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Nama : Dwivo Monica Risqi Putri

Kelas : XI AKL 2
No. Absen : 011

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

LKPD (Procedure Text)


Social Function :

function of the video that has been watched to explain or tell how to attach a document in gmail
The video contains the steps or procedures for attaching a document in Gmail correctly and to explain the steps or
instructions attach the document in gmail.

makes it easier for someone to do the steps to attach a document in gmail.

Text Structure :

Goal:How to attach document in Gmail

Material : browser, Gmail,laptop/handphone

Steps :

1. Open your favorite browser.

2. Go to
3. Enter your user name and password.
4. Click sign in to login to your gmail account.
5. Now,click on compose button.
6. In the to field enter the recipient email address.
7. Enter the subject and mail text of you want.
8. Locate the "attach file" button and click on it.
9. Browse to the location of the folder ,where you have saved the document and click on it.
10. Wait for it to load.
11. Click send.
12. This is how you can attach documents in Gmail.

Language features:

1. Use adverbial of sequence / Using temporal conjunction

2. Use command / imperative sentence
 Open your favorite browser.
 Go to
 Enter your user name and password.
 Click sign in to login to your gmail account.
 click on compose button.
 Enter the subject and mail text of you want.
 click on it.
 Click send.

3. Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner accurate

 Now,click on compose button.

 Browse to the location of the folder ,where you have saved the document and click on it.
4. Using action verbs

5.Using Simple Present Tense

The information :

The video provides information to someone watching about how to attach a document in Gmail. The information
contained in the video contains steps to attach a document in Gmail.

1. What the topic is it?

Answer : How to Study English Effectively

2. What is the goal of the text?

Answer : The purpose of the text dialogue above is to explain to the reader the steps to make
it easy to learn English effectively andto guide or provide information to someone or readers
about how to easily learn English effectively.
3. What are the structures of the text?

Answer :
 Goal : How to Study English Effectively
 Material :Everything around you can be used to study English.
 Ingredients:MotivationHard workStudy strategiesTime management
 Steps:
Make a study schedule. Look at your schedule of classes for the week.
Choose at least 3 days a week when you can study English for at least 30
Write your English study time on your calendar, so you won't forget.Stick to your
study schedule.
Study when you say you will.Example: -On Wednesdays I can study for 30
minutes from 5:00 until 5:30 inthe evening.-On Fridays I can study for 45
minutes from 2:15 until 3:00 in the afternoon.-On Sundays I can study for 1 hour,
from 7:00 until 8:00 in the morning.
Study speaking: Talk to your friends in English outside of class.Call your
classmates and speak on the telephone in English. Sing songs in English.
Study listening: Listen to music in English, and try to understand the meaning of
the words.Listen to stories in English or watch movies in English.
Study reading: Make a personal dictionary of all the new vocabulary you
learn.Watch movies with English subtitles.
Study writing: Keep a diary in English. Write letters and notes to your friends in
4. What is your opinion about the tips above?

Answer : My opinion about the tips above is very helpful for learning English, even the steps are
very easy to understand, and implemented so that learning English is more effective

5. Does it useful for you? Please explain.

Answer : yes, this is very useful for me because the steps described in the text above are very
effective, very easy to understand and easy to imitate.


How to Make Scrambled Eggs

 2 eggs
 Milk (if desired)
 1 teaspoon of butter
 A pinch of salt and pepper

Tools :
 Knife
 Small bowl
 Frying pan
 Spatula

1. First, crack the eggs into a small bowl and add a pinch of salt and pepper. Whisk until
all well blended.
2. In a frying pan, add butter and let it melt.
3. Pour the eggs and milk, and for around 20 seconds, do not stir it.
4. After that, fold the eggs to the center and stir with spatula.
5. Repeat the previous step until all the eggs are mostly cooked
6. Remove eggs from heat, and keep continue to fold and stir the eggs for around a
7. Lift the eggs, put on the serving plate and your scrambled eggs are ready

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