English Language Materials Dr. Ait Laaguid - 110052

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Prof. Brahim Ait Laaguid

Groups: 1, 2, and 3


Introduction………………………………………………… 3

Short Stories…………...……………………………………. 4

News Articles…………………………………………………10



Grammar Exercises……………………………………..…….17


Welcome to this collection of English learning materials designed to help

you improve your English skills! Whether you're a beginner or at an intermediate
level, these materials are tailored to enhance your reading comprehension,
vocabulary, and grammar through engaging texts and activities.

Purpose of the Materials

The purpose of these materials is to provide you with interesting and

relevant content that will not only improve your English language skills but also
broaden your knowledge on a variety of topics. By reading short stories, news
articles, conversations, and interviews, you will be exposed to different writing
styles and vocabulary, helping you become a more confident and proficient
English speaker.

How to Use the Materials

Each section of this resource includes a variety of texts accompanied by

comprehension questions, vocabulary exercises, and writing prompts. Here are
some tips on how to use them effectively:

Read Carefully: Take your time to read each text carefully, paying attention to the
main ideas and key vocabulary.

Complete the Exercises: After reading each text, complete the comprehension
questions and vocabulary exercises to check your understanding.

Use Context Clues: Try to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words based on the
context of the sentence. Use a dictionary if needed.

Discuss with Others: If possible, discuss the texts with classmates or friends to
practice your speaking skills and exchange ideas.

Write Regularly: Use the writing prompts provided to practice your writing skills.
Try to use new vocabulary and grammar structures you have learned.

We hope you find these materials enjoyable and beneficial to your English
learning journey. Happy reading!

i. Short Stories
1. Police Story: "The Mysterious Heist"

Detective Sarah had seen her fair share of crimes in the city, but the heist at the
museum was unlike anything she had encountered. The thieves had managed to
evade security cameras and alarms, disappearing into the night with priceless

Determined to crack the case, Sarah dove into the investigation. She combed
through witness statements, analyzed surveillance footage, and consulted with
experts. Days turned into weeks, and the trail seemed to grow colder with each
passing moment.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Sarah caught a break. A local pawn
shop reported someone trying to sell one of the stolen artifacts. Racing against
time, Sarah and her team tracked down the suspect, unraveling a web of deceit
that led them to the mastermind behind the heist.

The mastermind, it turned out, was a former museum employee who had
meticulously planned the heist for months. With the evidence stacked against him,
he confessed to the crime, leading the police to recover the stolen artifacts. The
case was closed, thanks to Sarah's determination and keen investigative skills.

The media hailed Sarah as a hero, but she remained humble, knowing that it was
her team's collective effort that had solved the case. As she returned to her desk,
she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Another crime solved, another
victory for justice.

Sarah knew that there would always be more cases to solve, more mysteries to
unravel. But for now, she allowed herself a moment of celebration, knowing that
her dedication to her job had made a difference.

The successful resolution of the case also led to improvements in museum

security, with new measures put in place to prevent similar heists in the future.
Sarah was glad to see that her work had a lasting impact beyond just solving the

a. Comprehension Questions:

1. What was stolen from the museum?

2. How did Sarah approach the investigation?

3. What was the breakthrough in the case?

4. How did Sarah and her team apprehend the suspect?

5. How did the mastermind plan the heist?

6. How did the media react to Sarah's role in solving the case?

7. What lasting impact did the case have on museum security?

b. Vocabulary Exercises:

1. Define "heist" and use it in a sentence.

2. What does "pawn shop" mean?

3. Explain the phrase "unraveling a web of deceit."

4. How would you describe Sarah's investigative skills?

5. What qualities do you think are important for a detective to possess?

6. How can museums improve their security measures?

c. Writing Prompt:

Imagine you are a member of Sarah's team. Write a long paragraph describing
your role in the investigation and how you contributed to solving the case. Include
details about the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.

2. Crime, Court, and Law: "The Trial of Truth"

In the small town of Oakwood, the trial of the century was about to begin. John
Miller stood accused of a crime he swore he didn't commit. As the courtroom
filled with spectators, tension hung in the air.

The prosecution presented their case, painting John as a ruthless criminal. But
John's defense attorney, Yasmine, had a different story to tell. She meticulously
dissected the evidence, pointing out inconsistencies and raising doubts about the
reliability of witnesses.

As the trial progressed, Yasmine uncovered a crucial piece of evidence that turned
the case on its head. A hidden camera had captured the real culprit committing the

crime, exonerating John. The courtroom erupted in applause as John walked free,
his name cleared.

John's case not only highlighted the importance of a fair trial but also raised
questions about the justice system. Yasmine vowed to continue fighting for
justice, ensuring that the truth prevailed in every case she took on.

As Yasmine left the courtroom that day, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.
She had not only defended her client but had also upheld the principles of justice
and fairness.

The trial sparked a debate in Oakwood about the reliability of eyewitness

testimony and the need for more stringent evidence-gathering procedures.
Yasmine was glad to see that the case had prompted a discussion that could lead
to positive changes in the legal system.

a. Comprehension Questions:

1. What was John accused of?

2. How did the prosecution portray John?

3. What was Yasmine’s approach to the defense?

4. What was the turning point in the trial?

5. How did the trial impact Yasmine’s perspective on justice?

6. How did Yasmine feel after the trial?

7. What changes did the trial prompt in Oakwood's legal system?

b. Vocabulary Exercises:

1. Define "prosecution" and use it in a sentence.

2. Explain the term "exonerating" in the context of the story.

3. What does "tension" mean?

4. How would you describe Yasmine’s dedication to her clients?

5. What do you think are some important qualities for a defense attorney to have?

6. How can the legal system improve the reliability of eyewitness testimony?

c. Writing Prompt:

Write a letter from John to Yasmine, thanking her for her dedication and hard
work in clearing his name. Include details about how her actions impacted his life
and what he plans to do now that he is free.

3. "The Power of Family"

Once upon a time, there was a family of four: Mom, Dad, Salma, and Jake. They
lived in a cozy house with a big garden. Every evening, they would sit together
for dinner and share stories about their day.

One day, Dad lost his job, and the family faced tough times. But instead of feeling
sad, they came together to support each other. Mom started working extra hours,
Salma helped with household chores, and Jake started a small business selling
homemade crafts.

Despite the challenges, the family remained strong because they knew they could
rely on each other. They learned that family is not just about being related by
blood but about being there for each other no matter what.

As time passed, Dad found a new job, and the family's life improved. But they
never forgot the lesson they learned during those tough times. They continued to
cherish their time together and support each other in everything they did.

Years later, when Salma and Jake had families of their own, they passed on the
values of love, support, and togetherness that they had learned from their parents.
The family grew even closer, creating a bond that would last a lifetime.

Even though they faced occasional disagreements and challenges, the family
always found a way to overcome them. They realized that their unity and love for
each other were stronger than any obstacle they encountered.

No matter where life took them, the family knew that they could always count on
each other. Their bond was unbreakable, a testament to the enduring power of
family love.

a. Comprehension Questions:

1. Who are the members of the family in the story?

2. How did the family support each other during tough times?

3. What did Salma and Jake do to help the family?

4. What did the family learn from facing challenges together?

5. How did the family's life change after Dad found a new job?

6. What did the family realize about their unity and love?

7. Can you think of a time when your family faced a challenge together? How did
you overcome it?

b. Vocabulary Exercises:

1. Match the following words with their meanings:

a. Cozy Depended on someone or something for support

b. Chores Difficulties or obstacles that need to be overcome

c. Relied Warm and comfortable

d. Challenges Regular tasks done around the house

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the story:

a. Despite the __________, the family remained strong.

b. Mom started working extra __________.

c. Salma helped with household __________.

d. The family __________ on each other during tough times.

e. Write sentences using each of the vocabulary words in context.

c. Writing Prompt:

Write a short paragraph about a time when your family helped you. How did their
support make you feel? How did it impact your life?

4. "The Soccer Match"

Tommy loved playing soccer with his friends in the park. He dreamed of
becoming a professional soccer player one day. One afternoon, while practicing,
he noticed a poster for a local soccer tournament.

Excited, Tommy gathered his friends and formed a team. They practiced every
day after school, improving their skills and teamwork. The day of the tournament
arrived, and Tommy's team played with all their hearts.

Although they didn't win the tournament, Tommy and his friends were proud of
their performance. They learned that sports are not just about winning but about
having fun and working together as a team.

The experience motivated Tommy to continue playing soccer and improving his
skills. He joined a local youth team and dedicated more time to training. His hard
work paid off, and he eventually earned a spot on a competitive team.

Years later, Tommy looked back on that soccer tournament as a turning point in
his life. It taught him the value of perseverance, teamwork, and dedication. He
realized that sports had not only brought him joy but had also helped shape him
into the person he had become.

The friendships Tommy formed during his soccer journey were some of the
strongest he had ever known. They shared countless memories and experiences
on and off the field, creating bonds that would last a lifetime.

Tommy's love for soccer never wavered, and he continued to play the sport he
loved well into adulthood. Whether he was playing in a competitive league or just
kicking the ball around with friends, soccer always brought him joy and a sense
of belonging.

a. Comprehension Questions:

1. What did Tommy dream of becoming?

2. How did Tommy and his friends prepare for the tournament?
3. Did Tommy's team win the tournament? Why or why not?
4. What did Tommy learn from participating in the tournament?
5. How did the tournament impact Tommy's future in soccer?
6. What were the friendships Tommy formed during his soccer journey like?
7. Have you ever participated in a sports event? What was it like? How did it make
you feel?

b. Vocabulary Exercises:

1. Match the following words with their meanings:

 Tournament: Abilities or expertise in doing something well
 Performance: Collaborative effort by a group to achieve a common goal
 Skills: A competition involving many teams or individuals
 Teamwork: How well someone does in an activity or task
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the story:
 Tommy and his friends practiced every day to improve their soccer
 The day of the __________ arrived, and Tommy was excited to play.
 Although they didn't win, they were proud of their __________.
 Tommy's __________ improved as he continued to play soccer.
3. Write sentences using each of the vocabulary words in context.

c. Writing Prompt: Write a short story about a sports event you participated in.
What was the outcome, and what did you learn from the experience? How did it
impact your life and your view of sports?

ii. News Articles

1. "Protecting Our Planet: The Fight against Climate Change"

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the impact of human
activities on the environment. Climate change, in particular, has become a major
issue that threatens our planet's health and biodiversity. Scientists warn that if we
do not take action soon, the consequences could be severe.

One of the main causes of climate change is the burning of fossil fuels such as
coal, oil, and gas. These activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,
trapping heat and causing the Earth's temperature to rise. This leads to changes in
weather patterns, rising sea levels, and the loss of habitats for many species.

To combat climate change, countries around the world have committed to

reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. This includes investing in renewable
energy sources such as solar and wind power, as well as improving energy
efficiency in buildings and transportation.

Individuals can also play a role in fighting climate change. Simple actions such as
reducing energy consumption, recycling, and using public transportation can help
reduce our carbon footprint and protect the environment for future generations.

It is clear that urgent action is needed to address climate change and protect our
planet. By working together and making small changes in our daily lives, we can
make a big difference in preserving the environment for ourselves and future

a. Comprehension Questions:

1. What is one of the main causes of climate change?

2. How do greenhouse gases contribute to climate change?
3. What are some of the consequences of climate change?
4. What are countries doing to combat climate change?
5. What can individuals do to help fight climate change?

b. Vocabulary Exercises:

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the article:
 Climate change is caused by the burning of fossil fuels, which release
________ gases.
 Countries are investing in ________ energy sources like solar and wind
 Individuals can help fight climate change by reducing their energy

c. Writing Prompt: Write a short paragraph about a change you can make in your
daily life to help protect the environment. Explain why this change is important
and how it can make a difference.

2. "Innovations Shaping Our Future"

In recent years, technology has advanced at an unprecedented rate, leading to

groundbreaking innovations that are reshaping industries and transforming the
way we live and work. From artificial intelligence to renewable energy, these
innovations hold the promise of a more sustainable and connected future.

One of the most significant innovations of recent times is the development of

artificial intelligence (AI). AI technologies, such as machine learning and natural
language processing, are being used in a variety of applications, from virtual
assistants to autonomous vehicles. These technologies have the potential to
revolutionize industries such as healthcare, transportation, and finance, making
processes more efficient and improving outcomes for businesses and consumers

Another area of innovation that is gaining momentum is renewable energy. With

the growing concern over climate change, there has been a push towards
sustainable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.
Innovations in battery technology and energy storage are also making it easier to
harness and store renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering
carbon emissions.

Innovation is not limited to technology; it also extends to how businesses operate

and interact with customers. The rise of e-commerce and digital platforms has
transformed the way people shop and do business. Companies are using data
analytics and AI to personalize customer experiences and improve efficiency,
leading to greater customer satisfaction and business growth.

While these innovations offer many benefits, they also raise important ethical and
societal questions. Issues such as data privacy, job displacement, and digital
divide need to be addressed to ensure that the benefits of technology are shared
equitably and that innovation is used responsibly.

As we look to the future, it is clear that innovation will continue to play a crucial
role in shaping our world. By embracing new technologies and fostering a culture
of innovation, we can create a future that is sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous
for all.

a. Comprehension Questions:

1. What are some examples of AI technologies mentioned in the article?

2. How are renewable energy sources contributing to a more sustainable future?
3. What impact has e-commerce and digital platforms had on businesses?
4. What are some of the ethical and societal issues raised by technological
b. Vocabulary Exercises:

1. Match the following words with their meanings:

1. Efficiency: (a) New ideas, methods, or inventions.
2. Autonomous: (b) Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
3. Sustainable: (c) Operating independently without human intervention.
4. Innovations: (d) The ability to do something well or achieve a desired
result without wasted energy or effort.
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the article:
 AI technologies, such as machine learning, are being used in a variety of
 The rise of e-commerce has transformed the way people __________ and
do business.

c. Writing Prompt: Write a short paragraph about a technology that has impacted
your life. How has it changed the way you do things? What do you think the future
holds for this technology?

"Navigating Legal Challenges: A Dialogue between an Interviewer and a
Prospective Legal Professional"

This dialogue showcases the interviewee's education, experience, skills, and

ability to handle challenging legal situations, demonstrating their suitability for
the job in the law field.

Interviewer: Welcome, and thank you for joining us today. Let's start by
discussing your background and experience. Can you tell us about your education
and any relevant work experience you have in the field of law?

Interviewee: Thank you for having me. I graduated from Hassan I University
with a degree in law, and I also completed an internship at UGGC Africa, where
I gained valuable experience in legal research, drafting legal documents, and
assisting with client consultations. I am eager to apply my skills and knowledge
in a professional setting.

Interviewer: That sounds like a solid foundation. Can you provide an example of
a challenging legal issue you encountered during your internship and how you
approached it?

Interviewee: Of course. One challenging issue I faced involved a contract dispute

between two parties. The contract language was ambiguous, leading to

disagreements over its interpretation. To resolve the issue, I conducted thorough
research on contract law and relevant case precedents. I also collaborated with
senior attorneys to analyze the contract language and propose a fair and legally
sound resolution, which ultimately helped the parties reach a settlement.

Interviewer: Impressive problem-solving skills. How do you ensure accuracy

and attention to detail in your work, especially when dealing with complex legal

Interviewee: Accuracy and attention to detail are paramount in the legal field. To
ensure the accuracy of my work, I always double-check my research and
meticulously review legal documents for any errors or inconsistencies. I also seek
feedback from colleagues or supervisors to ensure that my work meets the highest
standards of quality and accuracy.

Interviewer: It's great to hear about your thorough approach. How do you stay
updated with changes in the legal landscape and new developments in the field?

Interviewee: Staying updated with changes in the legal landscape is essential. I

regularly attend legal seminars, workshops, and webinars to stay informed about
new developments in the field. I also subscribe to legal journals and newsletters
and participate in online forums and discussions to stay connected with other legal
professionals and exchange ideas.

Interviewer: Excellent. Can you tell us about a time when you had to work under
pressure to meet a deadline or handle a challenging legal situation?

Interviewee: During my internship, I was tasked with assisting in a high-profile

case that required extensive research and preparation of legal briefs. The case had
a tight deadline, and there was a lot of pressure to deliver quality work within a
short timeframe. To meet the deadline, I prioritized my tasks, worked efficiently,
and sought support from my colleagues when needed. In the end, we successfully
prepared the legal briefs and met the deadline, which contributed to a favorable
outcome for our client.

Interviewer: That's a great example of your ability to handle pressure. Finally,

do you have any questions for us about the role or our firm?

Interviewee: Yes, I'm curious about the types of cases your firm handles and the
opportunities for professional development and growth within the firm.

Interviewer: We primarily focus on [specific area of law] and handle a variety of

cases within that area. We also offer opportunities for professional development
through training programs, mentorship, and opportunities to work on challenging

a. Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the interviewee's educational background?

2. Can you describe a challenging legal issue the interviewee faced during their
3. How does the interviewee ensure accuracy and attention to detail in their work?
4. What strategies does the interviewee use to stay updated with changes in the legal
5. How did the interviewee handle pressure to meet a deadline during their

b. Writing Task:

Imagine you are the interviewee in the dialogue. Write a reflection on your
experience, highlighting the skills and qualities you believe are essential for a job
in the legal field. Discuss how you would approach challenges and contribute to
a successful legal career.

c. Individual Communicative Task:

Imagine you are preparing for a job interview in the legal field. Write down five
questions you would expect to be asked during the interview based on the dialogue
provided. Then, write down your answers to these questions, focusing on
highlighting your education, experience, skills, and ability to handle challenging
legal situations. This task will help you practice articulating your thoughts and
prepare for a real job interview scenario.

iv. Conversation
“Perspectives on Social Issues in Morocco”

Yasmine: I'm deeply concerned about the increasing pollution in our cities. The
air quality in major urban areas like Casablanca and Marrakech is deteriorating
due to vehicle emissions and industrial activities. We need stricter regulations to
control pollution and protect our environment.

Ahmed: I understand your concerns, and the government is taking steps to

address these issues. We are implementing stricter emissions standards for
vehicles and investing in public transportation to reduce reliance on private cars.
We are also promoting renewable energy sources to reduce our carbon footprint.

Sofia: While environmental issues are crucial, we must also address gender
inequality in Morocco. Women still face discrimination in various aspects of life,
including education, employment, and access to healthcare. We need to ensure
that women have equal rights and opportunities in our society.

Karim: I agree that these are important issues, but as a layman, I'm more
concerned about the economy. Many people in Morocco struggle to find stable
employment and support their families. We need policies that promote economic
growth and create more job opportunities for our citizens.

a. Comprehension Questions: Read the conversation and answer the following

questions based on the text.

1. What is Yasmine's main concern?

2. What steps is the government taking to address pollution in urban areas, according
to Ahmed?
3. According to Sofia, what is a major issue facing women in Morocco?
4. What is Karim's main concern regarding social issues in Morocco?

b. Vocabulary Exercises:

1. Match the following words with their meanings:

 Deteriorating: Unfair treatment based on prejudice.

 Emissions: Plans or guidelines adopted by an organization or government.

 Discrimination: Getting worse over time.
 Policies: The release of gases or substances into the air.
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the article:
 The __________ quality in major urban areas is deteriorating due to vehicle
 Women in Morocco still face __________ in various aspects of life.

c. Writing Task: Imagine you are a government official in Morocco. Write a

speech addressing the concerns raised by Yasmine, Sofia, and Karim. Outline the
government's plans and strategies to address these issues and promote a better
future for all citizens.



1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses:
 I __________ (study) English for five years.
 She __________ (not, finish) her homework yet.
 By this time tomorrow, they __________ (fly) to Paris.
2. Choose the correct tense to complete each sentence:
 I __________ (see) that movie last week. a) saw b) have seen c) see
 She __________ (live) in London for five years. a) lived b) has lived c)
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: "When I (arrive) __________,
they (already, start) __________ the meeting."
4. Use the future perfect tense to complete the sentences:
 By the time he arrives, we __________ (finish) dinner.
 She __________ (read) that book by next week.
 They __________ (work) for the company for ten years by the end of this
5. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in
 She __________ (live) in Paris for ten years before she moved to London.
 By the time you arrive, we __________ (already, finish) dinner.
 I __________ (not, see) him since last month.
 By this time tomorrow, they __________ (fly) to New York.

6. Choose the correct tense to complete each sentence:
 I __________ (see) that movie last night. a) saw b) have seen c) see
 She __________ (live) in this city for five years. a) lived b) has lived c) lives
 By the time you get home, I __________ (already, leave). a) will have already
left b) already left c) will already leave
7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
 She __________ (wait) for the bus when it started to rain.
 By the time they arrive, we __________ (already, finish) the project.
 I __________ (never, be) to Australia, but I hope to visit someday.
8. Use the correct future form of the verb in parentheses:
 I __________ (call) you when I arrive.
 By this time next year, I __________ (graduate) from university.
 He __________ (probably, be) at work when you arrive.


1. Choose the correct modal verb to complete each sentence:

 You __________ wear a seatbelt in the car. (must / should)
 She __________ play the piano when she was young. (could / might)
2. Use modal verbs to complete the sentences:
 You __________ take an umbrella. It __________ rain later. (should /
 She __________ (not, can) attend the meeting tomorrow, but she
__________ (must) submit her report by then.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb:
 You __________ (not, need) to worry about it. Everything will be fine.
 She __________ (can) speak five languages fluently.
 We __________ (must) finish this project by Friday.
 He __________ (not, be able to) attend the meeting tomorrow.
4. Choose the correct modal verb to complete each sentence:
 Students __________ wear a uniform at this school. (must / have to)
 She __________ finish her homework before she goes out. (should / has
 I __________ cook, but I prefer to order food. (can / am able to)
5. Rewrite the sentences using a modal verb:
 It is necessary for you to submit your application before the deadline.

 She has permission to leave early today.
6. Use a suitable modal verb to complete the sentences:
 You __________ attend the meeting if you don't want to. (can / might)
 He __________ not come to the party. (may / might)
7. Choose the correct form of the modal verb:
 She __________ (can / could) swim when she was five years old.
 They __________ (must / had to) leave early because of the traffic.
8. Fill in the blanks with the correct modal verb:
 You __________ take an umbrella. It __________ rain later. (should /
 She __________ (not, can) attend the meeting tomorrow, but she
__________ (must) submit her report by then.

Irregular Verbs:

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the irregular verb in parentheses:
 He __________ (drink) three cups of coffee this morning.
 They __________ (swim) in the pool yesterday.
 She __________ (break) her phone last week.
2. Rewrite the sentences using the past participle of the irregular verb:
 She has broken her phone. -> Her phone __________ (break).

Passive Voice:

1. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice:

 They are painting the house.
 The chef will prepare dinner tonight.
 People speak Spanish in many countries.
2. Change the sentences to passive voice:
 They have already cleaned the room. -> The room __________ (clean)
 Someone stole my bike yesterday. -> My bike __________ (steal)


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