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Đặc điểm

Loại câu hỏi về đại từ muốn kiểm tra kiến thức về đại từ của bạn, vì vậy 4 đáp án của nó sẽ là các loại đại từ
để bạn lựa chọn. Đây chính là đặc điểm nhận diện loại câu hỏi này.

Ví dụ: Mr. Richard, with _____ work experience and competence, deserves the promotion.

A. he
B. his
C. him
D. himself

Các đáp án A B C D là 4 loại đại từ của he:

• A. he = đại từ đóng vai trò chủ ngữ

• B. his = tính từ sở hữu
• C. him = đại từ đóng vai trò tân ngữ
• D. himself = đại từ phản thân

Đáp án của câu này là B (his) bởi vì chúng ta cần một tính từ sở hữu để bổ nghĩa cho 2 danh từ "experience"
và "competence".

Cách làm câu hỏi về đại từ

Loại câu hỏi này có cách làm khá đơn giản. Để xác định được nên chọn đại từ nào, bạn cần dựa vào các từ xung

Nếu chỗ trống đứng trước động từ chia thì → chỗ trống là chủ ngữ:

• Chọn đại từ đóng vai trò chủ ngữ he, she, it, they
o Jamie went home because he was tired = Jamie về nhà vì anh ấy mệt.

Nếu chỗ trống đứng sau động từ chia thì → chỗ trống là tân ngữ:

• Chọn đại từ đóng vai trò tân ngữ him, her, it, them
o Ms Smith wanted her employees to send her the report by 2pm = Cô Smith muốn nhân viên
của cô ấy gửi báo cáo cho cô ấy trước 2 giờ chiều.

Chọn đại từ phản thân himself, herself, itself, themselves nếu chủ ngữ thực hiện hành động lên chính mình

• Mr Smith cut himself while preparing the food = Ông Smith cắt phải vào bản thân khi đang chuẩn bị
đồ ăn.

Nếu chỗ trống đứng trước danh từ → chỗ trống phải bổ nghĩa cho danh từ:

• Chọn tính từ sở hữu his, her, its, their

o Ms Winson finally changed her job = Bà Wilson cuối cùng cũng thay đổi công việc của bà ấy.

Nếu chỗ trống đứng sau danh từ khác:

• Chọn đại từ phản thân himself, herself, itself, themselves

o Mr Snell himself went to construction site to supervise work = Ông Snell đích thân đến công
trường để giám sát công việc.

Nếu chỗ trống đứng sau giới từ by và sau chỗ trống không có danh từ:

• Chọn đại từ phản thân himself, herself, itself, themselves

o Marie wanted to carry the bags by herself. = Marie muốn tự xách túi.

Nếu chỗ trống đứng sau giới từ khác by:

• Chọn đại từ đóng vai trò tân ngữ him, her, it, them
o John didn't bring an umbrella with him today. = Hôm nay John không mang theo dù bên mình.

Chọn đại từ phản thân himself, herself, itself, themselves nếu chủ ngữ thực hiện hành động lên chính mình

• He shouldn't keep it to himself = Anh ấy không nên giữ điều đó cho riêng mình

Riêng các đại từ sở hữu his, hers, its, theirs có thể đứng ở bất kỳ vị trí nào (trừ vị trí trước hoặc sau danh từ).
Nếu trong đáp án có đại từ sở hữu, bạn chỉ cần xét thêm về nghĩa của câu.

• Vai trò chủ ngữ: Her bag is expensive but his is not = Cái túi xách của cô ấy thì đắt, nhưng cái của anh ấy thì

• Vai trò tân ngữ: She loves her job but he hates his = Cô ấy yêu thích công việc của cô ấy, nhưng anh ấy thì
ghét (công việc) của anh ấy.


Question 1: Because of management’s high expectations, _________ were obligated to spend the weekend at
the office working to finish the project.

A. us B. we C. our D. ourselves
Question 2: Mr. Taylor was able to purchase tickets to the event, but _________ were not as fortunate as he was.
A. other B. others C. the other D. another
Question 3: _________ individuals who are interested in attending the special lecture must sign up for it no later
than three o’clock on Thursday afternoon.
A. Which B. That C. Whose D. Those
Question 4: The students were told to write the essays by _________ and not to let anyone assist them.
A. herself B. itself C. themselves D. himself
Question 5: Unsatisfied with the building that the realtor showed him, Mr. Jefferson asked to see _________
building that he could possibly rent.
A. other B. another C. one other D. some other
Question 6: Customer who renew _________ subsciptions for a three – year period will be offered a 20% discount
A. their B. theirs C. they D. themselves
Question 7: The firm has proved _________ to be both effective and efficient at meeting its clients’ demands.
A. himself B. ours C. itself D. theirs
Question 8: Mr. Ader instructed his secretary to notify _________ as soon as the details of the contract were made
A. him B. himself C. he D. his
Question 9: The woman became upset when she kept getting transferred from one telephone operator to
A. one B. other C. one another D. another
Question 10: Although the two proposals are both interesting, one is simply too complicated while _________ is
manageable only if we can find a competent engineer.
A. one another B. each other C. the other D. other
Question 11: Employees who attended business school tend to be more efficient workers than _________ who did
not do any graduate work.
A. those B. such C. someone D. any
Question 12: Since Eric needs this package by tomorrow, can you please mail it to _________ by express mail?
A. himself B. his C. he D. him
Question 13: The employees in Human Resources decided to create some brochures explaining company policy
all by _________.
A. themselves B. they C. them D. their own
Question 14: This new computer chip promises to be the most advanced one of _________ kind.
A. its B. our C. your D. their
Question 15: In tomorrow's meeting with our supervisor, there are several topics _________ plan to discuss.
A. my B. me C. I D. mine
Question 16: _________ employee interested in taking a tour of the assembly line should speak with Rita Lewis in
Room 305.
A. Both B. Any C. Few D. All
Question 17: I know this is complicated to do on _________, so feel free to ask questions if you need some
A. yours B. yourself C. your own D. you
Question 18: _________ who expressed an interest in receiving additional training may apply for company funds
to pay for their courses.
A. Which B. That C. This D. Those
Question 19: I hope that I can receive _________ final decision sometime before you go home at the end of the
A. your B. mine C. yours D. my
Question 20: Stacy has been giving thought to managing _________ business for the past few months.
A. hers B. herself C. her own D. she
Question 21: If customers are unsatisfied with a purchase, they may replace it with _________ product of the same
or lesser value.
A. all other B. other C. another D. each other
Question 22: Mark already turned in his report, but Lucy has yet to finish _________.
A. hers B. her C. she D. herself
Question 23: According to Cindy, the new promotion was an idea of _________ own rather than anyone else's.
A. she B. hers C. herself D. her
Question 24: If management expects us to meet this deadline, then _________ will need to work overtime for the
next few days.
A. us B. we C. our D. ourselves
Question 25: Ms. Jackson worked on the advertising campaign by _________ because no one else was available
to assist her.
A. her B. herself C. she D. hers
Question 26: The managers said that we may join _________ in the meeting once they finish discussing some
budget items.
A. they B. their C. them D. themselves
Question 27: After landing several new contracts, Mr. Davidson has shown _________ to be an exceptional
A. he B. him C. himself D. his
Question 27: We really need to consider some ways to improve _________ product's visibility with consumers.
A. our B. ourselves C. us D. ours
Question 28: All those interested in attending the conference are urged to submit _________ money no later than
the end of the month.
A. they B. their C. theirs D. themselves
Question 29: Aspirin and other medicine are available on request for _________ with any lingering aches and
A. those B. them C. whose D. which
Question 30: _________ vendors are expected to apply for and receive the necessary permits before selling their
A. All B. Each C. Every D. Whichever
Question 31: Chief Daniels impresses customers with _________ sophisticated entrées.
A. his B. him C. himself D. he
Question 32: Though Sendark Agency’s travel insurance can be purchased over the phone, most of _________
plans are bought online.
A. whose B. his C. its D. this
Question 33: Ms. Budrow was promoted after _________ group recorded the highest revenue growth for the year
A. her B. hers C. herself D. she
Question 34: New employees may find _________ dependent on their coworkers for advice during their first week
at the factory.
A. them B. themselves C. you D. yourself
Question 35: Use an alternative shipping firm if Greer Freight is unable to expedite delivery of _________ order.
A. you B. your C. yours D. yourselves

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