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CSTP 6 Developing as a Professional Educator

Element 6.1 Reflecting on teaching practice in support of student learning

Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I keep a journal on what teaching practices work and what doesn’t to improve my
teaching strategies and techniques.
 I meet with my grade level partner regularly to discuss and exchange ideas about the
productivity of our strategies.
 I also meet the teachers of my students from the previous year to get insight into what
works for individuals.
 I also meet with the RSP teachers and the school coordinators to reevaluate my
approach on a regular basis.
Evidence Teacher Reflection on a Lesson Plan
Updated Level of Development Integrating
Date this level of development was achieved Fall 2023
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 Along with keeping up to date with my self-reflection notes I meet with my grade level
team on a weekly basis. We go over our lesson plans, classroom issues, and other ideas
that might help each other. It is a great way to ensure that we are on the same page and
giving out students the same access to quality education.
 At the start of every year, we also picked two CSTP goals to focus on. We have been
revisiting these goals in order to check on our progress.

Element 6.2 Establishing professional goals and engaging in continuous and purposeful
professional growth and development
Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I consistently set and tweak authentic goals for my subgroup of students, like ELs and
students with IEP.
 I set my yearly goal at the beginning of the year and then divide it into chunks of
trimesters. Breaking the goal into chunks helps me address all parts of my goal, and
helps me understand where I should make adjustments as we make progress during the
 I have taken multiple professional development courses and workshops particularly
related to reading and writing. I want to stay up to date on various strategies of teaching
and try to continuously educate myself.
Evidence PD Certificates
Updated Level of Development Integrating
Date this level of development was achieved Fall 2023
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I picked two CSTP standards to reflect and work on this year. I will reflect on how I grew
and what more I can do to become a better teacher.
 I have goals as a teacher of a specific school. At the end of the year, I meet my
evaluating coordinator to discuss if I met my goal and what I could have done differently.
We also celebrate good practices learned through the experience.
 Along with the mandated PD I make it a point to attend other PDs that helps me become
a better teacher. Last summer I attended a PD at the California Science Centre and
learned how the science center can be used as a resource for teaching. I also learned
about virtual field trips that the California Science Center Provides.
ISTE Standard 2.1.a. Educator as a Learner: Set professional learning goals to explore and
apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their
Level: Integrating
Date: Fall, 2023
Explanation of Evidence
 I set yearly learning goals myself. I revisits these goals throughout the year in order
to ensure that I am on the right track to meet the goals.
 I also attend various optional PD's that go over innovating teaching practices. I
incorporate these ideas in my every day lessons in order to make sure that students
are always receiving up to date delivery and content.
Evidence: 2023-24 Initial Action Plan

Element 6.3 Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional community to
support teacher and student learning
Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I regularly meet my grade level partner, coordinators and other resource personnel to help me reflect on
my teaching at the classroom level.
 The administrators and coordinators regularly observe and provide feedback.
 I am currently the Chairperson of my school’s Academic Excellence Sub-Committee. The committee is
instrumental in curriculum planning and schoolwide data analysis.
Evidence Academic Excellence Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes
Updated Level of Development Integrating
Date this level of development was achieved 4/29/23
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I regularly collaborate with grade level teachers to plan and decide pacing of the
 We observe each other’s classroom teaching and give notes on our observations.
 I meet with the coordinators and administrators to come up with ways to help our
students do better and improve as a teacher.
 I am regularly observed by my mentor and given notes on ways I can improve as a
 I am the Chairperson of my school’s Academic Excellence Sub-Committee and am
instrumental in curriculum planning and schoolwide data analysis.
Updated Level of Development: Innovating
Date this level of development was achieved: April 2024
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice:
 I am mentoring my grade level partner because she is a new teacher
 I mentor her on best practices to plan and execute lessons
 I am mentoring on planning and analyzing assessments and data to help tailor classroom
 I am working on a GATE program for the school
 Will lead a PD presentation for all staff members on GATE
ISTE Standard 2.4.c-Educator as a Collaborator: Use collaborative tools to expand
students' authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging virtually with experts,
teams and students, locally and globally.
Level: Integrating
Date: Fall, 2023
Explanation of Evidence
 I use virtual field-trips to bring real world examples to the classroom.
 On occasion, these field trips are "live" like the ones we do with the regional art
center where the students are taught art live online.
 Students are able to Zoom in with various experts in the field to ask questions.
 These trips are a great way for students to make connections to lesson materials.
Evidence: Virtual Field Trip link
NBPTS Proposition 5: Teachers are Members of Professional Communities
Level of Development: Applying
Date: April 2024
Example of Evidence:
 I collaborate with my grade level partners as well as bring our findings and
recommendations to the committee meetings to help improve our student learning and
help them grow as individuals.
 We have back to school nights and home to school nights that help us explain to parents
what we do. We also offer parents the opportunity to see the directors through “coffee
with the director” once a month. We also have opportunities for parents to volunteer in
the classroom as well as in schoolwide programs.
 I send out weekly communication on ClassDojo where parents can translate the message
in their home language. I discuss what we learned that week in class and also provide
YouTube links to help parent education. This is also a way to communicate with
individual parents regarding how their child is doing in school. Parents can also reach
out when needed.
Evidence: Newsletter Blurb
Element 6.4 Working with families to support student learning
Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I communicate regularly with my student families through ClassDojo. I make sure to
connect with families since the beginning of the year. 100% of my families are
connected and communicate with me on the platform on a regular basis. The app
automatically translates my posted messages to the language of the parent’s choice.
The parents are free to respond to my messages in their language.
 At the end of each week, I provide an update to parents on the skills we worked on and
how they can support their child’s learning at home. Sometimes YouTube videos are
included to help parents understand the concepts we work on.
 Every digital communication is also sent home in the form of hard copy to respect
different comfort levels with technology.
 I am always available to meet parents after school to discuss any concerns.
 Meet the Teacher, Back to School Night, School to Home Connection, Conferences are
scheduled times to meet in-person. The weekly newsletter on the homework packet is
also a way to communicate with parents.
Evidence Cover page of the homework packet

Updated Level of Development Integrating

Date this level of development was achieved 4/29/23
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I regularly communicate with my student’s families through ClassDojo and hard copies of
my messages.
 I give parents opportunities to be room parents so that they can help by volunteering in
the classroom.
 Parents are also given the opportunity to accompany us when we go on field trips.
 A lot of my student’s families speak only Spanish. I make sure my messages are sensitive
to their cultural norms.
 I also make sure all communications from me are in English and in Spanish.

Element 6.5 Engaging local communities in support of the instructional program

Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I continuously keep myself informed of the activities happening in the local public
library, the art center and other free cultural activities in the community, and share the
information with my families and inform them that I will be attending the program.
 I regularly request families to visit the library and sign up their child for Summer and
Winter Reading programs.
 I am respectful of families that have certain religious restrictions regarding festivals. I
have a lot of student families that would not like to deal with anything related to
Halloween. So, in my classroom we have changed all activities at that time to Fall/
Autumn tasks. We do pumpkin projects like guessing the number of seeds, we talk
about natives and pilgrims. We do activities related to the variety of fruits and
vegetables available at the time. We also talk about observing nature to see how it
changes during this time.

Updated Level of Development Integrating

Date this level of development was achieved Fall 2023
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I live in the school neighborhood that I teach in. This is very helpful in being aware of
community expectations and standards.
 In first grade we learn about maps and neighborhood. One of the field trips we do is
walk to the art center, library, pet shop and garden center. These are all community
landmarks for the little kids who are learning about direction, community, respect and

Element 6.6 Managing professional responsibilities to maintain motivation and commitment

to all students
Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 Teaching in a fully inclusive school, we have to work with multiple student capabilities. I
meet the students at the level that they come in and personalize the goals for them.
 When I ask a student to achieve something I take into consideration student capacity
and skills.
 I work with the coordinators and resource personnel to make sure that the goals are
authentic and individualized.
Updated Level of Development Integrating
Date this level of development was achieved Fall 2023
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I always manage my time appropriately to be able to do my best.
 I anticipate professional responsibilities and manage time and effort required to meet
 I pursue ways to support students diverse learning needs and maintain belief in
students’ capacity for achievement.
 I seek out opportunities to make creative learning experiences for my students.

Element 6.7 Demonstrating professional responsibility, integrity, and ethical conduct

Level of Development: Applying
Date this level of development was achieved: 9/21/22
Description of Evidence of Teaching Practice
 I am professional in my dealing with students, peers and student families. I believe that I
practice what I preach my students and strive to be a model citizen.
 I follow legal obligations, state, district, and federal requirements, contractual
agreements and ethical responsibilities.
 I maintain a high level of commitment to student learning and professional

 I follow and comply with all district, state, and federal guidelines.

 I have all needed paperwork posted in my classroom.

 I am up to date on my paperwork, and I always act in a professional manner.

 My personality and my classroom reflect a positive work environment that is conducive

to learning for everyone.

TLQ Domain 7: Advocates for Student Learning and the Profession

Level of Development: Exploring
Date: April 2024
Example of Evidence:
 I am a member of the Academic Excellence Committee
 I advocate for my students learning and am instrumental in decision making in the
committee that would positively impact student learning
 I am also a member of the GATE committee that helps recognize the gifted and
talented students
Evidence: Survey of GATE presentation

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