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Spin-Selective Transport of Electrons in DNA Double Helix

Article in Physical Review Letters · January 2012

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.218102 · Source: arXiv

286 384

2 authors, including:

Ai-Min Guo
Chinese Academy of Sciences


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Spin-Selective Transport of Electron in DNA Double Helix

Ai-Min Guo1 and Qing-feng Sun1, ∗

Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
(Dated: January 25, 2012)
The experiment that the high spin selectivity and the length-dependent spin polarization are
observed in double-stranded DNA [Science 331, 894 (2011)], is elucidated by considering the com-
bination of the spin-orbit coupling, the environment-induced dephasing, and the helical symmetry.
We show that the spin polarization in double-stranded DNA is significant even in the case of weak
arXiv:1201.4888v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 23 Jan 2012

spin-orbit coupling, while no spin polarization appears in single-stranded DNA. Furthermore, the
underlying physical mechanism and the parameters-dependence of the spin polarization are studied.

PACS numbers: 87.14.gk, 85.75.-d, 87.15.Pc, 72.25.-b

Molecular spintronics, by combining molecular elec- length, and no spin polarization appears for the ssDNA.
tronics with spintronics to manipulate the transport of The physical mechanism arises from the combination of
electron spins in organic molecular systems, is regarded the dephasing, the SOC, and the helical symmetry. No
as one of the most promising research fields and is now spin polarization could be observed if any aforementioned
attracting extensive interest [1–4], owing to the long spin factor is absent. In addition, the spin polarization could
relaxation time and the flexibility of organic materials. be considerably enhanced by appropriately increasing the
Unconventional magnetic properties of molecular systems dephasing strength or by decreasing the helix angle.
reported in organic spin valves and magnetic tunnel junc- The charge transport through the dsDNA, illustrated
tions, are attributed to the hybrid states in the organic- in Fig. 1, can be simulated by the Hamiltonian:
magnetic interfaces [5–9] and to single-molecule magnet
[4]. Organic molecules would not be suitable candidates H = HDNA + Hlead + Hc + Hso + Hd . (1)
for spin-selective transport because of their nonmagnetic PN P2 † †
Here HDNA = n=1 [ j=1 (εjn cjn cjn + tjn cjn cjn+1 ) +
properties and weak spin-orbit coupling (SOC) [10].
However, very recently, Göhler et al. reported the spin λn c†1n c2n + H.c.] is the Hamiltonian of usual two-leg lad-
selectivity of photoelectron transmission through self- der model including spin degree of freedom [17], with N
assembled monolayers of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) the DNA length, c†jn = (c†jn↑ , c†jn↓ ) the creation operator
deposited on gold substrate [11]. They found that well- of the spinor at the nth site of the jth chain of the ds-
organized monolayers of the dsDNA act as very efficient DNA, εjn the on-site energy, tjn the intrachain hopping
spin filters with high spin polarization at room temper- integral, and λn the P interchain hybridization interaction.
† †
ature for long dsDNA, irrespective of the polarization of Hlead + Hc = k,β(β=L,R) [εβk aβk aβk + tβ aβk (c1nβ +
the incident light. The spin filtration efficiency increases c2nβ )+H.c.] describe the left and right nonmagnetic leads
with increasing length of the dsDNA and contrarily no and the coupling between the leads and the dsDNA, with
spin polarization could be observed for single-stranded nL = 1 and nR = N . Hso and Hd are, respectively, the
DNA (ssDNA). These results were further substantiated Hamiltonians of the SOC term and the dephasing term,
by direct charge transport measurements of single ds- which will be discussed in the following.
DNA connected between two leads [12]. Although several When a charge is moving under an electrostatic poten-
theoretical models were put forward to investigate the tial V , an SOC arises Hso = 4m~2 c2 ∇V · (σ̂ × ˆp~), with the
spin-selective properties of DNA molecule based on sin- electron mass m, the speed of light c, the Pauli matrices
gle helical chain-induced Rashba SOC [13, 14], the mod- σ̂ = (σx , σy , σz ), and the momentum operator ˆ~p. In the
els neglect the double helix feature of the dsDNA and dsDNA, the differences of the potential are usually big-
are somewhat inconsistent with the experimental results ger along the radial direction r̂ than that along the helix
that the ssDNA could not be a spin filter. Until now the axis (z-axis in Fig. 1) [18]. On the other hand, since the
underlying physical mechanism remains unclear for high differences of V are especially large between the interior
spin selectivity observed in the dsDNA [15, 16]. and the exterior of the dsDNA, dV /dr is very large at
In this Letter, a model Hamiltonian, including the the boundary r = R with R the radius [19]. Hence, it
small environment-induced dephasing, the weak SOC, is reasonable to consider the r-component of V only and
and the helical symmetry, is proposed to investigate the the SOC can be simplified in the cylindrical coordinate
system Hso = − α~ σ̂ · (r̂ × ˆ~p) with α ≡ 4m~2 c2 dr
quantum spin transport through the ssDNA and dsDNA V (r). Con-
connected to nonmagnetic leads. We interpret the ex- sidering a charge propagating in one helical chain of the
perimental results that the electrons transmitted through dsDNA (e.g., the dotted line in Fig. 1), the momentum
the dsDNA exhibit high spin polarization, the spin filtra- ˆ~p = p̂k ˆlk with l̂k the unit vector along the helical chain di-
tion efficiency will be enhanced by increasing the DNA rection. Thus Hso is reduced to Hso = − 2~ [σ⊥ p̂k + p̂k σ⊥ ],

a†jnk = (a†jnk↑ , a†jnk↓ ) is the creation operator of the vir-

z tual lead and td is the coupling between the nucleobase
and the virtual lead.
Let us demonstrate analytically that the ssDNA could
not behave as a spin filter. In continuous real-space spec-
trum, the Hamiltonian of the ssDNA containing the SOC
h term is written as Hss = 2m kp̂2 α
− 2~ [σ⊥ p̂k + p̂k σ⊥ ] + V (l)
with V (l) the potential energy of the helical chain.
By taking a unitary
R transformation with the operator
U (l) = e(imα/~ ) l σ⊥ dl [24], Hss is transformed into
p̂2 2

Hss = U † Hss U = 2m k
− mα2~2 + V (l), which is indepen-
R dent of spin. Therefore, no spin polarization could be
l y observed in the ssDNA, regardless of the SOC term, the
x r existence of the dephasing, and other model parameters.
This result can be obtained also by using the discrete
Hamiltonians of Eqs. (1) and (2). Similarly, we can also
FIG. 1: (color online). Schematic view of the dsDNA with verify that any kind of SOC could not give rise to spin
radius R, pitch h, helix angle θ, and arc length la . The circles polarization in the ssDNA.
represent the nucleobases, where the full ones assemble one
According to the Landauer-Büttiker (LB) formula, the
helical chain and the open ones form the other helical chain.
The arc length satisfies la cos θ = R∆ϕ and la sin θ = ∆h, current in the qth lead (real or P virtual) with spin s can
with ∆ϕ and ∆h being the twist angle and the stacking dis- be written as [25]: Iqs = (e2 /h) m,s′ Tqs,ms′ (Vm − Vq ),
tance between neighboring base pairs, respectively. We set where Vq is the voltage in the qth lead and Tqs,ms′ =
R = 1 nm, ∆h = 0.34 nm, and ∆ϕ = π5 , which are typical Tr[Γqs Gr Γms′ Ga ] is the transmission coefficient from the
values of B-form DNA. Other parameters can be obtained: mth lead with spin s′ to the qth lead with spin s. The
h = 3.4 nm, θ ≈ 0.5 rad, and la ≈ 0.71 nm. Green function Gr = [Ga ]† = [EI − HDNA − Hso −
P r −1
qs Σqs ] and Γqs = i[Σrqs − Σaqs ], with E the incident
electron energy (or the Fermi energy). Σrqs is the retarded
where σ⊥ (ϕ) = σx sin ϕ sin θ−σy cos ϕ sin θ+σz cos θ with
self-energy due to the coupling to the qth lead. For the
θ the helix angle and ϕ the cylindrical coordinate. Since
real left/right lead, ΣL/Rs = −iΓL/R /2 = −iπρL/R t2L/R ;
the dsDNA consists of two helical chains, the total SOC
P2 (j) (j) (j) (j) (1) while for the virtual leads, Σrqs = −iΓ/2 = −iπρd t2d ,
is Hso = − 2~ j=1 [σ⊥ p̂k + p̂k σ⊥ ] with σ⊥ = σ⊥ (ϕ)
with the dephasing parameter Γ and ρL/R/d being the
and σ⊥ = σ⊥ (ϕ + π). The interchain SOC has been density of state of the leads. Since the net currents
neglected because it is very small due to the potential through the virtual leads are zero, their voltages can
symmetry. By using the second quantization [20], Hso be calculated from the LB formula by applying an ex-
can be written as: ternal bias Vb between the left and right leads with
X (j) VL = Vb and VR = 0. Finally, the conductance for spin-
Hso = itso c†jn [σn(j) + σn+1 ]cjn+1 + H.c., (2)
up (G↑ ) andP spin-down (G↓ ) electrons can be obtained
Gs = (e2 /h) m,s′ TRs,ms′ Vm /Vb , and the spin polariza-
where tso = − 4lαa , σn+1 = σ⊥ (n∆ϕ), and σn+1 =
(2) tion is Ps = (G↑ − G↓ )/(G↑ + G↓ ).
σ⊥ (n∆ϕ + π). la and ∆ϕ are, respectively, the arc length For the dsDNA, εjn is set to ε1n = 0 and ε2n = 0.3, tjn
and the twist angle between successive base pairs. is taken as t1n = 0.12 and t2n = −0.1, and λn = −0.3.
On the other hand, a charge transmitting through All these parameters are extracted from first-principles
the dsDNA will experience inelastic scattering from the calculations [26, 27] and the unit is eV. The helix angle
phonons due to the fluctuation of each nucleobase around and the twist angle are set to θ = 0.5 rad and ∆ϕ = π5 ,
its equilibrium position and other inelastic collisions with which are typical values of B-form DNA. The SOC is
the absorbed counterions in the dsDNA due to the neg- estimated to tso = 0.01, which is an order of magnitude
atively charged sugar-phosphate backbones [21]. Such smaller than the intrachain hopping integral. In fact,
inelastic scattering will give rise to the lose of the phase all the results are qualitatively same even for smaller tso .
and spin memory of the charge. To simulate the phase- For the real leads, the parameters ΓL = ΓR = 1 are fixed.
breaking process, Büttiker’s virtual lead is introduced by For the virtual leads, the dephasing strength is very small
connecting to each nucleobase [22, 23], with the Hamil- with Γ = 0.005, because the monolayers of the dsDNA
tonian of the dephasing term being: are rigid and the longest DNA in experiment is short [11].
X For this value of Γ, the phase coherence length is longer
Hd = (εjnk a†jnk ajnk + td a†jnk cjn + H.c.). (3) than the dsDNA and the electron transport through the
j,n,k dsDNA will keep its phase coherence [22]. However, the

finite dephasing is indispensable. The values of all above-

mentioned parameters will be used throughout the Letter
except for specific indication in the figure. 0.6
Figure 2(a) shows the conductances G↑/↓ and the cor- =0.005

responding spin polarization Ps . One notices two trans- 0.3


mission bands—the highest occupied molecular orbital = /5

(HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital

(e /h), P
(LUMO)—in the energy spectrum, where several trans-

mission peaks are found for both spin-up and spin-down (b)

electrons (holes) due to the coherence of the system. For

(e /h), G
0.4 =0

the HOMO band, G↑ and G↓ are almost identical, while

for the LUMO band, G↑ and G↓ are very different. A 0.0

bell-shaped configuration is observed in the curve of Ps

vs energy E, where the spin polarization of the dsDNA = /2

at N = 30 can achieve 0.45, which is comparable with 0.2 =0

the experimental results [11].

To explore the physical scenario to high spin polariza- -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.4 0.5 0.6
tion observed in the dsDNA, Figs. 2(b) and 2(c) plot the Energy

conductance G↑ and Ps in the absence of the dephasing

(Γ = 0) and of the helical symmetry (θ = π2 ), respec-
tively. It clearly appears that the spin polarization van-
FIG. 2: (color online). (a) Energy-dependence of conduc-
ishes when Γ = 0 or θ = π2 , although the conductance is
tance G↑ (solid line), G↓ (dotted line), and spin polarization
still very robust in both cases. When Γ = 0, the dsDNA Ps (dashed line) for realistic situation. (b) and (c) show G↑
decouples with the virtual leads and the charge transport and Ps in the absence of the dephasing and of the helical
through the dsDNA is completely coherent. In this case, symmetry, respectively. Here N=30.
the SOC can not generate any spin polarization due to
the time-reversal symmetry, the helical symmetry, and
the phase-locking effect [28]. A small dephasing is neces- has two effects: (i) it promotes the openness of the two-
sary for the existence of finite spin polarization. Indeed, terminal device and produces the spin polarization [28];
it is reasonable to assume a small Γ because the dephas- (ii) it makes the charge lose its phase and spin memories
ing occurs inevitably in the experiment. On the other and then Ps is decreased by further increasing Γ. Accord-
hand, the spin polarization strongly depends on the DNA ingly, for large Γ with the phase coherence length Lφ [22]
helix. If there is no helix (θ = π2 ), no spin polarization shorter than the dsDNA length, Ps will be quite small.
could be observed (Ps = 0). If the right-handed helical Ps < 0.05 for Γ = 0.5 and Ps → 0 if Γ → ∞. Due to the
dsDNA is transformed into the left-handed one (Z-form interplay between the above two effects, a small Γ, rang-
DNA) with θ → π − θ, Ps (π − θ) = −Ps (θ) exactly. ing from 0.0002 to 0.01, where Lφ is much larger than
We then focus on the spin polarization Ps and the aver- 100, is optimal for large Ps . In addition, Fig. 3(c) shows
aged one hPs i, where hPs i ≡ (hG↑ i − hG↓ i)/(hG↑ i + hG↓ i) the averaged conductance hG↑ i vs N . hG↑ i is declined
with hGs i averaged over the LUMO band. Figures 3(a) by increasing N or Γ, because large N or Γ will enhance
and 3(b) show Ps at a fixed energy E and hPs i vs length the scattering. However, hG↑ i remains quite large for
N , respectively, for several values of the dephasing pa- N = 100 and Γ = 0.012. Therefore, the dsDNA is a well
rameter. One notices that Ps and hPs i are enhanced by spin filter due to the large Ps and hG↑ i.
increasing N at first and then saturate or slightly de- Let us further study the spin polarization by varying
cline after a critical length Nc . With increasing Γ, Nc other model parameters. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show Ps
shrinks monotonically [Fig. 3(d)]. The behavior of Nc at E = 0.488 with N = 80 and hPs i with N = 30, re-
vs Γ can be fitted well by a simple function Nc ∝ Γ−1 . spectively, as functions of the SOC tso and the dephasing
For relatively large Γ (diamond and triangle symbols), strength Γ. Ps and hPs i are zero exactly when Γ = 0 or
Ps and hPs i increase faster in the beginning and satu- tso = 0. Of course, tso is a key factor for the spin polar-
rate at shorter length with smaller values because the ization or equivalently tso is “the driving force” of Ps . If
device is more open. While for smaller Γ, Ps and hPs i there is no SOC, no spin polarization would appear for
increase slower with increasing N in a wider range of N whatever other parameters are. In general, strong SOC
and have larger saturation values. Let’s see Γ = 0.0004 usually lead to large hPs i [Fig.4(b)]. However, for a fixed
for instance (circle symbols). Ps and hPs i will keep ris- energy, Ps will not increase monotonically with tso , as
ing even for N > 100, and Ps = 0.34 at N = 40 and seen in Fig. 4(a). A large Ps can be obtained for long ds-
Ps = 0.5 at N = 80. These results are quantitatively con- DNA even for quite small tso , because the spin polarized
sistent with the experiment [11]. In fact, the dephasing electrons will accumulate gradually when electrons are

molecule [29]. It is obvious that hPs i is zero in the absence

0.50 (a)
0.12 of the helical symmetry (θ = π2 ) and hPs i is increased
monotonically by decreasing θ. This indicates that the



0.25 0.06
helix of the dsDNA plays a vital role to the existence of
the spin polarization. Finally, we present the influence of
the hopping integrals t1 and t2 on the spin polarization,
0.00 0.00

0 30 60 90 0 30 60 90
as illustrated in Fig. 4(d). We can see that hPs i is small
when t1 and t2 have identical sign and become large when
75 =0.0001
t1 and t2 have opposite sign. Since the sign of the hopping
integral is sensitive to the type of neighboring nucleobases
(e /h)



[27] and to the twist angle ∆ϕ [30], the spin polarization

could be improved by synthesizing specific DNA molecule


0.2 25
(c) (d)
and putting force along the helix axis of the dsDNA.
0 30 60 90 0.006 0.012 0.018
N In summary, we propose a model Hamiltonian to sim-
ulate the quantum spin transport through the dsDNA.
This two-terminal dsDNA-based device would exhibit
FIG. 3: (color online). Length-dependence (a) of Ps at E = high spin polarization by considering the SOC, the de-
0.488, (b) of hPs i, and (c) of hG↑ i for different values of the phasing, and the helical symmetry, although no spin po-
dephasing parameter. (d) The critical length Nc vs Γ. Here larization exists in the ssDNA. The spin polarization in-
Nc is extracted from the curve of hPs i-N and the solid line is creases with increasing the DNA length. Additionally,
the fitting curve with Nc ∝ Γ−1 . The legends in (d) are for the spin polarization could be improved by properly mod-
panels (a), (b), and (c).
ifying the hopping integral and decreasing the helix angle.
This work was supported by China-973 program and
NSF-China under Grants No. 10974236 and 10821403.
0.02 0.02
(a) (b)
0 0

0.01 0.01 ∗
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