ⫽c b ⬎0
film can be expressed as c xy ⫽c yx ⫽0
Express the displacements in complex form as follows

Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication

in the Jørgen Lund Special Issue of the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS.
Manuscript received October 2002. Associate Editor: G. T. Flowers.
Z d ⫽x d ⫹iy d
Z j ⫽x j ⫹iy j
Z s ⫽x s ⫹iy s
冎 (3)

Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME OCTOBER 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 423

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Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of rotor system with external flexible damped support

Hence, the vertical system equations of motion can be obtained ⌳ 2 关 1⫹ 共 ⌳ 2 ⫹1 兲 M j 兴共 iK̄ b ⫹C̄ b ⌳ 兲 ⫹ 共 M s ⌳ 2 ⫹C s ⌳⫹K s 兲关共 ⌳ 2 ⫹1 兲
in complex form as follows

⫻共 M j ⌳ 2 ⫹C̄ b ⌳⫹iK̄ b 兲 ⫹⌳ 2 兴 ⫽0 (5)
mZ̈ d ⫹k 共 Z d ⫺Z j 兲 ⫽0
m j Z̈ j ⫹c b 共 Ż j ⫺Ż s 兲 ⫹ik b 共 Z j ⫺Z s 兲 ⫺k 共 Z d ⫺Z j 兲 ⫽0 (4) Assume
m s Z̈ s ⫹c s Ż s ⫹k s Z s ⫺c b 共 Ż j ⫺Ż s 兲 ⫺ik b 共 Z j ⫺Z s 兲 ⫽0 ⌳⫽iV st (6)
2.2 Threshold Speeds. From Eq. 共4兲, the dimensionless Then, the real and imaginary parts of above equation should be
characteristic equation of the system can be obtained as follows equal to zero, respectively,

Re⫽C s 共 1⫺V st 2
兲共 C̄ b V st ⫹K̄ b 兲 ⫹ 共 K s ⫺M s V st
兲关共 1⫺V st
兲 M j ⫹1 兴 V st ⫽0
Im⫽ 共 C̄ b V st ⫹K̄ b 兲关共 1⫺V st 兲 M j ⫹1 兴 V st ⫺ 共 1⫺V st 兲共 K s ⫺M s V st
2 2 2 2
兲共 C̄ b V st ⫹K̄ b 兲 ⫹C s 关共 1⫺V st
兲 M j ⫹1 兴 V st
⫽0 冎 (7)

It seems difficult to solve these equations due to their high order. However, if considering a special situation where M s ⫽K s ⫽0, the
threshold speed and whirling frequency can be obtained as follows,

再 冎

共 K s ⫺M s V st
兲关共 1⫺V st
兲 M j ⫹1 兴 Cb
⫹ V 共 i⫽1,3,4 兲
FK b C s 共 1⫺V st 兲 K b st
⍀ 共sti 兲 ⫽ (8)
共 C s ⫹FC b 兲
V st 共 i⫽2 兲
FK b

2M s2 ⫹M s ⫹M s M j ⫺C s2 ⫺ 冑共 2M s2 ⫹M s ⫹M s M j ⫺C s2 兲 2 ⫺4M s2 共 M s2 ⫹M j M j 兲
共 i⫽1 兲
2 共 M s2 ⫹M s M j 兲
1 共 i⫽2 兲
2共 i 兲
V st ⫽ 2M s2 ⫹M s ⫹M s M j ⫺C s2 ⫹ 冑 共 2M s2 ⫹M s ⫹M s M j ⫺C s2 兲 2 ⫺4M s2 共 M s2 ⫹M j M j 兲 (9)
共 i⫽3 兲
2 共 M s2 ⫹M s M j 兲
1⫹ 共 i⫽4 兲

Although this is only a special case, it can still provide useful Mq̈⫹Cq̇⫹Kq⫽0 (10)
information. For this kind of rotor system, there may be up to four
threshold speeds in normal situations. In addition, from the fourth
threshold speed expression when M s ⫽K s ⫽0 and having small where
values, it is obvious to see that the external damping will have
little effect on it, which is very similar as the situation discussed in

冤 冥
Part 1. The last top threshold speed is mainly influenced by the 1
ratio of journal mass to disk mass. 1
3 Numerical Study of Horizontal System M
3.1 Calculation Method. For such a system, its metrical
equation of motion can be expressed as follows Ms

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Fig. 2 System damping vs. speed of vertical system Fig. 3 System damping vs. speed of horizontal system

冤 冥
0 tion of journal mass. Within a certain range of support damping
value, the first several regions of instability can be reduced or
C̄ xx C̄ xy ⫺C̄ xx ⫺C̄ xy Another system stability map when k s /k⫽1.0 is presented in
C⫽ Fig. 5. It is easy to see that when the external stiffness is in-
C̄ yx C̄ y y ⫺C̄ yx ⫺C̄ y y creased, the system stability map become narrow which means a
⫺C̄ xx ⫺C̄ xy C s ⫹C̄ xx C̄ xy small external stiffness is good for broadening the range of opti-
mum external damping.
⫺C̄ yx ⫺C̄ y y C̄ yx C s ⫹C̄ y y

冤 冥
1 ⫺1
1 ⫺1
⫺1 1⫹K̄ xx K̄ xy ⫺K̄ xx ⫺K̄ xy
⫺1 K̄ yx 1⫹K̄ y y ⫺K̄ yx ⫺K̄ y y
⫺K̄ xx ⫺K̄ xy K s ⫹K̄ xx K̄ xy

⫺K̄ yx ⫺K̄ y y K̄ yx K s ⫹K̄ y y
The eigenvalues and system damping of Eq. 共10兲 can be calcu-
lated by employing MATLAB code.
3.2 Example Calculation and Analysis. Consider a sym- Fig. 4 System stability map „ k s Õ k Ä0.1…
metrical rotor system with external flexible damped support as
shown in Fig. 1. Assume the disk mass 2m⫽50 kg 共110.2 lb兲, the
stiffness of shaft 2k⫽13.72⫻106 N/m (7.82⫻104 lbf/in), the di-
ameter of journal bearing D⫽50 mm 共1.97 in兲 with the width B
⫽30 mm 共1.18 in兲 and clearance ratio ␺ ⫽2.5⫻10⫺3 . The lubri-
cating oil is 20# Turbine and its dynamic viscosity at 50°C is ␮
⫽1.92⫻10⫺2 N•s/m2 (2.84⫻10⫺6 lbf•s/in2 ).
Figure 2 is a typical curve of system damping versus speed of
the vertical system. Figure 3 expresses a normal situation of the
horizontal system. These cases indicate that there might be as
many as four threshold speeds at most in the vertical system that
may evolve three unstable regions and two stable regions. As for
the horizontal system, there might be up to five threshold speeds
to form a regional pattern of stability including three stable and
three unstable regions.
Figure 4 is the system stability map when k s /k⫽0.1. It can be
seen that the value of external damping has a strong effect on the
first several lower threshold speeds. But it has little effect on the
last top threshold speed, which is mainly determined by the por- Fig. 5 System stability map „ k s Õ k Ä1.0…

Journal of Vibration and Acoustics OCTOBER 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 425

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From the above two system stability maps, it can be seen that as cij ⫽ bearing damping (i, j⫽x,y)
far as the entire stability map is concerned, there is an optimum cs ⫽ support damping
range of value for the support damping that can make the rotor F ⫽ composite index of bearing, F⫽ ␮ B/(m ␻ n ␺ 3 兲
have only one top threshold speed over the entire running speed i ⫽ unit of imaginary, i⫽ 冑⫺1
range. K ⫽ stiffness matrix
Kb ⫽ dimensionless short bearing stiffness for the vertical
4 Conclusions system, K b ⫽k b ␺ 3 /( ␮ B ␻ )
1. Under general conditions, there are as many as four thresh- K̄ b ⫽ dimensionless short bearing stiffness for the vertical
old speeds at most in a vertical system that may evolve three system, K̄ b ⫽k b /k
unstable regions and two stable regions. As for the horizontal K i j ⫽ dimensionless bearing stiffness, K i j ⫽k i j ␺ 3 /( ␮ B ␻ )
system, there might be up to five threshold speeds to form a re- (i, j⫽x,y)
gional pattern of stability including three stable and three unstable K̄ i j ⫽ dimensionless bearing stiffness, K̄ i j ⫽k i j /k (i, j⫽x,y)
regions. For both, the introduction of journal mass portion would K s ⫽ dimensionless support stiffness, K s ⫽k s /k
produce a top and final boundary to the stable operation of the k ⫽ rotor stiffness
rotor. k b ⫽ short bearing stiffness for the vertical system
2. The value of external damping has a strong effect on the first k i j ⫽ bearing stiffness (i, j⫽x,y)
several lower threshold speeds. But it has little effect on the last k s ⫽ support stiffness
top threshold speed, which is mainly determined by the portion of M ⫽ mass matrix
journal mass. M j ⫽ dimensionless mass of journal, M j ⫽m j /m
3. Within a certain range of support damping value, the first M s ⫽ dimensionless support mass, M s ⫽m s /m
several regions of instability can be reduced or eradicated. m ⫽ mass of disk
4. When the external stiffness is increased, the system stability m j ⫽ mass of journal
map become narrow, which means a small external stiffness is m s ⫽ support mass
good for broadening the range of optimum external damping. q ⫽ displacement matrix
5. As far as the entire stability map is concerned, there is an t ⫽ time
optimum range of value for support damping that can make the u i ⫽ negative real part of the i-th order eigenvalue
rotor have only one top threshold speed over the entire running u s ⫽ system damping, u s ⫽min兵ui其
speed range. V st ⫽ dimensionless whirling frequency at threshold speed
Finally, it must be recognized that the stiffness and damping x d ⫽ absolute displacement of disk geometric center in
characteristics for hydrodynamic bearings are inherently nonlinear X-direction
in nature. Therefore, a further research work for this nonlinear x j ⫽ absolute displacement of journal center in X-direction
effect is necessary. As mentioned in the introduction of Part I, the x s ⫽ absolute displacement of support mass in X-direction
initial theoretical and experimental results presented by Crandall y d ⫽ absolute displacement of disk geometric center in
关1兴 and Horattas et al. 关2兴 seem encouraging. This will be the Y-direction
subject of a future research work. y j ⫽ absolute displacement of journal center in Y-direction
y s ⫽ absolute displacement of support mass in Y-direction
Z d ⫽ absolute complex displacement of disk geometric
The authors are grateful to the Virginia Tech Rotor Dynamics Z j ⫽ absolute complex displacement of journal center
Lab Industrial Affiliates Group and VT Energy Management Cen- Z s ⫽ absolute complex displacement of support mass
ter for their support and interest in this research work. ⌳ ⫽ dimensionless eigenvalue, ⌳⫽␭/ ␻ n
⍀ st ⫽ dimensionless threshold speed, ⍀ st ⫽ ␻ st / ␻ n
Nomenclature ␮ ⫽ dynamic viscosity of oil
B ⫽ width of bearing ␻ ⫽ rotor speed
C ⫽ damping matrix ␻ n ⫽ natural frequency of rotor on rigid support, ␻ n
C b ⫽ dimensionless short bearing damping for the vertical ⫽ 冑k/m
system, C b ⫽c b ␺ 3 /( ␮ B) ␻ st ⫽ threshold speed
␺ ⫽ clearance ratio of bearing
C̄ b ⫽ dimensionless short bearing damping for the vertical
system, C̄ b ⫽c b /(m ␻ n 兲
C i j ⫽ dimensionless bearing damping, C i j ⫽c i j ␺ 3 /( ␮ B) References
(i, j⫽x,y) 关1兴 Crandall, S. H., 1996, ‘‘Velocity Linearization of the Dynamic Response of
C̄ i j ⫽ dimensionless bearing damping, C̄ i j ⫽c i j /(m ␻ n 兲 Fluid-Film Bearings,’’ Proc. EUROMECH-2nd European Nonlinear Oscilla-
tion Conference, Prague, September 9–13.
(i, j⫽x,y) 关2兴 Horattas, G. A., Adams, M. L., and Abdel Magied, M. F. et al., 1997, ‘‘Ex-
C s ⫽ dimensionless support damping, C s ⫽c s /(m ␻ n 兲 perimental Investigation of Dynamic Nonlinearities in Rotating Machinery,’’
c b ⫽ short bearing damping for the vertical system Proc. ASME DETC’97, Sacramento, California, September 14 –17.

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