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Homework has been a long-standing tradition in the education system, with the belief that it helps

students reinforce what they have learned in class and develop important skills such as time
management and responsibility. However, there has been a growing debate on whether homework is
actually beneficial for students or if it is just adding unnecessary stress and pressure to their already
busy lives.

Many students struggle with the amount of homework they receive, especially when they have
multiple classes and extracurricular activities. It can be overwhelming and exhausting, leaving little
time for rest and relaxation. This can lead to burnout and negatively affect their mental and physical

Furthermore, the quality of homework assignments may not always be beneficial for students.
Oftentimes, homework is repetitive and does not provide any new or challenging material for
students to learn from. This can lead to boredom and disengagement from the learning process.

Moreover, not all students have access to the necessary resources to complete their homework, such
as a quiet study space or reliable internet connection. This can create an unfair advantage for students
who have these resources compared to those who do not.

As a result, many argue that homework should be banned in order to promote a healthier and more
equitable learning environment for students. Instead, class time should be utilized effectively to
cover all necessary material and students should be given more time for self-care and pursuing their
interests outside of school.

For those who still struggle with completing their homework, there are alternative solutions such as
seeking help from online writing services like ⇒ ⇔. These services provide
professional and reliable assistance with homework assignments, ensuring that students receive high-
quality work and have more time for other activities.

In conclusion, while homework has been a long-standing tradition in education, it is important to

reevaluate its effectiveness and impact on students. Banning homework may be a controversial topic,
but it is worth considering in order to prioritize the well-being and academic success of students.
While spending time filling out worksheets can help people develop mentally, more time and effort
should be put into families and relaxation time. Functional Functional Functional cookies help to
perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms,
collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. As a mum, homework is a battle ground and time
waster. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be in better shape, but do it at a pace that is right for
you. It can promote a healthier balance between academic responsibilities and personal life.
Everyday in elementary school after classes, children are given 30 minutes for implementation of
their homework. Schools can establish open dialogues with parents, students, and educators, while
exploring alternative approaches that prioritize student well-being and engagement. Inequality and
Disadvantaged Students Homework can exacerbate educational inequalities. They manage their time
effectively and efficiently. Having and finishing those daily assignments can be beneficial to
developing a good work ethic later in life, so maintaining a strict homework requirement in schools
could provide students with necessary skills in their professional lives. Banning homework can also
help students establish a healthy sleep schedule and forget what an all-nighter is. Portfolios,
presentations, performances, and exhibitions are examples of authentic assessments that provide a
more holistic view of students’ capabilities. Read on to find out in detail why there should be no
homework. Striking a balance between academic responsibilities and overall well-being is crucial in
fostering a positive and effective learning environment. These effects should be taken into
consideration when evaluating the overall impact of homework on students’ well-being, mental
health, and academic performance. You would do anything to find a group of people or an activity
where you feel like you belong and have a purpose. Cookie Duration Description cookielawinfo-
checkbox-analytics 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Such assignments
may be more beneficial to students that need extra credit or need to improve their grades. 4.
Homework may have students completing assignments incorrectly. This can increase the
effectiveness of teaching and learning. Teachers are instructed to assign not more than 10 minutes of
homework per grade level. Failure in tests 6. You won’t have any time for yourself 7. And primary
school students, for example, have difficulties dealing with stress due the fact that they are not yet
equipped to handle so many things at once, and do it properly, and without getting incredibly
stressed. Besides mental health issues homework also disrupts sleep cycles and as mentioned above,
may also lead to obesity in some. These skills are essential for success not only in academics but also
in future endeavors, including higher education and the workplace. After school activities mean some
nights they do tomorrows as well and if things go I try to read to the little ones but it’s not always
possible but the big girls love to do their reading to them usually. However, it’s right at the beginning
of the weekend, and not everyone has the ability to celebrate on Thursday, as it is still a weeknight.
2. Saturday. However, there are some genuine positives to homework as well. Mindfulness and Well-
being Practices Incorporating mindfulness techniques, such as breathing exercises, meditation, and
reflection, into the learning environment can help students manage stress, enhance focus, and
promote overall well-being. It's never a bad thing to be more focused on your career and school, as
long as you don't lose sight of the important things. This freedom can foster a love for learning and
intrinsic motivation.
As a result few students are at their best when they sit down in the evening to yet more work.
Inequality and Academic Pressure The burden of homework can disproportionately affect students
from disadvantaged backgrounds who may lack access to resources or support systems outside of
school. According to a new national survey, one out of every three American families has stated that
the main reason behind the anxiety and tension in their house is teachers’ home assignments. This
inequality in access can widen the achievement gap and contribute to educational disparities.
Balancing homework with other aspects of life is crucial for a well-rounded education and healthy
development. Students will need cognitive skills, good organisation and time management skills
when they step out of school and these are developed over time by doing homework. Finally,
homework takes time that most people don’t have to spare. On the other hand, research has proven
that homework can get counterproductive. They just assign us homework and make us learn
everything at home, which takes up hours of our life. Failure in tests 6. You won’t have any time for
yourself 7. However, the 10-minute rule is ignored by most teachers and institutions. While the
debate rages on, one thing is certain — the landscape of education is evolving. This can negatively
affect students’ mental well-being and hinder their ability to perform at their best. No, banning
homework allows for alternative learning approaches that can enhance academic performance.
Loveless, T. (2003, October 1). Homework: An Easy Load. When I worked out of home all I wanted
to do was chillax when I got home too. Also, homework gives less time for a kid to be a kid.
Individualized Learning Homework assignments can be tailored to meet the individual needs and
abilities of students. By the time Sunday comes around, everyone’s pretty exhausted. You’ve claimed
the right to an entire weekend, and all of your week’s responsibilities come to a close at the end of
your Friday school day. If you celebrate the weekend before, that’s too far in advance, and
celebrating the weekend after feels too far away. Be a grown-ass man who parenthetically answers
his own questions. Increased Pressure on Students The need to perform well in homework
assignments, coupled with the fear of negative consequences for incomplete or subpar work, can
intensify academic pressure on students. There is no escaping the fact that LOTS of homework is
required in high school and like it or not, they need to be prepared and have a little system
developed. In my opinion even though there are potential risks of negative effects homework should
not be banned. Since I go on my own, I have to know where everything is and what room to go to, I
cant just follow a classmate like most kids in my class do. Courtney Cadogan 23 January University
of South Florida 60796. How can parents support their child’s education without homework.
Increased Stress and Pressure Excessive homework assignments can lead to heightened stress levels
among students. Potential for Inequality Not all students have equal access to resources or support
systems outside of school, which can create disparities in completing homework and lead to
educational inequalities.
Impact on Mental Health The stress, anxiety, and pressure associated with homework can have a
detrimental effect on students’ mental health. Researchers from the University of Missouri agree
with these statements, as they’ve found out that students in US schools who spend on homework
from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, have higher level of academic performance than those who spend on
homework more than four hours. Teachers can roughly gauge where their students are at by the
standard of their work and whether they can meet the academic expectations and standards. B if the
student cannot do the homework, they would ask thier parents for help, therefore makeing the
homework usless for the fact that the parent did the homework. Negative Impact on Mental Health
Heavy workloads and the associated stress can contribute to anxiety, sleep deprivation, and other
mental health issues among students. The concept of assigning academic tasks to be completed
outside of school has evolved over centuries. Another reason why i believe homework should be
banned is because it takes away time or can completely eliminate time for leisure activities other
commitments or hobbies. 15 should homework be banned pros and cons. In addition, children are
left with no time to pursue hobbies or sports of their choice. It’s a child who’s just beginning to live
and grow. Childhood goes too fast, and I want them to enjoy the time they aren’t at school by
natural learning and being free to play. Preparation for Higher Education Homework is often seen as
a preparation for the demands of higher education, where independent study and self-directed
learning are essential. Some believe that homework has no educational value whatsoever and is a
complete waste of time as students can do more productive leisure activities such as sports or
reading. They both need my help and attention while they do their homework and get very bored
listening to each others readers etc. We are only talking about homework, such types of work as
dissertations are very important for personal learners, by the way, if you want to buy a ready-made
high-quality dissertation, you can do it at It is a place where you can buy
dissertation and don't worry about the result. Not banned, but all of education needs serious reform.
Advocates argue that students should have the freedom to explore their interests, engage in self-
directed learning, and pursue projects that align with their passions and strengths. Inequality and
Disadvantaged Students Homework can exacerbate educational inequalities. Experiential Learning
Experiential learning focuses on providing students with firsthand experiences to explore and
understand concepts. So are you really going to go out, or will you continue to watch Netflix and go
to the same restaurants. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors,
bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The only after-school academic activity that was beneficial was
reading, which is still greatly encouraged. No, because he's a grown-ass man who knows the
answers. It remains to be seen what turn the modern education system takes. It says no written
homework at all should be assigned to 1st and 2nd graders. Young students’ organisms are totally
unadapted to such a workload. At the same time, in countries that happen to provide Americans with
the academic performance standards they strive for achieving - Japan and Taiwan - these figures are
1% and 5% accordingly. The majority of home tasks are repetitive and unproductive. Hours of doing
homework spent every day are stressful for children. Down time at home. Homework should be
banned yes because homework is almost always done when a child is already tired from a long day
at school. 10 facts why homework should be banned. You would do anything to find a group of
people or an activity where you feel like you belong and have a purpose.
Students will need cognitive skills, good organisation and time management skills when they step out
of school and these are developed over time by doing homework. Homework affects children
mentally as well as physically in a negative manner. However, there are some genuine positives to
homework as well. When students put gross amounts of their time into doing their heavy
assignments, they won’t be able to develop crucial life skills that would be helpful to them in the
future. Retrieved July 15, 2011, from Huffington Post: Sorrentino, J. (n.d.). The Homework Debate.
I recommend this writer to all the people who want perfect work. Inevitably, the mix of various
good, and bad experiences leads to stress, bad physical and psychological conditions. Here are some
examples of alternative approaches that can enhance the educational landscape: Project-Based
Learning Project-based learning involves students working on real-world projects or inquiries that
promote critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. With ambiguity in guidelines and
a mixed approach of schools and teachers towards assigning homework, the demand for banning
homework completely is gradually picking pace. After all, we live in an amazing time when a man
who wears sunglasses indoors can make millions by listing the names of cities and rhyming Kodak
with Kodak. Impact on Mental Health The stress, anxiety, and pressure associated with homework
can have a detrimental effect on students’ mental health. You could put it to a vote—whether or not
the homework should be mandatory, not whether or not it exists. These effects should be taken into
consideration when evaluating the overall impact of homework on students’ well-being, mental
health, and academic performance. Inequality in Access and Support Students from disadvantaged
backgrounds may face challenges in completing homework due to limited access to resources such as
textbooks, computers, or internet connectivity. It has the effect of turning kids away from school,
diminishing joy of learning, creating negative attitudes. Negative Impact on Mental Health Excessive
homework can have detrimental effects on students’ mental health. Parents help their children with
home assignments and take part in their academic progress. Preparation for Future Responsibilities
Homework helps students develop important skills such as time management, organization, self-
discipline, and responsibility. Several educational institutions are considering why kids shouldn’t
have homework at all. A large homework load is a major factor that makes a lot of students quit non-
academic activities. Flipped Classroom In a flipped classroom model, students access instructional
materials, such as videos or readings, outside of class time. While spending time filling out
worksheets can help people develop mentally, more time and effort should be put into families and
relaxation time. You could also change the kinds of assignments that are given. To prove just that
Australian scientists have conducted research, and found out that 71% of parents admit that they
spend less time with their kids than they’d like to, since all the time children have is allotted to
homework. There is nothing wrong of going out and having fun as long as you are safe doing it.
Leaving it too late in the evening can be just as disastrous as he is now exhausted and those
concentration levels are no better. Analytics Analytics Analytical cookies are used to understand how
visitors interact with the website. According to researchers at Stanford, up to 56% of students regard
doing homework as the main reason behind anxiety and fatigue. 2. Families could spend some
quality time. When I'm not tackling home work, referring a tantrum or doing the school run, I love
to share honest and amusing stories about motherhood, Thermomixing, photography, and everything
in-between. No, because he's a grown-ass man who knows the answers.

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