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Definition: A tsunami is an ocean wave i.e Catastrophic and is caused by:

- (underwater earthquakes + coastal landslides + underwater
volcanic eruptions)
- Have a Travelling speed 800km (height 30m)
- Originated from the Japanese word “Tsunami” (‘Tsu’ – meaning
harbour and ‘nami’ – meaning waves
- Types: Local and distant (both move In opp. Directions
- Local Tsunami moves towards the coast (more dangerous) and deep
sea tsunami moves towards the open ocean.
- Local Tsunami is more harmful to people and livestock
How is Tsunami Caused/ Created:
- Large scale displacement of immense volume of sea water due to
tectonic disturbances in the sea floor.
- Not due to external forces like moon’s gravitational pull or tidal waves
but rather due to forces produced within the earth like movement of
tectonic plates which result in undersea landslides, earthquakes
- The Collision of destructive convergent plate boundaries leads
to the subduction of relatively heavier plate beneath the lighter
plate leading to an upward thrusting of plates which causes sudden
upward movement of an immense amount of water resulting in
the birth of a tsunami.
- Dimension and magnitude of Tsunami: depends on the nature of
rupture(how was undersea land affected) + the upward thrust (force)
- Undersea massive landslides: Caused due to sudden tectonic
movements which displace large amounts of water to generate a
- Explosive volcanic eruptions: in the sea floor or on islands also
generate powerful tsunami waves.
1. The Sumatra tsunami of 2004 in the Indian Ocean (caused by
rupture and upthrust due to an undersea earthquake with a
magnitude of 9.3 on the Richter scale.
2. The violent eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in the year 1883
generated a powerful 120-foot (36-meter) high tsunami that claimed
the lives of 36,000 people in Java and Sumatra.

Tsunami Disaster Management Summary

- Two stages: Pre and post-tsunami disaster stage

Pre-Disaster Stage
 Involves (Preparation & Mitigation and Protection):
 Identify & map tsunami-prone areas:
o Earthquakes,
o Natural defences (mangroves, reefs, beaches, dunes).
 Coastal Regulation Zones (CRZ): Limit development and
inhabitation in high-risk areas.
 Early Warning System:
o Tsunami meters,
o Prediction systems,
o Warning alerts.
 Evacuation Plans: Public education and drills for timely movement
to safe zones.
 Training: Officials and communities on response protocols.
 Communication: Warning systems (hooters) and communication
 Risk Reduction Measures:
o Avoid building in low-lying areas.
o Seawalls and breakwaters.
 Preparedness:
o Search & rescue equipment.
o Damage assessment tools (aerial surveys).
o Medical supplies.
Key Points:
 Pre-disaster actions focus on preparation and minimizing potential
 Public education and community involvement are crucial.
 Early warning systems and evacuation plans are vital for saving lives.

 Search and Rescue: Deploying teams and equipment to locate and

assist survivors.
 Medical Aid: Providing emergency medical care to the injured and
addressing medical needs in affected areas.
 Damage Assessment: Using aerial surveys and other means to
evaluate the extent of damage to infrastructure, housing, and other
 Debris Removal: Clearing debris and wreckage to facilitate
movement and reconstruction efforts.
 Shelter and Food Provision: Establishing temporary shelters and
providing food and water for displaced communities.
 Psychological Support: Addressing the emotional and mental
trauma experienced by survivors.
 Reconstruction and Rehabilitation: Rebuilding damaged
infrastructure, housing, and essential services for long-term recovery.
Central Zone Regulation (CRZ)
CRZ and its Significance:
 Coastal Zone regulation should be strictly reinforced to save humans
from Tsunami.
 Established in India (1991) to safeguard coastal ecosystems crucial
for natural defence against tsunamis.
 Protects natural barriers like mangroves and coral reefs, which
absorb wave energy and mitigate tsunami impact.
 Divides the coastal zone natural ecosystems into 4 ZONES
including coastal dunes, beaches, mangroves etc.

CRZ Zones:
 Zone I (Most Sensitive):
o No development within 500 meters of high tide line.
o Includes mangroves and coral reefs - vital natural buffers
against tsunamis
o Protection imp because : They absorb a sizeable portion of
wave energy and protect the humans from the fury of tidal
surges and tsunami waves
o Examples:
 Pichavaram and Muthupet (Tamil Nadu) - dense
mangroves minimized casualties in the 2004 tsunami.
 Bhitarkanika (Odisha) - second-largest mangrove cover
in India, protected villages during the 2004 tsunami.
o Maldives - coral reefs absorbed most of the 2004 tsunami's
energy, reducing casualties.
 Zone II:
o Areas beyond 500 meters from the coast.
o New constructions allowed further inland from existing
 Zone III:
o Undeveloped areas and tourist centers.
o Permission for development considered on a case-by-case
 Zone IV (Andaman & Lakshadweep):
o 500 meters from the coast strictly protected.
o No construction or new development permitted.
Key Points:
 CRZ zones are crucial for mitigating tsunami risks by preserving
natural defenses.
 The 2004 tsunami highlighted the effectiveness of mangroves and
coral reefs in reducing casualties.
 Strict enforcement of CRZ regulations is essential for protecting
coastal communities.
1. Tsunami Warning System (TWS)
1. Establishment and Membership:
- The Pacific Tsunami Warning System (PTWS) was established in 1948.
- It consists of 26 member countries around the Pacific Ocean,
including Indonesia.

2. Warning Centers and Locations:

- Tsunami Warning Centers (TWC) are located in Alaska, Hawaii (USA),
and Japan.
- These centers monitor and analyze data from tsunami meters.
3. Tsunami Meters:
- Tsunami meters are installed along the US Pacific coastlines, near
Chile, and off the Japanese coasts.
 pressure recorders on the ocean floor
 floating buoys at sea level
 satellite systems.
4. Data Transmission and Processing:
- Pressure recorders/ Deep Sensor Sensors (placed undersea):
detect changes in water pressure during tsunamis and send data to floating
- Buoys (placed at sea level) : measure wind speed, temperature, and
air pressure, transmitting data to satellites.
- Satellites : relay information to Tsunami Warning Centers.
5. Warning Issuance Process:
- Pacific Tsunami Warning Centers issue warnings to the 26 member
countries within 3 to 14 hours.
- The warning process involves detecting, locating, and determining the
magnitude of tsunamigenic undersea earthquakes.
6. 2004 Sumatra Tsunami Incident:
- In 2004, the Hawaii PTWC knew about the Sumatra tsunami but
lacked the capability to transmit advisories to Indian Ocean countries,
except Indonesia and Australia who themselves ignored the warnings and
didn’t relay the incoming Tsunami waves information to India.
2. Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning And Mitigation Systems (IOTWS)
1. Background:
- Established under UNESCO leadership.
- Became operational in 2006.
- Aims to provide warnings to Indian Ocean nations about approaching
2. Infrastructure:
- 25 seismographic stations are part of the system.
- Information is relayed to 26 national tsunami information centers.
- Three deep-ocean sensors and 4 DART (Deep-ocean Assessment and
Reporting of Tsunamis) systems are deployed in the Indian Ocean.
3. National Tsunami Warning Systems (NTWS):
- Australia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Thailand
are involved in setting up their National Tsunami Warning Systems
- NTWS detects tsunamis in the Indian Ocean and issues timely
4. Role of Other Countries:
- Other countries bordering the Indian Ocean establish capability centers
to receive tsunami advisories from IOTWS.
- These countries then issue warnings to coastal areas within their own
5. Collaborative Approach:
- IOTWS fosters collaboration among Indian Ocean nations to enhance
the region's preparedness and response to tsunamis.
- The system follows a distributed approach with both detection and
warning capabilities distributed among member nations.
6. Mitigation Focus:
- The system emphasizes not only detection but also mitigation strategies
to reduce the impact of tsunamis on coastal communities.
7. Global Efforts:
- The establishment of IOTWS contributes to global efforts in building
comprehensive tsunami warning and mitigation systems for vulnerable
3. Indian Tsunami Early Warning System (ITEWS)

- Established in 2007 after the 2004 tsunami, ITEWS is a crucial system

for protecting India from tsunamis.
- Located at INCOIS, Hyderabad.
- Validated by its successful warning during the 2012 Sumatra earthquake.
- Comprises of :
o Real-time seismic network: Detects tsunamis triggered by

o Bottom pressure recorders (BPRs): Installed by
NIOT(National Institute of Ocean Technology) in Bay of
Bengal and Arabian sea to monitor tsunamis and confirm their
o Floating buoys: Track wave activity in the ocean.
o Tide and storm surge gauges: Monitor wave movement
closer to the coast (installed by SOI(Survey of India) and
Importance of Real-time Data Communication:
 Real-time data from various sources is critical for issuing timely

tsunami warnings.
 This data allows ITEWS to:
o Detect tsunamis quickly.

o Monitor their progress.

o Issue accurate warnings to coastal communities.

Overall, ITEWS plays a vital role in saving lives by providing early

warnings of potential tsunamis.

Joshimath Disaster
Joshimath, a town nestled in the Himalayas, witnessed a disaster in early
2023 due to land subsidence, which is the gradual settling or sinking of
the earth's surface.

Here's a summary of the situation:

 Land subsidence: Cracks appeared in buildings, roads tilted, and

some structures became uninhabitable due to the ground sinking.
 Possible causes: Experts attributed this to various factors including:
o Fragile ecosystem: Joshimath is built on an ancient landslide
site, making the foundation weak.
o Unplanned construction: Activities like road widening and a
hydropower project potentially destabilized the land.
o Ignored warnings: Residents had reported concerns about
cracks for nearly a year, but these weren't adequately

The disaster resulted in:

 Evacuation: Thousands of residents had to move to temporary

shelters due to the unsafe conditions in their homes.
 Project halt: Construction works on the roads and the hydropower
project were halted.
Current status:
 Relief and rehabilitation efforts are underway for the affected
 Investigations are ongoing to determine the exact causes and
prevent similar incidents in the future.


 The issue of Joshimath sinking highlights the need for sustainable

development practices in fragile ecological regions.
 Addressing concerns raised by the local population and conducting
proper environmental impact assessments are crucial for preventing
such disasters.
 It's important to acknowledge that this incident is a wake-up call for
stricter regulations and a more cautious approach to infrastructure
development in ecologically sensitive areas.

Joshimath is a small town located in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand,

India. On February 7, 2021, a sudden glacial burst caused a massive
flood in the region, resulting in widespread destruction and loss of life. In
this report, we will examine the Joshimath crisis in detail, with references to
scientific studies and expert opinions.


The Joshimath crisis was triggered by a glacial burst that occurred near the
Rishi Ganga River, which flows through the region. Glacial bursts are a
natural phenomenon that occurs when a glacier melts rapidly, causing a
sudden release of water and debris. In this case, the glacial burst resulted
in a massive flood that swept away everything in its path, including bridges,
roads, and buildings.

The Joshimath crisis had a significant impact on the region, resulting in
widespread destruction and loss of life. According to the latest reports, at
least 204 people were killed and many more are still missing. The flood
also caused damage to the region's infrastructure, including roads, bridges,
and power lines.

Scientific Explanation:

Scientists believe that climate change is a key factor in the Joshimath

crisis. The region has experienced a rise in temperatures, leading to
increased melting of the glaciers. A study published in the journal Nature in
2019 found that the Himalayan glaciers are melting at a faster rate than any
other place on earth . This rapid melting is leading to an increased risk of
glacial bursts and floods in the region.

Expert Opinion:

Experts have highlighted the need for better disaster management and
preparedness in the wake of the Joshimath crisis. In an interview with The
Hindu, Dr. Anjal Prakash, research director at the Bharti Institute of Public
Policy, highlighted the importance of building better infrastructure and
developing early warning systems to prevent such disasters.


In conclusion, the Joshimath crisis was a devastating event that resulted in

widespread destruction and loss of life. Scientists believe that climate
change is a key factor in the crisis, as the melting of the glaciers is
increasing the risk of glacial bursts and floods in the region. Experts have
highlighted the need for better disaster management and preparedness to
prevent such disasters from occurring in the future.

The Bhopal Gas Tragedy: A Profound Industrial Disaster

The Bhopal Gas Tragedy, also known as the Bhopal disaster, stands as
one of the worst industrial accidents in history. Here's a summary of the key

 Date: Night of December 2-3, 1984

 Location: Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
 Cause: Leak of methyl isocyanate (MIC), a highly toxic gas, from the
 Loss of life: Estimates vary, with official figures indicating around
2,259 immediate deaths. However, long-term effects like respiratory
problems and disabilities suggest the toll could be much higher,
potentially reaching 15,000 or even 20,000.
 Health issues: Over 500,000 people were exposed to the gas,
suffering from immediate health problems and long-term illnesses
including respiratory issues, blindness, birth defects, and even
 Environmental contamination: The surrounding areas were
contaminated, affecting the health of future generations.
 Legal Battle: A lengthy legal battle ensued, with the Indian
government ultimately receiving compensation from Union Carbide in
 Inadequate Compensation: Critics argue the compensation
provided was insufficient for the scale of the disaster and the long-
term suffering of the victims.
 Continuing Issues: Residents of Bhopal still grapple with health
problems related to the gas exposure, and concerns remain
regarding the ongoing contamination of the site.
Rehabilitation Efforts:
 Department: Established by the Madhya Pradesh government to
address the long-term needs of the victims.
 Medical Care: Providing ongoing medical care and support for those
suffering from the after-effects of the gas exposure.
 Financial Assistance: Offering compensation to the victims and their
 Environmental Cleanup: Efforts are underway to decontaminate the
affected areas; however, complete remediation remains a challenge.

 The Bhopal disaster serves as a stark reminder of the importance of
stringent safety regulations in industrial facilities.
 It highlights the need for corporate accountability and adequate
compensation for victims in cases of industrial accidents.
 The disaster emphasizes the crucial role of environmental protection
and proper waste management in preventing such catastrophes.

The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (2011): A Devastating

Natural Disaster

The Japan Tsunami of 2011, also known as the Great East Japan
Earthquake and Tsunami, was a catastrophic event that struck the
northeastern region of Japan on March 11th. Here's a detailed breakdown:

Pre-Disaster Stage:
 Seismically Active Zone: Japan lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire,
making it prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
 Earthquake Preparedness: Japan has a well-developed disaster
preparedness system, including building codes designed to withstand
strong tremors.
Disaster (March 11, 2011):
 Powerful Earthquake: A massive undersea earthquake with a
magnitude of 9.0 struck the region, the strongest ever recorded in
 Tsunami Formation: The earthquake triggered a series of tsunami
waves, some reaching heights of over 40 meters (130 feet),
inundating coastal areas.
 Widespread Devastation: The tsunami caused widespread
destruction, sweeping away entire towns and villages, damaging
infrastructure, and triggering fires.
Post-Disaster Stage:
 Immediate Response: Rescue and relief efforts were launched
immediately by the Japanese government and international aid
 Loss of Life: Over 19,000 people lost their lives, and thousands
more were injured or displaced.
 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: The tsunami crippled the Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, leading to meltdowns in three reactors
and the release of radioactive materials, further complicating the
rescue and recovery efforts.
Challenges and Issues:
 Debris Removal and Reconstruction: The massive scale of the
destruction necessitated a long and arduous process of debris
removal and reconstruction efforts.
 Nuclear Contamination: The Fukushima disaster caused long-term
environmental and health concerns, requiring extensive
decontamination measures and ongoing monitoring.
 Displacement and Resettlement: Thousands of people were
displaced from their homes due to the destruction and radioactive
contamination, posing challenges in resettlement and rebuilding their
Recovery and Rehabilitation:
 Government Support: The Japanese government allocated
significant resources for reconstruction efforts, including financial aid
to individuals and businesses affected by the disaster.
 Infrastructure Upgrade: Building codes were further strengthened,
and investments were made in improving tsunami defenses and early
warning systems.
 Long-Term Recovery: The physical and psychological effects of the
disaster continue to be felt by the affected communities.
The 2011 Japan Tsunami serves as a grim reminder of the immense
power of natural disasters and the need for preparedness, mitigation
strategies, and effective response mechanisms.

The Devastating Bhuj Earthquake of 2001

The Bhuj earthquake, also known as the Gujarat earthquake, that struck on
January 26, 2001, was a catastrophic event that severely impacted the
western Indian state of Gujarat.

Key Details:
 Date: Republic Day, January 26, 2001
 Location: Epicenter near Bhuj, Gujarat, close to the border with
 Magnitude: 7.6 on the moment magnitude scale (powerful
 Widespread Destruction: The earthquake caused widespread
devastation, particularly in the city of Bhuj and nearby areas.
 Loss of Life: Over 20,000 people perished, with estimates ranging
from 13,805 to 20,023.
 Infrastructure Damage: Over one million structures were damaged
or destroyed, including houses, schools, hospitals, and historical
 Intraplate Earthquake: The earthquake occurred within the Indian
tectonic plate, making it an unusual event in the region.
 [weak] Geology: The epicentral area lies on a geologic fault and
alluvial plains, which amplified the shaking effects.
Post-Disaster Response:
 Rescue and Relief: Immediate rescue and relief efforts were
launched by the Indian government, international aid agencies, and
 Reconstruction: A long-term reconstruction program was
undertaken to rebuild damaged infrastructure and provide assistance
to the affected population.
Long-Term Effects:
 Social and Economic Impact: The earthquake had a devastating
social and economic impact on the region, displacing thousands and
hindering economic activity.
 Improved Building Codes: The disaster led to stricter building
codes and a renewed focus on disaster preparedness measures in
the region.
Bhuj Earthquake serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of:
 Earthquake preparedness: Implementing stricter building codes,
public awareness campaigns, and emergency response plans.
 Disaster risk reduction: Identifying areas vulnerable to earthquakes
and taking measures to mitigate potential damage.
 Effective response and reconstruction: Having a coordinated
response system in place to ensure timely rescue, relief, and long-
term rehabilitation efforts.

5. The Bengal Famine of 1943: A Complex Catastrophe

The Bengal Famine of 1943, which affected the Bengal region

encompassing present-day Bangladesh and West Bengal in India, stands
as one of the worst famines of the 20th century. Here's a breakdown of the
key points:

 British Colonial Rule: The Bengal region was under British rule
during the time of the famine.
 World War II: The ongoing war placed immense strain on resources
and disrupted supply chains.
 Natural Disaster: A cyclone in 1942 damaged crops and disrupted
agricultural production.
 Economic Factors:
o Wartime Inflation: The war inflated food prices, making it
difficult for many people to afford basic necessities.
o Rice Procurement Policy: The British government's policy of
stockpiling rice for the war effort further reduced available
supplies in the Bengal market.
o Exploitative Land Tenure System: The existing land tenure
system concentrated land ownership in the hands of a few,
leaving a large section of the population vulnerable during
times of scarcity.
 Widespread Starvation: Millions faced severe food shortages,
leading to widespread starvation and death. Estimates suggest a
death toll ranging from 0.8 to 3.8 million people.
 Disease Outbreaks: Weakened immune systems due to malnutrition
resulted in outbreaks of diseases like malaria, further exacerbating
the crisis.
 Highlighting Systemic Issues: The Bengal Famine exposed the
vulnerabilities of a colonial economic system and the devastating
consequences of neglecting the well-being of the populace.
 Improved Food Security Measures: The disaster emphasized the
need for robust food security measures and social safety nets to
prevent similar tragedies.

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