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insecurities and anxieties

I handled a grade 1 class.

I questioned myself if I really know how to teach.

I doubted myself but in time, I gained confidence.

I experienced nervousness, stuttering; shaking of hands

I had difficulty adjusting.

Lack of mastery

The knowledge students get from us is ‘half-cooked’

I’m not knowledgeable with the subject.

There are questions of some pupils that you can’t answer.

I had difficulty learning all the subjects as I had to teach them all.

Major obstacle was lesson planning, was not trained for it.

Lack of teachings trategy and techniques

I find it hard to learn the approaches to teach the subject not my field.

Class participation of pupils became an obstacle.

Reading performance of pupils was my concern.

Behavioral problems were my major obstacles.

Had problem with students who really can’t read despite efforts to teach them well.

Being able to shape up and progress

I became more flexible; not limited to one assignment.

I have learned so many things; my trainings were varied.

After a while, it seems as if I am doing the right thing.

I saw that students were already learning from me.

I felt I am becoming an effective teacher.


I have this high level of patience suited for this grade level.

I am able to teach practical lessons rather than theories and principles found in the book.

My strength is the way I handle kids; i.e., I can get their attention.

I am able to teach them effectively in reading.

Students are frightened of me and follow my order always

Questionnaire on Job Satisfaction

Name of Student: (Optional) ____________________________________

Instructions: The following is a list of indicators of job satisfaction . Put the check in the box to the
right that best describes you. Make sure you answer all the questions. Be guided by the scale 5 (Very
High), 4 (High), 3 (Moderate), 2 (Low) and 1 (Very Low).
A. Job Security 1 2 3 4 5
1. My work gives me a feeling of personal
2. I have the tools and resources to do my job well.
3. On my job, I have clearly defined quality goals.
4. The company does an excellent job of keeping
employees informed about matters affecting us.
5. I experience personal growth such as updating skills
and learning different jobs.
B. Compensation
1. The organization offers an attractive salary.
2. Other benefits like other than salaries are given by the
3. Reward and recognition is an active HR system in the
4. Salaries are downloaded on time.
5. Best performance has a corresponding monetary
C. Interrelationship
1. I am encouraged by my fellow worker to come up with
new and better ways of doing things.
2. The organization values cultural diversity and promotes
gender sensitivity.
3. My job makes good use of everyone’s skills and
4. my school visibility demonstrates a commitment to
quality to all employees.
5. The organization has positive image to my friends and
D. Organization Culture
1.My school head practices fairness and justice.
2. There is equal distribution of workloads and other
3. A reward is given as a form of recognition of a job well
4. Everyone is given the chance to participate to trainings
and seminars.
5. A team building is conducted every year.

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