Cissp 240116 210252

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1. The original defense-in-depth model defined all but which of the following as a layer of defense?

A. Data controls

B. Software controls

C. Application controls

D. Host controls

2. In almost all cases, organizations and their security teams should be able to define sets or patterns of
user activities that are acceptable and expected, in most, if not all circumstances. What is this process
known as?

A. User behavior review

B. User behavior audit

C. User behavior management

D. User behavior control

3. When considering modern implementations of access control, which model maps users to
applications and then roles?


B. Limited RBAC



4. We are, perhaps, familiar with the concepts of platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a
service (IaaS), but these have been extended to include those in the following list of possible answer
choices. All of these are defined under ISO/IEC 17788 except which one?

A. Communication as a service (CaaS)

B. Compute as a service (CompaaS)

C. Network as a service (NaaS)

D. Data storage as a service (DSaaS)

5. Which network topology provides a second ring for failover?

A. Ring

B. Fiber distributed data interface (FDDI)

C. Tree

D. Personal area network (PAN)

6. The systems lifecycle model suggests that three different perspectives in time add to the complexity of
the software’s environment. Which of the following is not one of them?

A. System design and development

B. At runtime, during operational use

C. Post-replacement

D. Pre-operational design

7. Tricking a central processing unit (CPU) into executing a different set of instructions than the designers
intended is known as what kind of code execution?

A. Object

B. Executable

C. Intermediate

D. Arbitrary

8. What is the common name for a phreaking tool that generates the 2600 Hz tones that phone trunk
systems used to communicate?

A. A black box

B. A blue box

C. A white box

D. A red box

9. When a user initially logs into their email account and the service provider sends a text message with
a one time use code to their cell phone. What type of authentication has been implemented?

A. Knowledge based authentication

B. Dynamic knowledge based authentication

C. Out of band identity proofing

D. Risk based identity proofing

10. Who is responsible for establishing the policies and procedures governing the generation, collection,

processing, dissemination, and disposal of specific information?

A. Information steward

B. Information System Security Officer (ISSO)

C. Information System (IS) owner

D. Information security architect

11. Under which circumstances can law enforcement seize physical assets of a cloud service provider?

A. When a civil case has been filed against the CSP

B. When the CSP is also a suspect in the investigation

C. When the investigation is of national importance

D. When law enforcement is only seizing data

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