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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.

” Jesus Christ

C O P | T I C

Prophesies Concerning Egypt

“The burden against Egypt. Behold, the LORD rides on a swift cloud, and will come into Egypt;
the idols of Egypt will totter at His presence, and the heart of Egypt will melt in its midst” [Isaiah
19:1].1 This prophesy was fulfilled when the Holy Family entered Egypt. With this entrance,
Egypt‟s idols collapsed forever. Since this time, Egypt and its faithful Christians were blessed,
fulfilling Isaiah's prophesy, “Then the LORD will be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will
know the LORD in that day, and will make sacrifice and offering; yes, they will make a vow to
the LORD and perform it” [Isaiah 19:21] and also “In that day there will be an altar to the
LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the LORD at its border” [Isaiah 19:19].
Today, in the middle of Egypt the monastery of St. Mary (a.k.a. El-MoHarrak) stands (in the
middle of Egypt) witness to the fulfillment of this prophesy. In that monastery, the Holy Family
stayed for about six months as we learned from Pope Theophilos, the twenty third patriarch of
Alexandria, who was told of the details of the Holy Family's journey in a vision. The “pillar in
the border of it” speaks of St. Mark who preached in Egypt starting from Alexandria – at Egypt's
northern border.

God blessed Egypt since the beginning of time. Firstly He made it as the paradise, “like the
garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt” [Genesis 13:10]. Secondly, He blessed it as it
welcomed many fathers of the Old Testament. For example, Egypt welcomed Abraham and Sara
(see [Genesis 12:10]), and Jacob and his family (see [Genesis 39:50]). Egypt also welcomed
other prophets like Jeremiah. Even the Lord Jesus Christ Himself chose Egypt to be the spiritual
equivalent of Golgotha during the first Passover “... Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified”
[Revelation 11:8]. Amazingly, Egypt was mentioned in the Holy Bible approximately 600 times,
second only to Jerusalem (Egypt: 595 times, Egyptian(s): 120 times).

The Holy Family dwelt throughout Egypt, from the north to the south and from the east to the
west. Today we know of about thirty three blessed areas where the Holy Family dwelt. Lastly,
St. Mary herself blessed Egypt again with daily appearances in her church in Zaitoon, Cairo to
express her love to the country that welcomed her. She intercedes on our behalf to her Son and
her God, and He answers her: “Blessed is Egypt my people” [Isaiah 19:25].

Copts, being hosts of the Holy Family, follow the verse “You shall not be afraid of the terror by
night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of
the destruction that lays waste at noonday” [Psalms 91:5-6]2, for the Lord is our shelter as our
land sheltered Him.3 When He came in the past, our forefathers welcomed Him. Now He knocks
at the gates of our hearts, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and
opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me” [Revelation 3:20].
See see
See Saint George ,

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

Mark Bochra
5757 North Sheridan Road, Apt 13B
Chicago, IL 60660


Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability

Office of General Counsel, Administrative Office of the United States Courts
One Columbus Circle, NE
Washington, D.C. 20544

Judicial Council of the 7th Circuit The Honorable Richard Joseph Durbin
Clerk of the Court Christopher Conway U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary
219 South Dearborn Street 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Chicago, Illinois 60604 Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Carolyn B. Maloney The Honorable Chuck Grassley

Chairwoman U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary
2471 Rayburn House Office Building 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20510

August 21, 2022


Re: A Petition for review of a Judicial Misconduct Complaint against the Executive
Committee of Northern District of Illinois: Case No. 07-22-90041 through 90048
Request to vacate the dismissal and to appoint a special committee to investigate

Dear Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability & the Judicial Council
of the 7th Circuit,

They say that in America, anything is possible; Martin Luther King said “I have a dream” and he
also spoke with parables taught by Jesus Christ when he said “injustice anywhere is a threat to
justice everywhere” i.e., “which one among you is without a sin shall cast a stone at her.”4
People say that in American there is something called the “American Dream” while others said
“the real owners of America i.e., the powerful calls it only the American Dream because you
have to be asleep in order to believe it” said George Carlin.5

I wanted to live a life, not watch it. What can I say? What can I say and what can be said after
everything that was written and said? and yet, the powerful said “they don‟t understand.”

See why do we fall?

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ


On August 16, 2022 a letter was mailed to the Complainant Mark Bochra with Honorable Chief
Judge Diane S. Sykes findings; the findings came with few words and less than 1 paragraph
answering an 88 page judicial misconduct complaint with its supportive exhibits.6 What does the
memorandum written by Chief Judge Diane Sykes says? It said the following in parts:

Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes described the complaint as disjointed and unwieldy that she can‟t
understand it at all. She later wrote a new sentence that came with her conclusion without
conducting an investigation by assigning the complaint to a special committee stating that the
complaint is “utterly unsupported and frivolous” and must be dismissed pursuant to 28 U.S.
Code § 352 (b)(1)(a)(iii). I want to thank Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes for her own words and
conclusion because here is the parable Jesus Christ spoke of when Pontius Pilate, the governor of
Judaea asked Jesus Christ “are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus Christ replied “so you say.”7

Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes said “she doesn‟t understand the complaint and what is written in it”,
and she also said “it is unsupported and frivolous”; hence she has vindicated Mark by her own
written words because what was written inside the judicial misconduct complaint, Mark Bochra
was judged for it by members of the Executive Committee of Northern District of Illinois. For

Statement of facts starts on page 21 of the Complainant’s judicial Misconduct Complaint.
See and hear for those who have eyes that see and ears that listens

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

what do the members of the executive committee understood and judged Mark for it that Chief
Judge Diane S. Sykes said she doesn‟t understand; vindicating Mark for it. By Chief Judge Diane
S. Sykes‟ own words, she can redirect members of the Executive Committee of the Northern
District of Illinois not to judge Mark Bochra based on her own analysis that she doesn‟t
understand the complaint by finding that the complaint is without merit without even appointing
a special committee to investigate the complaint.

The question before us here is whether a special committee should be appointed to investigate
the complaint. Both the Act and the Rules provide that a chief judge cannot make factual
findings about a matter that is reasonably in dispute. See 28 U.S.C. § 352(a) (“The chief judge
shall not undertake to make findings of fact about any matter that is reasonably in dispute.”); 28
U.S.C. § 352(b)(1)(B) (dismissal is appropriate “when a limited inquiry . . . demonstrates that the
allegations in the complaint lack any factual foundation or are conclusively refuted by objective
evidence.”); Rule 11(b) (“In conducting [a limited] inquiry, the chief judge must not determine
any reasonably disputed issue. Any such determination must be left to a special committee
appointed under Rule 11(f) and to the judicial council that considers the committee‟s report.”).
The Commentary to Rule 11 notes that “if potential witnesses who are reasonably accessible
have not been questioned, then the matter remains reasonably in dispute.” Id.

In Mark‟s Judicial Misconduct Complaint there are many disputed facts that are subject to a
special committee to investigate the complaint. Take for instance Judge Diane Sykes‟ own words
within her memorandum when she said “complainant believe Judges and the clerk discriminated
against him based on his religious and political beliefs.” That indeed happened, see page 24 of
the Judicial Misconduct Complaint and the Clerk of the Court Thomas Bruton who is a member
of the executive committee objecting to hear about Jesus Christ via a direct e-mail exchange, the
more Mark spoke of Jesus Christ, the more the Executive Committee told him if he don‟t stop
they will take further action with him despite Mark informing them that they are discriminating
against him from the very beginning. Please see ECF No. 9 in 1:21-cv-06223 dated 02/11/2022.

“Mr. Bochra is warned not to submit any additional religious or political materials to the
executive committee”

After the warning and after Mark Bochra reported discrimination in writing reciting the Judicial
Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 (“Act”), came the judgment and the retaliation order in ECF
No. 12 in 1:21-cv-06223 dated 04/20/2022 with the ultimate restrain and removal of all rights to
the point it interfered with an ongoing litigation Mark Bochra vs. U.S. Department of Education
et al (1:21-cv-03887) like removing access to CM/ECF system.

However all of this was planned from the very beginning from the day the deputy courtroom
Rhonda Johnson of Judge Sara Ellis who presided over Mark‟s case tried to character lynch him
with the Executive Committee of Northern District of Illinois over his e-mail about “Jesus
Christ”; not to mention that it was the Executive Committee who replaced Judge Robert
Gettleman with Judge Sara Ellis and assigned her to Mark‟s case i.e., Mark Bochra vs. U.S.
Department of Education et al (1:21-cv-03887). The judicial misconduct complaint is long
because it is filled with evidence and timeline that is part of the evidence; it is never without
merit, frivolous, or even utterly unsupported; the complaint speaks for itself.

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ


Honorable Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes claims in her writings that Mark‟s Complaint is
disjointed and unwieldy. If one opens up the dictionary and looks up the meaning of the word
“disjointed” it means “lacking a coherent sequence or connection”; however that is far from the
truth because if one follows the table of content of the judicial misconduct complaint, he or she
would read the statement of facts on pages 21 – 27.8 Honorable Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes also
added another word “unwieldy” which if one looks at its definition it means “difficult to carry or
move because of its size, shape, or weight” and that is also not true, judges have read cases with
thousands of pages; it really comes down to the heart of who is reading the complaint and what
they want to do with it; do they want to resolve it leading to reformation or not.

It was shocking to me how often I heard from people all over the country who had tried
to blow the whistle on judges ... and who had been either disregarded or in some cases
had been retaliated against, or had felt completely unable to do anything, Olsen said.9

In order to summarize this judicial misconduct complaint in few short sentences for any future
reader and after Mark completed his investigation parallel to the initial preliminary review by
Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes; the judicial misconduct complaint describes the following:

Complainant before initiating his lawsuit i.e., Mark Bochra vs. U.S. Department of Education et
al (1:21-cv-03887) e-mailed the entire judges of Northern District of Illinois on June 20, 2021
and told them in part that God will chose a judge who Mark hopes is an angel not a judge for a
case that he will file in the near future; see ECF No. 4 page 2 in 1:21-cv-06223.

Mark knew how judges treat pro-se litigants “kinda like trash” and “not worth their time” and
these were the exact words of a former 7th Circuit Appellant Judge, Judge Richard Posner to
ABA Journal.10 Also from a personal experience, in case Amin et al v. 5757 North Sheridan Rd
Condo Assn. et al (1:12-CV-00446) (Dkt 66)11 however, the Lord, Jesus Christ completed and
settled the case in Mark family‟s favor protecting their lives in the building where they live.

The Tale of selective targeting started when the deputy courtroom of Judge Sara Ellis who is
presiding over Mark‟s case i.e., Mark Bochra vs. U.S. Department of Education et al (1:21-cv-
03887), used his e-mail about Jesus Christ and set him up with some “evil” and “corrupt” U.S.
Marshals and the Executive Committee of Northern District of Illinois. They didn‟t just placed
Mark on a restricted list to defame him but they sent U.S. Marshals to Mark‟s home while he was
at work at Chicago Public School and they accused Mark of wrongdoing that he never
committed in order to install an informant in the building and that informant is a dangerous man,
the valet by the name Sergio Hernandez with a violent history and a history of drug abuse

Within few pages of the Judicial Misconduct Complaint, the entire set of timeline and allegations is laid out
before discussing the evidence, this entire ordeal started with the name “Jesus Christ” and Federal Judges
objecting to hear his name or his teachings but that is part of the Coptic identity.
See 'Shocking to Me': Investigative Reporter Lise Olsen Talks New Book About Judicial Misconduct | National Law
See Posner: Most judges regard pro se litigants as 'kind of trash not worth the time' (
See Agreed Order

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

cocaine based on the doorman‟s own testimony. From that point on, the evil U.S. Marshals kept
stalking Mark through Sergio Hernandez and the manger Alicia McNeal, reading his e-mails to
management about his case and the Jewish lobby infiltrating the department of education on
behalf of Israel and what his federal case in the court is all about. The name of the evil U.S.
Marshal who did all this and was reported to the inspector general of the justice Department
Michael Horowitz, as well as director of the U.S. Marshals Donald L. Davis and the director of
Northern District of Illinois U.S. Marshals LaDon A. Reynolds. The name of the evil U.S.
Marshal who stalked Mark Bochra everywhere on behalf of the executive committee covert
orders, his name is “Jerome Sliva” according to an e-mail by the manager of the building Alicia
McNeal; his name was finally revealed to the Complainant on June 9, 2022.

The goal of the Executive Committee of Northern District of Illinois knowing Mark is a Coptic
American Citizen with a strong faith in Jesus Christ was not only to discriminate and retaliate
against him after he complained of discrimination to them turning it into intentional
discrimination and retaliation but to also target Mark covertly by their use of evil U.S. Marshals
doing their bidding to target Mark at home leading to a hostile environment; target Mark in the
court by stripping him of every right to the point it is interfering with his current litigation that
Judge Sara Ellis is presiding over it; and targeting Mark at Chicago Public School to ruin his
career and life all together just as his legal education was ruined by a set of evil Jewish men and
the law school was shut down by the Department of Education in the end. Mark has been
reporting this journey to many officials as the “Jewish Mafia”. This tale of injustice cannot be
explained in few words, what it needs is a compassionate heart that seeks the very least to reform
members of the executive committee of northern district of Illinois. Which Judge can judge
another? Which law enforcement can judge another? Which teacher can judge another? Which
system can judge its own? For this is the parable of a humble heart that Mark tried to teach to
former attorney general William Barr and he went to teach his own ranks at the justice
department telling them no one is righteous.12

See Remarks by Attorney General William P. Barr at Hillsdale College Constitution Day Event | OPA | Department
of Justice

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

Law enforcement of different agencies if they don‟t fear God, could be evil even lethal ruining
people‟s lives without any care; see Senator Chuck Grassley letter to attorney general Merrick

See also history of evil U.S. Marshals: Deputy U.S. Marshal Indicted and Arrested for
Conspiracy, Cyber Stalking and Perjury.14

On May 13, 2021, a Deputy U.S. Marshal assigned to the U.S. District Courthouse in Los
Angeles, CA, was arrested following an Indictment charging him with one count of
conspiracy, one count of cyber stalking, and one count of perjury. Ian Diaz was indicted
in the Central District of California. According to the Indictment, from at least in or
about May 2016 through at least in or about September 2016, Diaz along with his former
wife, who is alleged to be an unindicted co-conspirator, conspired to harass and
intimidate an individual with whom Diaz was formerly in a relationship, identified as
Jane Doe to protect her privacy, by framing her for criminal conduct that she did not
commit. According to the Indictment, Diaz and his former wife sent to themselves
harassing and threatening electronic communications that contained apparent threats to
See Grassley to DOJ - Failure to Prosecute OIG Criminal Referrals (
See Press Release

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

harm Diaz‟s former wife; solicited and lured men found through Craigslist “personal”
advertisements to engage in so-called “rape fantasies” in an attempt to stage a purported
sexual assault on Diaz‟s former wife; and staged one or more hoax sexual assaults and
attempted sexual assaults on Diaz‟s former wife. Diaz and his former wife then allegedly
reported this conduct to local law enforcement, falsely claiming that Jane Doe posed a
genuine and serious threat to Diaz and his former wife, and thereby caused local law
enforcement to arrest, charge, and ultimately detain Jane Doe in jail for nearly three
months for conduct for which they framed her and in fact perpetrated themselves.
According to the Indictment, Diaz and his former wife also allegedly took steps to
conceal their conduct including using falsely registered email accounts, using virtual
private networks to access the internet anonymously, and communicating with one
another using encrypted messaging services. Diaz also allegedly provided false
testimony in a deposition in connection with a federal civil lawsuit filed by Jane Doe.
The investigation is being conducted by the OIG‟s Cyber Investigations Office with
substantial assistance provided by the OIG‟s Los Angeles Field Office.

See also Deputy U.S. Marshal charged with using cops‟ cell tracking tool to target „personal

Federal prosecutors revealed charges Tuesday against a deputy U.S. Marshal for
allegedly using the government‟s real-time cell phone tracking tool on people with whom
he had a “personal relationship” and also their spouses. Adrian O. Pena then lied to
investigators who confronted him about his abuse, prosecutors said, going so far as to
pressure one of his tracking targets to sign a bogus document saying she had authorized
the surveillance.

All these underlined violations occurred and were reported within the Judicial misconduct
Complaint that was filed by Mark Bochra, however, the chief judge of the 7th circuit declined to
assign a special committee to investigate the complaint. Under the Conduct and Disability Act of
1980 (“Act”), 28 U.S.C. §§ 351–364 and the Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability
Proceedings, it states the following:

Intentional discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex (Title IX), gender, gender
entity, pregnancy, sexual orientation, religion (faith in Jesus Christ), national origin
(Title VI Coptic), age, or disability (reported history of seizure epilepsy and not to be
exposed to anxiety and/or depression); retaliating against complainant, witnesses,
judicial employees, or others for participating in the judicial conduct and disability
complaint process, or for reporting or disclosing judicial misconduct or disability.

All these violations occurred by preponderance of the evidence but there are no findings or an
investigation for it; why? Mark doesn‟t have the answer, only Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes. All
the Judicial Misconduct Complaints that gets filed with the 7th Circuit are tossed in the (recycle
bin)15, this one is different because the Lord, Jesus Christ is driving the wheel; God opens and no
one closes and God closes and no one opens. The blind can see, the lame can walk, the deaf can
hear, how happy are those who see the truth.

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On June 10, 2022, Complainant Mark Bochra filed a Judicial Misconduct Complaint pursuant to
the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 (“Act”), 28 U.S.C. §§ 351–364 and the Rules for
Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings. The bases for the Complaint were
intentional discrimination on the bases of “sex, religion, disability, national origin (Coptic and
Coptic identity)16, and retaliation for reporting discrimination.”

The Coptic Identity is embedded in the faith of Jesus Christ since the 1st century.17

Under the Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 (“Act”), 28 U.S.C. §§ 351–364 and the Rules for
Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings, it states the following:

Intentional discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, gender, gender entity,
pregnancy, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age, or disability; retaliating
against complainants, witnesses, judicial employees, or others for participating in the
judicial conduct and disability complaint process, or for reporting or disclosing judicial
misconduct or disability; see

The Complaint was filed with supported evidence by preponderance of the evidence; the only
missing portion is a fair and neutral investigation seeking reformation rather than scrutiny even
after the selective targeting by the Executive Committee of Northern District of Illinois targeting

See Coptic Identity

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

the Complainant at his (1) home despite the same court agreeing to protect him and his family in
a settled fair housing case Amin et al v. 5757 North Sheridan Rd Condo Assn. et al (1:12-CV-
00446) (Dkt 66)18, (2) in court by interfering with his filed civil right case in the federal court i.e.,
Mark Bochra vs. U.S. Department of Education et al (1:21-cv-03887), and (3) at work by
targeting him covertly at Chicago Public Schools. It is a tale of covert targeting but who would
want to investigate 8 members of the Executive Committee of Northern District of Illinois and
question them about the produced evidence? Please see Exhibit “A” a Copy of the Judicial
Misconduct Complaint. Please see Exhibit “B” a receipt confirmation letter from the 7th circuit
when the Complaint was opened for an investigation on June 10, 2022 and assigned 8 case
numbers. Please see Exhibit “C” a brief memorandum between “judicial and administrative
orders” filing with the 7th circuit court of appeal relative to the Executive Committee in appeal
No. 22-1815 and last see Exhibit “D” Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes concluding her own review of
the judicial misconduct complaint stating if Mark Bochra doesn‟t agree with her findings, he can
appeal it with the Judicial Council of the 7th Circuit but in all their orders that Mark reviewed it is
a process of denial which never leads to any reformation of the judicial branch and more outcry
by the public; hence the Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability
which is the last step is copied on this appeal as well for they are more independent and far away
from the 7th Circuit Judicial Council; they are located in Washington D.C. not Chicago.

Because the Complaint for Judicial Misconduct was based on intentional discrimination based on
“Sex, Religion, Disability, National Original, and Retaliation for reporting discrimination” The
Complainant asserted violations of due process and equal protection rights under the Fifth
Amendment, as well as claims pursuant to Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1985(3) -
Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights and 1986 - Action for neglect to prevent; Title VI of the
Civil Right Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq; Title IX of the Education Amendments of
1972; Section 504 of the rehabilitation act; and the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980
(“Act”), 28 U.S.C. §§ 351–364 and the Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability

After the Judicial Misconduct Complaint was delivered to the 7th circuit of appeal on June 10,
2022 at 10:26 a.m., two incidents happened (1) Mark Bochra was retaliated against turning him
from Complaint into a Respondent few hours later at Chicago Public School and the Chicago
Teacher Union became involved in the case and a class wide complaint was filed with a Federal
Agency against Chicago Public School senior leadership to which this same judicial misconduct
complaint was part of the complaint; and (2) on her own account and without Plaintiff or
Defendants seeking a reschedule for their hearing to rule on the Department of Justice motion to
dismiss in case Mark Bochra vs. U.S. Department of Education et al (1:21-cv-03887), on her
own account honorable Judge Sara L. Ellis rescheduled the hearing to September 27, 2022; it
appears that Judge Sara Ellis was notified not to rule on Mark‟s case until Chief Judge Diane
Sykes closes the filed judicial misconduct complaint because he reported retaliation but the
retaliation already happened on multiple front; they know they want to destroy his case.

Complainant shared his thought with some leadership inside the 7th circuit court of appeal to
which some said “yes we see it Mark, we see the reschedule of the hearing.” Based on the merits
of the Judicial Misconduct Complaint, Judge Sara Ellis was looking forward to this hearing after
See Agreed Order

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

several reschedules; she indeed may wants to dismiss this lawsuit by any means possible because
it was her courtroom deputy who initiated the targeting of Complainant Mark Bochra and later
denied having anything to do with the Executive Committee set of ravage orders; some of these
orders are public while others are done covertly like their use of evil U.S. Marshals to stalk and
target Mark Bochra at his home causing a hostile environment, that fact is known by
preponderance of the evidence and there is a filed complaint with Inspector Michael Horowitz at
the Justice Department along with direct e-mails to him; please refer to the Complainant‟s
Judicial Misconduct Complaint pages 59-63.

The day the Executive Committee of Northern District of Illinois tried to initially target
Complainant Mark Bochra and their plan failed was back in April of 20, 2022; they won‟t be
able to explain or justify why they took extreme measures after Mark reported discrimination to
them, the only other means to get rid of Mark was to wait for him to be setup at Chicago Public
School but Mark Bochra was the Complainant with CPS and their 1st attempt failed.

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

The Second attempt was when Mark Bochra delivered his Judicial Misconduct Complaint to the
7th Circuit Court of Appeal on June 10, 2022 and within hours he was retaliated against by CPS
also on June 10, 2022 to which led to a 159 page complaint filed with a federal agency and
supported by the Chicago Teacher Union. The case is known to City of Chicago Board of
Education, and many officials. What evil several men and woman tried to plan, God took it and
put it to shame and with every trial they tried to destroy Mark Bochra, the Lord, Jesus Christ
uplifted Mark however, Mark is in great pain and can‟t take the amount of wickedness some men
and woman commits in order to hold onto power; power that the Lord, God can take away any
moment but he gives humans chances to repent and change; some change while others do not.

Moreover, after the delivery of the judicial Misconduct Complaint to the 7th circuit court of
appeal, on June 13, 2022, Judge Sara Ellis rescheduled the hearing on her own account to rule on
the Justice Department motion to dismiss not on June 21, 2022 but on September 27, 2022 in
order to circumvent the claim of retaliation however retaliation happened covertly on multiple
fronts at home, in court, and at Chicago Public School; simply put an investigation and
interviewing members of the executive committee would reveal the selective targeting “why they
retaliated on April 20 after Mark complained of discrimination? Why the extreme measures?
What were they waiting for? This is neither frivolous nor without merit.

The Judicial Misconduct Complaint was delivered on June 10, 2022 to the 7th circuit.

Judge Sara Ellis rescheduled the hearing on her own account to September 27, 2022

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ


The Executive Committee can issue two types of orders: judicial and administrative. See In re
Chapman, 328 F.3d 903, 904 (7th Cir. 2003); In re Palmisano, 70 F.3d 483, 484 (7th Cir. 1995).
The 7th Circuit has jurisdiction over appeals from the Executive Committee‟s judicial actions;
administrative actions, on the other hand, are reviewed by this circuit‟s Judicial Council. See
Chapman, 328 F.3d at 904. See In re Long, 475 F.3d 880, 880–81 (7th Cir. 2007).

The entire Judicial Misconduct Complaint is subject to the 7th circuit judicial council because it
is administrative in nature while it covertly comingles with judicial orders like the executive
committee of northern district of Illinois use of U.S. Marshals to stalk and target Mark as his
home over his email about Jesus Christ; facts can‟t change although they have attempted to
change them over and over.

Members of the Executive Committee of Northern District of Illinois has a long history of
selective targeting of whoever they like, regular citizens or even lawyers that for the first time
Mark Bochra came to seek reformation not judgment but 7th Circuit declined to reform their
colleagues. See for example Executive Committee of the Uni v. Andrew Shalaby, No. 20-2689
(7th Cir. 2022).

The order assigning U.S. Marshals to escort Mr. Shalaby based entirely on fabrications
was issued only three days after Mr. Shalaby reached out to Magistrate Johnston to
discuss his fabrication made to the Senate, a fabrication that no Court can say does not
exist (see doc. 3 attachment). Mr. Shalaby sought to afford Magistrate Johnston an
opportunity to rectify because under IRPC 8.3(b) Mr. Shalaby was required to report the
fabrication. Instead of doing the right thing, which would have been to rectify the
misrepresentation, the Court served this horrible order containing the horrible untruths
three days later. There can be no doubt that the Executive Committee is acting as a
“plaintiff” in this instance, well outside of its authority as an Article III Court, and there
is only one Court available to serve as the proper “tribunal”, this Court. A motion to
compel the failure to respond to the discovery is one issue which makes this clear. This
defendant cannot move to compel responses if the same entity that brought the false
charges is also acting as the court. There must be a tribunal in between, and that tribunal
can only be the Court of Appeals.

Andrew Shalaby is an Egyptian, a Muslim Arab not a Christian Coptic, a lawyer not a pro se
litigant. The Executive Committee of Northern District of Illinois set Mr. Shalaby up and they
can do it with anyone without care but they do care very much about their own status, title, fame,
reputation, and how they appear in public and before members of congress. This is not justice.

You could be in the middle of a hurricane, or you could be on a calm day, north is still
north; you could be in a thunderstorm north is still north; people can yell at you north is
still north; it doesn‟t change fundamental things and in this business, right is still right,
said Justice Clarence Thomas.19

See Heritage Foundation on Twitter: ""Right is still right, even if you stand by yourself." - Justice Clarence
Thomas" / Twitter

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

Justice Clarence Thomas in a recently released book said that his opponents tried to turn him into
“something that is repulsive” after he was nominated to the Supreme Court in 1991, comparing
them to the gnats that were part of his formative years in Georgia. In the book, “Created Equal:
Clarence Thomas in His Own Words”20 Justice Thomas said “they have to make you into
somebody who you're not,” he said “you have to be reduced to this little object. And I don't
know whether the right word is reified, but it's just to be made into an object, and made into
something that is repulsive, reduced, so they can't see you as a human.”21


In Complaint of Judicial Misconduct C.C.D. No. 22-01 that was recently ruled on July 8, 2022,
the Judicial Conduct and Disability Committee sent the case back ordering the judicial circuit to
conduct an investigation by assigning the judicial misconduct complaint to a special committee
because the chief judge failed to assign one when there are disputed facts.22

The Judicial Conduct and Disability Committee considers this matter under the Judicial
Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 (“Act”), 28 U.S.C. § 357, and Rule 21(b)(2) of the
Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings (“Rules”), which permit
this Committee to review a judicial council order affirming a chief judge‟s dismissal of a
complaint and then determine whether a special committee should be appointed. For the
reasons provided below, we return this matter to the Second Circuit Judicial Council with
directions to refer it to the Chief Circuit Judge for the appointment of a special committee
under Section 353 of the Act.

The Judicial Conduct and Disability Committee argued the following:

This Committee, in its sole discretion, may review any judicial council order entered
under Rule 19(b)(1) and determine whether a special committee should be appointed. See
Rule 21(b)(2). We review circuit judicial council orders in judicial conduct and disability
matters for errors of law, clear errors of fact, or abuse of discretion. Rule 21(a); see also
In re Complaint of Judicial Misconduct, 664 F.3d 332, 334–35 (U.S. Jud. Conf. 2011)
(deferring to findings of circuit judicial council and overturning them only if clearly

The question before this Committee is whether a special committee should be appointed
to investigate the complaints. Both the Act and the Rules provide that a chief judge
cannot make factual findings about a matter that is reasonably in dispute. See 28 U.S.C. §
352(a) (“The chief judge shall not undertake to make findings of fact about any matter
that is reasonably in dispute.”); 28 U.S.C. § 352(b)(1)(B) (dismissal is appropriate “when
a limited inquiry . . . demonstrates that the allegations in the complaint lack any factual
foundation or are conclusively refuted by objective evidence.”); Rule 11(b) (“In
conducting [a limited] inquiry, the chief judge must not determine any reasonably
disputed issue. Any such determination must be left to a special committee appointed

See documentary
See Thomas Says Critics Sought to Make Him 'Repulsive' Amid SCOTUS Nomination: Book (
See entire order c.c.d._no._22-01_0.pdf (

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

under Rule 11(f) and to the judicial council that considers the committee‟s report.”). The
Commentary to Rule 11 notes that “if potential witnesses who are reasonably accessible
have not been questioned, then the matter remains reasonably in dispute.” Id.

With great respect for the Chief Judge and the Circuit Judicial Council, we are of the
view that an appropriate evaluation of the judges‟ conduct cannot be accomplished
without findings of fact as to: (1) whether the candidate made the statements attributed to
her (or the substance of them); and (2) what the candidate told the Subject Judges about
them. These facts, which are reasonably disputed, must be established before the matter
can be concluded. In other words, whether the candidate made the alleged statements and
what she told the Subject Judges about the allegations against her must be determined
first, because the answers would determine the nature and extent of any further inquiries
the Subject Judges would be required to conduct.

The Commentary to Rule 11 provides a useful illustration of how a similar factual dispute should
be resolved:

For example, consider a complaint alleging that the subject judge said X, and the
complaint mentions, or it is independently clear, that five people may have heard what
the judge said. The chief judge is told by the subject judge and one witness that the judge
did not say X, and the chief judge dismisses the complaint without questioning the other
four possible witnesses. In this example, the matter remains reasonably in dispute. If all
five witnesses say the subject judge did not say X, dismissal is appropriate, but if
potential witnesses who are reasonably accessible have not been questioned, then the
matter remains reasonably in dispute. Commentary to Rule 11, citing to The Judicial
Conduct and Disability Act Study Committee, IMPLEMENTATION OF THE
(internal citations omitted).

The Judicial Conduct and Disability Committee argued that although not an exact match for the
present complaints, this example is instructive, as it demonstrates that a matter is still reasonably
in dispute where reasonably available potential witnesses have not been questioned.

In this present judicial misconduct complaint there are direct evidence that needs the questioning
of the members of executive committee of northern district of Illinois as to why they took
extreme measure against Mark Bochra on April 20, 2022 within their order after he complained
of discrimination based on his Coptic and Coptic identity which is also the center question
surrounding the pending litigation Mark Bochra vs. U.S. Department of Education et al (1:21-cv-
03887) and what is their knowledge and use of the U.S. Marshals covertly to stalk Mark at his
home since November of 2021 (to the very least we know this is a fact) especially after the U.S.
Marshals visited Mark at home revealing their identity telling him not to e-mail the executive
committee; however a second U.S. Marshal was switch with a good U.S. Marshal who decided
to leave Mark in peace. The reported evil U.S. Marshal to inspector of DOJ Michael Horowitz,
his name appears to be Jerome Sliva. This entire ordeal started with their hate of the name Jesus
Christ and they want to ruin Mark Bochra‟s life for good; they can‟t change these facts, not now
nor later, nor even with their attempt to paint Mark Bochra someone he is not; they are evil.

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

The Judicial Conduct and Disability Committee concluded in the case C.C.D. No. 22-01 that
“because a special committee was not appointed to investigate the complaints, there is not
enough information in the record to determine how the matter should be concluded. Accordingly,
the Circuit Judicial Council erred in affirming the Chief Circuit Judge‟s dismissal of the
complaints. Pursuant to the standards provided by Section 352 of the Act and Rule 11, the
appointment of a special committee to thoroughly investigate the facts of the complaints is

In my mind there are many words that I would like to say, and in my heart there are more words
to say than what my mind can share but I prefer the brief silence, in order to allow the Lord, God
to speak.

They surrounded me like bees. They pushed me violently, that I might fall, but the Lord
helped me. The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation. The
voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; the right hand of the Lord
does valiantly. The right hand of the Lord is exalted; the right hand of the Lord does
valiantly. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. The Lord has
chastened me severely; but He has not given me over to death [Psalms 118:12-18].23

I questioned the Lord, God for these extended trials by Satan for my heart can‟t bare them any
longer for Satan is trying to feed on hate through many injustices but the Lord, God answered my
soul saying “my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness” but
my heart has crossed many miles filled with thorn, hunter‟s traps, and pain, yet the Lord, God
told me “I see good in your trials, for your own soul and many others that are saved” and I could
not object any longer despite my pain ― I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in
persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ


For these mentioned reasons, Complainant Mark Bochra request to vacate the Circuit‟s Chief
Judge dismissal of the Judicial Misconduct Complaint and to refer the case back to the chief
Judge to appoint a neutral special committee to investigate the complaint under Section 353 of
the Act and Rules 11(f). In addition to seek reformation of the “restricted filer listing.”

I do not have faith in the 7th Circuit Judicial Council; looking at their history, they take 2 month
to issue their ruling on the Chief Judge‟s memorandums; most of their findings say the standard:

The Judicial Council of the Seventh Circuit has reviewed the complainant‟s petition for
review of the memorandum and order entered by Chief Judge Diane S. Sykes on […],
dismissing the complaint in the above‐captioned matter pursuant to […]. Having
considered the relevant materials, the Judicial Council denies the petition for review and
affirms Chief Judge Sykes‟s memorandum and order.24

It looks like a pattern and practice for Chief Judge of the 7th circuit to dismiss the complaints and
it is affirmed by the 7th circuit judicial council, it is a process filled with many conflict of
interest, compounded with lack of transparency and honesty, most importantly fear of God.

The one case I actually found the Chief Judge appointing a special committee to investigate was
the case of a Jewish family reporting just an “anti-Semitic remark.” I don‟t believe in such word
as the middle-east are all Semite tribes including me.25 I believe in the word “good vs. evil” in
plain language. This case was also recited within my judicial misconduct complaint on page 41.

When a Jewish person was litigating a case in a court and the Judge said “I know what
the Jewish families in Champaign do. The husbands put the businesses in their own
names and their houses in their wives‟ names.” The chief judge convened a special
committee pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 353(a), consisting of Circuit Judge David Hamilton as
chair, District Judge Gary Feinerman, and Chief Judge Wood, ex officio, pursuant to §
353(a) and the order resulted in admonishing the judge calling him “anti-Semitic” No.
07‐16‐90021.26 Please bear in mind that Judge Gary Freinerman is a member of the
Jewish/Israeli lobby who defended the famous Mezuzah case of Helen Bloch before the
7th circuit when he was a lawyer. Here you see a Jewish complainant received the
backing of a Jewish Judge as well. See also Bloch v. Frischholz (7th Cir.) No. 06-3376.27
See also Michael W. McConnell, Gary S. Feinerman and Steffen N. Johnson, of Mayer,
Brown Platt, of Chicago, for amicus curiae American Jewish Committee et al.28


/s/ Mark Bochra

You can take a look at history
See Order
See Court ruling en banc
See Chicago Heights v. Living Word Outreach, 196 Ill. 2d 1 | Casetext Search + Citator

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

Via Electronic Mails


The Honorable Ronald A. Klain The Honorable Bruce Reed

Chief of Staff for the President Deputy Chief of Staff for the President
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

The Honorable Jen O'Malley Dillon The Honorable Michael C. Donilon

Deputy Chief of Staff for the President Senior Advisor for the President

The Honorable Steven J. Ricchetti The Honorable Jacob J. Sullivan

Counselor for the President National Security Advisor for the President

The Honorable Karine Jean-Pierre

White House Press Secretary


The Honorable Michael E. Horowitz The Honorable Ronald L. Davis

Inspector General of DOJ Director of the U.S. Marshals
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

The Honorable LaDon A. Reynolds

Director of U.S. Marshals of the
Northern District of Illinois


The Honorable Chief Justice John G. Roberts

Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543

The Honorable Justice Clarence Thomas The Honorable Justice Ketanji B. Jackson
Associate Justice Associate Justice

The Honorable Justice Samuel A. Alito The Honorable Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Associate Justice Associate Justice

The Honorable Justice Elan Kagan The Honorable Justice Neil M. Gorsuch
Associate Justice Associate Justice

The Honorable Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh The Honorable Justice Amy Barrett
Associate Justice Associate Justice
Page 18 of 26
“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ


The Honorable Merrick B. Garland The Honorable Eric W. Treene

Assistant Attorney General Special Counsel for Religious Discrimination
U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division Civil Rights Division
Washington, DC 20530-0001 Washington, DC 20530-0001

The Honorable Matthew Klapper The Honorable Lisa O. Monaco

Chief of Staff for AG Merrick Garland Deputy Attorney General

The Honorable Kristen Clarke The Honorable Matt Olsen

Acting Assistant Attorney General Assistant Attorney General
Civil Right Division National Security Division

The Honorable Doha G. Mekki The Honorable Kenneth A. Polite, Jr

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Acting Assistant Attorney General
Civil Right Division Criminal Division

The Honorable John Carlin The Honorable Kate Heinzelman

Acting Deputy Attorney General Chief Counsel

The Honorable Brian Fletcher The Honorable Michael Granston

Department of Justice Counsel Deputy Assistant Attorney General

The Honorable Kevin Andrew Chambers The Honorable Emily Loeb

Associate Deputy Attorney General Associate Deputy Attorney General

The Honorable Matthew Axelrod The Honorable Brian Netter

Associate Attorney General Deputy Assistant Attorney General

The Honorable Brian H. Fletcher The Honorable Varu Chilakamarri

Acting Solicitor General Deputy Assistant Attorney General

The Honorable Helaine Greenfeld The Honorable Kevin Jones

Acting Assistant Attorney General Acting Assistant Attorney General

The Honorable Anthony Coley The Honorable Richard A. Powers

Office of Public Affairs Deputy Assistant Attorney General

The Honorable Joseph Gaeta The Honorable Anita M. Singh

Deputy Assistant Attorney General Chief of Staff to Deputy Attorney General

The Honorable Matthew Colangelo The Honorable Nicholas McQuaid

Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ


The Honorable Chuck Schumer The Honorable Mitch McConnell

Senate Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader
322 Hart Senate Office Building S-230, U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510
Chief of Staff – Michael Lynch Chief of Staff – Terry Carmack

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi

Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives
204 Capitol Building
Washington, DC 20515
Chief of Staff – Robert Edmonson


The Honorable Richard Durbin The Honorable Chuck Grassley

U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510
Chief of Staff – Pat Souders Chief of Staff – Aaron Cummings

The Honorable Patrick Leahy The Honorable Lindsey Graham

Chief of Staff – John Dowd Chief of Staff – Richard Perry

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein The Honorable John Cornyn

Chief of Staff – David Grannis Chief of Staff – Beth Jafari

The Honorable Sheldon Whitehouse The Honorable Michael S. Lee

Chief of Staff – Sam Goodstein Chief of Staff – Allyson Bell

The Honorable Amy Klobuchar The Honorable Ted Cruz

Chief of Staff – Lindsey Kerr Chief of Staff – Steve Chartan

The Honorable Christopher A. Coons The Honorable Ben Sasse

Chief of Staff – Jonathan Stahler Chief of Staff – Raymond Sass

The Honorable Senator Richard Blumenthal The Honorable Joshua D. Hawley

Chief of Staff – Joel Kelsey Chief of Staff – Kyle Plotkin
The Honorable Senator Mazie Hirono The Honorable Tom Cotton
Chief of Staff – Alan Yamamoto Chief of Staff – Doug Coutts

The Honorable Cory Booker The Honorable John Kennedy

Chief of Staff – Veronica Duron Chief of Staff – David Stokes

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

The Honorable Alex Padilla The Honorable Thom Tillis

Chief of Staff – David Montes Chief of Staff – Ted Lehman

The Honorable John Ossoff The Honorable Marsha Blackburn

Chief of Staff – Reynaldo Benitez Chief of Staff – Sean Farrell


Dan Swanson
General Counsel
U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee
Senator Dick Durbin, Chair

Judd Smith
Senate Judiciary Committee

Zack Rosenblum
Counsel, Senate Democratic Leader Charles E. Schumer

Andrew Ferguson
Chief Counsel, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell

Senate Judiciary Committee Democratic Counsel:

Danny Smith,
Rachel Appleton,
Alex Aronson,
Sarah Bauer,
Tona Boyd,
Keagan Buchanan,
Lindsay Erickson,
Debu Gandhi,
Ches Garrison,
Alex Haskell,
Gabe Kader,
Ajay Kundaria,
Lauren Moxley Beatty,
Amalea Smirniotopoulos,
Shanna Winters,
Nick Xenakis,
Sara Zdeb,

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

Senate Judiciary Committee Republican Counsel:

Andrew Davis,
Drew Hudson,
John Ehrett,
Jessica Vu,
Franci Rooney,
Brad Watts,
Wendy Baig,
William Payne,
Andrew Harding,
Lee Holmes,


The Honorable Carolyn Maloney The Honorable James Comer

Chairwoman Ranking Member
House Committee on Oversight and Reform House Committee on Oversight and Reform
Chief of Staff – Emily Crerand Chief of Staff – Caroline Cash

The Honorable Eleanor Norton The Honorable Stephen Lynch

Chief of Staff – Raven Reeder Chief of Staff – Kevin Ryan

The Honorable Jim Cooper The Honorable Gerald Connolly

Chief of Staff – Lisa Quigley Chief of Staff – Jamie Smith

The Honorable Raja Krishnamoorthi The Honorable Jamie Raskin

Chief of Staff – Mark Shauerte Chief of Staff – Julie Tagen

The Honorable Ro Khanna The Honorable Kweisi Mfume

Chief of Staff – Geo Saba Chief of Staff – Eric Bryant

The Honorable Alexandria O-Cortez The Honorable Rashida Tlaib

Chief of Staff – Ariel Eckblad Chief of Staff – Britteny Jenkins

The Honorable Katie Porter The Honorable Cori Bush

Chief of Staff – Jordan Wood Chief of Staff – Abbas Alawieh

The Honorable Danny Davis The Honorable Debbie Schultz

Chief of Staff – Yul Edwards Chief of Staff – Tracie Pough

The Honorable Peter Welch The Honorable Hank Johnson

Chief of Staff – Patrick Satalin Chief of Staff – Scott Goldstein

The Honorable John Sarbanes The Honorable Jackie Speier

Chief of Staff – Dvora Lovinger Chief of Staff – Josh Connolly

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

The Honorable Mark DeSaulnier The Honorable Jimmy Gomez

Chief of Staff – Betsy Arnold Marr Chief of Staff – Bertha Alisia Guerrero

The Honorable Robin Kelly The Honorable Brenda Lawrence

Chief of Staff – Julius West Chief of Staff – Curtis Doster

The Honorable Jim Jordan The Honorable Paul Gosar

Chief of Staff – Kevin Eichinger Chief of Staff – Tom Van Flein

The Honorable Virginia Foxx The Honorable Jody Hice

Chief of Staff – Carson Middleton Chief of Staff – Tim Reitz

The Honorable Glenn Grothman The Honorable Michael Cloud

Chief of Staff – Chris Grawein Chief of Staff – Adam Magary

The Honorable Bob Gibbs The Honorable Clay Higgins

Chief of Staff – Hillary Gross Chief of Staff – Kathee Facchiano

The Honorable Ralph Norman The Honorable Fred Keller

Chief of Staff – Mark Piland Chief of Staff – Jon Anzur

The Honorable Peter Sessions The Honorable Andy Biggs

Chief of Staff – Warren Bell Chief of Staff – Kate LaBorde

The Honorable Byron Donalds The Honorable Nancy Mace

Chief of Staff – Tyler Haymore Chief of Staff – Mara Mellstrom

The Honorable Yvette Herrell The Honorable Jake LaTurner

Chief of Staff – Michael Horanburg Chief of Staff – Braden Dreiling

The Honorable Pat Fallon The Honorable Andrew Clyde

Chief of Staff – Shannon Sorrell Chief of Staff – Nicolas Brown

The Honorable Ayanna Pressley The Honorable Scott Franklin

Chief of Staff – Sarah Groh Chief of Staff – Melissa Kelly

Via Electronic Mails

Senate Democratic leadership

The Honorable Chuck Schumer The Honorable Dick Durbin

Senate Majority Leader Senate Majority Whip
Chief of Staff – Michael Lynch Chief of Staff – Pat Souders

Page 23 of 26
“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

The Honorable Patty Murray The Honorable Debbie Stabenow

Senate Assistant Democratic Leader Chair Democratic Policy & Communication
Chief of Staff – Mindi Linquist Chief of Staff – Matt Van Kuiken

The Honorable Mark Warner The Honorable Elizabeth Warren

Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus
Chief of Staff – Elizabeth Falcone Chief of Staff – Jon Donenberg

The Honorable Amy Klobuchar The Honorable Bernie Sanders

Chair Democratic Steering Committee Chair Democratic Outreach
Chief of Staff – Lindsey kerr Chief of Staff – Misty Rebik

The Honorable Cory Booker The Honorable Joe Manchin

Vice Chair Policy and Communication Vice Chair Policy and Communication
Chief of Staff – Veronica Duron Chief of Staff – Lance West

The Honorable Tammy Baldwin The Honorable Gary Peters

Secretary Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Senatorial Campaign Committee
Chief of Staff – Ken Reidy Chief of Staff – Caitlyn Stephenson

The Honorable Catherine Cortez Masto

Vice Chair Democratic Outreach
Chief of Staff – Scott Fairchild
Senate Republican leadership

The Honorable Mitch McConnell The Honorable John Thune

Senate Minority Leader Senate Minority Whip
Chief of Staff – Terry Carmack Chief of Staff – Ryan Nelson

The Honorable John Barrasso The Honorable Roy Blunt

Chair Republican Conference Chair Republican Policy Committee
Chief of Staff – Dan Kunsman Chief of Staff – Stacy McBride

The Honorable Joni Ernst The Honorable Rick Scott

Vice Chair Republican Conference Chair National Senatorial Committee
Chief of Staff – Lisa Smittcamp Goeas Chief of Staff – Craig Carbone

The Honorable Mike Lee

Chair of the Senate Republican Steering Committee
Chief of Staff – Allyson Bell
House Democratic leadership

The Honorable Steny Hoyer The Honorable James Clyburn

House Majority Leader House Majority Whip
Chief of Staff – Alexis Covey-Brandt Chief of Staff – Yebbie Watkins

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

The Honorable Katherine Clark The Honorable Hakeem Jeffries

Assistant Speaker of the House Chair of the House Democratic Caucus
Chief of Staff – Brooke Scannell Chief of Staff – Tasia Jackson

The Honorable Pete Aguilar The Honorable Sean Patrick Maloney

Vice Chair of the Democratic Caucus Chair Congressional Campaign Committee
Chief of Staff – Boris Medzhibobsky Chief of Staff – Matthew McNally

The Honorable Matt Cartwright The Honorable Debbie Dingell

Co-Chair Policy and Communications Co-Chair Policy and Communications
Chief of Staff – Hunter Ridgway Chief of Staff – Dan Black

The Honorable Ted Lieu The Honorable Joe Neguse

Co-Chair Policy and Communications Co-Chair Policy and Communications
Chief of Staff – Marc Cevasco Chief of Staff – Lisa Bianco

The Honorable Collin Allred The Honorable Mondaire Jones

Junior Caucus Leadership Representative Freshman Class Leadership Representative
Chief of Staff – Paige Hutchinson Chief of Staff – Zach Fisch

The Honorable Cheri Bustos The Honorable Barbara Lee

Co-Chair Steering and Policy Committee Co-Chair Steering and Policy Committee
Chief of Staff – Trevor Reuschel Chief of Staff – Julie Nickson

The Honorable Eric Swalwell The Honorable G.K. Butterfield

Co-Chair Steering and Policy Committee Senior Deputy Whips
Chief of Staff – Michael Reed Chief of Staff – Kyle Parker

The Honorable Jan Schakowsky The Honorable Henry Cuellar

Senior Deputy Whips Chief Deputy Whips
Chief of Staff – Syd Terry Chief of Staff – Amy Loveng

The Honorable Shelia Jackson Lee The Honorable Dan Kildee

Chief Deputy Whips Chief Deputy Whips
Chief of Staff – Kenneth Nealy Chief of Staff – Mitchell Rivard

The Honorable Stephanie Murphy The Honorable Jimmy Panetta

Chief Deputy Whips Chief Deputy Whips
Chief of Staff – Brad Howard Chief of Staff – Joel Bailey

The Honorable Terri Sewell The Honorable Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Chief Deputy Whips Chief Deputy Whips
Chief of Staff – Hillary Beard Chief of Staff – Tracie Pough

The Honorable Peter Welch

Chief Deputy Whips

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“I came to complete not to refute. I came light to the World.” Jesus Christ

Chief of Staff – Patrick Satalin

House Republican leadership

The Honorable Kevin McCarthy The Honorable Steve Scalise

House Minority Leader House Minority Whip
Chief of Staff – James Min Chief of Staff – Megan Miller

The Honorable Elise Stefanik The Honorable Mike Johnson

Chair of the House Republican Conference Vice Chair of the Republican Conference
Chief of Staff – Patrick Hester Chief of Staff – Hayden Haynes

The Honorable Richard Hudson The Honorable Gary Palmer

Secretary of the House Republican Conference Chair of the Republican Policy Committee
Chief of Staff – Billy Constangy Chief of Staff – William Smith

The Honorable Tom Emmer

Chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee
Chief of Staff – Chris Maneval

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