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Werewolf 5E Community Errata and

FAQ Collection
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comment and it will be incorporated later.

PDF / Book references

● Artefacts in pdf (all) - Many pages of the PDF have hidden artefacts, such as parts of
the character sheet copied into the back. These should be removed to optimize loading
and searching.

Auspices and Tribes

● Children of Gaia Ban (pg 65) - Is this intended to be “you can’t lie or misdirect, ever,
and can’t obscure truth for personal gain” or “you can’t lie, misdirect, or obscure truth for
personal gain”? If the former, why does Unicorn teach Brother’s Scent, a gift that gives
you a bonus to Subterfuge to lie about who you are?

● Red Talon Favor (pg 75) - When it talks about the character reaching “their Health
below half” is that counting any type of damage, Superficial or Aggravated?

Character Creation
● Advantages (p. 97) - Does not state starting Advantages / Flaws - reader has to
remember back to summary on p. 83.

● Experience Points (pg 110) - The phrase “New Gift amount x2” has been very
confusing/divisive. “New amount of Gifts x2”, “New number of Gifts x2” or “New total
number of Gifts x2” would be much clearer.

● Missing Status (pg 104, 141): References to the Status background in Adversary pg.
104 and Renown pg. 141. Status background does not exist in W5.

● Minor Actions (no page) - There is no definition for what Minor actions are in the rules
section or Shapeshifting sections. This is only explained when you get to the Gift section
(pg 146 - Action), which confused many people on first read-through.
○ This minor action explanation is also shorter and less clear than the rules on p.
15 of the extended Storyteller mechanics, as it does not give clear examples.

● Healing - Superficial Health Damage (pg 128) - The amount of healing for this is
undefined. Is it all superficial damage, an amount determined by ST, or Stamina like
other 5th edition games?
○ Addendum: Balm of Gaia (pg 194) says you heal 3 superficial damage at the
start of a session, which wouldn’t work if you heal all superficial at session start.

● Incapacitation and Death (pg. 134) - There is text in here saying “If allowed to rest for a
night they also regenerate one Aggravated health level automatically, as normal” but
there is nothing indicating Garou heal 1 agg/night normally. “As normal” should probably
be removed (unless that is intended, and then it should be stated more clearly as part of
their Regeneration abilities or in the healing section on pg 129).

Secondly “if they Sustain aggravated damage from fire or silver before resting, they die”
capitalizes Sustain ominously and should be “sustain further aggravated Health
damage” if the idea is that Garou can be knocked down and then require a killing blow
with silver or fire.

● Regeneration (pg. 134) - Is it intended that crinos form only heals 1 aggravated health
level for 2 rage checks, so its enhanced healing only applies to superficial damage?

● Werewolves and Silver (pg 134) It is unclear whether “They also gain one point of
Rage with each level of Aggravated damage sustained in this way” refers to all silver
Aggravated damage like the start of the paragraph or just the skin contact. Does being
stabbed with a silver knife or hit with a silver bullet count as skin contact?

● Rage Dice (pg 133) - Should rage dice be included in tracker rolls (Willpower) or the
“straight <renown>” tests for gifts? Currently nothing excludes these

● Forms (p.138) - Lupus does not state a natural attack at +1, unlike wolves' stats - is this

● Wrong Renown Headers. Ahroun Gifts (pg 161), Silver Fang gifts (pg 179) - The
Ahroun’s Total Renown 2 header is listed as Renown 1. The Silver Fang’s Total Renown
9 gift list is instead listed as requiring Renown 3.

● Gift Costs (pg 153, 155) - Several Theurge gifts (Banish spirit, Drain spirit, Feral
Gression) list their cost as “1 Rage” instead of “1 Rage Check”. I assume this is a typo.
Also applies to Claws of Frozen Death for Galestalker.
● Penumbral Senses (pg 147) - This gift references being able to see into the Umbra
“without penalty”, but there’s no way for Garou to see into the Umbra WITH penalty. This
is likely a holdover from older editions where peeking into the Umbra was possible for
any Garou but at a -2 penalty. Also, should this gift be usable in Homid?

● Thieving Talons of the Magie (pg. 151) - This references the Rank of the gift, which
isn’t a thing that exists. If it is supposed to be total renown, it is too high for most gifts to
be stolen.

● Banish Spirit (pg 153) - How does this gift work on fomori? Can they be banished, do
they revert to normal humans after, stay altered, or die?

● Command the Gathering/Geas (pg 157) - These two gifts seem to be socially-oriented,
but unlike most, are not available in homid form. Was this intentional that these are
mostly only for use with other supernatural creatures? Also applies to Gaia’s Candor, Icy
Chill of Despair, and Oathbreaker’s Bane.

● Song Gifts (pg 158): “Only one Song can be active for a pack during a scene, and any
attempt by a pack member to sing another Song in the same scene automatically fails.”
Makes it seem like you can’t use instantaneous songs like Song of Rage or Song of
Serenity in the same scene, meaning the Red Talon’s Song of Rage would block the
Children of Gaia’s Song of Serenity to stop a frenzy later on even though it isn’t ongoing.
Suggested wording -> “any attempt by a pack member to sing another Song while a
Song is active automatically ends the previous song.”

● Wind Claws (pg 163) and Claws of Frozen Death (pg 169)- These two claw gifts have
a cost for use in a non-crinos form, but do not state they give you claws like others
(Razor Claws/Silver Claws/Wasp Talons do state this).

● Coup De Grâce (pg 164) - This Gift only works if it reduces “target’s physical Health to
zero”, but Health trackers get filled with damage instead of Health being reduced. This
should read “but only if doing so would fill the target’s Health tracker”. Secondly, this Gift
stacks with itself, each use adding +Glory damage to the future attack. Is this

● Blood of the Wastes (pg 169) - Action is listed as full, but this is a passive effect with no

● Serpent’s Coil (pg 170) - Clarification, does the minor action actually start a grapple, or
does it just summon the coils, allowing you to use future actions to grapple?

● Thunderclap (pg 177) - There is no definition for what being knocked down means. Is
this supposed to work like Earthshock from V5 where they lose their turn?
● Health damage (various) - Many gifts say they do/heal damage, but not what type.
Generally it is clear this is physical, but here are all the examples.
○ Mother’s Touch (pg 153) - Should say it heals Superficial Health / Aggravated
Health instead of “physical damage”.
○ Porcupine’s Reprisal (pg 153) - Should specify it deals Superficial Health
damage. It should also specify whether the cap on damage is before or after
halving Superficial damage received.
○ Rapid Shift (pg 162) - Should specify it deals Superficial Health damage.
○ Primal Anger (pg 162) - Should specify it deals Aggravated Health damage.
○ Kiss of Helios (pg 163) - Should specify it deals Superficial Health damage.
○ Rite of Rage (pg 181) - Should specify it deals Superficial Health damage.

● Klaive (pg 189) - Does “+2 silver-based Aggravated damage”. Is this aggravated
damage to all creatures which is also silver, or only aggravated damage to creatures
weak to silver like Garou?

● Rite of Dedication (pg 183) - Provides no method for Dedicating non clothing/Jewelry
Items. Making it effectively impossible for Non Theurge/Non Glasswalker characters to
bring things like Talismans through the Umbra.

● Rite of Shadow Passage (pg 183) - Brutal outcomes deal Aggravated damage, but
don’t specify if it is Willpower or Health Aggravated damage.

● Rite of Caern Building (pg 186) - Uses the phrase “each Brutal outcome (pair of Brutal
results)”. You can only get 1 brutal outcome on a test, so this could confuse new players.
It would be best to just trim this down to “Each pair of Brutal results”. Also need
clarification if the rite fails or not on Brutal outcome.

● Caern Traits (p.192) - Caern Value scales from 1 to 5, as do many of the Caern Traits.
You receive Caern Traits from increasing the Value through Experience or the Rite of
Caern Building, as a result it is unclear whether a single Caern may have 5 trait levels
total (e.g. a Caern Value of 5 with Well-Hidden 2, Rite Focus 3 unable to gain further
traits) or 5 traits total (e.g. a Caern Value of 5 with Abundance 2, Well-Hidden 2, Rite
Focus 3, and Spirit Guardian 4, unable to gain further traits).
○ Rules seem to support the former, but it also makes rank 5 caerns feel rather
● Increasing Caern Value (pf 192) - “The Caern Value increases when a sept is able to
perform the Rite of the Living Caern (see p. 182) under the guidance of a Rite master
intentionally seeking to raise it.” Should say Rite of Caern Building.

● Permissive Gauntlet (pg 193) - Because crossing the Gauntlet is a rite, the Rite Focus
trait makes this trait completely redundant.

● Spirit Guardian (pg 194) - It states every caern has a guardian, but this trait gives the
guardian a power of 1-5. What is the power of a guardian without this trait?
○ Suggested fix 1: Give the default power = caern level, and make this trait add +1
to +5 on top of that.
○ Suggested fix 2: Make this trait not directly indicate spirit power (like spirit pact)
and instead a more nebulous rating, such as is used by Mentor.

Weapons, Armor, and Equipment

● Armor (pg 195) - This section says “This protection is generally most applicable to
humans (including Garou in homid form)” but according to Regeneration (pg 134) Garou
take superficial damage in all forms. Would also be useful to specify that Armor works
against silver.

The Umbra
● Gaia’s Howl (pg 224) - There is text here referencing to see pg 224 for more info on
Gaia’s Howl. However, we’re already on pg 224, and this is all the info there is

● The Triat (pg 227) - This says to see pg 224 for the hierarchy of spirits, but that is
actually on page 232

Allies and Antagonists

● Cursed Beast (pg 283) - Under Frenzy, it says “Debased Lycanthrope” instead of
“Cursed Beast”

Suggestions Section
Put anything here that isn’t explicitly broken/unclear but you think could use polish. If
you want to have discussions or want someone to contact you about these, feel free to add your
Discord tag so people know who wrote it.
● Specify if Gift contests that involve physical traits are affected by a werewolf being in a
supernatural form, since this can affect the effectiveness of Gifts that require contests
against an enemies Stamina for example, like Take the True Form, as well as give some
advantage to players while shapeshifted against Gifts with similar effects.

● Territorial Dominance Gift’s restricts it too much for use in the average campaign. It can
only work on the full moon, is limited to a specific region, has a drawback tied to it, and
only lasts a couple days. It should lose the full moon requirement, or if it keeps the full
moon requirement, be a permanent effect once used (since it still requires defending the

● Shadow Sense (pg 153) - This power feels like it should be subtle, ex: used in
conversations to ferret out supernatural creatures, but it’s not usable in homid which
feels very strange.

● Similarly Blood of the Wastes has been noted as underwhelming as it does not protect
from environmental damage at all or toxins, compared to its legacy equivalent Survivor

● Balor’s Gaze also seems to be an example of a gift of that might be a little weak in a
3-rounds-and-out scenario given its renown requirements compared to Lacerating Wind.
Could it be a minor action or impose a slightly larger penalty?

● Expand the list of suggested sources of Rage generation to give players and STs a more
solid grasp on how Rage is front-and-center in this edition.

● Clarify what happens with Gifts that have lasting effects (like Claw Gifts) when you shift
into a form the Gift can’t be used in. Do Razor Claws go away if you shift to Homid or

● Make clear if the Rite of Patronage also requires you abide by the pack patron’s Ban, as
it seems like an oversight that you can obtain the Patron’s boon without the ban.

● Previews and Q&As mentioned the ability to change tribes/auspices. Should this be
mentioned somewhere if the intention is that players can change tribes? What effect
would this have on gifts?

● Add different levels of starting EXP for packs of different experience so games could
begin with absolutely fresh packs or ones that have been garou for some time

● Apeskin (pg 188) - This gives a steep penalty of not regenerating to “treat silver as if they
were in homid or lupus”. However, pg 134 says werewolves always take aggravated
damage from silver, in any form, so this seems like a pretty bad tradeoff to merely be
able to touch silver. Was it intended to give more silver resistance than this?
● Reducing Rage to 1 when leaving Crinos, whilst also having double healing rate in
Crinos, creates perverse incentives to stay in Crinos after combat to heal until the
character exhausts Rage. For narrative ease, should shifting out of Crinos heal the
player based on remaining rage?

● Losing the Wolf seems to slow down the game’s tempo and losing Rage seems all too
easy in comparison, when it should be the other way around. Short of removing Losing
the Wolf as a mechanic, perhaps putting some kind of buffer that prevents a Garou from
losing their last Rage point (Rage 1) as easily, like how Kindred in V5 must take extreme
measures to reduce their Hunger to zero might make this mechanic less restricting at the
very least. Perhaps only rolling a Brutal result on a Rage check while at Rage 1 can
make a Garou drop to Rage 0, as one example of a solution. Losing the Wolf should, at
the very least, be tweaked to more effectively match the rate at which Rage can be lost.

● Having to KILL (Incapacitate? Permanently destroy? Is a Black Spiral Dancer full of

Aggravated Health damage considered killed?) to maintain Crinos unless you spend
Willpower feels like a tall order when not everything can be killed even in one turn by a
Crinos werewolf. Simply having to attack or move towards a target to attack them to
stave off Frenzy would feel more reasonable.

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