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Yarou Okacha Secondary School School year: 2023/2024

Level: Third year SC/TM/GE. Duration: 2 hours

Part One: Reading and Interpreting ( 15 pts)

Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Nowadays, the market is full of fake handbags. You name any famous brand or design; you will find a
fake handbag of the same design matching very close to the original. Therefore, it gets sometimes very
difficult to distinguish the authentic handbags from the copied ones. But then they are priced so cheap
when compared to the original that everybody is tempted to buy them.
Counterfeiting industry is spread worldwide and includes all products. Fashion designers are at the
receiving end for they stand to lose in terms of their creations when the designs are stolen and duplicated
in a matter of few hours after they are introduced in the market. Fashion related items are amongst the
top most in the list of items that are copied and duplicated only next to electronic gadgets. There are
statistics that reveal the trend around the globe. Even the US Custom Service has declared that out of its
seized counterfeit goods, over 18% of items belonged to fashion category including garments, shoes,
jewelry, accessories and handbags.
Supporting such counterfeit business is unethical as well as illegal. A recent analysis has revealed
that the counterfeiting trade in USA is causing a loss of revenue amounting to over $ 200 million a year to
the government treasury because counterfeiters do not pay the licensing fee and the taxes. Awareness of
the ills of buying counterfeits should be known to all people. When we buy duplicates, we are in fact
supporting gangsters and the crime syndicates that operate illegally. Besides these products can be
dangerous to our health and safety because they do not adhere to the norms or quality specifications.

A/ Comprehension: (8pts)
1) Write the letter which correspond to the right answer.
The text is: a. argumentative b. expository c. descriptive

2) Are the following sentences “True” or “False”?

a. The imitated handbags are unlike the original ones.
b. Counterfeiting concerns most of the countries of the world.
c. Fashion products are the least imitated items.
d. Fake products comply to the health and safety standards.

3) Read the text and put the following sentences in the order they appear in the text.
a. Buying fake products is in favour of criminal organizations.
b. People are interested in buying counterfeit products because of their low price.
c. New fashion designs are imitated immediately after their appearance in the market.

4) Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. Why don’t fashion designers make profits from their creations?
b. Is buying counterfeits morally acceptable? Justify from the text.
c. What are the negative effects of purchasing fake products?

5) Who/ what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a. them (§1) ………………. b. they (§2) …………….

B. Text Exploration: (07 pts)
1) Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following.
a. easy (§1) ≠………. b. to gain (§2) ≠…………. c. lawful (§3) ≠……….

2) Complete the following chart.

verb noun adjective
…………………… product …………………
to support ………………… ………………….
…………………. …………………. successful

3) Combine each pairs of sentences with the connectors provided. Make the necessary changes.
a. The companies reduce the price of the original brands. Consumers buy the original brands.
(provided…. that)
b. Fake medicines can cause many health problems. They are dangerous. (so…that)

4) Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

a. It’s high time the authorities (fight) counterfeiting.
b. I wish all countries (contribute) in fighting corruption soon.

5) Fill the gaps with words from the list given. Cure - wrong - threat – less
Counterfeit medicines are a real……1…… our health and the risks they pose have been largely
underestimated. Counterfeits containing……2……active ingredient will fail to……3……….diseases. Moreover,
those with……4…… ingredients may cause mental and physical damage and even death.

PART TWO: Choose ONE of the following topics:
Topic One: Some consumers don’t hesitate to buy counterfeit products even though they know well that it
is illegal and can have harmful effects. Write an article of about 80 to 100 about the reasons that make
them buy these kinds of products. The following notes may help. - People’s low incomes - Counterfeits
cheap / affordable - Easily found / available in the market - Perfect imitation / look like the original ones

Topic Two: Citizens had better stop shrugging their shoulders at corruption and saying that it is
not their own business. Write a composition of about 80 to 100 words showing the important role
of citizens in fighting corruption.

Good Luck


Yarou Okacha Secondary School School year: 2023/2024

Level: Third year LPH. Duration: 2 hours
Part One: Reading (15pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Each of the great civilizations of the past contributed some way or another to improve the cultural and
the technical level of human communities. They all achieved realizations that gradually transformed the
destiny of nations and turned them into highly organized groups having in their hand more efficient means
that enabled them to develop a better capacity in the fight for survival and therefore to lead a more
comfortable life.
The Chinese, for example, were among the first people to show to the others how to combine
intelligence and discipline in order to construct a dynamic society able to offer to inhabitants prosperity and
security, the Egyptians in their turn managed to bring considerable improvements in the branches of
farming, architecture, medicine, writing and religion. Despite the hostile environment where they evolved
they succeeded to impose their will-power and perseverance so as to win the respect of their neighbours
and immortalize their name in history.
As regards the Babylonians, they devoted their skills to further the sphere of astronomy, law making,
building, cattle-breeding and land working. The Phoenicians, too, helped in accomplishing exceptional
advances in matters connected with ship-building, international trade and sailing across seas. When the
Greeks arrived, they promoted mathematics, philosophy, and democracy. They also gave a strong impetus
to scientific research, rational thinking, mythology and artistic creations; in their wisdom they went as far
as using sport as a channel through which to consolidate peace and harmony among tribes and races. The
Romans, as well, applied themselves for elevating the fate of the human race. They dedicated their talent
for pursuit of arts, the construction of towns and public works.

A. Comprehension / Interpretation (7 points)

1. Choose answer a, b or c to complete the statements A and B.
A. This text speaks about…
a. the rise and fall of ancient civilizations
b. the achievements of ancient civilizations
c. the contributions of ancient civilizations to the progress of humanity
B. This text is… a-expository b- narrative. c- descriptive

2. Say whether the following statements are True or False according to the text.
a. Ancient civilizations played a big part in the development of human communities.
b. The Egyptians gave no importance to writing.
c. A big progress was made in the field of ship-building thanks to the Phoenicians.
d. The Romans were the first to bring new ideas in science and philosophy.

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. What was the impact of ancient civilizations on human communities?
b. Where did the Egyptian civilization develop?
c. How did the Greeks use to promote peace and harmony?

4. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a. They (§1) →……… b. where (§2) → ……...


B. Text Exploration (8 points)

1. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:
a. changed (§1) = ………… b. completing (§3) = ………

2. Complete the following chart as shown in the example.

Verb Noun Adjective
............... ............... specific
............... prosperity ...............
To reconstruct ............... ...............

3. Combine pairs of sentences using the connector in brackets (Make the necessary changes).
a. Ibn khaldoun observed the factor of decline of civilization. He wrote his famous book of Al
Mukadima. (after)
b. The Muslims left Andalusia in 1492. The Islamic civilization remained an enriching element of the
Spanish cultural heritage. (although)
c. People will discover different civilizations .they learn more about them. (Provided that)

4. Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables.

mysteries - knowledge - ground - calendar
One syllable Two syllables Three syllables

5. Reorder the following sentences to make a coherent paragraph.

a) they did not keep these inventions for themselves.
b) This enrichment is often the result of contacts of various kinds.
c) History shows that the civilizations enrich one another.
d) For example, though Ancient Egyptians had invented many things and achieved important scientific
successes on their own,

Part Two: Written Expressions (5 points)

Write a composition of around 80to 100 words on one of the following topics:
Topic One:
Some people think that the Islamic civilization brought a little if not nothing to humanity. Using the
following notes, write a composition of about 10 lines convincing these people that this idea is completely
The Islamic civilization brought many benefits to mankind….
brought back the dignity to mankind
established principles of equality
formulated theories/wrote referential medical books
established the ideal way of governing…
Topic Two: You visited Egypt and you were fascinated by the pyramids, the oldest and best preserved
of all ancient wonders, which were built about 2600 BC. Write an article for your school magazine
telling about this visit and how you felt after exploring these monuments.

The Best of Luck

Part One: Reading (15pts)
A. Comprehension / Interpretation (7 points)
1. Choose answer a, b or c to complete the statements A and B.(1 point)
A. This text speaks about…
a. the contributions of ancient civilizations to the progress of humanity
a. This text is… narrative
2. Say whether the following statements are True or False according to the text.(2 points)
a b c d

3. Answer the following questions according to the text. (3 points)

a. Ancient civilizations contributed to improve the cultural and technical level of human
b. The ancient Egyptian civilization developed in a hostile environment.
c. The Greeks used to promote peace and harmony throughout sport.

4. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?(1 point)

a. They (§1) →the great civilizations of the past b. where (§2) →the hostile environment

B. Text Exploration (8 points)

5. Find in the text words which are synonymous in meaning to:(1 point)
a. make better (§1) = improve
b. managed to (§2) = succeeded
6. Classify the following words into roots and affixes.(2 points)
Words Prefix Root Suffix
enabled en able d
cattle-breeding cattle breed ing
Combine the following sentences using the link word in brackets. Make the necessary changes where
necessary.(2 points)
a. As soon as Alexander the Great hadsettled inEgypt, he set up hisownrulingfamilycalled
the PtolemaicDynasty.
b. The Sumeriansadopted a system of writingwhichwaspopularlyknown as ‘Cuneiform’.

7. Classify the following verbs according to the pronunciation of final ‘ed’.(1 point)
/t/ /d/ / id /
vanished organized contributed

8. Reorder the following sentences into a coherent paragraph.(2 points)

1 2 3 4
b d a c

Part Two: Written Expressions (5 points)

Yarou Okacha Secondary School School year: 2023/2024

Level: Second year SC/GE/TM. Duration: 2 hours

PART ONE: Reading (14 points)

A/Comprehension and Interpretation (7 points)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Algeria produces 16 million tons of waste per year. As many countries in Africa, it is
still using plastic wrapping and bags in supermarkets. Five million plastic bags are used and
only five percent of the waste is recycled. Recycling means turning the materials from waste
into something new. Glass, paper, plastic, and metals such as aluminum and steel are all
commonly recycled.

The waste business is new in Algeria, there are only 200 companies which take care
of trash, and they face many challenges including lack of recycling machines which have to
be imported from other countries, and lack of government support and regulations that
help reduce recycling costs.

One of these companies is Plasticycle, launched by Besma Belbedjaoui in 2011 in

Constantine. Besma collects and sorts out plastic waste, then grinds it in her factory. The
waste is then washed, dried, and turned into granules. Once this is done, she sells them to
companies that use them to manufacture textile and wrapping.
(Adapted from

1. Are these statements true or false?

a) Only plastic can be recycled. ______
b) Algeria recycles most of the waste. ______
c) Recycling companies have to deal with many problems. ________
d) Plasticycle recycles paper and glass. _______

2. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) What materials are mostly recycled?
b) How could governmental support help recycling companies?
c) What form does plastic take at the end of the recycling process?

3. In which paragraph are statistics about the state of waste in Algeria given?

4. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) It (§1) ______________________ c) her (§3) ______________________

b) That (§2) _____________________

1. Find in the text words that are synonyms to the following
a) laws (§2)______________________ b) started (§3)_______________________
2. Find in the text words that are opposites of the following
a) exported (§2) _________________ b) wet (§3) _________________________

3. Turn the following sentences into the passive form

1. a) We used plastic covering and bags in supermarkets in Algeria.
b) ....................................
2. a) Global warming and deforestation destroy the earth’s natural resources.
b) ...................................
3. a) Global warming has affected weather conditions.
b) .................................
4. Classify the following words according to the number of syllables (1 pt)
factory - reduce - government - five
One syllable Two syllables Three syllables

5. Fill in the gaps with words from the list. (1 pt)

billion - elimination - conditions - create

Besma states that in addition to the contribution to the improvement of

citizen’s living (1)___________________, through the (2)__________________of wastes, the
recycling industry in Algeria could yield a financial benefit reaching 38
(3)_______________DA annually and also (4)____________________many jobs.

Part Two: Written Expressions (5 points)

Write a composition of around 80to 100 words on one of the following topics:
Topic One:Using the following notes, write a short paragraph of about 80 words on how to live in peace.
Solving problems peacefully with negotiations
Wars are destructive.
Equality, justice and brotherhood and cooperation between people
Spending money on housing, health, education, and food rather than on massive destruction arms

Topic Two: What are the duties and the rights of children ?
Use the models: must – mustn't – have to – should -shouldn't.

The Best of Luck
Sample Correction (2AS/SC-GE-TM)
PART ONE: Reading (14 points)
1. Are these statements true or false?
a) False b) False c) True d) False ( 2P)

2. Answer the following questions according to the text. ( 3P)

a) Glass, paper, plastic, and metals such as aluminum and steel.
b) By reducing recycling costs.
c) It takes the form of granules.

3. In which paragraph are statistics about the state of waste in Algeria given? §1 ( 0.5P)

4. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text? ( 1.5P)

a) It (§1) Algeria b) That (§2) government support and regulations

b) her (§3) Besma Belbedjaoui


Find in the text words that are synonyms to the following ( 1P)
b) laws (§2) regulations b) started (§3) launched
6. Find in the text words that are opposites of the following
b) exported (§2) imported b) wet (§3) dried

Turn the following sentences into the passive form ( 3P)

1. a) We used plastic covering and bags in supermarkets in Algeria.
b) plastic covering and bags were used in supermarket.
2. a) Global warming and deforestation destroy the earth’s natural resources.
b) the earth’s natural resources are destroyed by Global warming and deforestation
3. a) Global warming has affected weather conditions.
b) weather conditions have been effected by global warming.

Classify the following words according to the number of syllables ( 2P)

One syllable Two syllables Three syllables

five reduce factory- government

Fill in the gaps with words from the list. ( 2P)

Besma states that in addition to the contribution to the improvement of citizen’s

living conditions , through the elimination of wastes, the recycling industry in Algeria
could yield a financial benefit reaching 38 billion DA annually and also create many jobs.
Part Two: Written Expressions (5 points)
Write a composition of around 80to 100 words on one of the following topics:
Topic One:
Topic Two:

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