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Module 4: 010


Key Things To Remember

1. There is not one way to scale, there are several different approaches you can take.
2. Prerequisites for scaling include:
a. Scaled up enough to have good data on your pixel (50-100 purchases).
b. Minimum of 5 creatives a week to cycle.
c. Be able to spend 2-4K a day on ads comfortably.
3. Horizontal scaling involves scaling into different demographics.
4. Vertical scaling involves raising the budget daily.
5. Lookalike scaling is performed in the middle of your funnel with warm traffic where
you can specifically target people who have viewed your ads, added your product to
cart, or even reached the checkout.
6. It is important to monitor the ads closely when duplicating and scaling up to ensure
the budget is being distributed efficiently amongst your ads.
7. Only spend slightly over your breakeven amount before turning off an ad.
8. Video ads typically don't last that long so you need to make sure to have a system
where you are getting 5-10+ video ads a week.
10. Only make decisions in your ad account every 3 days. Meaning if you make any big
changes, give it at least 3 days before turning it on or off.
11. Make decisions based on logic, not fear or emotions.

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