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Grace Computer Training Centre

Files and Folders

File Save

 File


 File Folder Start >

Computer Desktop Computer icon

 Folder file Folder

Computer C:
Program Files Folder
Microsoft Office Folder
PUB60CUR Folder

File Change your view button

Large Icons

Folder Back button

Close button window

Files and Folders Management --- 1

Grace Computer Training Centre

Icon Right click New Folder
Window Toolbar New Folder


Files Folders
File Folder Right Click


Files Folders
File Folder Right Click Cut

Right Click Paste

Files Folders Copy

Copy File Folder Right Click Copy

Right Click Paste Window Toolbar

Organize > Paste

Files Folders
File Folder Right Click Delete

File Folder Click Keyboard Delete

Yes No
File/Folder Recyle Bin
File/Folder Recyle Bin
Recyle Bin File/Folder Delete

Files and Folders Management --- 2

Grace Computer Training Centre
Recycle Bin Files Folders

Recyle Bin
File Folder Right Click
Recyle Bin File/Folder Delete

 Data Desktop
Computer Double click Start > Computer

 Removable Drive data

Memory Stick

-Computer system -memory stick)\

-USB computer system USB Port

-USB Port stick Taskbar stick

H memory stick
memory stick Data Box Open
Folder to view files”
-Memory stick Box stick data
stick Computer
Stick data computer Cut&Paste) ) Copy
Copy&Paste Delete

stick Data Delete

Files and Folders Management --- 3
Grace Computer Training Centre
Computer Data stick copy (copy & paste) copy
files folder Right click Send to stick
Stick data Right click Send computer
Shortcut icon Stick
Stick R click , Send to
Shortcut icon Shortcut
Shortcut Shortcut Shortcut

Memory Stick
Stick file
Taskbar stick

Eject Mass Storage Device” click

“Safe to Remove Hardware” Box  close button
- Stick computer USB Port

File / Folder
 Start
 Search programs and files file folder enter

Files and Folders Management --- 4

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