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Inside Reading Final Test

Name: __________________________ Date: _____________

Reading Comprehension: True/False

Mark each statement as T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the reading passage.
Read this passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

It is hard to imagine a time before action-packed blockbuster movies, but before the 1870s, the
motion picture as we know it did not exist. At first, photographers such as Californian Eadweard
Muybridge experimented with cameras that could take as many as 24 pictures per second. This
and other innovative cameras were the first step towards movies, but the next step was how to
show these pictures-in-motion to an audience. It was in France in 1895, where the brothers
Auguste and Louis Lumière developed the Cinèmatographe, a machine that not only could shoot
film but could also develop and project it. Audiences of all sizes could gather around a screen
and see the very first movies, which showed people sneezing, boarding a train, or leaving work.
Though these movies lacked stories of any kind, they were the basis for the biggest art form of
our time.

1. The first blockbuster movies were developed in the 1870s.

A) True
B) False

2. Auguste and Louis Lumière were the first people to develop true motion cameras.
A) True
B) False

Reading Comprehension: Multiple Choice

Choose the option that best completes each sentence.

3. The Cinématographe could do all of the following except ___.

A) shoot film
B) develop film
C) collect film
D) project film

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4. The first films showed people ___.
A) saving the world as superheroes
B) doing everyday things
C) going into space
D) falling in love

Reading Comprehension: True/False

Mark each statement as T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the reading passage.
Read this passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

There may be a lot of reasons people live longer now, but advancements in medicine are
probably the biggest factor. We've been able to cure illnesses that might have killed people a few
generations ago, or, in many cases, keep them from infecting people altogether.

Starting in childhood, people now get vaccines throughout their lives to prevent some of the
more crippling or deadly diseases. Things that were commonplace just a few decades ago, like
polio or the measles, are today incredibly rare or completely gone. In a more recent development,
people who are now in their 20s and 30s may have contracted chicken pox as children, yet a
vaccine was developed and put on the market in the mid-1990s, making it far less common for
kids today to contract the disease.

Many other diseases that can't be prevented can be cured. Researchers have developed antibiotics
that can cure infections early on and stop them from getting bad enough to kill people. Even for
more serious diseases that can't be completely cured, certain drugs can keep patients alive longer.
There are medications for HIV, for example, that keep the virus from progressing as quickly into
AIDS. Across the board, there are many different medical advancements that have come together
to help people live longer and healthier lives.

5. Vaccines and antibiotics are modern medical advancements that help people live longer.
A) True
B) False

6. There are some diseases that are very rare because of vaccines.
A) True
B) False

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Reading Comprehension: Multiple Choice
Choose the option that best completes each sentence.

7. The vaccine for ___ was developed in the mid-1990s.

A) polio
B) measles
C) chicken pox

8. Antibiotics help people live longer by ___.

A) keeping people from getting sick
B) preventing diseases
C) making diseases rare so that they affect only a few people
D) curing infections and stopping them from getting bad enough to kill people

Vocabulary: Word Families

Choose the word form that correctly completes each sentence.

9. The country's rail system was famous for its _________________. Trains were rarely
even a minute late to their scheduled stops.
A) regularity
B) regular
C) regulator

10. This part of the diving equipment is an air _________________. It makes sure the flow
of air is constant and controlled at any depth.
A) regular
B) regularly
C) regulator

11. The presenter had a variety of ____ that he used to demonstrate the results of the
A) visuals
B) visualize
C) visual

12. Unable to ____ the end of the treatment, the patient was ready to give up hope.
A) visuals
B) visualize
C) visual

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13. The therapist ____ the theories of famous child psychologists as he analyzes the cases
he is given.
A) utilization
B) utilizes
C) utilized

14. Franz believed that if he ____ his resources carefully, he would be able to pay for his
education and only have to work about ten hours per week.
A) utilization
B) utilize
C) utilized

15. The restaurant inspector was not the least bit ____ when it came to cleanliness and
A) flexibility
B) flex
C) flexible
D) flexibly

16. She ____ bent over her desk and around the table legs to retrieve her lost earring.
A) flexibility
B) flex
C) flexible
D) flexibly

17. Historians emphasize the enormous ____ the invention of the sextant had on the lives of
early mariners.
A) significance
B) signify
C) significant
D) significantly

18. The wilderness guide says that he is _____________ better at finding his way out of
dark forests than crowded cities.
A) significance
B) signify
C) significant
D) significantly

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Vocabulary: Multiple Choice
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

19. The inspector was most interested in the ____ of the contract that related to safety
A) drafts
B) inputs
C) paragraphs
D) distortions

20. Although the regulations associated with child labor are extensive and comprehensive,
____ labor is largely unregulated.
A) brief
B) adult
C) violated
D) drafted

21. ____ to the invention of the first real roller coaster, people made their own out of any
sort of rolling vehicles.
A) Regulated
B) Violated
C) Brief
D) Prior

22. Individuals with Down Syndrome have ____ facial features that are recognizable by
most people.
A) attached
B) distinctive
C) initial
D) induced

23. The accident victim seemed to be fine, but the doctor wanted to run some tests to make
sure there were no ____ injuries.
A) insightful
B) obvious
C) internal
D) visual

24. In order to ____ his academic pursuits, Jack decided to stop participating in many sports
activities and student social clubs.
A) concentrate on
B) utilize
C) focuses on
D) reveal

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25. The team had _____ doubts about their ability to win the game on Saturday, as the
opposing team had a perfect record that season.
A) considerable
B) abnormal
C) unrevealing
D) unfocused

26. After spending four years at the university and four years at medical school, Maria was
happy that she could finally _____ all her training to actually help patients.
A) consider
B) utilize
C) focus
D) pursue

27. Ford's assembly line changed how cars were made and is a ____ example of clever
A) classic
B) flexible
C) parallel
D) mechanical

28. Believing in the _____ that equal work should result in equal pay, the women in the
company protested for wages equal to those of their male coworkers.
A) devotion
B) principle
C) mechanism
D) parallelism

29. The company ____ at least 20 ships every year to transport their products from the
factory in Asia to the port of San Francisco, California.
A) mechanizes
B) parallels
C) prohibits
D) commissions

30. There are many ____ of hydration-related deaths in the desert during the summer.
A) incidences
B) assemblies
C) attributes
D) targets

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31. Because of the risk of forest fires, the state park was forced ____ campfires for six
weeks during the summer.
A) to signify
B) to prohibit
C) to vary
D) to enable

32. One ____ item the explorers had to bring was the chart that mapped the location of the
stars, moon, and sun on every day of the year.
A) variable
B) crucial
C) equivalent
D) itemized

Vocabulary: Fill in the blank

Use the words below to complete the sentences. Use each word one time.

resource environment utilized

sphere vary induces
triggered drafts tradition
flexible qualitative disassemble
commissioned unparalleled manual

33. The proposal went through several _________________ before the final version was
accepted by the park officials.

34. To hold true to _________________, roller coasters often include a clickety-clack

sound, which was a feature of the coal cars today's rides originated from.

35. Ipecac is a medication that ______________ vomiting. It is most commonly used in

cases of poisoning to force the toxin out of the body.

36. Mental health problems were his specialty, so the woman's headaches were not really
within his ______________ of expertise.

37. His allergic reaction to peanuts ______________ a much more serious breakdown of his
immune system.

38. Some consider child prodigies a product of their ______________ while others feel that
they are born with their talents already in place.

39. School counselors are a very valuable ______________. They have information on a
wide variety of college-related concerns and can advise parents as well as students on
academic issues.

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40. She ______________ her local library's resource section to find out what job
opportunities were available in her field.

41. When the gas prices were raised once again, Mark's company offered him a(n)
________________ work schedule so that he could work longer hours on fewer days of
the week.

42. The clothing manufacturer was ________________ to construct uniforms for the soccer
teams entering the finals.

43. A(n) ________________ analysis was done to prove that the company's help desk was
actually helping the customers who called in with questions.

44. Bill Gates's wealth is ________________ in the United States.

45. The inventor had to completely ________________ the intricate chronometer in order
to find the problem in the timing mechanism.

46. To our eyes, the positions of the stars in the sky ________________ depending on the

47. Although physical strength is important in ________________ labor, many positions

also require a substantial amount of skill and background knowledge.

Writing Prompts
Read the questions. Write your answers in paragraph form.

48. Some people feel that dangerous sports should be made illegal while others feel that
individuals should be allowed to do as they wish as long as they do not risk the lives of
other people. Do you feel that people should be allowed to participate in dangerous
(possibly deadly) activities for fun? Why or why not?

49. Do you feel that amusement park thrill rides are popular among people of all ages or
mainly just young people? Why?

50. Some people feel that society is overly dependent on medicine and doctors. Do you
agree or disagree? Why?

51. Many times children who are extremely smart or have special talents have difficulties in
other areas of their lives. Why is this true?

52. Which products or services would be better provided by a monopoly rather than by
competing organizations? Why?

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53. “The greatest exploration of all is the exploration of our own town.” How do you
interpret this quote? Do you think that people overlook the amazing things around them
in favor of exploring places farther away? Give an example from your own experience
to support your opinion.

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