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Q Liston ond resd ‘Then circle: up Hil My name's Cathy. I'm 10 years old. | live in a fiat in a big city. | like big cities! | don't like small towns, I live with my mum, my dad, my sister and my brother. ‘And look, I've got a pet, Felix, and this is Trip, my Seen 1 I'm nine / ten. | 2 I live in a city / town. 3 I've got a big / small family. 4 [haven't got a cat / dog. 5. Trip is 2 cat / robot. My name's... Tim... years old, hha big/small sister I live in. eae T live with... a ig pat ‘ : own grandma Tve got/haven't got... fi bats house dad flat dog pet oe Lesson 1 1-3, p71 9g isten and read. Then match. @ I've got a new friend, Tom. He's 10 years old, He lives in a big house in the city. He lives with his dad, grandma and siblings. He’s got two brothers, Bart and Greg, and two sisters, Anna and Pam. Bart is 12, Anna is 14, Greg is 16 and Pam is 19, Tom hasn't got a pet. Tom and _| his family haven't got space for a pet in the house Grammar Trip Complete. 11 a new friend, Tom. 2 Tom ____a big family. 3 Tom three sisters. 4 Tom and his family a pet. 1 Cathy and Tom a is 12 years old. 2 Tom b live in a big house. 3 Tom and his family © are friends 4 Bart has got four siblings. 2 e Write about a friend. Use these sentence beginnings as a guide. Then say. This is my friend... | Useful words/phrases He's/She's ... years old. | pet He/She lives in... | brother He/She lives with... sisters He/She has got/hasn't got... parents | albig/small house/fiat ‘esasisenen ooo EEE Q Listen and say. Then listen, look and complete. & eleven 2 ___lhe So —. teen 14 __urteen . 1m 2%: twenty-one 16 _ __ __teen 32: thirty-two 7 18 19 43: forty-three ~ one hundred © tsten and circle. Then say. Ge) 1 I'm 13 / 16 years old. 2 My brother is 14 / 40. 3 My teacher has got 18 / 80 students. 4 My grandparents have got 12 / 20 pets. 5 I've got 13 / 30 books. © How old are they? Remember and write the numbers in words. Then say. 1 Bart is _________ years old. 2 Anna is ____ years old. 3 Greg is _____ years old 4 Pam is. years old. 5 Tomis_____ years old so Gr) «0m Ne cw @ Listen and point. Then listen and say. (or) 1 talk 2 sit down 3 stand up ¥ a- | nN \ j 4 shout 5 run 6 walk 8 Look and circle. Then say. ead _ 4 shout / sit down 2 talk / run 3 stand up / sit down 9 Play the action game. ® f We Walk and talk. ) (Cietiand tak Q ten and look, Then circle. Coe) inscone2,catys @ @ @~-@ @ @ 8 Listen again, read and complete. Then say. @ Teacher: Children, please z Grammar Trip and open your books. Trip: Here you are, Cathy! Put the words in order. 1 talk don't Please Cathy: Trip, please don’t Ben: Wow! Super! Teacher: Ben, please don’t 2 down Please Cathy: Shh It’s a secret. sit 3 shout Don’t 98 Listen and discuss: Who sounds more respectful? &) © Lesson 5 8, p74 (© Usten and point. Then listen and say. ob aw ‘ll 2 chair 3 door 4 board 5 window 6 shelves © Look and write. Then say 9 Look around your classroom, count and write. Then say. (ps 1 How many students? How many students, pencils, pens and backpacks can you see? 2 How many desks? 3 4 How many windows? 9 Look, count and 5 How many chairs? write. Then say. How many shelves? Lesson 6 Q Complete the text with the words from the box. likes is (x2) with has got haven't got live _ lives have got) This is Daisy. She 1____ 1! years old and she 2______ from the USA. She 3 in Oregon. She 4____ a small family. She lives § ___her mur and her brother. They 6 _______ near the mountains. Daisy and her family j love animals. They 7_____ a cat. They 8 ___ _a dog but Daisy wants to adopt an abandoned dog. In this photo, Daisy is at the school library, she 9___ books very much! 8 Listen and read. Then listen and write the numbers in words. a | In my school library, there are 1_____ computers, | | 2 tablets, 3 _______ world maps and | | 4___shebes with lots of books! 5 | | students visit the library the 6 _____ days of the week. | 8 Look at the school library rules and complete. 1 Please See ai atone ey quietly. please. drink. e Lesson 7 SOCIAL SKILLS be ® 9 Look, think and discuss. BQ 1. What do these children have in common? 2 Where are they? 3 What differences can you find? 4 Look at photos a-f. Guess and match: Where are the children from? Pakistan) | Kenya | Burma () india (1) @ © Think, discuss and write Yes or No 1 Schools and students are similar around the world ee 2 All students have got a chair and a desk 3 All students have got a computer. 4 Some classrooms haven't got windows or doors. eee 5 All students have got special school uniforms. @ © whet's the message of this lesson? Think and discuss. G ader pp2-5 Lesson 8 © ©) in groups and with the help of your teacher or your family, contact a student from another school and ask him/her questions about their home, city/town, family, pets and school. Write the questions. ©) Use the information in Step 1 to write a paragraph. Use this text as a guide. This is ... . He/She is ... years old. He/She lives in a house/flat in He/She lives with .... He/She has/hasn’t got a pet. His/Her school name is ... . He/She has got ... classmates and ... subjects. Present the information orally. Use images and captions to organize your speech. Rehearse your presentation several times. Don’t read and look at your friends in the eye. m Hil | want to talk about/present. And look! This is. Any questions/doubts? Thank you very much! N My Practice Trip UNIT 1 Match. Then write. 4. My name's a 10. 2 Im b adog 3 I live in © Sandra 4 | live with ds animals! 5 I've got e a small town. 6 Ilike # my mum and my baby sister. | | | | | Complete with have got, like, am and live. 1 |_________ two sisters and one brother. De ee ol gi sears old. gu | seats OS inialbigi city. 4|____ hamburgers. 2 Look at Activity 2 and write sentences about you. ~ Oe —E =) 4 Remember and complete with have got, haven't got, has got or hasn't got. 1 Cathy _______ a big sister. 2 Cathy a pet 3 Tom ____________ two brothers and two sisters. 4 Tom and Cathy a dog. 5 Tom and Cathy _____ friend called Trip. 5 Complete the text with the words from the box. abig family grandpa‘ years old = pet. —house the USA grandma ~—_ siblings Hi, I'm Rick. I'm 4 and I'm from 2______ I live in a 3 near the beach. I've got 4 Rose and Toby are my 5_______, Marie is my mum, Sue is my 6 _____ and Vincent is my7 I haven't got as =O, 6 How old are they? Look at Activity 5 and write the numbers in words. 1 Rick is_____ years old. 2 Vincent is ____ years old. 3 Sue is ________ years old, 4 Marie is__________ years old. 5 Roseis____—— years old. 6 Toby is ___ years old. 7 Match. 1 run 2 talk 3 walk 4 shout 5 sit down 6 stand up at) 8 Look and circle. a Sit down. a Run. a Shout. b Don't sit down. b Don't run. b Don't shout. b Don't talk. 9 Look, find and underline. 1 rodoorod 2 hchairtbo: 3 skedeske ey — i EA a = 4 nwindowdw 5 shshelveses 6 rdaboardr Write a word in each list. Exit Ticket 1 mum sister 2 window door 3 talk run fae ee 4 backpack pavieilgh giant Ranier 4) &@) Hi, I'm Cecilia! And I'm new in this school. New kids at school Nice to meet you, Malick! Let's see in which other ways... I'm from Paraguay. I'm nine years old. 1 live in a house. | live with my mum and grandpa. I've got a brother. His name is Luis. Luis is thirteen. I've got a dog. His name is Wolf. V've got a new pencil case! It's big and green. It seems... But wait! Do you like making new friends? There! In this sense, we're the same! Hi, I'm Malick! And I'm new too! Nice to meet you, Cecilia! we're similar! I'm from Senegal. I'm ten years old. | live in a flat. | live with my aunt and grandma. I've got a cousi Her name is Jill. Jill is fifteen. I've got a cat. His name is Toots. I've got a new backpack! It’s blue and pink! we haven’t got much in common. Oh yes! New friends are great! Pertert Fy Welcome and celebrate DM diversity. foe rey Q What's the poem about? Circle. a Two kids find they have a lot in common. b Two kids find they are new at school ¢ There's @ new kid in the school. © Put a tick (7) for what Cecilia and Malick have in common and a cross () for what they don’t 1 New at school () 6 Family 2 Nationality 7 Pets 3 Age 8 New school objects 4 Place where they live 9 Like making new friends | 5 People they live with | @ © Think and discuss ® 1 Do Cecilia and Malick have a lot in common? Why (not)? 2 Is this a good or bad thing? Why? 3 Can they still be friends or good classmates? 9 Who says what? Write C (for Cecilia) or M (for Malick). 1 | live with my aunt and grandma. || 2 I'm 10 years old. 3 I've got a new pencil case! 4 I've got a dog. zz 5 I'm from Senegal. } 6 I've got a brother. C J 7 | live in a flat. © Match, 1 Cecilia, where are you from? O O Have you got a cousin? |_| GQ) 0 What's your pet's name? OQ What colour is your qm pencil case? Ld Where do you live? How old is Luis? Have you got a pet? Noun wn a No, | haven't. I've got a brother, Luis. b I live in a house ¢ I'm from Paraguay. di Yes, | have. It’s a dog. e He's 13 years old. f It's green. g It's Wolf. What do you and your friend have in common? In pairs, complete about you and then about your friend Questions You Your friend 1 Where are you from? 2 How old are you? see eee ae 3 Where do you live? 4 Have you got a brother? | | 5 Have you got a pet? 6 What colour is your backpack? Q Go to pages 34 and 35 and play.

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