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CSTP 3 Evidence

Element 3.1 Demonstrating knowledge of subject matter academic content standards

Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I use California standards as my curriculum guide post
 My lessons plans are developed based on the standards
 Our school uses CKLS Core Knowledge sequence where all the lessons we teach are
aligned to Content standards
 I try to build bridges between the new skills, content standards and students prior
 I continuously use the strategies of experiential learning, storytelling, values education,
enquiry learning and community problem solving.
Evidence: Core Knowledge Curriculum alignment to Content Standards
Updated Level of Development Integrating
Date this level of development was achieved Fall 2023
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I use California standards and plan my lessons based on those standards.
 I continuously plan lessons that cross standards between different subject matters and
build on my student’s background knowledge.
 I teach and practice academic vocabulary regularly and show connections and relevance
of what they are learning in school.
Evidence: Math Curriculum Lesson Alignment to Content Standards
ISTE Standard 2.5.b. Educator as a Designer: Teacher designs authentic learning
activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to
maximize active, deep learning.
Level: Integrating
Date: Fall, 2023
Explanation of Evidence: I design authentic learning experiences that align with the content
standards to help students apply their understanding of subject matter.
Evidence: Picture of students using 3D shapes to brain storm the idea of a Tree House for
STEAM project work for Math lesson on Shapes.

3.2 Applying knowledge of student development and proficiencies to ensure student

understanding of subject matter
Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I understand that students in first grade need a lot of brain breaks. Usually, my whole
group lessons do not exceed 5-7 minutes. I bring the students to the rug for the whole
group lesson and send them back to their desk to work on what is taught. This helps me
check for understanding and also provides students the chance to move. We do various
brain break activities during the lesson from Go Noodle that are age appropriate.
 I explicitly teach core knowledge vocabulary and figurative language to my students to
help them access grade level material
Evidence: Knicky Knacky Knocky Knoo
Melting Exercise – Learn to Destress
Core Knowledge Sayings and Phrases Poster
Core Knowledge Saying and Phares Student Book
Updated Level of Development Integrating
Date this level of development was achieved Fall 2023
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I educate myself with the capabilities of first graders along with the conclusions I draw
from observing them on a daily basis.
 My instructions keep in mind the students developmental stage and range.
 I explicitly teach academic vocabulary, grammar, text structure and stylistic language and
practice it during school so that students have equitable access.

3.3 Organizing curriculum to facilitate student understanding of the subject matter

Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I use formative assessment at the beginning of each lesson so that students dig into their
background knowledge. It helps me understand if we will be able to achieve the learning
goals planned for the lesson.
 Interdisciplinary teaching is essential for first grade. Content vocabulary from Math,
Science to Social Studies makes every lesson a language lesson. This is very crucial for
English Learners because in order for then to understand any subject it is important that
they understand the language. Thus, in first grade all subject lessons begin with
vocabulary words and ways to explain their meaning and usage.

Updated Level of Development Integrating

Date this level of development was achieved Fall 2023
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I spend a lot of time studying the curriculum and organize resources to make sure I have
clear understanding of curriculum expectations.
 A strong understanding of the curriculum helps me understand and adjust instruction with
and across subject matter to help integrate and extend deeper understanding of students.
 I incorporate various learning games to help students learn skills through play.
ISTE Standard 2.5.b. Educator as a Designer: Teacher designs authentic learning activities
that align with content area standards and uses digital tools and resources to maximize
active, deep learning.
Level: Integrating
Date: Fall, 2023
Explanation of Evidence:
 I create supplemental activities for various lessons. Through these supplemental
lessons, students are given further opportunities to understand curriculum and ask
questions about the content standard .

Evidence: PowerPoint Tricky Word Game

3.4 Utilizing instructional strategies that are appropriate to the subject matter
Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 One of the strategies I use is reenacting and retelling of the stories that we read. After we
read a story, we make brown paper bag puppets to represent the characters and then the
students use the puppets to retell the story.
 Sometimes we just reenact the story without any props. This is very popular amongst
 Doing an art project related to a lesson is also helpful in checking understanding. I
usually do an art project with shapes once I teach the students the shapes. I also use art
lessons with shapes cut into halves and fourths to solidify their understanding.
Evidence: Art lesson with shapes, halves and fourths.
Updated Level of Development Integrating
Date this level of development was achieved Fall 2023
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I teach in an all-inclusive school and the learning needs of my students are diverse.
 I integrate and use varied instructional strategies appropriate for the subject matter being
taught and also the learning needs of the students.
 For Math I use manipulatives and a lot of games to make sure the students have a deep
understanding of the concept being taught. For language I use a lot of student theater.
ISTE Standard 2.1.b. Educator as a Learner: Teacher pursues professional interests by
creating and actively participating in local and global learning networks.
Level: Integrating
Date: Fall, 2023
Explanation of Evidence:
 I participate in various PD's that furthers understanding of curriculum and
instructional strategies. By staying current in these areas, I am better able to ensure
that lessons taught are up-to-date and engaging.
 I participate in both School mandated and PDs of my choice that I feel I need to help
me become a better teacher.

NBPTS Proposition 2: Teachers know the Subjects they teach and how to teach those
Subjects to Students
Level of Development: Applying
Date: April 2024
Description of Evidence:
 I regularly attend PDs mandated and optional to help me better know the subject and how
to teach them to the age group of my students
 My mentor and admin watch me teach and give me pointers on how I can improve my
 I watch my peers teach to learn how to improve my teaching
 I also mentor new teachers to help them learn how to teach with the objective of
deepening student understanding
Evidence: Active Math Lesson Plan

3.5 Using and adapting resources, technologies, and standards-aligned instructional

materials including adopted materials, to make subject matter accessible to all students
Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I incorporate technology into the classroom learning environment on a regular basis.
 The students use learning apps like Happy Numbers for Math and Amplify Reading for
Reading regularly in school. We use our Echo Dot as an encyclopedia to get a quick
answer to any question.
 A multi-sensory learning environment is helpful to some students. I incorporate
kinesthetic activity by providing letters with different textures to work with the word
 I also plan lessons so that students can interact with the white board using my “magic
pen” (Mimio pen).
Evidence: Plurals interactive lesson on white board, Ven Diagram to Compare Stories

Updated Level of Development Integrating

Date this level of development was achieved Fall 2023
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I incorporate technology into lessons to help students learn and show their learning in
multiple ways.
 We use technology as a means to research and acquire and supplement knowledge for
grade level learning.
 Technology helps English Learners in having access to learning material in multiple
 The apps also help students with assistive technology for reading.
TLQ Domain 4 : Facilitate Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
Level of Development: Exploring/Applying
Date: April 2024
Description of Evidence:
 I am the chairperson of the Academic Excellence Sub Committee. I have been
instrumental in introducing the Mystery Science program to the school.
 I have also been instrumental in making decisions related to improvement in student
learning. Like the new Math program and the use of manipulatives to help improve
student math understanding.
 I regularly communicate with the families about what we are learning and also share
videos to help parent education on the subject
Evidence: School to Home Connection letter on Math

3.6 Addressing the needs of English learners and student with special needs to provide
equitable access to the content
Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I include reading, writing, speaking and listening component in every lesson in every
 I use the ELPAC score, ELD Matrices, benchmark assessments and grade level
assessments to understand English proficiency of my ELs.
 I give my ELs preferred seating and usually surround them with bilingual students.
 Think-pair-share is something I incorporate into my lessons regularly.
 Student seating makes group work, peer teaching and independent work possible.
 I give multiple opportunities for collaborative work so that there is scope for peer
Updated Level of Development Innovating
Date this level of development was achieved Fall 2023
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I teach in a fully inclusive school with a high percentage of special needs and English
Learners. I provide ELA students and students with special needs with appropriate
resources and tools.
 My lessons are highly visual so students have an easier time making connections. I
regularly provide home-to-school connection letters home explaining what the kids
are learning in school in both English and in their native language.
 Notes are also made available online (when appropriate) so students can work at a
more comfortable place.
 Adaptive technology is used throughout the day (such as audio assistance and
translator apps).
 Students work well at their provided pace. They also seek help and ask for reteach
opportunities as needed.
 Students are familiar with the class provided technologies and sometimes bring in
their own tools to help learning.
 I communicate regularly with RSP teachers to help students with special needs and use
various resources to help their learning.
 The English Learners are assessed yearly for ELPAC. I look into ELCAP scores from
the end of the previous year to help me understand student language acquisition level and
how I can help them better acquire the language and use visual aids when needed.
 The formative assessments at the beginning of the year help me divide the students into
groups for intervention.
 If intensive intervention and strategizing with the help of coordinators and resource
personnel, do not work for students over a period of time, I recommend them for further
evaluation so that the student can get appropriate help.

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