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S.Y 2023-2024

Academic Strand




December 2023
Chapter 1
Background of the Study

School absenteeism as Kim and Gentle-Genitty (2020) cited, “has become a

prevalent problem that affects student development and future societies across the

world.” Studies (Clifford, 2005) show that school absenteeism was an important

factor that negatively affects students’ futures. Students who do not attend school can

negatively affect their school, family and society. School absenteeism causes lower

academic success, higher school drops, lower physical and mental health, so school

absenteeism affects students over all well-being outcomes (Kearney, 2008).

School absenteeism also affects the future of a society as it prevents students

becoming competent citizens who in some way contributes to the economy, well-

being and development of the society (Ekstrand, 2015). For these reasons, all kinds of

education systems encourage students to attend school. School attendance is also

considered necessary for students to be able to study well in the future, have a regular

job, and be a good citizen (Pehlivan, 2011)

An important problem in education was absenteeism, which varies according

to the type of school, school levels, and region. Kearney and Silverman (1990)

defined absenteeism as refusal from school and not following classes regularly. On

the other hand, Öztekin (2013) defined it as the situation where individuals are not
present in places where they should be, such as school, workplace, and meeting. In

another definition, it was expressed as the student’s absence from school during the

school term without a legitimate reason. School absenteeism was also defined as

students’ absences from school with or without an excuse (Conry & Richards, 2018).

Absenteeism was an important factor that negatively affects both students’

academic success and society’s well-being. It was one of the natural duties of the

school to take measures for students who have disciplinary problems, fail, and do

school absenteeism (Ereş, 2009). Many studies (Conry & Richards, 2018) accept that

school absenteeism was a complex issue as it can be influenced by many

multidimensional factors at individual, family, school, and instructor. And community


Student achievement was something that has been evaluated and analyzed in

relation to a student’s attendance record. Students who regularly attend school have a

better chance at achieving success. The purpose of this study was to determine the

relationship between absenteeism to the academic performance of Grade 11 students

under Academic Track. This study was conducted at Buug National High School
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the relationship between absenteeism to the

academic performance of Grade 11 students under Academic Track at Buug National

High School S.Y 2023-2024. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following


1. How often do the Grade 11 students under Academic Track at Buug National High

School Experience Absenteeism?

2. What was the level of Academic Performance of Grade 11 students

under Academic Track at Buug National High School S.Y 2023-2024?

3. Is there a significant relationship between absenteeism towards the academic

performance of Grade 11 students under Academic Track at Buug National High

School S.Y 2023-2024?

Scope and Delimitation

The main objective of this study was to determine the relationship between

absenteeism towards the academic performance of Grade 11 students under Academic

Track at Buug National High School S.Y 2023-2024. Thus, this study was conducted

among Grade 11 students under Academic Track at Buug National High School. Only

student’s male and female were given a questionnaire to answer and to measure the

level of their absenteeism.


Ha – There was a significant relationship between absenteeism to the

academic performance of Grade 11 students under Academic Track at Buug National

High School S.Y 2023-2024.

Conceptual Framework

This would show expected relationship

between the independent variable “Absenteeism”

to the dependent variable “Academic




Figure 1. Concept and Paradigm

The paradigm shows the independent variable Absenteeism has a significant

relationship to the dependent variable Academic Performance of the Grade 11

students under Academic Track at Buug National High School S.Y 2023-2024. If the
intensity of absenteeism was "Always" the level of student's Academic Performance

was "low". If the intensity of absenteeism was "Oftentimes" the level of student's

Academic Performance were "average". If the intensity of absenteeism was "Never"

the level of student's Academic Performance were "high".

Significance of the Study

This study was significant to students, teachers, school administrators, and to

the future researchers.

To the Students: Students can use the result of this study to know how to overcome

absenteeism in school. The result of the study can help them improve their academic

performance; this study also can help them to create plan to how handle their time to

attend in school.

To the Teachers: Teachers can use the result of this study to help their student how to

reduce absenteeism of students. They can use the results to know why come students

were absent in school, it helps to encourage their students to come in school.

To the School Administration: School Administration can use this study to guide and

to reduce absenteeism to their school. This study can use to conduct seminar or

meeting for all teacher and student through this plan the result of absenteeism and

how this should be avoided.

To the Future Researcher: Future researcher can use the results of this study to their

guide and reference for their own similar study.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

According to the faucet theory, students enhance their skills through frequent

exposure to schooling, and they stop making educational gains once the exposure was

turned off (Alexander et al., 2001). Hence, students who receive fewer hours of

instruction during the school year were disadvantaged in their learning, receive lower

grades, and perform more. Poorly on exams, and were more likely to drop out after

compulsory schooling. Support for this argument comes from empirical studies

showing that more time spent on instruction in the classroom was associated with

better academic achievement. Students frequently absent from school may also feel

less integrated into their class and struggle to participate in classroom activities and

interactions with peers. and teachers, which was harmful to their learning. While

missing out on school, peer interactions and directed learning and instruction were

crucial for understanding negative associations between school absence and academic

achievement, it was also important to consider why students were absent from school.

Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms often used in this study were defined operationally.

Absenteeism – Refers to the absence in class of Grade 11 students under Academic

Track at Buug National High School.

Always : It refers to scale ranging 2.34-3.0

Sometimes : It refers to scale ranging 1.67 – 2.33

Never : It refers to scale ranging 1.0 – 1.66

Academic Performance- It refers to the final first semester grade of Grade 11 students

under Academic Track at Buug National High School.

Low- It refers to scale ranging 74 - 81

Average- It refers to scale ranging 82-88

High It refers to scale ranging 89-95

Chapter II
Review Related Literature

This chapter reviewed some of the number works done by scholarships and

researcher which are directly related to this research work. It deals with the related

literature and studies based on foreign or local settings which may support the results

of the present study.


An important problem in education is absenteeism, which varies according to

the type of school, school levels, and region. Kearney and Silverman (2012) defined

absenteeism as refusal from school and not following classes regularly. On the other

hand, Öztekin (2012) defined it as the situation where individuals are not present in

places where they should be, such as school, workplace. and meeting. In another

definition, it is expressed as the student's absence from school during the school term

without a legitimate reason. School absenteeism is also defined as students' absences

from school with or without an excuse (Conry & Richards, 2012).

In addition to the researches on the solution to the absenteeism problem

(Wasnock, 2013), the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) published the

"Progressive Absenteeism Management Practice Guide for Primary Schools" in 2011

and started working to prevent absenteeism. Progressive Absenteeism Management is

to ensure that all students receive a diploma by ensuring that students attend to school

(MoNE, 2013). This guide for primary and other school levels points that attendance

is important and the problem should be managed properly. As the Progressive

Absenteeism Management of MoNE, Higher Education Institutions should also seek

ways to keep students' attendance rate higher. School absenteeism as Kim and Gentle-

Genitty (2013) cited, "has become a prevalent problem that affects student
development and future societies across the world." Studies (Clifford. 2013) show that

school absenteeism is an important factor that negatively affects students' futures.

Students who do not attend school can negatively affect their school, family and


School absenteeism causes lower academic success, higher school drops,

lower physical and mental health, so school absenteeism affects students over all

well-being outcomes (Kearney, 2013). School absenteeism also affects the future of a

society as it prevents students becoming competent citizens who in some way

contributes to the economy, well-being and development of the society (Ekstrand,

2014). For these reasons, all kinds of education systems encourage students to attend

school. School attendance is also considered necessary for students to be able to study

well in the future, have a regular job, and be a good citizen (Pehlivan, 2014).

"Student's constant interaction with the school can affect the quality of school life and

contribute to student success" (Uğurlu et al., 2014).

As the reasons for absenteeism various, some reasons are more common.

Those with low self- esteem, lack of self-confidence, inadequate social skills, having

problems in establishing social relations with others, those with weak academic skills,

and those with health problems tend to be more absent (Morgan, 2014). Home

environment, poor family control, indecisiveness in education, bad parenting,

economic conditions, lack of respect in the society, drug addiction of family members

such as alcohol and drugs, children having to work, absence of a mother or father,

death, marriage and birth reasons such as rapid changes in family members, the

necessity of working to make a living, and the fact that the family has to move many

times in a short period are expressed as social and family-based reasons (Morgan,

Altınkurt (2015), who examines students' absenteeism under six dimensions,

states that students may prefer absenteeism due to administrators, family, teachers,

environment, academic anxiety and individual reasons. School facilitates young

people's transition to adulthood by enabling them to have a job economically

(Fredricks et al., 2015), school environment provides social, mental and physical

development of young people (Bonnel et al., 2015), while young people are at school

get opportunities for academic, practical and emotional learning. School attendance

ensures the sharing of social experiences and the transfer of the values and cultural

elements of the country (Zaf et al., 2015)

The reasons for absenteeism may also differ according to the type and level of

school. In a study in Turkey, it was found that absenteeism from school and school

administrators came to the fore as the primary reason, but socio-economic level did

not make a significant difference on absenteeism (Uzun & Kemerli, 2015). Sanders

(2015), who investigated the reasons for absenteeism of secondary school students,

pointed out that absenteeism should be seen as the first sign that the student has taken

a wrong path and the beginning of the problems to be experienced later. Sakınç

(2015), on the other hand, stated that the reasons for student absenteeism in vocational

and technical secondary educational institutions are administrators, teachers, family,

and environment, economic, social, individual and legislative reason.

School attendance is an important factor for students’ academic success.

Students who are absent cannot catch enough change. For this reason, schools and

educational environments should be a place where students want to be (Altınkurt,

2016), When it comes to universities, it is even more important for students to attend

classes because university students gain important knowledge and do applications

about their possible future professions at the courses. A medical school student, a
chemist or a teacher who does not attend classes may also lack the knowledge and

practical experience necessary for his profession. As Uğurlu et al. (2016) stated,

absenteeism is an important problem among instructors. The arrangement and quality

of the teaching environment can be only possible with the attendance of the students

to the courses.

Academic Performance

Student's academic performance and graduation rates have been the area of

interest for higher education institutions. Investigation of factors related to the

academic performance of university students become a topic of growing interest in

higher educational circle. Many recent studies were carried out to explore factors that

affecting university student's academic performance. Malan (2016)

Academic performance is the outcome of the education the degree to which a

student, teacher and institute have achieved educational goal. It is commonly

measured by examination or continuous assessment. Regular class attendance

precedes learning achievement. This is according to, Savery, (2016)

Academic performance of the students influences a country's social and

economic development, as a result, studies focusing on aspects related to academic

performance, particularly those emphasizing institutional, psychological, pedagogical,

social, and demographic variables for institutional reform, have grown in importance.

Staffolani (2017)

According to Minnesota (2017) "the higher education performance is

depending upon the academic performance of graduate students. Durden Bratti,

(2017) who observed that "the measurement of students previous educational

outcomes are the most important indicators of students future achievement; this tries
thus responsible for the country's refers that the higher the previous appearance, the

better elopement Graetz (2017) conducted a study on socio-economic status t effort in

their study to obtain good of the parents of students and concluded that the socio

themselves for future opportunities in economic background has a great impact on

student's me time to fulfill the employer's academic performance.

Bangbade (2017) found that out that teachers' attribute has significant

relationship with students' academic performance. Such attributes according to

Bangbade (2018) include teachers' knowledge of the subject matter, communication

ability, emotional stability, good human following findings. The first two (2)

relationship and interest in the job. This is in support of the conditions category are

found to present study's findings which show that teacher-related

According to Kuzmina (2018), higher education ensures the students

professional training and to their ability to be independent. If the students are

independent, they are able to apply the extent of Academic Performance that can help

to their Academic Performance in Personal Development.

According to Candelas, (2018), said that the culture, economic, social, and

family become the model of the students to be their motivation on how to be more

perceive in applying their attitudes toward in their academic performance. Brew, A.E,

(2018) has been recognized as having a lot of influence on academic performance.

Children who experience poverty may live in physical environments that offer less

stimulation and fewer resources for learning. Edu-cation at the secondary school level

was supposed to be the bedrock and the foundation towards higher knowledge in

tertiary institutions.

According to Korantng, R. (2019) Academic performance was affected by

many factors including parents' education levels and income, teachers' knowledge of
the subject, truancy, textbooks availability and accessibility, libraries, practical

laboratory, meals provision and many other factors. The home environment has been

recognized as having a lot of influence on academic performance. Children who

experience poverty may live in physical environments that offer less stimulation and

fewer 19 resources for learning.

Students' academic performance was affected by numerous factors including

gender, age, teaching faculty, students schooling. Aliksysyop (2019). Father/guardian

social economic status, residential area of students, medium of instructions in schools,

tuition trend, daily study hour and accommodations hostelries or day scholar.

Clonidine (2019) noticed the same that parent's income or social status

positively affects the student test score in examination, the higher education

performance was depending upon the academic performance of graduate students.

Observed that "the measurement of students previous educational outcomes were the

most important indicators of students future achievement, this refers that as the higher

previous appearance, better the student's academic performance in future endeavors.

Students performing better than the expectations and norms set by the society

are mostly expected to contribute to the growth, development and sustainability of the


Singh, (2019) presented a straight and significant connect between academic

performance of students and the socio-economic development of country, because

acquisition of relevant knowledge as well as skill development become evident

through student's academic performance.

Absenteeism in Relation to Academic Performance

The debate about the relationship between school absenteeism and

academic performance has preoccupied the attention of many scholars and researchers

for decades. For instance, Darling Hammond (2019) argues that regular school

attendance is indispensable in providing pupils with opportunities to achieve learning

growth relative to pupils who are chronically absent from school. Similarly, some

studies by Ehreinberg, et. Al (2019) as well as Lamdin, (2020) indicates that when

learners have better attendance rates, they often have higher passing rates or

standardized achievements test.

Related International Studies

Conducting a study in elementary and middle school in the USA, Lehr et al.

(2019) have cited lower attendance rates as detrimental to learning and academic

achievement. They have argued that chronic absences may be predictive of higher risk

factors in both concurrent and future years of education. Balfanz and Byrnes (2020)

propose that students who do not attend school frequently receive fewer hours of

classroom instruction and consequently register poor academic grades. Thomas

(2020) complements that there is a correlation between low school attendance and

higher future academic risks and eventual dropping out of school.

School attendance is the daily or regular learner participation in school

activities through regular school attendance, learners get to access consistent

educational support for their academic attainment (Oghuvbu, 2020). When learners

attain academically, Honneth (2020) observes that they recognize their identities and

intersubjective awareness of their social and individual capabilities. However,

Sheldon (2020) assert that regular school attendance is a commitment to classroom

time and activities right from enrolment to finalization of a full academic


School attendance is an important factor that influences the academic

performance of pupils. Roby (2021) School Attendance Hypothesis indicates that

regular school attendance could help pupils to achieve academic excellence.

Similarly, Fleming (2021) advises that pupils need regular school attendance for them

to be highly engaged with classroom activities. Black et al. (2021)

The views of McCuskey et al. (2021) show that poor school attendance may

also have serious implications for the academic growth of learners. This is in

consonance with Attendance works (2021) that reiterates that chronic absence and

school dropout positively influence slow academic progression and class repetition in

high school. This view is not different from that of Alexander et al. (2021) which also

state that increased school dropout levels are likely to lead to academic retardation

and hinder graduation and lead to poor academic achievement. Academic achievers

quit schooling because they cannot cope with the low esteem arising from their low

performance or repeat class for better academic achievement.

Chapter III

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the method and procedure that was applied in this study.

It was organized under the following sub - headings. Research Design, Locale of the

Study, Research Respondents, Sample and Sampling Procedure, Research Instrument,

Data and Gathering Procedure, Statistical Tool, Ethical Considerations.

Research Design

The research design adopted for this study was a descriptive research design.

This design was considered because it enables the researcher to generate data through

the standardized collection procedures based on highly structured research

instruments and well-defined study concepts and related variables. The quantitative

part brought to test the levels of absenteeism and how it can affect to the academic

performance of Grade 11 students under Academic Track at Buug National High


Locale of the study

This study was conducted at Buug National High School. They said that the

school was located at Clark 5-Manlin Buug Zamboanga Sibugay, this school year

2023-2024, where the research respondents was currently enrolled.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study were the Grade 11 students under Academic

Track at Buug National High School enrolled during the school year 2023-2024.
Hope (HUMSS) with the total of 50 students, Faith (ABM) with the 26 students, and

Wisdom (GAS) with 40 students, since this study focuses at Grade 11 students under

Academic Track. All in all, with the total number of 116 students.

Sample and Sampling Procedure

The target population of the study was the Grade 11 students under Academic

Track of Buug National High School who were officially enrolled during the school

year 2023-2024.

To ensure that every individual can have the chance to be chosen, this study

used simple random sampling procedure in selecting respondents per sections to avoid

bias. The researcher adopted the Slovin formula;


n = sample size

N =total population

e = degree of error (0.05)

Research Instrument

This study utilizes an adopted questionnaire. A well-constructed and self-

developed was used to get the desired information from the students in independent

variable which was the absenteeism. The questionnaire was divided into three

sections; Agree (A), Oftentimes (O), and Never (N). On the other hand, grades were

use in gathering essential data about the dependent variable which was the academic

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher followed necessary essential procedure in data gathering using

a simple random sampling method. They formulated questionnaire that determined

the relationship of absenteeism to the academic performance of Grade 11 students

under Academic Track, and needed the approval by the researcher’s teacher. Before

distributing the survey questionnaires, the researcher ensured that the respondents

were informed about the study by data privacy and consent form. The researcher

reviewed the collected data to avoid misunderstanding.

Statistical Tool

The data collected was statistically tallied and analyzed. In describing the level

of absenteeism, the researchers used descriptive statistical measures, such as

frequency counts, mean, weighted mean and percentage.

In determining the significant relation between the independent and dependent

variables, the hypothesis was subjected to a statistical test using a chi square (x²) test.

The chi square test formula is where:

X²= chi square

Oi= observed frequency

ei= expected frequency

Data Analysis

The unit of analysis of this study was the Grade 11 students under Academic

Track. In describing the relationship between absenteeism to the Academic

Performance, the data gathered can be tabulated an analyze using the descriptive

statistical tool such as frequency, counts percentage and mean. Choices in the

questions corresponds the value of Likert scale; 1- Always, 2-Oftentimes, 3-Never. In

tabulating and analyzing the data on the academic performance this study used

descriptive statistics. In determining the relationship between absenteeism to the

Academic Performance the hypothesis of the study was subjected of statistical test

using chi-square (x²) test

Ethical Considerations

It was essential to maintain the confidentiality of participants' identities by

anonymizing data and ensuring that only authorized researchers have access to the

information. Care should be taken in reporting the results to prevent the identification

of specific individuals. Further, we should minimize any potential harm or distress to

the participants. Research on absenteeism may involve collecting sensitive

information about students' personal habits and behavior. It is important to approach

this topic with sensitivity and respect, ensuring that the data collection process does

not cause unnecessary stress or negative emotions. And absenteeism may uncover

factors that contribute to students' struggles or challenges.

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered from

104 Grade 11 Students under Academic Track at Buug National High School through

checklist from which derived and recommendations were based.

Respondent's evaluation of the researcher variables was here presented in

tabular form and graphical form which were discussed and analyzed the problems

posed in the study.

Table 1. A Respondents

Grade 11 Population Sample

Faith 26 24

Hope 50 44

Wisdom 40 36

Total 116 104

The table above shows the population and sample of each section. In order to

get the sample size of the population we used Slovin formula to lessen the

respondents. The total population of all section was 116 and the sample size is 104. In

section Faith the total population was 26 and the sample was 24. In section Hope the

total population was 50 and 44 was the sample. Lastly, in section Wisdom the total

population was 40 and the sample was 36.

Table 1. B. Distribution of Participants According to its Section

Section Number of Participants Percentage

Faith 4 23.07%

Hope 44 42.31%

Wisdom 36 34.62%

Total 104 100%

The table above shows the number and distribution of percentage of

participants according to sections. With a total of 104 participants. Hope has 44 or

42.31% total participants. Faith has 24 or 23.07% total of participants, and Wisdom with

36 or 34.62% total of participants.

Table 2. Response of the Participants or Frequency in Absenteeism

Questions Always Oftentimes Never TWP WM RC

(3) (2) (1)

1. 7 48 49 166 1.60 Never

2. 3 46 55 156 1.5 Never

3. 9 40 55 162 1.56 Never

4. 9 41 54 163 1.57 Never

5. 31 50 23 216 2.08 Oftentimes

6. 2 35 67 149 1.43 Never

7. 40 40 24 224 2.15 Oftentimes

8. 18 38 48 176 1.70 Oftentimes

9. 11 47 146 173 1.66 Never

10. 1 58 45 164 1.58 Never

11. 9 54 41 176 1.70 Oftentimes

12. 15 45 44 179 1.72 Oftentimes

13. 11 34 59 160 1.53 Never

14. 6 35 63 157 1.45 Never

15. 7 48 49 166 1.60 Never

16. 52 44 8 252 2.42 Always

17. 24 57 23 209 2.00 Oftentimes

18. 38 46 20 226 2.17 Oftentimes

19. 26 56 22 212 2.03 Oftentimes

20. 44 50 10 242 2.32 Oftentimes

Average Weighted Mean 1.79 Oftentimes

Numerical Scale Description

Always 2.34 - 3 TWP: Total Weighted Mean

Oftentimes 1.67 – 2.33 WM: Weighted Mean

Never 0.67 – 1.66 RC: Response Category

Table 2 showed the response of participants or frequency in Absenteeism of

the Grade 11 student under Academic Track using the 3-point scale. For item No.1

out 104 Respondents, 7 of them answered Always, 48 answered Oftentimes, and 49

answered Never with the Weighted mean of 1.60 and a response category of "Never".

For item number 2 out of 104 Respondents, 3 answered Always, 46 answered

Oftentimes, and 55 responded Never, with the weighted mean of 1.5 and a response

category of “Never”. For item No. 3, 9 of them answered Always, 40 responded

Oftentimes times, and 55 answered Never, with the weighted mean of 1.56 and a

response category of “Never". For item number 4, 9 of them answered Always, 41

responded Oftentimes, and 55 responded Never, with the weighted mean of 1.57 and a

Response Category of "Never”. For item number 5, 31 responded ed Always, 50

responded Oftentimes and 23 responded Never, which have a category of


For item no 6, responded Always, 35 responded Oftentimes, and 67 responded

Never, which have a weighted mean of 1.43 with a response category of "Never". For

item number 7, 40 of them answered Always, 40 answered Oftentimes, and 24

responded Never, in which it has weighted mean of 2.15 and response category of

“Sometimes”. For item number 8, 18 of them responded Always, 38 answered

Oftentimes and 48 answered Never with the weighted mean of 1.70 and response

category of “Oftentimes”. For item no. 9, 11 answered Always, 47 answered

Oftentimes, and 146 answered Never, with the weighted mean of 1.66 and a response

category of “Never”.For item no. 10, 1 answered Always, 58 of Oftentimes and 45 of

Never with the weighted mean of 1.58 and response category of “Never”.

For item No.11, 9 of them answered Always, 54 answered Oftentimes, and 41

answered Never with the Weighted mean of 1.70 and a response category of

“Oftentimes". For item number 12, 15 answered Always, 45 answered Oftentimes,

and 44 responded Never, with the weighted mean of 1.72 and a response category of

“Oftentimes”. For item No. 13, 11 of them answered Always, 34 responded

Oftentimes, and 59, answered Never, with the weighted mean of 1.53 and a response

category of “Never". For item number 14, 6 of them answered Always, 35 responded

Oftentimes, and 63 responded Never, with the weighted mean of 1.45 and a Response

Cortegory of "Never”.For item number 15, 7 of them answered Always, 48 responded

Oftentimes, and 49 responded Never, with the weighted mean of 1.60 and a Response

Cortegory of "Never”.
For item No.16, 52 of them answered Always, 44 answered Oftentimes, and 8

answered Never with the Weighted mean of 2.42 and a response category of

“Always". For item number 17, 24 answered Always, 57 answered Oftentimes, and

23 responded Never, with the weighted mean of 2 and a response category of

“Oftentimes”. For item No. 18, 38 of them answered Always, 46 responded

Oftentimes, and 20 answered Never, with the weighted mean of 2.17 and a response

category of “Oftentimes". For item number 19, 26 of them answered Always, 56

responded Oftentimes, and 22 responded Never, with the weighted mean of 2.03 and a

Response Cortegory of "Oftentimes”.For item number 20, 44 of them answered

Always, 50 responded Oftentimes, and 10 responded Never, with the weighted mean

of 2.32 and a Response Cortegory of "Oftentimes”.

The Average Weighted Mean is 1.79 with a response category of

“Oftentimes”. This implies that the extent of Absenteeism of the Grade 11 under

Academic Track is “Oftentimes”.

Table 3. Summary Data on Absenteeism.

Response Category Number of Learners Percentage

Always 12 11.54%

Oftentimes 57 54.81%

Never 35 33.65%

Total 104 100%

Table 3 showed the summary data on Absenteeism. As shown out of 104

Respondents, 12 or 1.54 answered that their absenteeism is “Always”. 57 or 54. 81%

of them answered "Oftentimes" and 35 or 33.65% of them also answered that their
absenteeism is "Never". Almost 54.81% of the Learners regarded that their


is "Sometimes". This only means that the absenteeism of the Grade 11 Students

under the Academic Track in Buug National High School is “Sometimes”.

Table 4. Summary Data on Academic Performance.

Academic Equivalent Number of Percentage

Performance Grade Respondents

High 89 – 95 35 33.65%

Average 82 - 88 53 50.97%

Low 79 – 81 16 15.38%

Total 104 100%

Weighted Mean Remark

Table 4 showed the summary data on Academic Performance. It showed that

out of 104 respondents, 35 or 33.65 % have "High" level of Academic Performance.

53 or 50.97% have "Average" Academic Performance, and 16 or 15.30% have "Low"

level of Academic Performance. Data revealed the students mean experienced

Absenteeism was which showed a Level of Academic Performance.

Table 5. Contingency on the students Absenteeism to the Academic

Absenteeism Academic Performance Total

High Average Low

(89 - 95) (82 - 88) (74 - 81)

Always 2 8 2 12

Oftentimes 22 25 10 57

Never 11 20 4 35

Total 35 53 16 104

Table 5 showed the contingency table on the student absenteeism to the

academic performance. As shown out of 12 whose absenteeism is Always, 2 have

"High" level of academic performance, 8 have “Average” and 2 have “Low” level of

academic performance. Out of 57 whose absenteeism is Oftentimes, 22 have “High’

level of academic performance, 25 have “Average” and 10 have “Low” level of

academic performance. Out of 11 whose absenteeism is Never, 11 have “High” level

of academic performance, 20 have “Average” and 4 have “Low” level of academic


It implied that out of 104 respondents who experienced absenteeism, 35

students have “high” level of academic performance, 53 students have “average” level

of academic performance and 16 have “low” level of academic performance.

Table 6. Chi-square Computed Value (x²) of Absenteeism and Its Relationship to

the Academic Performance of Grade 11 students under Academic Track in Buug

National High School.

Population Degree of Critical Value Chi-square Result

(N) Freedom (x²) 0.05 Computed


104 4 9.4888 3.42 Insignificant

Table 6 showed the chi-square computed value (x²) of Absenteeism and Its

Relationship to the Academic Performance pf Grade 11 students under Academic

Track in Buug National High School. As, shown, the degree of freedom of the 104

respondents is 4, critical value is 9.4888, and the chi-square is 3.42 with a result of


It signified that the null hypothesis was accepted and the alternative

hypothesis was rejected.


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Chapter I-INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------1

Background of the Study --------------------------------------------------------------1

Statement of the Problem --------------------------------------------------------------


Scope and Delimitation ----------------------------------------------------------------3


Conceptual Framework ----------------------------------------------------------------4

Significance of the Study-------- ------------------------------------------------------5

Theoretical Framework of the Study ------------------------------------------------6

Operational Definition of Terms------------------------------------------------------6

Chapter II-REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE -------------------------------------------

Absenteeism -----------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Academic Performance---------------------------------------------------------------11

Absenteeism in Relation to Academic Performance------------------------------13

Related International Studies---------------------------------------------------------14

Chapter III- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ---------------------------------------------16

Research Design ----------------------------------------------------------------------16

Locale of the Study--------------------------------------------------------------------16

Research Respondents- ---------------------------------------------------------------16

Sample and Sampling Procedure ---------------------------------------------------17

Research Instrument ------------------------------------------------------------------17

Data Gathering Procedure -----------------------------------------------------------18

Statistical Tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------18

Ethical Consideration -----------------------------------------------------------------18

Data Analysis --------------------------------------------------------------------------19

Buug National High School

Manlin, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay



S.Y 2023-2024

(An adopted questionnaire from the study of Chang & Davis 2021)

Part I. Please fill up the following data below:

Name: Sex:

Age: Strand:

Part II. Check the box that corresponds to the intensity of your answer for the

independent variable which was the absenteeism, where 3 as Always, 2 as Oftentimes,

and 3 as Never.

Always Oftentimes Never

Q/N Questions (3) (2) (1)

1. How often have you been experiencing

absenteeism in your school?
2. How often have you been absent in your
class without your prior notice?
3. Do you ever find yourself missing the
deadlines of your activities because of

Q/N QUESTION Always Oftentimes Never

(3) (2) (1)

4. How often do personal issues cause you to
be absent in school?
5. Do you think that being absent hindered
how you participated in school activities?
6. How often do you skip your classes
because of personal matter?
7. Do you ever think that absenteeism is a
leading factor in your low commitment to
your education?
8. How often do your parents/guardians
communicate with the school regarding
your attendance?
9. How often do you miss school due to
personal reasons?
10. How often do you miss school due to
11. How often do you miss school due to
family emergencies?
12. How often do you feel that your academic
performance is affected by your absences?
13. How often are your parents/guardians
informed about your absences from
14. How often do you feel influenced by your
peers’ decisions to attend or skip school?
15. How often do you feel pressure from your
peers to miss school?

Q/N Always Oftentimes Never

(3) (2) (1)

16. How do often do you consider regular
school attendance for achieving your
future goals and aspirations?
17. Do you feel that there are adequate support
and resources available to help you
overcome the challenges that lead to
18. How often do you feel that your teachers
communicate with you about the
importance of regular attendance?
19. How often do you receive feedback from
your teachers regarding your attendance
and academic progress?
20. How often do you feel that your school
promotes a positive school culture that
encourages regular attendance?

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