An English Lesson

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1 Warm up Work up the students’ - Invite some of them to tell about their 5 minutes
energy previous summer holidays.
Introduce the lesson’s - Ask them about their favourite
topic, destinations and activities during the
2 Doing Help the students - Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a 5
the first understand and and b and identify the characters, minutes
task in correctly repeat the places and activities.
the sentences in two - Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a.
coursebo communicative contexts Play the recording for them to
ok: focusing on asking and familiarize themselves with the
Look, answering questions characters’ voices. Play the recording
listen about where someone again, sentence by sentence, for
and was in the past. pupils to listen and repeat. Repeat the
repeat. same procedure with Picture b.
Correct their pronunciation where
- Step 3: Invite a few pairs to the front
of the classroom to listen and repeat
the sentences in the recording.
- Step 4: Draw pupils’ attention to the
question Where were you last
summer? and the answer I was in
Tokyo. Tell pupils that they are the
question and answer about where
someone was in the past
3 Doing To correctly say the - Step 1: Have pupils look at the 10
the words and use Where pictures and elicit the places in the minutes
second were you last summer? pictures. Have the class repeat the
task in – I was in _____. to ask words a few times.
the and answer questions - Step 2: Have pupils point at Picture a,
coursebo about where someone listen to the recording and repeat the
ok: was in the past. word (London). Repeat the same
Listen, procedure with the other three
point and pictures. Have the class repeat the
say. words a few times.
- Step 3: Point at the first bubble and
Picture a, then have pupils listen and
repeat after the recording (Where
were you last summer? – I was in
London.). Repeat the same procedure
with the other three pictures.
- Step 4: Have pairs practise asking and
answering the question Where were
you last summer? – I was in ______.
- Step 5: Invite a few pairs to point at
the pictures and say the questions and
answers in front of the class.
4 Playing To enhance the correct - Print some pictures about symbol of 7 minutes
game use of Where were you well-known countries and stick on the
named: last summer? – I was board.
Clap on in____. to ask and - Chose 10 students and divide into 2
the board answer questions about groups in a vertical line.
where someone was in - The teacher will speak out loud the
the past in a freer name of the selected country. The
context. student who claps on the board faster
Train the students to and use the structure correctly will
have fast reflexes. receive 1 point for their team. If they
Boarden students’ cannot answer, the opportunity will be
horizons about some transfer to the other.
famous countries. - At the end of the game, the team
which has more points will receive
5 Doing To listen to and - Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the 5 minutes
the understand four characters and pictures. Ask questions
fourth communicative contexts to help pupils identify the characters
task: about where someone and the places.
Listen was in the past and - Step 2: Play the recording for pupils
and match the correct to listen. Play the recording again for
match. pictures. them to do the task by matching the
characters to the correct places. Play
the recording a third time to give
pupils another listening opportunity.
- Step 3: Check answers together as a
class. Play the recording again for
pupils to double check their answers.
- Extension: If time allows, play the
recording again, sentence by sentence,
for the class to listen and repeat
individually and in chorus. Correct
their pronunciation where necessary.
6 Fifth task To complete two gapped - Step 1: Have pupils look at the 8 minutes
dialogues with the help pictures. Get them to identify the
of picture cues. characters and the places in the
- Step 2: Have pupils look at the two
gapped exchanges. Draw their
attention to the missing words in the
questions and answers.
- Step 3: Have pupils complete the gaps
in pairs or in group. Check their
answers as a class and ask a few pairs
to read them aloud
7 Wrap up Sum up and emphasizes - Ask students to answer the following 5 minutes
some core knowledge. questions:
1. What have you learnt from the lesson
- use the phrases Bangkok, London,
Sydney and Tokyo in relation to the topic
“Our summer holidays”
- use Where were you last summer? – I
was in _____. to ask and answer
questions about where someone was in
the past; - listen to and demonstrate
understanding of simple communicative
contexts in relation to the topic “Our
summer holidays”.
2. What are the core values of the lesson?
- Show pride in the travelling experience
in their summer holidays.

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