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Effects of Background music on consumer behavior in hospitality industry

Max Marks: 100 Credits: 4. Class: Pre-Ph.D.

Objective: to help the scholar have a deep understanding on the research topics keywords, sensory
marketing, background music effects, consumer behavior and hospitality.

Chapter 1: Introduction to music (25 Marks)

A) Nature of music, History of music, evolution of music, Psychology of music, background

music effects, different genre of music religious songs,
B) emerging genre of music, tempos, volume, music instruments and instrumental, melody,
compose, poet and poetry,
C) music structure (Strophic Form, Ternary Form, Rondo Form, Sonata Form, Twelve-Bar Blues,
Verse-Chorus Form, Through-Composed Form, Theme and Variations, Suite

Chapter 2: Sensory marketing and consumer (25 Marks)

A) Sensory Branding, The Psychology of Sensory Marketing, the power of sensory Marketing,
engaging the senses, multisensory marketing, sensory experience, leveraging power if sight,
sound, smell, touch, and taste,
B) Innovation in sensory marketing, Emotional connection, purchase decision, perception of
quality, Brand recall, in-store experience

Chapter 3: Consumer behavior and hospitality (25 Marks)

A) Advertising Consumer expectations, fulfilling expectations, Consumer Sensory experiences,

service quality, Brand reputation, personalization online presence and reviews, consumer
satisfaction, brand loyalty.
B) Experience-driven Decisions, Influence of Online Reviews and social media, Personalization
and Customization, Sustainability and Ethical Considerations, Technology and Convenience,
Cultural and Experiential Seeking, Value Sensitivity, Safety and Health Considerations.

Chapter 4: Emerging Music trends and preferences influence on consumer behavior. (25 Marks)

A) Product choices, Band Loyalty, shopping channels, content consumption, health and
wellness, experiential, live concert, and technology integrations,
B) list of new genres of music (K-pop, Drill beats, Afro beats, beat box.

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10. Krishna, A. (2012). Customer Sense: How the 5 Senses Influence Buying Behavior. Palgrave Macmillan.

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12. Barsky, J., & Nash, L. (2002). "Evoking emotion: Affective keys to hotel loyalty." Cornell Hotel and
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13. Xiang, Z. (Robert), Du, Q., Ma, Y., & Fan, W. (2017). "A comparative analysis of major online review
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58, 51-65.

14. Tussyadiah, I. P., & Zach, F. (2012). "The role of geo-based technology in place experiences." Annals of
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15. Pine, B. J., & Gilmore, J. H. (1999). The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a
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16. PresHigham, J., & Hinch, T. (2019). Sport Tourism Development. Channel View Publications.

17. McCartney, G. (2018). "The impact of globalisation on international tourism: Cultural tourism and the
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18. Gretzel, U., Sigala, M., Xiang, Z., & Koo, C. (2015). "Smart tourism: foundations and developments."
Electronic Markets, 25(3), 179-188.

19. Jones, P., Hillier, D., & Comfort, D. (2016). "Sustainability in the global hotel industry." International
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20. Cohen, E., & Cohen, S. A. (2012). "Current sociological theories and issues in tourism." Annals of
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