Reflection Assignment 2 F

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Name : Fatma AlMehshadi

Id: 202201378

Eng 115: composition 11 (20403_202320)

Doctor : Fairs Aljubouri


Question 1: Reflect on your understanding of outlining as a tool for organizing thoughts , state

when you were first introduced to outlining and whether your understanding of its importance

has changed over time . Consider how many types of outlines exist , what the differences are

between them , and which type is more useful in writing a good essay . Use the lecture examples

to support your reflection


Question 2: Reflect on how outlining can be adapted to different essay structures. Discuss

whether your outlining approach varies based on the essay type, such as comparative, or

narrative, and how this adaptability contributes to effective planning. Use the lecture examples to

support your reflection.

Question 2:

Outlining is an essential tool for effective essay planning, as it enables writers to organize their

thoughts and present ideas in a coherent and balanced manner. The adaptability of outlining is

particularly crucial when tackling different essay structures, such as comparative essays and

narrative essays.

In comparative essays, the outline should focus on identifying and organizing the key points of

comparison between the subjects. This allows writers to present a balanced and organized

discussion, ensuring clear and coherent comparisons. On the other hand, narrative essays require

a different approach to outlining, with a focus on storytelling and a chronological sequence of

events. The outline should establish a coherent narrative arc, which helps writers to convey their

ideas in a more engaging and effective manner.


The adaptability of outlining contributes to effective planning in several ways. Firstly, it helps

writers to clarify their ideas and identify the main points they want to convey, leading to a more

focused essay. Secondly, outlining allows writers to visualize the overall structure of their essay

before writing, enabling them to identify potential gaps or areas that require further development.

This early identification of structural issues saves time and effort, as writers can address them

before moving forward with the writing process.

Moreover, the adaptability of outlining encourages flexibility and creativity in essay planning.

By experimenting with different organization techniques, writers can develop a well-structured

and engaging essay. This flexibility allows writers to tailor their outlining approach to the

specific requirements of their essay, ensuring that their ideas are presented in the most effective

and coherent manner possible.

In summary, the adaptability of outlining enhances clarity, identifies structural issues early on,

and promotes flexibility and creativity in essay writing. By adapting to different essay structures,

outlining helps writers to present their ideas in a clear, organized, and engaging manner,

ultimately leading to a more effective and impactful essay.

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