GA7-240202501-AA1-EV01. Documento Escrito Declaración Personal.

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GA7-240202501-AA1-EV01. Documento escrito declaración personal.


Jhoan Sebastián Martínez Arango

FICHA - 2627212


Villeta 2024

Personal Statement
In the evolving world of fashion, where creativity meets with innovation, I stand as a
dedicated designer, always wanting to show my skills and passion to the forefront of
design. As I embark on this journey of self-discovery and professional growth, I am
very excited to talking a little bit of myself. With a short yet enriched background in
fashion design, good abilities in pattern making, and a commitment to personal
development, I believe I am well-equipped to thrive in this dynamic industry.

Who am I?

I am a visionary creator, driven by an insatiable curiosity and passion for design.

From a young age, I found inspiration in the world of fashion, where colors, textures,
and silhouettes converged to tell captivating stories. Over the years, my journey has
been marked by a relentless pursuit of goodness, as I learned to draft patterns,
explored new techniques, and sought to push the boundaries of my creativity with
each project I had in mind.

What is my work Experience?

My professional trajectory in fashion design has been both enriching and rewarding,
shaped by diverse experiences and invaluable lessons along the way. From my early
days in university, developing garment construction to my ventures in pattern
making, each role has contributed to my growth as a designer and a problem-solver.
Whether collaborating with fellow designers or navigating through the possibilities of
the design process, I have always approached my work with dedication and a keen
eye for detail.

What are my passions and attributes?

Beyond the realm of fashion, I find myself interested in literature, where words
weave tales of resilience, empathy, and human triumph. It is within these narratives
that I find inspiration, fueling my imagination and broadening my perspective on the

Moreover, my inherent resilience serves as a guiding light, enabling me to weather

the storms of uncertainty and emerge stronger, both professionally and personally.
Furthermore, my innate desire to empower others fills my commitment to
collaboration, as I believe that true success is measured not only by individual
achievements but also by the impact we have on those around us.

What program or position am I applying for?

Fashion design.

Fit for the Program/Position?

I am convinced that my unique blend of skills, experiences, and personal attributes

positions me as an ideal candidate for Fashion Designer at your company. My
proactive approach to learning and improvement, coupled with my relentless pursuit
of excellence, aligns with the requirements of the program. Additionally, my
proficiency in fashion design and pattern making, combined with my passion for
creativity and thirst for knowledge, makes me a valuable asset to any team.

Future Goals

Looking ahead, my aspirations extend beyond personal success to encompass a

broader vision of positive change within the fashion industry. I am committed to
leveraging my talents and experiences to drive innovation, foster collaboration. Even
through the creation of sustainable and inclusive fashion or the promotion of diversity
and representation, I am determined to leave a lasting impact that transcends the
confines of the runway.

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