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Unit Plan

Ethics in
“Ill-gotten gains never prosper”
* Objective of the Unit: By the end of the unit, students will be able to write a policy statement
to inform potential fund contributors (investors) about an ethical investment of funds.
* Sequence 1: Listen and Consider (7 hours)
Objective of the sequence: students will be able to write and perform a public statement
(speech) about how to fight corruption.
Rubrics Objectives


1. Let’s Hear it ● Define and discuss the concept of ethics in business

● Listen and debate on the importance of ethics in business


2. Grammar Explorer I ● Use ‘providing that’, ‘provided that’ and ‘as long as’ to
express condition.


● Use ‘should’, ‘ought to’, ‘had better’ and ‘if I were you, I
3. Grammar Explorer II
would ..’ to ask for and give advice.

● Express late advice using ‘it’s high time’ and ‘it’s about time’.


4. Grammar Explorer III ● Express wishes in the past, present and future using the
appropriate sentence structure and verb tenses.


5. Vocabulary Explorer ● Form nouns by adding the suffixes ‘–ty’ and ‘–ity’ to


5. Pronunciation & Spelling ● Mark stress in two-syllable words.

● Pronounce words ending in ‘-ics’ appropriately.


6. T. P. S. ● Write and perform a public statement (speech) about how to

fight corruption.

Sequence Assessment: Review Worksheet (1 h)

* Sequence 2: Read and Consider (7 hours)
Objective of the sequence: Students will be able to write an opinion article about the negative effects of
Rubrics Objectives


1. Reading ● Read and interpret an article about counterfeiting medical drugs.


2. Grammar Explorer I ● Use ‘must’, ‘have to’, ‘mustn’t’ and ‘don’t have to’ to express
obligation, prohibition and absence of obligation.


● Express cause and result using the conjunctions ‘because’, ‘since’, ‘as’,
3. Grammar Explorer II
‘as a result’ and ‘as a consequence’.

● Use the forms ‘so + adj + that’ and ‘such + adj + that’ to express result.


4. Grammar Explorer III ● Express passive and active voice in present simple and present


● Form opposites of words by adding the prefixes ‘dis-’, ‘de-‘, ‘il-‘, ‘ir-‘,
5. Vocabulary Explorer
‘un-’ and ‘in-’.

6. Pronunciation & Spelling
● Mark stress and stress shift in words.

7. T. P. S.
● Write an opinion article about the negative effects of counterfeiting

Sequence Assessment: Review Worksheet (1 h)

* Sequence 3: Listening and Speaking I (2 hours)
Objective of the sequence: Students will be able to write and perform a speech about a business

Rubrics Objectives


1. Listening ● Listen and respond to a podcast about the concept of ethics in the field of

2. Say it in Writing
● Write and perform a speech about a business philosophy.
* Sequence 4: Reading & Writing (2 hours)
Objective of the sequence: Students will be able to write a policy statement to inform potential fund
contributors (investors) about an ethical investment fund.
Rubrics Objectives

1. Reading
● Read and interpret a text about social auditing and ethics in business.

2. Writing
Development ● Write a policy statement to inform potential fund contributors (investors) about an
ethical investment fund.

Unit Assessment: Grammar all-in-one review. / Writing an essay about the importance of fighting unethical

Project Assignment: A written and oral presentation about one of the following topics:

● A Business plan for factories that can replace sweatshops.

● A society charter of does / don’ts to fight corruption

● An index card about an ethical business in Algeria.

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