Salesforce Developer Tasks

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Task NO.

Date Assigned Task Dscription Mubariz Muqeet Areeb Saad Ullah Usama Arham Mubariz

1 Create a new Apex class called "Calculator" with a method called "addNumbers" that takes two integer parameters and returns their sum. Test the method by calling it with sample values. completed Completed Completed Completed Completed
2 Write an Apex class called "AccountHandler" that contains a method called "createAccount" which creates a new Account record with predefined values and inserts it into the database. completed Completed Completed Completed Completed
Create a trigger on the Opportunity object that updates the "Stage" field to "Closed Won" when the Opportunity's "Amount" field exceeds $100,000. Test the trigger by creating an Opportunity
Completed Completed
3 record and verifying the stage is updated correctly. completed completed Completed
4 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a list of Contact records and updates their email addresses to a specified value. Test the method with a list of sample Contact records. completed Completed Completed Completed Completed
Write an Apex class called "LeadConverter" that converts a Lead record into an Account, Contact, and Opportunity record based on specific conditions. Implement a method called "convertLead"
completed Completed
5 that performs the conversion logic. Test the method by creating a Lead record and converting it using the class. Same As Below
6 Create an Apex class called "StringManipulator" with a method called "reverseString" that takes a string as a parameter and returns the reversed string. Test the method with different input strings. completed Completed Completed Completed Completed
7 Write an Apex class called "CaseHandler" that queries all Case records and prints the Case Number and Subject of each case. Use a for loop to iterate through the query results. completed Completed Completed Completed Completed
8 Implement a method in Apex that accepts an Account Id as a parameter and returns the total number of related Contact records. Test the method with a sample Account Id. Completed Completed Completed Completed
Write an Apex trigger on the Opportunity object that automatically updates the Close Date of an Opportunity to be one month ahead from the current date when the Opportunity Stage is changed
completed completed Completed Completed
9 6/9/2023 to "Closed Won". Test the trigger by creating an Opportunity record and changing its stage to "Closed Won". Completed Completed
Write an Apex class called "ContactProcessor" that queries all Contact records with a specific last name and updates their email address to a given value. Implement a method called "updateEmails"
completed completed Completed Completed
10 6/9/2023 that takes the last name and new email address as parameters. Completed Completed
Create a custom object called "Book__c" with fields "Title__c" (Text) and "Price__c" (Number). Write an Apex class called "BookHandler" that queries all Book records and calculates the average
completed completed Completed Completed
11 6/9/2023 price of the books. Implement a method called "calculateAveragePrice" that returns the average price. Completed Completed
Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Opportunity records and updates their Stage to "Closed Lost" if the Close Date is in the past. Test the method with a List of sample Opportunity
completed completed Completed Completed
12 7/9/2023 records. Completed Completed
Create a trigger on the Account object that automatically creates a new Contact record with a predefined value in the LastName field whenever a new Account is created. Test the trigger by
completed completed Completed Completed
13 7/9/2023 creating a new Account record. Completed
Write an Apex class called "EmailSender" that sends an email to a specified recipient with a given subject and body. Implement a method called "sendEmail" that takes the recipient email address,
completed completed Completed Completed
14 7/9/2023 subject, and body as parameters. Completed
Implement a scheduled Apex class called "OpportunityReminder" that runs every day and sends an email reminder for all open Opportunities whose Close Date is within 7 days. The email should
n/a n/a n/a
15 8/9/2023 contain the Opportunity Name, Close Date, and Account Name.
Create an Apex class called "DivisionCalculator" with a method called "divideNumbers" that accepts two integers as parameters and performs the division operation. Handle the scenario where the
completed completed Completed Completed
16 8/9/2023 second number is zero by throwing a custom exception called "DivideByZeroException". Completed
Write a Batch Apex class called "AccountUpdater" that updates the "BillingCountry" field of all Account records to a specific value. The batch size should be 200 records per execution. Test the
n/a n/a n/a Completed
17 8/9/2023 batch class by updating a large number of Account records.
Create an Apex class called "ContactDeleter" with a method called "deleteContacts" that deletes all Contact records with a specific email domain. Implement the method to accept the email domain
completed completed Completed Completed
18 8/9/2023 as a parameter. Completed
Write an Apex class called "LeadConverter" that converts a Lead record into an Account, Contact, and Opportunity record. Implement a method called "convertLead" that performs the conversion
working completed Completed Completed
19 8/9/2023 logic and returns the newly created Account Id. Completed
20 8/9/2023 Create a trigger on the Case object that updates the "Status" field to "Escalated" when the Case Priority is set to "High". Test the trigger by creating a Case record with a high priority. completed completed Completed Completed Completed
21 11/9/2023 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Opportunity records and calculates the total value of all opportunities. Return the sum of the opportunity amounts completed completed Completed Completed Completed
22 11/9/2023 Write an Apex class called "CaseEscalator" that queries all Case records with a specific criteria and updates their "Status" field to "Escalated". completed completed Completed Completed Completed
Create a custom object called "Product__c" with fields "Name" (Text) and "Price__c" (Number). Write an Apex class called "ProductHandler" that queries all Product records and calculates the
Completed Completed
23 11/9/2023 average price. Implement a method called "calculateAveragePrice" that returns the average price. completed Completed
24 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Lead records and updates their Status to "Qualified" if the Lead Source is "Web". completed completed Completed Completed Completed
Create an Apex class called "EmailUtility" with a method called "sendBulkEmail" that sends a single email to multiple recipients. Implement the method to accept a List of email addresses as a
25 parameter.
Write an Apex class called "OpportunityValidator" that validates whether an Opportunity record meets certain criteria. Implement a method called "validateOpportunity" that returns true if the
completed Completed Completed
26 Opportunity is valid, and false otherwise. completed Completed
27 Implement a method in Apex that accepts an Account Id and returns the total number of related Opportunity records. completed completed Completed Completed Completed
28 Create a trigger on the Contact object that automatically assigns a default value to the "Title" field when a new Contact is created. Test the trigger by creating a new Contact record. completed completed Completed Completed Completed
Write an Apex class called "CaseHandler" that queries all Case records with a specific criteria and assigns them to a specified User. Implement a method called "assignCases" that accepts the criteria
completed completed Completed Completed
29 and User Id as parameters. Completed
30 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Opportunity records and calculates the average Close Date. Return the average date as a result.
Create an Apex class called "LeadAssigner" that assigns leads to specific users based on predefined criteria. Implement a method called "assignLeads" that performs the assignment logic and returns
completed completed Completed Completed
31 the number of leads assigned. Completed
Write an Apex class called "ContactCreator" that creates a new Contact record with predefined values and inserts it into the database. Implement a method called "createContact" to perform the
completed completed Completed Completed
32 creation and insertion. Completed
33 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Account records and updates their "AnnualRevenue" field by applying a specified percentage increase. completed completed Completed Completed Completed
Create a trigger on the Opportunity object that automatically updates the "ExpectedRevenue" field when the Opportunity Amount is changed. The Expected Revenue should be calculated as 75% of
completed completed Completed Completed
34 the Amount. Completed
Write an Apex class called "TaskReminder" that queries all open Tasks with a specific due date and sends a reminder email to the task owner. Implement a method called "sendTaskReminder" to
35 perform the email sending.y
36 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Account records and checks if any of the Accounts have duplicate names. Return true if duplicates are found, and false otherwise. completed completed Completed Completed Completed
Create a custom object called "Project__c" with fields "Name" (Text) and "StartDate__c" (Date). Write an Apex class called "ProjectHandler" that queries all Project records and finds the project
completed Completed Completed
37 with the earliest start date. Implement a method called "findEarliestProject" that returns the project name. completed Completed
39 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Contact records and filters out contacts with a specific status. Return the filtered list of contacts. complete completed Completed Completed Completed
41 Create a trigger on the Account object that automatically updates the "LastModifiedDate" field of all related Contact records whenever the Account is updated. standard Standard Standard Standard
Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Opportunity records and checks if any of the Opportunities have an amount greater than a specified threshold. Return true if any opportunities
completed Completed Completed
42 exceed the threshold, and false otherwise. Completed
Write an Apex class called "CaseCommentHandler" that queries all Case Comment records and counts the number of comments for each Case. Implement a method called "countCaseComments"
43 that returns a Map with Case Ids as keys and comment counts as values.
44 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Lead records and checks if any of the Leads have a specific Lead Source. Return true if any leads match the specified source, and false otherwise. COMPLETED completed Completed Completed Completed
Create an Apex class called "AccountHierarchyBuilder" that queries all Account records and builds a hierarchical structure based on the Parent Account field. Implement a method called
45 "buildHierarchy" that returns a Map with Account Ids as keys and their child Account Ids as values.
46 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Contact records and updates their phone numbers to a specific value. Return the number of contacts that were updated. completed completed Completed Completed Completed
Write an Apex class called "AccountMergeHandler" that merges two Account records based on predefined rules. Implement a method called "mergeAccounts" that performs the merge logic and
47 returns the merged Account Id.
Create a trigger on the Opportunity object that automatically updates the "NextStep" field to "Follow-up" when the Opportunity Stage is changed to "Closed Lost". Test the trigger by creating an
completed completed Completed Completed
48 Opportunity record and changing its stage to "Closed Lost". Completed
49 Create an Apex class called "AccountCounter" that queries all Account records and counts the number of records. Implement a method called "countAccounts" that returns the count. completed completed Completed Completed Completed
50 Write an Apex class called "CaseStatusUpdater" that updates the "Status" field of all Case records to a specified value. Implement a method called "updateCaseStatus" to perform the update. completed completed Completed Completed Competed
51 Create a trigger on the Lead object that sets the "Converted" field to true when the Lead Status is set to "Closed - Converted". Test the trigger by updating a Lead record status. same as above Repeated Completed Completed Same As Above
52 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Contact records and updates their "MailingCountry" field to a specified value. Return the number of contacts that were updated. completed Completed Completed
Write an Apex class called "OpportunityOwnerChanger" that queries all Opportunity records and changes the owner to a specific User. Implement a method called "changeOpportunityOwner" to
same as above Completed
53 perform the owner change. Repeated Same As Above
Create a custom object called "Task__c" with fields "Subject" (Text) and "DueDate__c" (Date). Write an Apex class called "TaskHandler" that queries all Task records and finds the task with the
completed Completed
54 latest due date. Implement a method called "findLatestTask" that returns the task subject. completed Same As Above
55 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Lead records and checks if any of the Leads have a specific status. Return true if any leads match the specified status, and false otherwise. same as above Repeated Completed Same As Above
Create an Apex class called "CaseAssigner" that assigns cases to specific queues based on predefined criteria. Implement a method called "assignCasesToQueues" that performs the assignment logic
56 and returns the number of cases assigned. Completed
57 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Account records and filters out accounts with a specific industry. Return the filtered list of accounts. completed completed Completed Completed
58 Write an Apex class called "ContactUpdater" that updates the "Phone" field of all Contact records to a specified value. Implement a method called "updateContactPhones" to perform the update. same as above Repeated Completed Same As Above
59 Create a trigger on the Opportunity object that calculates the "Probability" field based on the Opportunity Stage. Use predefined rules to assign the appropriate probability values. standard standard Standard
Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Lead records and checks if any of the Leads have an age greater than a specified value. Return true if any leads exceed the age threshold, and
60 false otherwise. completed Completed
Write an Apex class called "CaseCommentCounter" that queries all Case Comment records and counts the number of comments for each Case. Implement a method called "countCaseComments"
61 that returns a Map with Case Ids as keys and comment counts as values. Same As Above
62 Write an Apex class called "ContactUpdater" that updates the "Phone" field of all Contact records to a specified value. Implement a method called "updateContactPhones" to perform the update. completed completed Completed
Create an Apex class called "AccountMerger" that merges two Account records based on predefined rules. Implement a method called "mergeAccounts" that performs the merge logic and returns
63 the merged Account Id.
Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Contact records and checks if any of the Contacts have a specific mailing state. Return true if any contacts match the specified state, and false
completed completed
64 otherwise. Completed
Write an Apex class called "OpportunityCalculator" that calculates the total value of all Opportunity records. Implement a method called "calculateTotalValue" that returns the sum of the
completed completed
65 opportunity amounts. Completed
66 Create a trigger on the Case object that updates the "Priority" field to "High" when the Case Origin is set to "Phone". Test the trigger by creating a Case record with an origin of "Phone". completed completed Completed
67 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Lead records and updates their "Status" field to a specific value. Return the number of leads that were updated. completed completed Completed
Write an Apex class called "ContactDeactivator" that deactivates Contact records based on predefined criteria. Implement a method called "deactivateContacts" to perform the deactivation logic
completed completed
68 and return the number of contacts deactivated. Completed
Create an Apex class called "AccountHierarchyUpdater" that queries all Account records and updates their hierarchy based on the Parent Account field. Implement a method called
69 "updateAccountHierarchy" to perform the update.
70 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Opportunity records and filters out opportunities with a specific stage. Return the filtered list of opportunities. completed completed Completed
71 Write an Apex class called "LeadStatusUpdater" that updates the "Status" field of all Lead records to a specified value. Implement a method called "updateLeadStatus" to perform the update. completed completed Completed
Create a trigger on the Account object that sets the "IsVIP__c" field to true when the Account Annual Revenue exceeds a specified threshold. Test the trigger by updating an Account record's annual
72 revenue. completed Completed
Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Contact records and checks if any of the Contacts have an email domain matching a specified pattern. Return true if any contacts match the
73 pattern, and false otherwise. completed Completed
Write an Apex class called "OpportunityStageUpdater" that updates the Opportunity Stage to a specific value for all Opportunity records with a close date in the past. Implement a method called
74 "updateOpportunityStages" to perform the update. completed Completed
75 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Lead records and checks if any of the Leads have a specific lead source. Return true if any leads match the specified source, and false otherwise. Repeated Completed
77 Implement a method in Apex that accepts a List of Opportunity records and calculates the average amount. Return the average amount as a result. completed Completed
Write an Apex class called "ContactNameUpdater" that updates the "FirstName" field of all Contact records with a specific last name. Implement a method called "updateContactNames" to perform
78 the update. completed Completed

Write a trigger, only admin can delete closed opportunities and email should be sent to owners for closed won opportunities.

79 Write a trigger, when a new Account is created then create a contact related to that account. completed completed Completed completed
80 Write a trigger, if the owner of an account is changed then the owner for the related contacts should also be updated. Standard completed
81 Write a trigger, to create new Opportunity whenever an account is created/updated for Industry – Agriculture. completed completed Completed Completed
82 Write a trigger, user should not be able to delete any account with associated contact. completed completed Completed Compleetd
83 completed
84 Write a trigger, to have the count of total number of contacts associated to an account. completed
85 Write a trigger, whenever the BillingCity of any Account is updated, update MailingCity of all the Contacts related to the account. completed completed
86 Write a trigger, whenever a new active User having profile “System Administrator” is inserted, add the user to the public group “Admins”.
87 Update Example 8, whenever user’s profile is changed from/to “System Administrator” AND user is marked active/inactive, add/delete the user to the public group “Admins”
Write an Apex trigger named “OpportunityTrigger” that automatically updates a custom field named “TotalOpportunityAmount” on the Account object whenever an
88 Opportunity related to that Account is closed/won.
completed completed
Write an Apex trigger named “OpportunityValidationTrigger” that fires before update and enforces some conditions. If any of the conditions are violated, the trigger should
89 add the appropriate custom error messages to the Opportunity record. completed

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