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Physical Education and Health 4

Quarter 3 – Module 1
Physical Fitness
In this module, we will tackle how you turn your physical inactivity into physical activity to make
yourself physically fit.

Four Types of Exercise Can Improve Your Health and Physical Ability
In our day-to-day routine such as starting from waking up in the morning, making a bed, preparing and eating
a healthy breakfast, watering plants, going to work, doing exercise, etc., are considered to be part of physical

“Physical Fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of
sports, occupations, and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition,
moderate-vigorous physical exercise, and sufficient rest.” (Introduction to
Nutrition and Physical Fitness, 2020) We can say that you are physically
active if you engage in bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that
requires energy expenditures. On the other hand, we can identify a person
who is physically inactive if he/she did not get recommended level of
regular physical activity.

When in regular physical activity or planning your physical activity routine,

you need to know the types of physical activity that you should engage in.

There are Four Types of Physical Exercise according to National Institute on Aging. (NIA, 2021)

Types Meaning Benefits

Endurance Exercise It is often referred to as It improves the health of your heart, lungs, and
aerobic, increasing your circulatory system. They also can delay or
breathing and heart rates. prevent many diseases that are common in
older adults such as diabetes, colon and breast
cancers, heart disease, and others.
Strength Exercise It increases bone strength and It helps you stay independent and make
muscular fitness. everyday activities feel easier. Keeping your
muscles strong can help with your balance and
prevent falls and fall-related injuries.
Balance Exercise It involves doing exercises that It helps to prevent falls, a common problem in
strengthen the muscles that older adults that can have serious
help keep you upright, consequences.
including your legs and core.
Flexibility Exercise It is a key component to It helps prepare the muscles for exercise.
preventing injury.

Health-Related Physical Fitness

Now that you know the benefits when you prioritize physical fitness. Let us now go deeply about fitness and
how you can go in achieving it. “There are five components of physical fitness. They are the blueprint for the
American College of Sports Medicine's (ACSM's) physical activity guidelines and serve as a helpful tool for
organizing and executing your well-balanced workout routine” (Williams, 2020).

 Cardiovascular-Respiratory Fitness - It refers to your body's ability to efficiently and effectively intake
oxygen and deliver it to your body's tissues by way of the heart, lungs, arteries, vessels, and veins.
 Muscular Endurance is one of two factors contributing to overall muscular health. Think of muscular
endurance as a particular muscle group's ability to continuously contract against a given resistance.
 Muscular Strength refers to the amount of force a particular muscle group can produce in one, all-out
 Flexibility- It refers to the range of motion you have around a given joint.
 Body Composition - This refers to the measurement of the relative amounts of a person’s body’s fat,
muscle, bone, and water.
Barriers to Physical Activity
 Personal Barrier - The most common external barriers among the middle-aged and elderly
respondents were 'not enough time', 'no one to exercise with' and 'lack of facilities'.
- The most common internal barriers for middle-aged respondents were 'too
tired', 'already active enough', 'do not know how to do it and 'too lazy', while
those for elderly respondents were 'too tired', 'lack of motivation' and 'already
active enough'.”
 Environmental Barriers - Obvious factors include the accessibility of walking paths, cycling trails,
and recreation facilities. Factors such as traffic, availability of public transportation, crime, and
pollution may also have an effect. Other environmental factors include our social environment, such as
support from family and friends, and community spirit.

How do we solve the common barriers to adopting a physically active lifestyle?

Barrier Solution
I do not have the time. Prioritize activities and cut back some time from the non-essential activities
to be able to exercise.
I am always tired. Make a physical activity diary and analyze which part of the day you have more
energy and schedule your workout around that period.
I do not know how. Read journals and articles on the best practices as well as ask people who have
been successful at adopting a healthy behavior.
I do not have enough Numerous exercise regimes are not expensive such as running and swimming.
I do not feel support. Inform family and friends about the new behavior or join an activity club that
has the same interests.
I am not motivated. Create a list of pros and cons of the positive behavior that will serve as a
reminder; Focus on changing the behavior instead of the outcome and write a
SMART goal.
I lack will power. Identify what triggers the backslide and consciousness when it happens;
implement a reward system.
I easily got discouraged. Avoid negative self-talk and replace them with encouraging words.

The Importance of Physical Fitness

Physical activity promotes good health, and you should stay active throughout all stages of your life regardless
of your body type or BMI.

 Save money- Making healthy choices, such as engaging in regular physical

activity, can reduce your risk for many health issues and complications that
can result in expensive medical care. (Mana Medical Associates, n.d.)
 Increase your life expectancy - Numerous studies have shown that regular
physical activity increases life expectancy and reduces the risk of premature
 Reduce your risk of injury - Regular exercise and physical activity increase
muscle strength, bone density, flexibility, and stability. Physical fitness can
reduce your risk for and resilience to accidental injuries, especially as you get
 Improve your quality of life - Physical inactivity is associated with an
increased risk for certain types of cancer, numerous chronic diseases, and mental health issues.
Exercise, however, has been shown to improve mood and mental health and provides numerous health
 Stay active - Staying active and healthy allows you to do activities that
require a certain level of physical fitness. For example, hiking to the top of a
mountain is a rewarding experience that instills a sense of accomplishment
and provides spectacular scenery, but some people cannot experience this
due to fitness limitations.
 Improve your health - Regular exercise and physical activity promote strong muscles and bones. It
improves respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health. Staying active can also help you
maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and reduce your risk for
some cancers.
DIRECTIONS: All activities below should be written in a yellow pad paper and each activity should be labeled
properly. (Example: Module1-Activity1, Module1-Activity2,Module2- PerformanceTask1, etc.) Once you’re
done answering all activities in this module compile all your papers and stable it/ bind it.


NAME: ____________________________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ______________________________

DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in yellow pad paper.

1. It refers to the bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditures.

A. Physical Activity B. Physically Fit C. Physical Fitness D. Physical Inactivity

2. We can identify a person who is ___________________if he/she did not get the recommended level of regular
physical activity.

A. Physical Activity B. Physically Fit C. Physical Fitness D. Physical Inactivity

3. It is a form of physical exercise that combine rhythmic exercise with stretching and strength training routines
to improve all elements of fitness.

A. Aerobic physical activity C. Muscle-strengthening physical activity

B. Bone-strengthening activity D. Stretching

4. It refers to an increase in skeletal muscle strength, power, endurance, and mass.

A. Aerobic physical activity C. Muscle-strengthening physical activity

B. Bone-strengthening activity D. Stretching

5. It produces an impact or tension force on the bones, promoting bone growth and strength.

A. Aerobic physical activity C. Muscle-strengthening physical activity

B. Bone-strengthening activity D. Stretching

6. It is a form of physical exercise in which a specific muscle or tendon is deliberately flexed to improve the
muscle’s felt elasticity and achieve comfortable muscle tone.

A. Aerobic physical activity C. Muscle-strengthening physical activity

B. Bone-strengthening activity D. Stretching

7. The body of physically fit people can sufficiently and efficiently supply fuel or oxygen to the muscles during
physical activities via the circulatory & respiratory systems.

A. Body Composition B. Cardiovascular-respiratory Fitness C. Flexibility D. Muscle Fitness

8. This refers to one’s ability to use muscles for physical activities

A. Body Composition B. Cardiovascular-respiratory Fitness C. Flexibility D. Muscle Fitness

9. This refers to a person’s ability to move his or her joints smoothly through a complete range of motion

A. Body Composition B. Cardiovascular-respiratory Fitness C. Flexibility D. Muscle Fitness

10. This refers to the measurement of the relative amounts of a person’s body fat, muscle, bone, and water.

A. Body Composition B. Cardiovascular-respiratory Fitness C. Flexibility D. Muscle Fitness


NAME: ____________________________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ______________________________

Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Write your answers in your yellow
pad paper.

_____1. If you engage in physical activities, you can save money.

_____2. Regular physical activity increases life expectancy and reduces the risk of premature mortality.

_____3. Physical fitness also allows you to do things that you may not otherwise be able to do.

_____4. Physical Inactivity can give us a long and productive life.

_____5. Being physically fit is not important to everyone.

_____6. Regular exercise and physical activity increase muscle strength, bone density, flexibility, and stability.

_____7. Physical activity and exercise are important for everyone.

_____8. Staying active and healthy allows you to do activities that require a certain level of physical fitness.

_____9. Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart
disease, and reduce your risk for cancer. In other words, staying active is a crucial part of maintaining good
health and wellness.

_____10. Physical activity promotes good health, and you should stay active throughout all stages of your life
regardless of your body type or BMI.


NAME: ____________________________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ______________________________

Direction: Give and reflect on at least five activities that you can perform at home that may result in you
becoming physically active. Follow the example below:


Jogging 1 hour I can sleep easily and make myself alert in all
the things I do.


NAME: ____________________________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ______________________________

Direction: Make a poster or painting regarding on, “The Importance of Physical Fitness”. Use a long bond paper.

Relevance to the theme 30%

Originality 25%
Creativity 20%
Color Harmony 15%
Visual Impact 10%
Total 100%

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