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GMP Foods Pvt Ltd

Customer Registration Form

1 Complete Business Name
2 National Tax Number (NTN)
3 General Sales Tax (GST) Number
4 Business Adress
5 City, District, Province
6 Country
7 Business Email Address

8 Ptcl Number
9 Contact Person- 1
10 Designation
12 Email Address
13 Mobile Number
14 Contact Person Name-2
15 Designation
17 Email Address
18 Mobile Number
19 Website Address
20 Nature of Business
21 Other Nature of Business (If Any)
22 Business Start Date
23 Bank Branch Name
24 Bank Account Name
25 Account Number
26 International Bank Account Number (IBAN)


______________________________________ ____________________________________________
Authorized Customer GMP Foods Pvt Ltd Represntative
Signe & Stamp Sign & Stamp

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